The Perfect Gift


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"Cut it on that snowman over there; some sick fuck probably put some glass inside it." He followed her gaze to the barren farmhouse and the sinister snowman sitting outside in its front yard.

"Man; that's one ugly fucking snowman."

"Tell me about it."

"CAN WE GO NOW, IT'S FUCKING COLD OUT HERE?!!" Erica had grown tired of waiting showing a rare ugliness that lie deep within. The aftermath of sex almost always left her feeling a little empty inside and she'd grown determined to find ways of prolonging the experience but her tantric overtures had come up short this afternoon. Derrick had cum too soon for her needs to be fulfilled.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Gabby noticed her demeanor.

"Derrick." She deadpanned.

They were on their way soon enough as Gabby helped herself to some of her friend's liquor stash to stave off a creeping chill that seemed to be invading her body. She took one last look at the strange snowman as it disappeared in the horizon line. Throughout the rest of the ride Gabby continued rubbed and caressing the cut on her finger starring at it intently.

"That looks nasty, you should let Derrick look at it; he's pre-med you know." It was true that her athlete boyfriend was using the sports scholarship to his benefit.

"Yeah, sure whatever." She tried to dial up her mother again but received the same holiday music from the other end of the line. It was starting to creep her out.

The rental turned off onto a sloping road that led up to the cabin. Gabby was glad to be at their destination. Her cut had been irritating her for the remainder of the ride and she was doing her best to ignore the pain. As the car ascended up the hill she noticed another snowman on the side of the road. It was eerily similar to the one she'd observed miles away at the deserted farmhouse. She noticed that this snowman also had arms but seemed built in a hunched over menacing position. The cabin was coming into view as she noticed yet another snowman off a distant wooded glen.

Erica became more animated as they pulled into the driveway in front of the cabin. It had been over two years since she'd been at the cabin with family members and a different boyfriend. It was originally her intention to have a drug and sex filled holiday with her well-endowed boyfriend but she couldn't deny her troubled best friend in a time of need.

"Just like I remember it guys, you're going to love this place. There's a Jacuzzi in the backyard and let me remember, there was this old tire swing hanging from a tree there." She hopped from the car running to the backyard as Gabby surveyed the exterior of the cabin. Derrick continued on in his rather subservient role removing the luggage from the trunk and carrying it onto the front porch. Gabby joined him taking custody of her single bag.


"Yeah well only Erica is really into that whole entitled princess thing." There was a key under the door matt that let them into the darkened cabin. It was a cozy rustic affair with sheet over the furniture which Derrick was only too happy to plunk down on after driving the entire way from their college. He appeared to be asleep in moments as Gabby took in the rest of the cabin finding the kitchen and running some water over the cut on her finger. Erica could be seen from the kitchen window frolicking in the backyard. She'd found the old tire swing from her past and was using it to her heart's content already on her cellphone. Gabby chaffed a bit on the inside knowing that her friend was most likely stalling until everything could be unpacked and dusted off. The girls shared an apartment and it was filthy most of the time due to a concentrated lack of effort on Erica's part. She even joked that Gabby could quit school and become her maid full time.

Luckily the cabin's boiler was working and the hot water soothed the irritating cut on her finger. She placed both hands under the running faucet enjoying the heat, letting it chase away the chill that had spread through the fingertips on the hand with the cut. She had been antsy throughout the drive worrying about her mother's likely vengeance for skipping Christmas with the family. How could she explain that she hated her younger brother with a passion that was fearsome to behold. Her mother had spoiled him beyond rotten and the two siblings could not coexist without some type of physical skirmish ensuing. It all stemmed from her senior years in high school when she'd been secretly dating a guy her parents didn't approve of to the ninth degree. She'd had him over one Sunday morning while her parents were at church losing her virginity in the process.

Her younger brother rat bastard that he was, appeared right after her suitor exited the house. Christian revealed his knowledge of her sexual tryst with the twenty something ne'er-do-well and the fact that he'd recorded the entire thing on his I-phone. Her distress just seemed to energize him as he threatened to reveal all to her parents and some of his geeky associates. He didn't want any of the money she'd offered and there were no chores or homework to be bartered with either. The sociopathic misanthrope played his trump card by horrifically demanding a blowjob right there on the spot. Gabby endured a disgusting episode that went from a promised "one time only" episode to a two month one sided affair. It seemed that her portly brother shared his father's predilection for big breasts and Gabby's 34DDD's made her a consistent victim in the early morning hours before they went to school or whenever they were alone. Things had come to an abrupt end one afternoon as she threatened to kill them both if he didn't leave her alone. The kitchen knife in her trembling hand spoke seriously of her intent as he played the whole thing off with a nervous laugh. Months later she'd escaped to college finding solace in the fact that he was hundreds of miles away...

"WHAT THE FUCK?!!" Gabby shrieked as someone grabbed her from behind in a mock chokehold. She struggled for a second before realizing it was Derrick. She relaxed as his muscular arm rested across her chest. She could feel him pressed tightly against her body, she could feel "all of him" and it didn't bother her one bit.

"No Derrick; Erica's right there in the yard." He looked over her shoulder at his girlfriend playing on the tire swing as she excitedly gossiped into her phone. The thin Asian woman was smoking a joint from her boyfriend's stash. His hand slid down reaching into her ski vest and cupping her right breast. She liked the way he palmed her bounty sighing audibly as her nipple was rolled through the material of her blouse.

"What is it with you guys and my tits?"

"Is that even a question baby?" His large hand fumbled with a few of the buttons snapping some off in a mad quest to touch her skin.

"Come on Derrick, she's right there!"

"So what, bitch been getting on my last nerve all fucking day." She shuddered as his fingers found their way inside the cup of her bra making her shiver from the coldness.

"Yeah well she couldn't have been working your nerves all that bad Derrick; I saw the way you were tapping that bony ass of hers." He chuckled at her jealousy before sucking on an earlobe and dipping into the crotch of her blue leggings. Her wetness drenched his fingers making her inner thighs slick with lust.

"I was thinking of you the whole time Gabby; thinking about this right here." He rolled one of his thick fingers on her clit for emphasis. Her long legs buckled from the sensation and trapped his hand in the sweetest of spots.

"Y-You can't fuck me here!" She didn't sound very convincing as butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

"Why not?" Her sky blue leggings were quickly tugged down mid-thigh as his hardness pressed into the deep cleft between her cheeks. She could feel his breath on the nape of her neck as one of his fingers pressed on her button. He knew her weak spots all too well because they'd been having sex on the down low for over a month. Derrick tugged at the tiny little bikini panties covering her plump little butt with a self-assured grin. Gabby had started buying two sizes small to accentuate her somewhat average butt making it look bigger for him.

"You're bad." She gasped as his tongue twirled in one of her secret spots just behind the left ear. Gabby humped back against him realizing that his naked cock was touching her damp, sweaty skin.

"Come on Gabby, just let me feel you...I need this so fucking bad." His thick meaty prong was already sawing her crack wedging her panties deep. She flexed her spine accommodating him with an impromptu frottage session.

"But, Ericaaaa!!" She cried even as she yielded to his desire realizing that the crotch of her pale blue panties had been tugged to the side. The thick oversized head of his cock was already wedged in her moist opening.

"Look at her out there dodging work thinking only of herself." Through the window Erica could be seen deeply in conversation on her phone. She was breezily playing with the tire swing without a care in the world.

"Five minutes alright?" She gasped as he answered with his throbbing member shoving it deep with authority. She like the way Derrick took her whenever they hooked up and he was becoming something of an addiction for the formerly sheltered girl. Gabby couldn't deny the way her mastered her body and was perplexed that he always played second fiddle to Erica. He made her feel like a complete woman with a good portion of her blonde hair in his fist and his other hand mauling her right breast. She didn't fathom how she kept it together when Erica was around when simply looking at him made her wet.

"You've got to hurry up Derrick; she will be in any minute now." Gabby warned through gritted teeth as she felt herself getting close. Their frenzied breathing and the slapping sound of their bodies mashing together in slippery unison filled the rustic kitchen.

"Fuh; Fuck bitch I'm do-doing the best I can!! Why don't you help me instead of complaining." His voice was hoarse with lust and effort.

"Awww, the big, bad athlete needs my help?" She tried to sound childish but her cadence came off rather flat not deserving of a comment from her best friend's lover. Gabby straightened her spine bending further at the waist and grabbing the double faucet knobs for leverage. He used his leg to spread hers a little wider and causing a slight tear in the fabric of her leggings. She loved the feel of his heavy balls slapping against the bottom of her ass.

"You thought you was gonna get it; now you're gonna get it baby!!" Gabby was reduced to a slobbering mess as Derrick thoroughly railed her senseless. Her long buried needs were spectacularly met as she tightened up around his considerable girth with a helpless yelp of joy. She managed to look up into the backyard just as she was internally cresting.

"CUT IT OUT DERRICK; OH MY GAAAWD!!" The tire swing was empty.

Gabby's heart jumped into her throat as she noticed a snowman at the edge of the fenced off yard. It was similar to the others that she'd seen on the way up to the cabin posed arms and all. She yanked her leggings up as he tried to grab her shoulders. She nodded in the direction of the window just as the door to the kitchen burst open.

"You guys left the food in the trunk; good thing I had the wherewithal to take a look." Erica immediately took note of the tension in the room.

"Wha-Did I just walk in on something?" She eyed both of them suspiciously failing to notice his open fly.

"No." Derrick didn't sound too convincing as she cautiously placed the bags of groceries on the counter.

"WHERE'D THAT SNOWMAN COME FROM!!" Gabby's eyes were trained on the snowman in the backyard and it was doubtful that she even heard what was going on in the room.

"What are you talking about?"

"Look its right there; WHERE'D THAT FUCKING THING COME FROM?!!" She didn't know why but her heart was thumping so hard that Gaby thought her chest would explode. There was something about the repeated sightings of these strange snowmen that left her uneasy.

"Don't try to change the fucking subject, something was going on in here before I walked in Gabby!! I want to know what the fuck it is LIKE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!" Derrick had taken the time to carefully zip up while his girlfriend's attention was elsewhere.

"Baby, you needs to chill." Derrick tried to wrap his arms around Erica but the thin girl simply ducked out of his embrace. Gabby continued staring out the window at the menacing effigy completely entranced. She could smell the faintest odor of honeysuckle there in the cabin and the familiarity haunted her enough to disregard the meltdown in the room.

"WERE YOU GUYS FUCKING?!!" The heavy mascara that Erica favored was running across her cheeks intermingled with her tears. She bought up all the latest fashion magazines trying to stay ahead of the curve hoping against hope that her boyfriend's eye wouldn't wander.

"NO BABY!!" He grabbed her bicep but let go when she raked her nails across his knuckles.

"I don't believe this shit; you two were actually FUCKING right here in my damn kitchen. I guess it's convenient enough seeing as how you could keep an eye on me!" Her words were slightly distorted because of the salty tears and phlegm in her mouth. It didn't take much to set the slight Filipina off.

"THAT'S REALLY STUPID BABY; BABY?!!-Gaby...Gaby; HELP ME OUT HERE!!" The snowman seemed to be facing the kitchen window. It seemed to be looking directly at her; right into her soul.

"I DON'T WANT ANY MORE LIES DERRICK!!" Erica and Derrick suddenly became an entanglement of limbs that spilled into the adjacent living room. As far as she was concerned the argument could have been taking place in the next county. The snowman sat staring at her in silent challenge and Gaby found herself opening the backdoor to the yard. She never took her eyes from the snowman. Never registered the escalating lover's spat in the adjacent room as she took to the stairs walking across the backyard. Gaby was cognizant of the crunching sound of the snow beneath her feet and the deep chill of the approaching dusk.

She hesitated a bit coming to a stop five feet away from the sinister looking snowman. There seemed to be a shadow over its features and she winced instead of looking at it directly. Her expressive blue eyes surveyed the body finding something unsettling on its surface.

"Shit-Fuck me; FUCK MEEEE!!" There appeared to be some blood on the surface. She stumbled back losing her footing and tumbling into the snow. Gaby rolled over finding a discarded, rust covered metal pole in the snow. The disturbed girl snatched up the shaft brandishing it menacingly.

"Yuh, you MOTHERFUCKER!!" The heavy pole sliced the air with a demented whistle striking the rounded head of the snowman and instantly decapitating it. She followed this up with two extra whacks of her improvised weapon for good measure. Only part of the midsection and the rounded base remained as Gabby surveyed her handiwork. The interior of what was left appeared darkened with some stringy material rising from its surface. She moved closer to take a look realizing that something was bubbling in the left over stump. The smell of honeysuckle was omnipresent intermingled with something decidedly bitter that reminded her of urine.

The substance was darkly hued crimson and gooey looking. There was wisps of steam rising from the surface along with something else. There was the slightest jingle of bells in the adjacent forest.

"Shit!" The rusty pole fell into the snow with a dull thud as she ran back into the house in a panic. On the surface of the stump were worms, maggots and other creepy crawlers. She was locked in a silent panic falling forward on the short stairwell leading back into the cabin scrambling into the back door.

DERRICK!! ERICAAA!! She stumbled into the cabin in a panic bursting into the living room and getting another surprise.

He was sitting on the couch with his pants down to his knees while Erica had her head buried in his crotch. Gabby noticed one of his hands lovingly patting her head as he guided her actions. Derrick looked slightly dumbfounded at the whole affair raising a single finger to his lips.

"Th-There's something going on." She was talking about her experience in the back of the cabin but paused as Erica wearily raised her head regarding her former friend. She was disheveled looking with the heavy mascara standing out against her pale skin. It was immediately apparent that she'd been crying uncontrollably before ending up on her knees between her boyfriend's legs.

"Oh uhm hey Gabby; everything's cool now. Look we're working it out." She'd gone into a screaming fit as he tried to get her to calm down. Erica had trouble reconciling what was right in front of her face getting into a shoving match with her large paramour and demanding that he pull his cock out so that she could inspect it. It was only then that he conceded some type of activity between him and Gabby downplaying everything as she collapsed on the cabin floor.

She felt that she was better looking than her plain jane roommate as far as her face was concerned. It was Gabby's body that she coveted; her inherited model's figure. Her height and subtly curvy figure along with the huge breasts had the slight Asian green with envy.

"Everything's alright, see I'm doing my job Gabby." Her bottom lip was quivering as she sobbed openly. She'd become a mess of emotion conceding defeat to an unnecessary rival. Erica stared up into her face looking like a broken woman. She took everything he had to offer with a desperate voracious hunger that had Derrick involuntarily humping up into her face.

"Look Erica; I'm really sorry about what happened." She felt that she had to offer some sort of apology for the way things had deteriorated.

"It's okay bitch; I guess I wasn't fucking him enough. We're all the way out here now so I guess I'll have to make the best of a shitty situation." She sounded bitter and angry at the world for the way it had shattered her rose colored glasses. She brought her considerable skill to bear on Derrick's manhood making him yelp and cry out.

"This is how a real woman takes care of her man Gabby; yeah sure you got those cow udders but I've trained Derrick. I taught him everything he knows slut; mastered him in ways you couldn't even fathom!" She punctuated her hate by enveloping him whole in a sloppy display of frenzied, desperate fellatio. She locked her fingers around the base of his member and began cranking them in a rough counter clockwise method that had him humping up into her glazed hands. Erica used the tip of her tongue on his urethra adding to the radiating sensations coursing through his muscular body.

She hadn't noticed it but the cabin had slowly begun to smell of the same honeysuckle odor and was increasing in volume. It filled her nostrils and permeated every fiber of her being eliciting something akin to a spiking hot flash to her body. Gabby's fingers sought out the junction between her legs, rubbing and pressing down on her clit. She was so wet that it was running down her inner thighs spurred on by the sight of Erica's intense oral attack on Derrick.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum baby." He was getting close to exploding in her mouth like he'd done countless times before in her dorm room. She tightened her grip painfully on his balls and the base of his cock.

"No you're not; I'm not finished sucking all of the black off of this rod. I'm going to suck you until I get everything out of these fucking balls asshole." Erica seemed to working her way back from despair in her own manner. She considered herself the alpha in all of their sexual encounters and tried to fuck him dry on every occasion.