The Pastor's Wife

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Side story for an accepting wife.
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/28/2024
Created 06/09/2023
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This is a side story to An Accepting Wife. If you don't like the series, this is similar, so perhaps try another series. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it. You should read at least parts 1-3 of An Accepting Wife first.

The Pastor's Wife

Chapter 1

Lucy loved her husband, but over the years had become very frustrated with their marriage. Daniel always said that one day they would have a family, but at this point, he wanted to make sure he concentrated on growing the small congregation of their newest Baptist church. They had been married for six years, and this was their second church. At twenty-nine, she was very lonely, because, after succeeding in growing the first assignment, they had been asked to move to Reno and try to grow the congregation here.

Lucy enjoyed helping out with Sunday school and attempting to grow the church through outreach. Recently she had become less interested in helping her husband as her loneliness became more acute. Even so, they needed her to get a job as the stipend given to them by the church, was barely enough to feed the couple and put gas in their ten-year-old car. Today she had been through two interviews, but neither seemed promising. She was sitting down at a cafe enjoying a coffee after the second interview. Next to her was a group of ladies talking of this and that, and she could not help but overhear part of the conversation. They were talking about sex. There were four of them, and Lucy could not help herself. She knew it was wrong, but she was curious and if she was honest, in a lurid mood as she had not been getting any from her Pastor husband, Daniel.

"So, when is your husband going to fuck me again, Michelle." In overhearing their conversation, Lucy had learned that this woman's name was Diane. She seemed to be the oldest of the group, perhaps five feet six inches tall. Lucy noticed that she was very pretty. She appeared to be of European descent, perhaps French or Italian, with a slightly dark complexion. She dressed very sexy, but not too wild for a woman her age. Her make-up accented her good looks but was not garish or overdone. She wore a very nice dark skirt and a dark blouse that showed off her ample breasts. She seemed to be not exactly slim, but not overweight either. (Diane had lost weight since the first story, the first lunch with these ladies with an extra now present.)

"Hey, just give him a call. I am sure he would not mind making a date with you." Lucy had learned listening to the group of ladies that this beautiful woman was Michelle. She made note of her very nice figure, beautiful perfect white skin, and a gorgeous face with beautiful blue eyes. The first thing Lucy thought about, though, was what she had heard Michelle say to this Diane in response to her question about her husband. Very wild, she thought to herself.

The blond then giggled and she missed what she said. She lowered her voice with the comment, and the other ladies laughed in response. Her name was Linda and though on the short side, she was also very beautiful. When she smiled one could see her perfect teeth. She was a beautiful blond, with blue eyes. Nice legs that Lucy witnessed when she changed positions on the seat she was on. She was wearing a blue skirt and a white blouse. Smallish breasts, but Lucy was sure most men would be attracted to this very pretty woman.

Lucy did not catch the name of the fourth woman until Michelle asked, "So, what do you think, Cassie, are we a bunch of pervy ladies?"

"Of course. But I can see why the ladies are attracted to your husband. What a hunk." Again the ladies laughed and Lucy had to suppress a smile. She did not want them to realize that she was eavesdropping. She did notice that Cassie was perhaps between the ages of Michelle and Diane. She was pretty, with a wide smile, auburn hair, and a nice figure. Maybe an inch or two taller than Michelle, it was hard to tell from the table where they sat. The rest of her body was hidden as she was opposite Lucy on the other side of that table. But, Lucy had the impression she had a nice figure.

Chapter 2

One by one the ladies said their goodbyes leaving only the pretty woman named Michelle, who sat at the table, apparently waiting for someone. A couple of minutes after the last of the three ladies left, this Michelle woman looked over at her and smiled. Lucy blushed, certain her nosiness had been noticed. Surprisingly, this woman looked over at her and said, "Would you like to come sit here with me? You look a bit lonely. You have been nursing that coffee for a bit."

Lucy hesitated. The discussion they'd had was intriguing, but she was a Pastor's wife. She smiled and finally replied, "I don't want to intrude. I am just killing some time here."

"Well, I am waiting for my husband and would not mind some company."

"What the heck." Lucy reached out her hand to Michelle as she joined her at the table. "Hi..., I'm Lucy. I am kind of new in town. Just a few weeks."

"Well, hello... My name is Michelle. My husband must be running late. He was supposed to meet me a bit ago. I am not sure what is holding him up. May I ask you a question, Lucy?"

"Sure. What's on your mind?"

"Don't be embarrassed, but were you eavesdropping a minute ago? I know we can be a bit loud..."

"Well, honestly, I did hear some of your conversations. Sorry, I became a bit intrigued by the subject matter." Lucy grinned and blushed at Michelle as she said this.

"Yeah, well. Sorry if you think we are a bunch of..., I don't know. Wild Women?"

"Hey, I am not judging. Well, my husband would judge, but..., ya know." She blushed and that just made Michelle curious about what she might be talking about.

"Okay, I know we just met, but you have to explain what you meant by that comment. I mean your husband...?"

Lucy laughed, "Well, my husband is the Pastor at the local Baptist church. So, you know, he would judge." It was Michelle's turn to blush. She looked at Lucy, who had a big grin on her face. "It's okay. Honestly, I was intrigued by your conversation. I was not always a Pastor's wife."

"Oh..., good. Still..., sorry if we got carried away."

"It's Okay..., but you have my curiosity piqued. Do you have some kind of open relationship or something?"

"Yes..., we do. It's a bit complicated. Do you really want to hear this?"

"I do, I do. My life is a bit of a bore. My husband works eighty hours a week when he is even in town. Right now he is on a retreat in another town helping another pastor. Honestly, I don't know why I am saying so much to you we just met..."

"It's okay, it sounds like you need to unburden yourself. Maybe it's good we ran into each other. Go ahead, what were you going to say."

"Well, uhm, I have not been laid in weeks. Okay..., actually, months. My husband seems to have lost interest in sex. It is really annoying."

"Oh..., I'm sorry. So, let me see. Well, the entire thing started because of me. I..., I have this fascination. I wanted to watch my husband fuck..., sorry, have sex with another woman."

"It's okay, I was not always a pastor's wife. I have fucked." They both laughed, and it sort of broke the ice a bit.

"Well, since then a lot has happened. This is going to sound very strange. We have a sort of arrangement. It is going to sound very..., old-fashioned. Anyway, my husband, well..., he fucks whomever he wants, but I only fuck men he approves of. Or, if I am honest, I have had sex with a woman and probably will do so again."

"Wow." Was Lucy's only response. For a couple of minutes, she just sat, looking off into space, not sure how to respond. Before she could up walked this hulk of a black man. Michelle smiled at him and he leaned in and kissed her. "Oh..., this must be your husband..."

Michelle turned and said to her, "Yes, this gorgeous man is my husband."

Michael looked over at Lucy and said, "Oh..., who is this pretty lady?"

Michelle looked at Lucy, then Michael, and an idea came to her mind. She was not going to bring it up at that very moment, but she kept the idea in the back of her mind. "Uhm, Michael, this is Lucy. We just met but I think we are going to be friends. At least I hope so. I hope I am not being presumptuous." With that last comment, she looked at Lucy.

"Oh, no, not at all." She responded. "I think we might just be fast friends."

"Well..., we have to go, but do you have a phone?" Lucy reached into her pocket and pulled out her very cheap cell phone. Michelle made a motion to take her phone and Lucy handed it to her. Michelle quickly typed her number into Lucy's phone and handed it back to her. "Well, if you want to go to lunch sometime..., or whatever, give me a call."

Chapter 3

Lucy headed home, fascinated about the arrangement that Michelle and Michael had. She knew as a Pastor's wife that she was supposed to think it was unacceptable, but in truth she found herself getting wet down there. She had to admit, Michael was very attractive and the fact that she had never been with a black man also caused her to be a bit excited. She wondered what it would be like to be in bed with him.

Early that evening she had her dinner and then sat down to go over some of the plans she had for outreach. Her job in helping her husband was to contact former members of the church and try to bring them into the fold. Sometimes she merely made phone calls, but sometimes she liked to stop by their homes and meet and greet in person.

It was later that evening and Lucy was a bit bored. Her mind kept returning to the image of Michael standing next to the table. He was built. An incredible chest with thick and muscular arms. A sort of chocolate skin tone, not too dark, but a beautiful smile. She lay back in her bed in nothing but a nightgown. She lifted the gown and pictured Michael as her hand slid down her body and teased the area around her slit. She was so wet, in need of something inside her.

Her arousal had decided her. She had purchased a seven-inch fat dildo and a vibrator over the years, and though both were well-worn, they worked just fine for her needs. She had them hidden in a dresser drawer, knowing that her husband would never go through her unmentionables. She walked over to her dresser, retrieved both items, and headed back to her bed.

Lucy decided to remove her nightgown and lie back on the bed naked. She wished she had some sexy lingerie, but her husband had never bought her any and she would never buy any for herself. Spreading her legs, she could smell her own need. The first thing she did was to turn on the vibrator to its lowest setting. Being left-handed, she used her right hand to spread her labia and then began to gently rub the toy up and down on her clit. Very lightly at first, but increasing the pressure over time. "God..., oh..., I need the real thing so bad." Her mind rebelled slightly, a tinge of guilt as she was supposed to be the pious wife of a clergyman.

Lucy then reached for the dildo that sat on the bed next to her. Switching the vibrator to her right hand, she held it against her clit, after turning it up a notch. With her left hand, she placed the fake cock against her opening. Slowly she pushed it into her pussy, moaning out loud as it entered her body. Lucy pumped it in and out, deeper with each stroke. The combination of the vibrator against her clitoris, and the dildo being pumped in and out over her body, never failed to bring her to orgasm. As she reached that peak, not realizing what she was saying, she moaned out loud, "Oh..., Michael..., yes fuck me, Michael." Lucy quickly finished and set the toys aside on her side table on a towel she had placed there. Lucy would bring herself to orgasm two more times that evening before finally falling into a fitful sleep.

Chapter 4

It was Wednesday, Nine thirty in the morning and Michelle was looking at some clothing at a shop in the Meadowood Mall near her home. Currently, she was shopping for a nice dress, but her husband had asked her to shop for some lingerie which she planned on doing a bit later. She was looking at some evening gowns when her phone rang. "Hello..." She said as she answered the phone.

"It's me..., Lucy. Remember me from the other day at lunch?"

"Sure, what's up sweetie?"

"Well, I thought I would invite you to lunch. Not sure where, and honestly I can't afford much..."

"Hey, I have an idea. I am at the mall..., the Meadowood Mall, shopping. Why don't you drive over here and text me which entrance you are at and I will meet you? We can shop a little and then lunch is on me. Okay?"

"Oh, sounds wonderful. I am on my way, give me twenty minutes or so. Thank you so much for lunch, I appreciate it."

Just after ten Lucy called Michelle and she met her at an entrance to the huge and confusing mall. They wandered around the mall talking of this and that, window shopping, and perusing various stores. Michelle purchased a beautiful brown evening gown with gold trim. She would take it to a tailor when she had the time. The pair had wandered around the mall shopping at numerous stores, but Michelle left a lingerie shop as her last stop. "I know this might be a bit embarrassing for you, but I want to shop here. If you want to wait outside..."

"No, no. Let's go in," she responded, "I have not been in a lingerie shop since I married my husband, but that does not mean I am not curious." A big grin on her face as she said this. Michelle and Lucy entered the store and wandered among the various displays and racks, admiring the outfits. At one point Michelle held up a very sexy red teddy outfit against Michelle's body. With a shy smile Lucy replied, "No..., I can't try that on. I mean..., it's too much. Aside from that I can not afford it."

"Hey, just try it on. I want to see what you look like in this outfit." Lucy kept demurring, saying that it was not something she could wear. Her husband was just not into lingerie. "Oh please..., for me. I want to see what you look like in this outfit."

Lucy finally agreed, "Okay, but I am not purchasing this outfit. Just to get you to quit, I will try it on."

"Okay, let's head to the dressing room." The young saleswoman informed them that only one person at a time was allowed in the dressing room. After explaining to her that Lucy was very nervous and she might need her help, the saleswoman decided to let them both enter the changing room. In just five minutes, Lucy was in the outfit and Michelle just smiled and turned her towards the full-length mirror. "Oh, my God. You are beautiful. Sexy enough to eat. God, any man would love to... Well, never mind. Any man would love to see you in this nightie. If your husband does not appreciate you, he is an idiot."

Lucy blushed, but she did love the way she looked in the mirror, in that Teddy. It was not as if before meeting her husband, she had not had a few sexual experiences. She remembered that some of them, a couple of boys, one in High School and another in college, had enjoyed looking at her. The sex was at best average, but at least with them, they wanted her. They wanted to see her naked, they wanted to, well, fuck her. "God, the teddy is sexy..."

"Good, you like it. Let's try on a couple of more outfits, I want you to try that white one I saw on the rack just to the left of the one you are wearing. Meanwhile, I will look for some stuff for me." Lucy agreed reluctantly to try on a couple more of the sets of lingerie. The first was a set with blue sexy underwear that had a cut out for the pussy if one wanted to remove it. It had a blue sexy bra, and a black belt for attaching to blue full-length stockings. Very sexy. The white one was a white baby doll with a matching g-string. "Lucy, let me buy this stuff for you. Before you say anything, you said your husband is not into lingerie. I mean, how do you know?"

"He said something about wasting money on sexy clothes when eventually we just end up naked."

"Well, why don't you surprise him with one of these and see how he reacts? He might show some interest if you wear one of these."

"I guess I could try. But this stuff is not exactly cheap. I am not sure I can let you buy this stuff for me."

"Oh posh, I have a good job, my husband has a very good job. We just bought a big house. We are well off. You deserve a small bit of luxury. Please, let me buy these three outfits for you."

Lucy finally acquiesced and let Michelle buy the outfits. In the back of her mind, she was hoping that perhaps someday she could spend some time with Lucy, she was sure Michael would love to be with her. Lucy was a bit embarrassed, but she decided this once to indulge herself. Hopefully her husband too. The pair went to lunch and spoke of this and that, but Michelle stood clear of any discussion of their lifestyle.

Chapter 5

It was Saturday evening, just about eight. Daniel had just come back from the chapel, their small cottage home sat behind the church. He had been rehearsing his sermon for the following day. He was sitting at his desk in the small office that was part of the two-bedroom cottage. The bedroom sat right next to his office. She had changed into the red teddy. Very nervous, she decided to step into the doorway that was between the bedroom and the small office. She leaned against the door jam and said, "So, what do you think love."

He held up a hand, his attention on the books he was keeping for the church, "One sec, love. I have to make sure these figures are correct. Daniel is far-sighted so after a minute or two he took off his glasses and looked her way. "Oh..., Lucy. I mean, you look very nice. But..., I am sorry. I am exhausted after my week at the retreat. Also, I have to get these books finished and then, honestly, I need some sleep."

"Oh..., okay love. Another time."

"Perhaps early sometime next week. I'm sorry, Lucy."

Trying to hide her disappointment, Lucy replied, "It's okay, babe. I understand." With that, she slipped back into her bedroom and changed into a T-shirt and a pair of normal undies. She lay down, frustrated and a bit angry.

After just over an hour Daniel came to bed. Lucy pretended to be asleep and he climbed into the bed next to her. Quickly he was asleep, but it took Lucy a couple of hours to finally nod off herself.

The following Wednesday. Lucy was supposed to be doing some outreach, but she just did not feel like it. Daniel was once again out of town. He was at the national convention for the church, and generally, she went with him, but this year she decided to make excuses. She told him she was doing outreach and needed to look for a job. He would be there for from seven to ten days, depending on what might happen at the convention. One of the elders was to give the sermon for at least that Sunday.

Lucy finally made a momentous decision. She was not sure what the response would be, but she decided to call Michelle. "Hello, this is Michelle."

"Hey, Michelle, this is Lucy. How are you?"

"Good, very good. Nice to hear from you. What is up?"

"I don't know..., I don't know how to say this. I mean..., what I am thinking about is... I don't know, maybe I should just hang up."

"Lucy..., whatever it is you seem very concerned, or upset. Or something..., just spit it out, don't be shy."

"Okay, okay... Uhm, well, I am thinking of cheating on my husband." As she said this, she knew she was blushing. "I can't believe I am saying this, but God I need to get laid." As she finished the sentence she released a sort of giggle. "I sound so bad, I know. Anyway, my husband is out of town for at least a week, and..."

"No, no you don't sound bad. Not at all. You sound like a woman who is being completely neglected by her husband. I don't blame you in the least. But, are you ready for something like this?"