The Perfect Pussy Ch. 04

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Waylon makes what could be a fatal mistake.
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Part 4 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/12/2008
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(Author Note: As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my story and hope you enjoy it. I know I am not the perfect writer, but if you find something that will help me improve or have good or bad comments, please, let me know. Thanks!)

Keni pushed the cart along the grocery aisle, but her mind really wasn't on shopping. It had been a week since her sister's last doctor's appointment, and in that time her mind had been in overdrive. Harley had asked her more then once if she was thinking about what Waylon had said, but she wasn't. He wasn't worth her time thinking about. And what he had said about her hadn't bothered half as much as what he had said about Harley.

No, her mind was more on her sister and what Kate was going through. God, she was scared, her sister was looking worse every day, and just yesterday the doctor said if she didn't get better soon, she might have to go in the hospital full time. Dean was beside himself, feeling as if his desire for a child was the reason she kept putting herself through this. Keni had tried to tell him that Kate wanted a baby just as bad as he did, and it wasn't his fault. Despite not having much personal use for religion, Keni had found herself praying to what ever deity there was to help Kate through this.

"Well, we meet again."

The female voice made her look up and she saw Maggie Wilson smiling at her. The medium sized redhead had a smile that made a person feel better just seeing it. She didn't mind admitting to herself that at first she had been a little jealous of Maggie and the close relationship Harley seemed to have had with her in school, but she knew now that Maggie had never seen Harley that way, she had been in love with Scooter Wilson since first grade.

"Hey, how you feeing Maggie," Keni noticed that today Scooter and their two children were with her. Scooter was a tall, round man with a constant smile on his face as well. When they had gone to visit them a couple days ago, Scooter had been more involved in the car he was working on then visitors, but had come in for a beer and some man chat with Harley. The girl and boy were a well done combination of their parents and she had seen that they were surprisingly well behaved too. "I see you got Scooter out from under the hood of a car."

Scooter chuckled. "It was that or we starve, she isn't fitting so well behind a steering wheel right now." He gave Maggie an adoring look. "Where's Harley? I hear he doesn't let you out of sight if possible."

Keni blushed slightly. "He's at home helping Dean and their dad. I was surprised he let me drive his precious truck to town, but like you, he likes to eat." She didn't add that he had given her all kinds of instructions about how to drive the truck and all. "I might be jealous of it, if I didn't know how much work he's put into it over the years. I got a couple cousins back home who are the same way."

Maggie nodded in an understanding way. "So, how is your sister doing?"

That made Keni remember what could happen. "Not good, she might have to be put in the hospital if things don't get better. Our mom is coming out next week to help take care of her. She went through this a lot too."

"Well, you need anything, you give me a call and I'll waddle my way over. I miscarried a couple times myself, and I know that once you do that, it isn't always easy to have one. It's good you're here for her, and for Harley. I got to admit he is looking better and happier then I ever remember seeing him before. Scooter was telling me the other day that we shouldn't be surprised if we see you two up and married..."

She was fishing and Keni knew it. "We've talked about it...and I know I could never find a better man then him anywhere, even if I wanted to, which I don't, but right now..."

"Right now you got your sister to worry about. That's understandable. Well, think good thoughts and hang in, and remember, you ever need someone, even if it's just to talk, I'm around."

Keni appreciated that. Doing the rest of her shopping, she was asked by others who knew Kate how she was doing. Her sister was well liked in the community and all were worried about her. Even the preacher, who Keni had met only briefly at Sunday dinner once, said he would say a prayer and for her to call if she needed any help. Since it was also a know fact that she and Harley were openly living in sin so to speak, she had been a little surprised that he was so nice to her.

Taking her groceries out to the truck, she thought how funny that sounded. It was true from a lot of point of views that she and Harley were living in sin, but she didn't feel like it. If anything, she loved to feel him beside her in the early morning hours when she woke, to see him lying beside her, so restful and at peace. It was the one time of the day that she was able to fully relax, to not fear for her sister or think about Waylon. He had apologized for his outburst, but that still didn't make her feel any less uncomfortable around him or cringe when he looked at her. There was something in his eyes that sent shivers of fear all through her.

Keni knew she had never been a coward; she hadn't been raised to be on. Things like rats, snakes, none of the things that girls were supposed to be afraid of bothered her at all. But Waylon bluntly terrified her. She couldn't stand the idea of being alone with him, which thankfully she didn't have to be. Harley, Dean and their parents made sure of that.

Going to the driver's side door, she was just about to open it when an all too familiar voice stopped her. "Well, well, what you up to Keni...? I'm surprised to see Harley let you out without your leash."

"Waylon, can't you think of better ways to spend your time then getting drunk these days?" It seemed that it was all he did. He had rarely been home this last week, and once he had needed to call his mom and dad to come bail him out after he was stopped for drinking and driving.

"Oh, I can think of a whole lot of better things to do Keni, can't I sugar?" A female giggle told Keni that he wasn't alone, and she looked to see him with a short, round woman with dyed black hair and too much makeup hanging on him. "This Keni, the slut I told you Harley is fucking these days, Keni this is Anita, one of the sluts Harley used to fuck before he got a taste of your so called perfect pussy."

Keni stopped short as she heard the nick name Harley had given her come from his mouth. "I don't have to stand here and listen to this Waylon, and I'm not going to. If you weren't such an ass..." Before she could say anymore, he backhanded her, and she reached up to wipe her mouth as she tasted blood. "Don't you ever lay a hand on me again Waylon, because if you do, it won't be Harley you have to worry about..."

His face took on a drunken leer. "Damn, you are a wildcat, good; I like women with a fighting spirit. I will get you Keni, and I will treat you just like the slut you are. On of these days, you'll drop your guard and you better look out, because I will be standing right behind you." He laughed as he and the woman walked off and Keni slumped against the truck door.

"Keni honey, are you okay...?" Maggie and Scooter walked up to her. She reached out and ran her hand over where Waylon had slapped her. "That lousy son of a bitch, he had no call to do that. Scooter, you call Harley, tell him to get his ass over here, she is in no shape to drive home..."

Keni tried to protest, but knew that Maggie was right. She was shaking now and felt as if she was going to cry. All that had happened this last week and now this, it was more then she could handle. She could hear Scooter talking into his cell phone now, and it was clear the voice on the other end had to be Harley.

"Relax bro; we'll stay here with her until you get here. No, we won't let her out of our sight. I don't know, just get here as soon as you can okay?" He hung up and looked at her. "He'll be here with his dad in a couple minutes. I think Waylon done crossed the line, he sounded like he was out for blood."

A new fear crossed into her head. "No, he can't, he'll kill him." Oh god, he'd go back to prison, and she couldn't handle that, not now, not with so much happening all at once.

It wasn't ten minutes later before the bright blue truck with the farm's name on it pulled up. Harley was out in a flash and looking at her mouth. "I am going to kill him, I told him, and now I am going to kill him." He wasn't bothering to hide his rage as he held her close.

Maggie shook her head. "You will do no such thing, right now you need to take her home and hold her for a while. Give you both a chance to calm down. Harley, you hear me, you can't take the chance, she needs you right now..."

Keni added her own plea to his friend. "She's right Harley, not now, not with Kate and all." Reaching up, she put her hand on his face. "Please baby, you can't risk it..."

"We'll talk about this at home. Maggie, Scooter, thanks for staying with her until we got here." He gave Maggie a quick hug and shook Scooter's hand. "Dad, we'll see you at home a little later okay?" Opening the truck door, he motioned her to get in. "Come on sugar, let's get you home..."

Keni didn't argue, she simply gave Maggie and Scooter a grateful smile, and then did as he said. She could see he was still seething inside and once they left the parking lot, she put her hand on his leg. "Harley, can we go somewhere for a little while, I need to be alone with you, and..."

Harley nodded. "I know honey...its okay, and you're right, we need to be alone."

They drove out of town to what Keni had come to regard as their spot. It was a lonely little place, with a flowing creek and a few trees thrown in here and there. She loved to come here on clear nights when they would lay in the back of the truck and look up at the stars. It was here that Harley had first asked her to marry him and while she hadn't given him a yes or no answer yet, she knew that in the end, she would say yes. She just wasn't ready yet to make such a serious commitment. Too much was happening, too much all at once.

He parked in the shade of the trees and drew her close. His body didn't feel as tense now, and he seemed to have regained his self control. "I don't understand this honey, what is going on in his brain. He never used to be like this..." His voice held an inner pain that Keni knew was because of his brother. He might be angry with Waylon, even want to beat him to a pulp, but he was still his brother and it was hard on him to accept what was going on.

"I don't know babe, it's almost like since I've been here, it's gotten worse..." She knew it was true, their mom had told her that she didn't blame Keni for what was happening, but that it was like Waylon was jealous of the relationship that had developed so quickly between them. "I...I thought about leaving, seeing if it would help, but I know now that it won't. He's not scared of you anymore Harley and he knows what you call me..."

Harley looked at her with a fire in his eyes. "He what...! How could he know?"

"I don't know, but he does, he introduced me to some woman named Anita. Said she had been your slut before you started fucking my so called perfect pussy." She shivered. "I know he got pissed because I wouldn't go out with him after you and I got together, but what did he expect from me? I mean he's a good looking man and all, but I'm with you, and that's all I want in my life..." Giving him an impish smile to offset her fear, she ran her fingers up his leg. "Hell, you're all I can handle..."

"I better be all you're handling..." He growled at her teasingly, and then spoke in a softer tone. "You know sugar, a lot of this would be less important if you'd just tell me you'll marry me..." His fingers moved along the bare skin of her leg and up to where it met the hem of her skirt. Slipping under it, he caressed her thigh and moved between them to open her to more exploration. "I know you think it's too soon, and you're worried about Kate and all, but if you said yes then we could have something good to look forward to. I mean we wouldn't have to rush in to the actual ceremony."

"'d have me in front of the preacher before I knew what was happening..." She felt his fingertips stroke up and down against her damp panties. "And don't think making me all hot and bothered is going to make me say yes to something we have talked about a hundred know I want to marry you Harley...god, I been dreaming of that since forever...and..." Damn him, he was slipping his fingers past her leg band now, prodding at the slit that hid her clit from his view and fingers. "Harley, stop that, you know we need to talk serious..."

"No we don't, it's simple, you love me, I love you, and we belong together." He pressed his point by pushing the crotch of her panties aside and slamming a long slender finger up her pussy while letting his thumb caress her clit. "We do belong together honey, no other woman on Earth could make me feel the way you do, and I dare you to tell me that another man could make you feel the way I make you feel."

"You know I can't...oh Jesus Harley, you know I can't think when you're doing this to me."

He ran his lips over her ear. "Then don't think Keni, just do what I do, let my emotions take over when we're together. God, you know I've never loved another woman before you. Fucked them yes, but I've never felt for them what I feel for you. I still can't believe how good it feels just being with you. I've never been with a woman that I wasn't thinking about some way to get her pants off and into her bed. Not until now. Yes, I am hot for you, but it's more. I love feeling you just curled up next to me, or walking together just holding hands. I feel good doing things like I've seen my mom and dad do a hundred times with you. I love how we play, how you make me laugh and feel like the world is perfect..." He swallowed hard. "Keni, when we went to see Maggie and Scooter, and I saw how you were with the kids, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He was moving and out of her faster now, his thumb pressed against her hard as he worked at it. "I've never thought about having kids before, but then I did, and I thought how I wanted to see your belly all swollen and round with my baby, how I wanted to be with you when it came into the world. How I want to grow old with you and see our children and our grandchildren grow...honey, I want to spend my life with you."

Keni felt his mouth close over hers and swallow her cries as she came against his fingers. She hated it when he did this, when he seduced her with his voice and hands. "Harley, you don't play fair."

He laughed as he kissed her ear. "Hell no honey, if I did, I'd never get what I want, and what I want is you legally tied to me for the rest of our lives. Now you can say yes, and I promise to wait before I drag you up before the preacher man, or you can put it off another day and wait for my next sneak attack."

She had to smile despite her misgivings. "You promise not to try and pull me to the preacher before the right time if I say yes now?"

"I promise honey, I know you got too much pressing on your mind right now as it is. Plus Mike and Heather won't be back until Labor Day and I know she would kill me if I did something like get married with her gone. Not to mention your folks and John." He grinned. "And I know it will be a while even after we tell everyone because you will want to do all the things brides do before they pull a man to the altar on that lease..."

She looked at him in mock anger. "After the bride drags the man...who is pushing who here Harley Barnes?" On impulse she slugged his arm. "If I didn't love you so damn much...I swear..."

He was laughing now, and he hugged her tight. "But you do love me, and it's a damn good thing. Now be a good girl and tell me yes, you will marry me and I will be a good boy and take you home so you can tell everyone that you finally reeled me in."

"You are a good boy, but not yet you won' got what you want, I'll marry you at a later, unspecified date, but now you are going to seal your bargain." She licked her lips and the laughter in his eyes turned to passion in the blink of an eye.

"Hmm, that sounds like a good idea." He unfastened his jeans and moved so she could straddle his lap with out the steering wheel pressing into her back. When he was in her, he looked at her with the tenderest expression she had ever seen. "Hmm, my woman, my wife, I already feel like you are Keni, I feel like you been my wife since the first time we made love in your room. I promise not to drag you in front of a preacher just yet, but like the first time baby, there's no going back for either of us. Now love your man like you are so good at doing, and show me that you love me as much as I love you..."

She did as he asked and when the world exploded around them both, she knew he was right, there was no going back. The commitment she had tried to delay was made and god help her, she wasn't sorry. Harley was the man she wanted, had wanted, and would want above all others. She wanted to have his babies and spend all her life making him the happiest man on earth.

The truck began to rock harder with the vows they whispered to each other and outside the rest of the world passed by, unknowing and uncaring that the perfect pussy had finally found it's hearts desire.

(To be continued)

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

This has turned into an enjoyable story. Not just filled with lust and passion but love too.

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