The Party's Over


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Years prior, before Dexter could afford an assistant, she would go to help out on a shoot once in a while. She had seen him on the job—he's all business. Once he got to the location and got started she knew he'd never glance at the tracking device on his phone; it'd be the furthest thing from his mind.

The next day Alicia worked like a slave to make sure everything was caught up before leaving. She poked her head inside the boss' office on her way out to thank him one more time.

He wished her good luck and she was on her way. Just like the day before, she was nervous. She glanced at the car's clock and saw it was only twelve-thirty. She visualized Cindy and Dexter loading his SUV with cases of lights, light stands, battery packs, cameras, and all the other equipment he took to a shoot. She wondered if he'd look at his phone before leaving. If he did, would he call her to find out where she was going, or would he wait until that night and ask when he got home? She had no idea. All she could do was wait and see.

Finally it was over. Alicia hoped her nervousness about the GPS didn't screw things up but a preliminary assessment showed everything should be just fine. She was so relieved when she walked back into the office at four o'clock.

That night, just as the night before, Dexter said nothing about his wife's jaunt downtown. For the first time since the wedding, Alicia fell asleep with a smile on her face. This has to work, was her last thought before drifting into dreamland.

Thursday morning, Alicia was delighted to see a Chicago messenger service truck pull up in front of the office. She met the delivery guy at the door and happily signed for the large envelope he had in his hand.

Later that evening her heart pounded as she and Dexter walked into Dr. Lindstrom's office and took their seats.

"So," the doctor started by directing her question at him, "how are things going?"

He took a deep breath before speaking. "I don't know. I hate all this stuff about keeping track of every move Lees makes. It's just not me. I don't think I can go on doing this."

They hadn't really talked so this was as much news to Alicia just as it was for the doctor. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the importance of the envelope in her purse. It sounded like he was ready to give up. This may truly be her last chance!

The doctor started to say something but Alicia interrupted. "Dexter, is it that you can't forgive me for what I did or because you still have doubts of whether I've cheated on you before?"

"Lees, I've already forgiven you for the blow job. I've watched that damn video a couple times now. I know you had a few drinks, I heard the other girls goading you, chanting and challenging you to suck him. I saw how enthusiastic they were and I saw the hesitation you were talking about. I also think I misinterpreted what I saw at the reception. It looks more like you were trying to push him away when he said he was coming, rather than purposely taking a facial...but I still wonder if it was the first and only time, Lees, I can't help it."

Alicia first took a tissue from her purse and wiped her eyes. Then she reached back in and removed the envelope. "Here," she said, handing it to him.

"What's this?"

"Open it," she replied.

He read the return address. It was printed along with the company name and logo in the upper left corner. "Hamlin Polygraph? You took a lie detector test?" he asked, raising his eyes in the direction of his weeping wife.

She simply nodded her head.

"It's still sealed; you didn't open it?"

"I didn't have to open it, Dexter. I know what it will say," she sniffled.

Dexter hesitated. His mind was spinning. Was this what he was waiting for; proof that it was a onetime thing, or would it be the last nail in the coffin? He looked up at doctor Lindstrom as if looking for guidance.

"Well...go ahead, open it," she told him.

He ripped the envelope open and pulled out the contents. There were several single pages on top then one long page folded up like an accordion.

He took the first page in his hand and held it up to read.

"It is the opinion of this operator; client (Mrs. Dexter Samuelson) answered the following questions truthfully and without deception."

There was some more legal mumbo-jumbo but it was the first sentence that Dexter was interested in. It was signed by somebody named James Uhale and had his license number under his name.

"May I see that," asked Dr. Lindstrom, leaning forward in her chair and stretching her arm out over her desk.

Dexter handed over the first page and glanced down at the second.

"I know this firm, Mr. Samuelson. They're highly regarded as being one of the best in the city. Jim Uhale is one of their most experienced operators."

Dexter was too busy reading the second page to pay much attention to what the doctor had to say. The first few questions he recognized as what they call 'baseline' questions. They asked her things like, "Is your married name Alicia Samuelson." "Is your maiden name Hackett?" They asked if her age was thirty-eight and she said no. They asked if she lived at their address and some other personal questions.

Dexter scanned down the obvious questions until he saw the one he was looking for.

Question: Since your marriage, with how many men have you had sexual relations, other than your husband?

Answer: One

To the side of her answer was printed the word, "True."

A few mundane questions followed that one until another one stuck out for Dexter.

Question: Since your marriage, how many times have you had sexual relations with someone other than your husband?

Answer: Once

Again the word "True" was off to the side.

As Dexter read down the three pages of questions, he saw they kept coming back to that one basic question but it was asked several different ways. It was asked again on the next page.

Question: Prior to the incident on May tenth, have you had sexual relations of any kind with anyone other than your husband since taking your marriage vows?

Answer: No.

Dexter had been so engrossed in reading the report he was totally unaware of what was happening around him. He started to study the actual sheet from the lie detector but couldn't really make it out. It didn't matter. This was the proof he was looking for. He wondered why he didn't think of a lie detector in the beginning. It sure would have saved both of them from a lot of grief.

Then it struck him. He looked up at the hopeful look on his wife's face. "This had to cost a couple hundred least..."

"More like four-fifty," interjected the doc.

He glanced at her then back to his wife. "Four hundred and fifty dollars? Where did you get the money to pay for this?"

Alicia looked down at the tissue she was now holding in her lap. She could barely say the words. "I...I sold my grandmother's ring," she quietly admitted.

Dexter was stunned. "Your...oh, Alicia, why? That ring meant everything to you. Why?"

"No, Dexter, the ring meant a lot but only you mean everything to me," she told him.

Dexter looked over at the somewhat confused look on doctor Lindstrom's face and explained, "It was a family heirloom. Her grandmother gave it to her personally just hours before she passed away." He looked back at Alicia but was still addressing the doctor. "She absolutely treasured that ring.

"Why didn't you just ask me for the money?" he questioned.

"I...I wasn't sure what you'd say. We haven't really talked in weeks. I didn't know what you were thinking. I was afraid, afraid you'd say no and then what would I do? It was my only hope and I couldn't take a chance that somehow you'd stop me," she sniffled.

"Honey, I wish I had thought of this a long time ago. You should have come to me. I feel so bad about that ring. I'm so sorry."

Alicia felt as if her heart had just restarted after being dormant for weeks. Both she and the doctor caught the term of endearment. It was the first time he called her by anything but her name since the reception. It was the first time in weeks that there was no anger in his voice.

Selling her grandmother's ring was probably the hardest thing she ever had to do, but if it meant having her husband back, it was worth it.

Alicia raised the damp tissue again to her eyes and wiped away the tears. "Please forgive me, Dexter. I'm so sorry for hurting you."

Between the video and the polygraph he had in his hand, Dexter was confident in his decision. We're all human, we all have weaknesses. Sometimes love isn't only never having to say you're sorry but I forgive you, as well.

Selling her grandmother's ring was the most unselfish act of true love he could imagine. Now it was his turn. He rose from his chair, laid the papers on the corner of Dr. Lindstrom's desk and walked over to his wife.

Alicia could see the love and forgives in his eyes. On weak knees she stood to accept his embrace.

"Oh my darling," he mumbled as they clinched.

Alicia wanted again to tell him how sorry she was but she couldn't get it out between sobs. She felt his strong hands rubbing her back as her body heaved up and down with her weeping.

"Okay, okay, babe, everything is going to be alright," he said, trying to console her. He pulled away and placed his hands on either side of her face. Gently he took his thumbs and wiped away her tears. "I forgive you, honey." He took her chin and nudged her head up so he could give her a tender kiss. "Just don't ever do it again," he said, with slight smile.

"Oh, Dexter," she cried out, wrapping her arms around him, "I will never hurt you again, never, never, never!"

"Well, I think this session is over," said the doctor.

They'd almost forgotten about her. Dexter turned his head in the direction of the smiling doctor. "Yeah, and I don't think we'll be back."

Doctor Lindstrom just nodded her approval.

On their way out, Dexter thought of a question he had to ask before leaving.

"Doctor, I never thought of a lie detector but I would think, in your position, it would have been one of the first things you'd recommend?"

"Actually," the doctor said with a serious voice, "if your wife had discussed it with me first, I would have advised against it. Most people have something to hide. Even if it has nothing to do with infidelity or their marriage, psychologically they wonder if the polygraph will somehow expose their deepest darkest secrets. As a result a lot of people get very nervous and fail them even though their telling the truth. I've seen them backfire way too many times."

Alicia was still drying her eyes when she looked back at the doc. "Thank you for all your help, Doctor Lindstrom."

The doctor took on a broad smile once again. "You're very welcome, Mrs. Samuelson. I wish nothing but the best for you two."

In the car Alicia tried to apologize again but Dexter told her, "Enough, babe; enough. From here we pick up the pieces and go on. I won't say I don't still hurt some, but I know it wasn't intentional and now I know it was the first and only time. When we get home you'll move your stuff back to the bedroom."

Alicia almost couldn't wait for Dexter to unlock the door before running up stairs and moving her stuff. It didn't take her long. She was almost out of breath from running back and forth by the time she was done and found her forgiving husband in his office.

Still a little apprehensive, she stood in the doorway and asked, "Can...can I kiss you?"

"You better kiss me or the whole deal is off," he joked.

It was the first time she'd seen his sense of humor in a long time. She literally jumped into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck before giving him a very wet, very enthusiastic kiss. "God, I love you so much," she boasted before locking her lips to his for a second time.

They hadn't even come up for air yet when Dexter had already made a decision-screw the editing. "Come on," he said standing up and taking her hand. "It's time to start picking up those pieces I talked about."

This time there would be no blindfolds, no role-playing, no bedroom calisthenics; it was time for both of them to reaffirm their love for one another. As Alicia looked into his eyes she saw no more anger, no more hurt, only devotion. He leaned in and ever so lightly, planted his lips on hers. Instinctively she raised her chin so he could continue placing little kisses over her neck and face.

She was so lost in his web that she didn't even realize he had her almost completely undress already. She put herself entirely into his hands as he guided her slowly down to the bed. Only her panties remained.

More tender kisses rained down to her breasts. Alicia's breathing was raged, her body twisted and wreathed in response to the delicate demonstrations of his love.

Not until she opened her eyes did she see that her panties were also gone. She looked up at the tall figure of a man standing before her. He was no weightlifter but his body was hard and muscular from years of going to the gym and plenty of exercise he got on the job.

The vision of his lovely bride forced a broad smile across his face as he freed his achingly stiff cock with the removal of his last article of clothing. With one knee he knelt on the bed beside her and continued to tease and caress her perfect skin.

"Oh God," she loudly sighed when he reached her primed pussy. The essence of her love filled the air and she orgasmed within seconds of feeling his tongue. Her head twisted and turned, her eyes where intractably closed with euphoria.

She was still breathing hard when she felt her husband gently slipping inside. Her vaginal walls instinctively clamped tight. She reached for him and locked her arms his neck as he slowly started to make love. His strokes varied between long and short, between fast and slow. Her nails dug into in skin as she came again.

Dexter stopped and felt her pussy muscles contract again and again as she clung to him. He tenderly kissed her beautiful face as she slowly came back to the living. Still rock hard, Dexter had yet to come; a condition Alicia was well aware of. She entwined her fingers in his dark hair and thrust her hips against his pelvic bone. After several minutes of vigorous love making, both were approaching a state of bliss. Dexter was the first over the edge but Alicia was right behind him. Together their bodies exploded in a rhapsody of love, passion, and ecstasy.

As they both fought for a normal breathing pattern, they cuddled without saying a word. They knew it was over, the most difficult period of their lives was now in the past. It was official.


As the following week progressed, things started to feel more normal. Cindy noticed the change in her boss right away. He was having fun again. Dexter really had forgiven his wife, now she just needed to forgive herself. Still—there was one thing that still nagged at him—still one thing making him uneasy.

Dexter was busy in the studio. He had sent Cindy out to buy props for an upcoming shoot while he worked on a small stage he needed for the backdrop. He was just pounding the last nail when he remembered the GPS. He dropped his hammer and pulled out his phone. "Gotcha!" he yelled out loud.

There wasn't a moment to spare. He rushed over to the desk in his office and scribbled out a note for Cindy. 'Back Soon,' was all it said. He ran out to the car and took off for the address he'd seen on the locator. He wasn't sure what he'd find once he got there, he just prayed he wasn't too late...


"Happy birthday, babe," Dexter said while giving Alicia a birthday card and following it up with a kiss.

"Mmmm," she cooed as their lips parted. "Thank you, honey." She smiled as she read the card. Her smile got even wider when she read his hand written note on the inside, saying he was taking her out for dinner and dancing.

It was a wonderful evening; dinner was delicious and Dexter swung and twirled the birthday girl around the dance floor until she couldn't dance another step. Later that night they enjoyed a glass of wine while cuddling together in the privacy of their own living room. Two months had passed since leaving Doctor Lindstrom's office for the last time. It was finally time for Dexter to put things straight.

Alicia snuggled a little tighter into her husband's side. "Thank you, honey. Tonight was perfect."

"Not really," he replied.

Wounds of the past were still very fresh in her mind. Suddenly Alicia moved away so she could study his face. "What do you mean?" She looked worried.

"I haven't given you your gift yet," he said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small box. Although slightly crushed from the confines of her husband's trousers, it had a bright red bow on top.

Alicia took it from his fingers and looked at him. "Can I open it?"

"Of course...unless you want to wait until Christmas," he chuckled.

As she lifted the top of box her eyes widened about the same time her mouth dropped open. Her pulse started to race as she took a deep breath. " did..." Tears formed in her lovely blue eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

She gently and reverently removed her grandmother's ring from the small box. "I...I never thought I'd see this again. How did you ever find it?"

"As much as I appreciate what you did," responded Dexter, "I just couldn't accept you having to give up something so precious to prove your love for me. Then I remembered the GPS on my phone had history. I went back through it until I found a route you only took once. I knew it wasn't the hair dressers or a restaurant so I looked up the address; it was a pawn shop. It had to be where you sold the ring."

"And they still had it...after all this time?"

"Well, not exactly," he said a little sheepishly. "I've had it for a while. I actually got it only days after we got back together. I, ah...I was going to give to you right away but..."

"But you thought you'd punish me a little more...I can't say I blame you," she said, wiping away her tears of joy.

"Yeah, well-your birthday was only a couple months off. I thought it would be a good time to give it to you."

"Oh my God, honey, I swear...I swear on this ring that I will be the most loyal and loving wife a man could ever want," she cried while throwing her arms around him and smothering him with kisses.


Never had a single party wreaked so much devastation in the lives of so least not in that town.

Vicki thought she was one of the lucky ones. Her husband never really had much of a temper, and other than getting the silent treatment, she didn't think her little cock sucking escapade would cause much of a riff in their marriage...she was wrong. As time went by, her husband became more and more distant. He lost interest in making love, in her, and in their marriage. Eventually he found someone else and divorced her. He never was one for confrontation but when it was all over, Vicki looked back and knew their problems started on that fateful day in May.

Mark, Mindy's husband was forced to drop the lawsuit against the stripper company but he was able to get the stripper fired. He considered that a small victory. The ensuing battle in divorce court took months. Mark got himself a shark for a lawyer and went for the jugular. In an attempt at getting full custody of their four year old son, he tried to have her declared an unfit mother. Mindy was fighting for her very existence. In the end she was able to ward off the unfit mother charge and got custody of their boy along with a small amount of child support but not much else.

Sylvia and Manny are still struggling. They spent over two years in counseling and changed therapists three times. They're still together but the marriage isn't what it used to be. Manny will never fully trust his wife again and has literally given her the third-degree on more than one occasion. Not a day has gone by that she didn't regret pulling that stripper's G-string down. Now, every day she prays that her Manny will truly forgive her, but it doesn't look like that's going to be any day soon.
