The Party that Changed Our Lives

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My wife gets naughty at a party, (so do I.)
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The party that changed our lives.

Sandra came home looking like a movie star, her hair and makeup had been done to perfection. I had never seen her looking so glamorous, she had her new dress over her arm and a very expensive looking shoebox in her hands.

"Give me ten minutes to change into these and come up to give me your opinion, ok?"

I nodded yes and went back to my financial times newspaper.

"Frank, you can come up now."

I opened the bedroom door to see a goddess, I whistled in appreciation at the vision as I took in the sight before me.

"My god Sandra you look amazing."

Her hair was tied up in a scrunch style on the top of her head with whispers dropping down framing her face, smoky eyes with scarlet lips, just the right amount mascara and blusher. She had drop earrings hanging to her slender shoulders with a matching necklace. Her new dress hung off of her body in all the right places by spaghetti straps with the chest area plunging to just above her navel. It finished at the tops of her knees showing off her new black patient high heels. She always had fabulous legs, that was one of the things that attracted me to her in the first place, but these shoes made her look as sexy as I could ever remember her looking. She knows I have a fetish for her legs in heels and uses it to her advantage constantly.

"Let's not go to the party, can we stay here and fuck with you staying looking just like that? My god I married such a sexy woman."

She looked at me with a wry smile, "Get your tux Frank."

I wanted to bend her over a fuck the daylights out of her then and there, I made to move towards her, but she raised her palm to me wiggling her index finger.

"Stop right there mister! I have just paid out a small fortune for this look, I am not having you ruin it before anyone has even seen it! you can wait and have all you see before you later, if you're lucky."

With that she sashayed past me, "Get your tux, we have to leave in an hour."

I'd had a wash and shave this afternoon so really I was ready other than my shirt and tuxedo, it would only take five minutes and I'd be done. I watched with wonder as she carefully descended the stairs in her heels, as I watched her wiggle down our hallway I thought "those shoes were worth every penny whatever the cost."

We were off to my company Christmas party tonight and she wanted us to make the right impression as I was up for the vacant VP position in the new year. She wanted us to look the part and she most definitely did that in spades. I scrubbed up ok too, but she was out of my league tonight and it showed.

The party this year was to be held at my boss's new house, it was his chance to show it off to all and sundry. Apparently, it was a huge ten-bedroom mansion in a gated community near Orpington in leafy Kent. Footballers and movie stars were his neighbour's, it was that kind of place.

Our cab picked us up at 7.30pm, it would take about an hour. I noticed our driver ogling Sandra's ass and legs as he held the door for her. She slid across and snuggled up to me in the back seat saying, "This could be your night Frank, play your cards right and you could get that VP job tonight."

"You play YOUR cards right Mrs. Philips, and you could get a good raise out of me tonight too!" I said grinning looking down at her perfect legs.

"Ow!" I mockingly groaned as she punched my arm,

"I told you already you will get lucky AFTER the party." She said smiling up at me.

I could not help running my fingertips up her legs as she sat next to me during the journey, my hands kept wandering higher and her hand kept smacking mine keeping it at bay.

"Do you have the gate code Sir?" the driver asked over his shoulder.

"No sorry, I have no idea how to get in."

We pulled off the main carriageway and onto a private dimly lit gravel road with a gatehouse in the distance. Our driver stopped at the barrier and spoke into the intercom.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Philips to see Mr. and Mrs. Pearson at Wainthrop House?"

A few seconds later a voice said, "Keep on the main track for about 1000 meters, you will see a secluded gate amongst the trees on your right. The code is 3278, the driveway services four houses, The Pearson's dwelling is at the far end. Have a good evening."

"Sounds like a posh pad," the driver said again looking over his shoulder.

I whispered to my wife saying, "I hear it cost over ten million."

Five minutes later we pulled into a driveway with about twenty cars, each one costing no less than £100k,

"Jesus Sandra, I think we might be out of our depth here."

"Nonsense! We are as good as anyone here. Don't think any less of yourself just because these people here might have money Frank. We can hold our own with anyone."

She had a way of always saying the right thing at the right time, with her on my arm to be honest I felt like a millionaire anyway.

The main doors to the house were open and we walked in seeing two or three young ladies in uniform taking coats and giving little gifts and drinks as the guests arrived. The entry hall was very bright with a crystal chandelier hanging at least thirty feet from the stairwell ceiling. Pure white marble floors reflecting the light with expensive art hanging from the walls. At first glance this place looked very intimidating.

A loud voice boomed above the soft entry music,

"Philips!" it was the unmistakable voice of my boss, "Who is this vision of loveliness on your arm?"

Bruce Pearson appeared at a door to our immediate left, he was ten years older than me at 42, but he had the stature and presence of a man much older. He took hold of Sandra's arm as he spoke.

"Hello Mr. Pearson, this is Sandra, my wife."

He took her left hand and rose it to his lips kissing it gently, "Hello my dear, can I call you Sandra? I am Bruce your husband's boss."

Sandra accepted his kiss of her hand, and he led her into the main room leaving me standing in the hallway, Sandra looked back at me raising her eyebrows with a questioning look on her face

"Marcy, Marcy come meet Sandra, Franks Philips wife."

By the time I had made my own way into the room Mr. Pearson's wife Marcy and Sandra were getting acquainted. The main room of this place was bigger than my entire house, there were at least 50 people talking and having drinks in small groups that looked lost in it, it was that big. There was a lot of chatter going on with soft music in the background.

Mr. Pearson put his arm around my shoulder saying, "Philips, come with me let me introduce you to a few of the folks."

I looked over at Sandra mouthing the words "Sorry" as I was dragged away. She smiled back at me and nodded as if to encourage my mingling. Over the next thirty minutes I was introduced to Lord and Lady this and that, and so many top executives from all the main banks in London.

What I did like was the way I was introduced to each of them as what could be the future of Pearson Investments. Bruce Pearson made a point of making that clear as he had his hand on my back guiding me through the throng.

I looked over to Sandra occasionally to see if she was ok and she was deep in conversation with Marcy Pearson and a crowd of other wives. She seemed to fit into this crowd perfectly laughing and joking unlike myself. I felt quite intimidated by all these well to do people.

Ten minutes later I felt an arm slide through mine and drag me away slightly, "Hello Frank," it was Marcy Pearson.

"Let me rescue you."

"Thank you Mrs. Pearson."

"No, Marcy, call me Marcy. It looked like you needed a friendly face to get you away from the stuffy work talk."

"Did it show?"

"A little."

"Thank you."

"You and Sandra will make the perfect fit into our little firm, she is wonderful. We have got on famously I have only just met her, and I feel like I have known her all my life, she has that certain twinkle in her eyes. You are a lucky man Frank, a man needs a woman like her behind him to get places you know."

She held onto my arm with both hands and pulled me close as we walked to the bar.

"Talking of my wife, where is she?"

Marcy pointed through a set of patio doors to a group of women,

"Oh don't worry about her, she is mingling with the ladies out by the pool gossiping."

I could see her, and Marcy was right, she did not look out of place at all, in fact she stood out as the most gorgeous woman there. She was in her element here and obviously loving every minute of it.

"Tell me more about yourself Frank, Bruce tells me you have all the requirements he needs of his next VP. You know you are both here tonight to see if that's true, don't you? What do you think, do you have them? Tell me what makes you special?"

I was taken aback a little at her frankness and took a large swig of my brandy, "Well I, er I think I, erm what I mean is...."

She squeezed my arm and laughed,

"It's ok, I am sure you have lots of amazing qualities."

I felt a little flustered and intimidated by her, I was usually such a confident person, but she had turned me into a gibbering fool. It was obvious that she was as strong as her husband at getting what she wanted. I looked around us and caught a glimpse through the glass patio doors of my wife networking like a pro, as if she was born to this. I wanted to go to her, but Marcy kept her vice-like grip on my arm as she ordered me another double brandy, I had already had two since we had been here only thirty minutes ago and another would make my head spin, the last thing I wanted was to get legless here.

Various people came and went congratulating her on the party as we got to know each other, she thanked them but her eyes were set on me. Marcy probed quite a bit with questions into our private lives, our likes and dislikes. It was probably her job tonight to try to find kinks in our armour.

After thirty minutes more of careful and in-depth questioning from Marcy I made my way through to the pool where I had last seen my wife, I was within arm's length when I was waylaid by Terry Armstrong, one of our senior accountants.

"Frank, nice to see you buddy. I hear a big promotion might be heading your way very soon eh."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes mate, I have all the prelim paperwork on my desk back in the office. Just waiting for signatures."

"Seriously, really?"

"Yes mate."

He put his finger to his nose and tapped it, "Mums the word though, I shouldn't have said anything but I'm a little tipsy so shhhhh ok"

I couldn't help a huge grin as I looked back to Sandra, but she had disappeared yet again. I wandered through the vast property looking for her to share my news, but this place had rooms off of rooms off of rooms, it was enormous.

I felt someone take my arm again and I turned saying,

"I've been looking for you everywhere, oh sorry I thought you were my wife!"

It was Marcy Pearson again, she pouted her mouth and said, "Just lil ol me sorry, am I second best? I wondered if you wanted the grand tour?"

"That would be lovely thank you, but I was looking for my wife Sandra, I haven't seen her since we got here. She will be mad and think I have abandoned her."

"Don't be silly, I saw her not five minutes ago with Lady McAlpine and she was having a whale of a time. Come on let me show you what you too could have soon......if you play ball."

I thought that was a weird thing to say but I let her take my arm and give me the tour. I must say it was impressive, the grounds were like a bowling green. Everywhere was totally landscaped with trees and lakes. The house itself took us ten minutes just to walk around, her arm never left mine the whole way.

"We have ten bedrooms, and each has an ensuite. You are both more than welcome to stay over tonight if you wish."

"Thank you but we didn't bring any clothes or even toothbrushes."

"Don't worry about things like that," she said pulling me closer as we walked.

"I really do need to find Sandra now," I said a little concerned, it had been getting on for two hours since we had arrived here.

"She is fine, I promise she is being well taken care of." She smiled at me as she spoke.

"Have you been told about the perks of being a Pearson VP?"


"If, and I do mean IF you make the grade, you will get your existing mortgage paid off, a seven-figure salary and a modest mansion to live in rent free. That's just the start."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at her directly in the eye, "Are you telling me I have a serious chance at the VP job?"

"Maybe, we'll see soon."

Marcy took me back into the house and to the main staircase. It was a grand thing to behold, marble and granite with a cast iron black banister gracefully guiding your path around the winding steps. It led to a massive hallway with large oak double doors at the far end. Along the hallway of this wing were the bedrooms, Marcy showed me one or two before taking me into a small room just before the master bedroom suite.

Once inside her face turned a tad more serious.

"Frank, myself and Bruce have an arrangement."

She moved towards me and held out both of her hands to me. "I like you Frank, I really like you. We both like Sandra too."

I backed up as she came forward, she bridged the gap between us quicker than I could back up,

"Sorry Marcy, you have the wrong idea about me," I said in a panic.

"Frank, I like you. I like the naivety in you, you are a very handsome man too which helps."

Her hand moved across my chest as she spoke, her face coming close to mine.

"How bad do you want the VP post? Don't you find me attractive Frank?.....think of the would change you and Sandra's life immeasurably."

"I love Sandra. Marcy, I can't this is wrong."

Marcy's hand was running from my chest over my stomach to the growing bulge in my trousers. Her fingers found my zip as she whispered,

"What if I told you Sandra was being asked the same questions as you.....right at this very moment?"

Her hand slipped inside and gripped my hardening cock,

"Right at this minute she is with Bruce, he is probably fucking her tight little pussy as we speak, IF she has answered yes to the promotion for you."

I was involuntary moving my hips towards her invading hand as my shoulders were forced to the wall.

"No my Sandra wouldn't, She wouldn't."

"Wouldn't she?...wouldn't she want the riches and the lifestyle that comes with the job?" she whispered into my ear as her thumb slid over my knob end.

My knees went weak as I backed against the wall not being able to move further. The room was small with nowhere to go. Marcy turned and shut the door flicking the light switch, the only other things in the room were an armchair with a whisky bottle and glasses on a small table in front of a large mirror. She pushed me into the chair standing in front of me.

"Tell me you do not want this?"

She straddled my legs and pulled at the hem of her dress showing her bare wet pussy.

"Mrs. Pearson....Marcy....we can't.....your my boss's wife.....please...."

She lifted her foot and ground her high heel into my crotch, "I told you, he is most likely fucking your dear Sandra right now."

She nodded behind her as she spoke in the direction of her bedroom.

"Stand up and put your hands on the mirror."

She moved from the front to the side of me and I stood facing the mirror,

"Both hands on the mirror, NOW!" this last comment was more of a command than a request.

"How badly do you want this VP post? you want it as bad as I know your wife does?"

I stood at the mirror and raised my hands to it placing my palms onto it. I was so nervous now that I was shaking, Marcy stood behind me kicking my feet further apart. Her hands snaked around my waist and found my open flies. Her right hand found its way inside and again gripped my steel hard cock. She ran her fingers up and down whispering that my wife was being seduced by her husband like she was seducing me. I had no idea why but her words about Sandra and the way she stroked me had me excited beyond belief.

Her left hand untied my cumber band and dropped it to the floor, my trousers soon followed in a puddle at my ankles. Her skillful hands were slowly teasing me as she licked my earlobes. Marcy ground her pussy into my rear like she was fucking me as she slowly jacked me off.

She had me so close over and over only to stop keeping me on edge. My precum was flowing like a tap soaking her hand making it more slippery as she tortured me.

I rested my forehead against the mirror as she did her magic, my breathing was getting laboured and I was humping her hand I needed to cum so badly, this was so wrong but I needed to cum.

"Your wife had the same reservations, but I know she wants more for you both by talking to her earlier. I am sure she will change her mind when she sees the size of the monster hanging between my husband's legs."

I heard a click beside my head and suddenly the mirror I was leaning into wasn't a mirror, it was a window looking into the main bedroom.

I was looking at Bruce sitting on his bed facing me,

"Oh god, no!"

Sandra was on her knees with her back to me, her head was bobbing backwards and forwards. Bruce had his hand twisting her hair as she was obviously sucking on him.

"Your wife is going to swallow my husband's cum, it is the price of VP, I asked you before how bad do you want it?"

I was in no position to object to my wife's actions in the next room as I had my naked cock at the mercy this vixen not twenty feet from her.

The palm of her hand was cupping and sliding over my tortured knobhead now as she spoke her words into my ear.

"OOOOOHHHH GODDD!" I needed to cum, she had me and she knew it.

My legs were starting to buckle as she wanked me off, she pushed me into the mirror still grinding her pussy into my ass trying to get herself off.

"Well, I asked you a question Frank? Are you going to let your little wife swallow his creamy load to get the VP post?"

Unknown to me at the time Sandra had been given the same speech, the mortgage, the house, the salary etc. All she had to do was swallow his cum, just the once.

She had agreed, I didn't know this at the time. All I knew was I was turned on more than I had ever been in my entire life watching her on her knees while getting the hand-job of my dreams. I had no idea why watching this scene before me was turning me on like this but it was, so much.

Bruce Pearson was smiling at me, he must've known I would be there watching. This had all been planned by these two.

"It is a one-way mirror, she will never know you are watching her suck his cock unless you tell her, can you keep that secret Frank?....can you keep it a secret that you enjoyed watching her cheat, watching her suck his big cock and swallow his seed?"

Her hand left my cock and slipped down to my balls rolling them around in her palm, it left me humping mid-air trying to get some friction back, I was so desperate to cum now.

"I can see he is near now Frank, he will blow a big load into her mouth. He will make her swish it around while he watches then she must swallow every bit to seal the deal."

Marcy's hand came back up and her wonderful palm shone my cockhead again, I was on tiptoes now dancing around watching my wife suck him.

Marcy's tongue slid into my ear as she slowed her actions on my cock yet again, I groaned in frustration.

"Well tell me." She breathed into my ear, "Are you willing to let your wife prostitute herself to further your career. Are you willing to let her swallow his cum to be VP?"

I could only nod.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, fuck it, yes!"

"Good, I thought so." She purred into my ear and flicked the light off and on as watched my boss take hold of her head in both hands. He stood and moved sideways, I could see her mouth sliding up and down the biggest cock I had ever seen. She had both hands on the shaft and it still had more before the end had disappeared into her wanton mouth.