The Perfect Pussy Ch. 05

Story Info
Keni and Harley play mommy and daddy.
4.4k words

Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/12/2008
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(Author Note: As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my story and hope you enjoy it. I know I am not the perfect writer, but if you find something that will help me improve or have good or bad comments, please, let me know. Thanks!)


Harley finished tightening down the valve cover on the old Plymouth and put down the wrench. "Okay Scooter, give it a try..." He wiped his hands on the grease covered rag, and listened as the 325 straight six engine fired to life. It was purring like a kitten and Scooter grinned as he gave him a thumb up.

"Damn, doesn't that sound pretty?" Scooter climbed out and grinned. "I swear Harley; you ain't lost your touch. Of course I should have known that, seeing how Keni is always smiling so much around you. Women and cars, is there anything better in life?"

His life long friend could have said a full time paycheck, but Harley only shook his head. Between what Scooter paid him for the occasional car repair and his folks paying him a wage for working on the farm, he supposed he could be doing worse. Keni was busy helping her mom keep Kate from going to the hospital next two months and he had to do something to keep from dragging her upstairs constantly. God, he had needed her before, but since they were now officially engaged, he found the need for her body to be increasing daily.

What was funny was the way her mom seemed to understand completely. Janie was constantly giving him teasing glances when they were caught hugging or kissing. "Watch it boy, you two will set the house on fire you keep kissing my daughter like that..." She kept telling him to wait till her husband and son got there, then he might have to be a bit more circumspect. "Or maybe John Senior will be giving you kids kissing lessons."

Keni had told him that her parents were a bit more open about sex and loving each other then a lot of people, but he hadn't realized how much until a couple days ago when her dad and brother had both arrived. John Junior and his girlfriend were currently occupying a room at the motel in town and her parents had moved into the intended nursery at Dean and Kate's. He had discovered over the past couple nights that she had been telling the truth, they tended to get as loud if not louder then he and Keni did.

He grinned at the memory of last night and how Keni had began to giggle while they had been making love. She couldn't help it she said, it sounded so funny, hearing her mom and dad grunt and groan while she was doing the same thing as they were. He had needed to admit, he found it just as funny and the two of them had ended up laughing instead of finishing what they had been doing.

A car horn made him look up and he saw Keni, J.J. and Gina pull up in the rented car her brother and dad had driven from Oklahoma City. Gina, a pretty little brunette with big brown eyes and a sunny smile waved as she got out. "Hey big brother brought you a present to make your afternoon sunnier!"

Keni came out of the car and walked over to the garage. "Hey, missed you this morning..."

He hugged her and kissed her gently, "you were sleeping so peacefully, I decided to be nice and let you stay that way for a change."

She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hmm, I missed our usual wake up call." She gave Scooter a smile. "Hey Scooter, is Maggie in the house?"

Scooter nodded. "Yeah, she's cleaning again, as usual, I hope this baby gets here pretty soon, I can't keep track of where anything is at all with her doing that."

Keni gave him another kiss and the three men watched while she and Gina headed for the house. J.J. grinned as he looked at Harley. "You know when I left her in town, I didn't expect to come back and find her all engaged and looking so damn grown up. I should be mad at you, what happened to my baby sister?"

A deep chuckle escaped Scooter. "Hell, you think that's bad, the whole damn town is wondering what happened to its biggest bad boy. From what I hear, half the bars in town are going bankrupt from the lack of Harley's business."

Harley frowned. "Well, from what mom and dad tell me, Waylon is making up mine and Dean's shares. He hasn't been home since Keni and I told everyone we were getting married and from what a few well placed old friends say, he's been tearing though women and booze like there's no tomorrow. He is starting to make me look like an angel." Harley was glad to have the heat off him for a change, but it still bothered him that Waylon was trying to carry on his tradition.

"That's bad bro...well at least he's been leaving you and Keni alone."

That was true, but Scooter didn't know that part of it was from a little visit he had made to the apartment of one of his old friends. He had heard Waylon was shacked up with Anita in that dump she lived in and while he hadn't gone there to fight, he had gone there to set things straight with his brother. It was too bad that Waylon hadn't been sober enough to want to listen to reason and Harley had needed to punch his brother a few times before he finally agreed to leave Keni alone, but somehow, Harley found he knew that once Waylon sobered up and was thinking clear again, it wouldn't matter.

"Yeah, the question is, for how long?" He sighed and went to clean up. He didn't like what was happening in his family. He knew it was hurting his mom and dad, but for once it wasn't his doing. All Waylon had to do was stop what he was doing and life could get back to normal. Keni was feeling a burden over it, feeling like if she hadn't come here none of this would have happened. He didn't agree. What ever was in Waylon's mind had been there a long time, and she had simply caused it to come out in full force.

He didn't like to think what it would be like if she hadn't come to this place, hadn't admitted how she had felt about him all this time. He had done a lot of thinking on the idea of how she had been in the past, and he knew that somehow he had been waiting for this time and place to be. Until now he had never thought about the dreams that had come to haunt him after she had spent the summer, how she had grown and matured in the last ten years. How he had pushed away all thoughts of her until they had erupted that day in her room.

A part of him knew he was as bad as Waylon; that she had gotten into his mind and soul at an age that he shouldn't have been thinking such things but unlike his brother, he had been able to push them away, to bury them in his bad boy persona. He felt as if he had been lifted from the depth of his own private hell the first time they had made so love in that room. As if, while he was buried so deep in her, that all his feelings and emotions had erupted into what he felt now.

Each day he felt them grow more and more, the love he felt for her as strong as any he had ever seen or heard of. And to see her glow with it, god it was breathtaking to a man who had spent so much time in the dark that he had wondered if the sun really existed. Now he knew it was there and he gloried in it.

They went in the house to find the three gals talking about babies and house keeping and all the women stuff men hated. He took a beer from Scooter and leaned back against the counter to watch Keni hold on to Scooter and Maggie's youngest. Her name was Kimber and like her momma, had gorgeous red hair. Kimber had decided that Keni was the favorite of all their visitors and seldom would go even to her mom or dad when Keni was around. Even now she clutched her bottle and teddy bear, and shook her head when Scooter held out his hands to put her down for a nap.

Maggie laughed, as he tried again. "Don't even bother Scooter, she won't go. She has a lap to sit on and a nice cushion for her head. I was teasing Keni that maybe she should take her home with her for a few days, let her be mommy to the broody little rug rat." She reached over and tickled her daughter's belly. "How about it baby girl, you want to go home with Keni and Harley for a while? Let them see what they got to look forward to once they get hitched?"

Harley walked over and squatted down so he was face level with the little knockout. "How about it Kimber, you want to come home with me and Keni for a while?" He held open his arms, not expecting her to come to him. Instead she came willingly.

"Now that is a sight I never expected to see." Scooter grinned. "Damn if you don't look good holding a baby like that Harley. Of course, my Kimber would make King Kong look good. Seriously, if you two would be willing to take her for a couple days, it would be appreciated. Just to give her mom and I a little break."

He looked at Keni. "Up to you babe, you know I'm out of the house most of the time. Can you handle one more?"

He knew from her smile that she was all for it. "The crib is in mom and dad's room, but we'll need to put it in our while she's there, which means..."

He knew what it meant. "Let's see which one of us wants to bring her home first...twenty bucks said you are begging the second night she's there."

A feisty fire entered her eyes. "You're on, and I say you won't last the first night...and no pawning her off on mom and dad for a quick run out to the barn for either of us."

The laughter around them made Harley laugh as well. "You're on honey. Let's see who lasts the longest..."

"I'll take part of that action." Maggie chuckled as her husband started to fish out his wallet. "I can't see you two going two hours let alone two days. Well, you'll need to go longer than that once you get your own baby for real. Poor Dean, he must be suffering something awful."

"He is, I saw him casting cow eyes at one of the heifers the other day and she ran away like a shot." Harley grinned. "I don't think Kate is doing much better either."

Keni nodded. "She isn't, especially now that she's doing better. Neither of them is going to risk anything to hurt the baby. This is the longest she's gone and while the doctor did say that from now on it's no problem if the baby is premature, they want her to carry as long as she can." She stood up and stretched, then looked at Maggie. "Sure, we'll take the little rug rat for a few days, give you and Scooter some time since your mom took Matt for the weekend."

Harley looked around. "That's what's missing; I knew something wasn't the normal..." He shook his head. "Man, I must be super dense to misplace a whole kid."

While the others laughed, Keni smiled at him. "It's because it's not your son, when it's yours, it's a whole different matter. Being a parent can be one of the most distracting jobs in the world."

"You sound like an expert sugar..." He teased her.

"Try having to take responsibility of a doll that acts just like a real baby for three months. And I mean that thing cried, it wet, it messed, it got hungry, it wanted to play, it was too much like the real thing."

J.J. looked at his sister. "But you did well. Mom says she thinks you're a natural for motherhood."

"Maybe, but I think I'll wait a couple years, after all I need to get used to having a husband around before I'm ready to have a baby." She looked at him and Harley saw the glow in her eyes.

She was right; there was no rush for kids. They needed to learn to live together before they ever brought a kid into the world. He had to admit that with the stress level so high at Dean's right now it was a real test of how they felt about each other. He had the option of walking away, back to his folks at any time. Still, he knew that if he did that, he would only prove that he was no better than how he had been before, walking away from responsibility and real life.

He reached out and stroked Keni's cheek. "Go get the things Kimber will need for a few days. We'll play mommy and daddy until Maggie and Scooter beg us to bring her home."

She went and he saw that Kimber was watching him with a smile on her baby face. The two year old was like her daddy in that respect, he couldn't remember ever seeing her without a smile. Scooter had been the same way for as long as Harley had known him. The guy was a walking ray of sunshine, and seeing him with his wife and family made Harley understand why.

Gina looked at him with a smile in her pretty brown eyes. "I don't think Keni is the only natural around here. I think you'll make a pretty good daddy too Harley."

He looked at his future sister in law and grinned. "I hope so, I really hope I can be as good a husband and as good a father as Scooter is. And as good as my dad was and is."

It struck him as funny in a way, that six months ago, he would have looked at Gina and saw her as more then just J.J.'s fiancée; he would have been wondering what was below that pretty summer dress and if she was this or that. He would have flirted and tease her no end about taking a walk on the wild side and done his best to get her in his bed. He wouldn't have cared that she belonged to another man. In his mind he had been the best and out to prove it to the world.

For the hell of it, he tried to look at her that way and found he couldn't. He had been trying to see the other women in town the way he used to and found he thought only of Keni. She was in his mind constantly, and it wasn't just in bed that he found her. The woman had tamed him and damn if he didn't love it.

His laugh startled everyone, but Kimber only giggled and hugged his neck. "Come on Keni, we need to get this one home and show her off." He went down the hall in search of his woman and Maggie.

* * *

No one minded the little guest. She soon had Dean and John Senior as charmed as she did Harley while both Kate and Janie both seemed determined to hug her all over the place. She was set to discover her new, temporary surrounding as well, and they were constantly guiding her back to the living room while Janie made dinner and the men put together the crib upstairs. When Harley came back down, Keni had her on the floor, changing her diaper and tickling her tummy.

The animation in her face sent his heart beating fast and his stomach flipping. "God, you look so gorgeous honey." He hadn't meant to say it out loud, but he loved the way Keni blushed and went back to what she was doing.

Harley found that having a baby around didn't seem as bad as he expected. As they curled up on the couch to watch television with their family, Kimber seemed content to curl up on the area that gave her both his and Keni's laps and rest back against their chests, she had been fed, bathed and dressed in a frilly little night gown that revealed her cute little toes. He had watched it all, fascinated by the processes that Keni seemed to know so well.

He found his eyes moving around the room as time went on, Dean and Kate, curled together on the other end of the couch, his future in laws in the recliner wrapped in each others arms. A far away place from nights when he would have been hitting the local bars, picking up a woman and going to her place for a long night of hot sex and fun. He asked himself if he missed and wasn't surprised to find he didn't.

In bed that night, he held Keni close until she fell asleep and lay back listening to the quiet. He had done this a lot in jail, just lying in his bunk, thinking about different things and what he intended to do when he got out. But no where in those days would he have honestly imagined this being how he would be spending a Friday night in Crossroads. As he drifted off to sleep, he found himself preferring this over all the other.

* * *

He woke the next morning to Kimber sitting on the bed, looking at him. She was chewing on a fuzzy rabbit and giggling. "Hey short stuff, where's auntie Keni...?"

Keni came in with two steaming cups of coffee. "Tell Uncle Harley that she needed to meet his mother in law at the top of the stairs to get his morning coffee and that she needs him to move you so you won't get burned."

He sat up and settled Kimber back against the head board before taking the cup. "Thanks baby, how long you been up?"

"Long enough to hear Dean and Kate arguing about something, mom complaining about burning the toast and dad going off with your dad to spend the day fishing," she sighed, "Just everyday life."

"What were Dean and Kate fighting about?" That was a rare thing.

"She's bored, and I can't say I blame her, I mean except for trips to the doctor and church on Sunday, she is stuck here day in and day out. But I see Dean's concerns too, she's still feeling weak and the weather is taking its toll on her even with the air conditioner mom and dad went out and bought." She gave him a secretive look. "Promise not to tell if I tell you something that Kate made me promise not to tell anyone?"

He wondered what his sister in law was keeping from his brother and everyone else. "Sure, what's up?"

"She thinks she's having twins. The doctor thinks it might be true, but he can't get a good enough ultrasound to be sure. The thing is; she doesn't want to tell anyone until she can be sure. And there is a chance that might be why she's so sick and all."

"Why doesn't she want to tell Dean?"

Harley saw her face sober. "It's a lot of reasons. One is the money issue, lets face it Harley, kids cost money, and while they're doing okay, two are going to be twice as bad as one. She's afraid that he'll think he has to work twice as hard as usual. Then there's the chance that one might not survive. That's the doctor's biggest worry. The heartbeats they're picking up are one strong regular one and a weaker one that could just be an echo. She's having a hard time with it, even mom and dad doesn't know."

There was more then that and he saw it in her face. "He could lose Kate couldn't he?"

She nodded, tears in her eyes. "Yes, he could. So it's a two edged sword. The baby could be fine and Kate pull through no problem, could be twins and not survive, could be twins that survive and he loses Kate. Too many damn things that could happen or might happen, I almost wish she hadn't told me."

No wonder she was looking so worn, with that on her head. It seemed like these past couple of weeks that Keni was as tired as her sister. He wished she had told him earlier. Kimber moved beside him and he saw her go and crawl onto Keni's lap, reaching up with her child's hand and touching her face. Not for attention or needs of her own, but for Keni.

Putting his coffee down, he slid out of bed and went to the door. "Hey Janie, can you come up here for a minute?"

She called back. "There in a minute. I'm on the phone with Gina and J.J."

He took a minute to use the bathroom then went back out to the bedroom. Keni was holding Kimber close now and he sat so he was behind her. Wrapping his arms around both of them, he was glad when her mom came in.

"What are you two up to, ready to take the rug rat home yet?" She was teasing them about the bet.

"No..." he shook his head. "Would you take Kimber for a few minutes? Keni and I need a few minutes alone."

"Sure, but if it only takes you a few minutes, then you need lessons kid." She took the baby down stairs and he drew Keni back against his chest even tighter.

"Its okay honey let it out, I'm right here and I ain't going anywhere until you get it all out."

She cried as he had never seen anyone cry before. All that had been happening finally taking its toll on her and her mind and body finally was realizing that she wasn't a full grown woman yet, that in her soft body was a little girl acting all grown up.

When she began to calm down, he stroked her hair and continued to hold her. When she tried to move away, he shook his head. "No, not yet, just let me hold you. That's what we both need right now."

"Harley what would I do without you?" Her lips moved over his arm.

"Hmm, let's hope you never decide to find out. But right now, we need to think about you for a time. I knew you were having a rough time honey, I just didn't know how to help you."