The Perfect Pussy Ch. 06

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Harley gets Shot.
3.9k words

Part 6 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/12/2008
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(Author's Note: As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my story and hope you enjoy it. I know I am not the perfect writer, but if you find something that will help me improve or have good or bad comments, please, let me know. Thanks!)


Hefting Kimber up on her hip, Keni walked out to the mail box and opened it. The usual pile greeted her, but it was the car parked across the road that caught her attention. She didn't need to see Waylon to know he was sitting there, watching her. He was wearing that damn, shit eating grin he wore every time she saw him these days and a shiver of fear ran down her spine. Turning on her heel, she went back up the walk to the house and heard him peel out as she went inside.

"He was there again?" Her mom Janie looked at her as she put Kimber down and handed Kate the stack of mail.

"Yeah, every day for the last three days like clockwork. I don't know if I should tell Harley or not. Last time he went to that gal's house and lost his temper." She knew he had tried to keep his cool, but Waylon was to the point of almost acting like he wanted his brothers to beat him senseless. Phone calls in the middle of the night that when answered were simply hang ups, more whiskey bottles found out by the big oak. "To be honest, I was thinking about calling Maggie and see if she feels up to us bringing Kimber back. I know she isn't feeling too good after delivering so early, but if he is up to something I don't want her daughter in the cross fire."

Kate spoke up softly. "Dean thinks you should call the sheriff Keni. This is as good as stalking in his way of thinking."

"Damn right it is." John James came in the kitchen with his son J.J. "Well, Gina is on her way home, got her to the airport in plenty of time. Damn, that is one long, hot drive."

Keni nodded. It was after Labor Day and life around the farm was moving into the harvest time mode. Dean and Harley were working twice as hard with Henry and their mom was getting ready to do her annual canning and getting ready for the winter ahead. She didn't know a woman more organized then Maggie Barnes, and it was fun to watch her order her grown sons and husband around like little boys. It did bother her to think that her brother would be leaving to go back to school soon, and her dad would be headed back to Portland until the baby was born. This, if they were lucky; would be anytime in the next month, that was if Kate didn't split like a watermelon first.

* * *

A knock on the door revealed Heather and Mike. They had been busy working with her folks and it was clear that they were exhausted. "Hey, can we hide out here for a while?" Heather giggled as she sat on the couch next to Kate. "Mike and I haven't had five minutes alone since we got here before Labor Day."

Keni laughed. "Like you can be anymore alone here, hey Mike..."

The tall, lanky Texan grinned. "Yeah, but you aren't constantly running on about guest lists and being ready for the wedding in November. Maggie is acting like we purposely set the date up three months just to vex her and mom."

"Didn't you?" Keni knew exactly why the wedding had been moved up and she wondered if two 21st century college students could be so careless without it being on purpose.

Mike and Heather exchanged glances, and Harley's sister had the good grace to blush. "It wasn't like we really planned it; we just sort of forgot to take the necessary precautions. She reached down and picked up Kimber. "Tell the truth I'm surprised you and Harley haven't been to the aisle already..."

She wasn't the only one; everyone was asking her why they hadn't done it yet. Even her folks had told her how good they looked together and how clear it was they loved each other so much. Keni did love him, though she knew some people might wonder if it wasn't more the sexual side of the relationship that excited her. He was an older man, the town bad boy, all the most exciting things young girls looked for. It wasn't that way with her. She had felt feelings for Harley back before she had been old enough to really know what she was feeling. From the first time she met him, he had been her hero, her knight in shining armor.

"I think Keni just has more on her mind right now then getting married." Her mom spoke up. "Harley just proves how good of a man he is by being so patient and not trying to drag her to the preacher like her dad did me. The day we met, he told me he was going to marry me and I had six months to plan the wedding or he was taking me to Vegas and the Elvis chapel they have there."

Heather looked at Janie James with wide eyes. "You're kidding..."

"No, she's not, I meant every word of it and six months later, we were on our way to Vegas. She thought I was joking, but I wasn't." John perched on the edge of the chair his wife was sitting in. "She was so angry at me, the night I kidnapped her, she had a date with a big shot from where she worked, and she was so mad because it was a chance at a big promotion. I asked her which was more important, me or a job promotion?"

Kate, Keni and J.J. all answered the same time their mom did. "A job promotion..."

They all laughed and Kimber yawned. Getting off Heather's lap, she went to Keni and held out her arms. Keni picked her up and laid her down on the blanket to rest. She was going to hate it when the little girl went home but she understood that the premature birth of Maggie and Scooter's son had taken a hard toll on her friend and had extended the visit. As it was, Maggie had been told no more, ever.

"You need to have a baby Keni..." Kate spoke softly.

"Not for a couple years. Harley and I want kids, but not for a while."

Her sister smiled. "You know, there are times I forget you're the younger sister Keni, you seem to have your priorities firmly in mind and you don't deter from them. You've always been that way, more so then me and J.J."

It was true, and Keni knew it, her grandmother had once told her that she had been born with an old soul; that she had been born with her future firmly in place and no one would ever keep her from it. Like Harley, she had known him as her future from day one. She just hadn't expected him to want her in his as well.

* * *

As if on cue, Harley, Dean and Scooter came in the back door into the living room. The two brothers looked at Heather and Mike and gave the same grin. "So this is where you're hiding at, mom is looking all over for you two. We strongly suggest you get home right away, or she may become a fire breathing dragon." Dean bent over to kiss his wife after delivering this speech. "Now, they have been warned. I need a shower, back down in a few..."

Keni watched as Harley came over and lowered himself to the floor beside her. "You two are done early."

Scooter squatted down next to Harley. "Business is slow, so how my baby girl doing, behaving for you two?"

She nodded. "Yeah, how is Maggie doing?"

"Much better, she's hoping the doctor will release her to do some real work around the house this next appointment. She wants to give it a good cleaning before Kimber and Matt come home. You two must be ready to give her back by now."

Harley chuckled. "Are you kidding, you might have a fight on your hands when you come to get her. And not just from me and Keni. That baby is getting totally spoiled around here. We've loved having her."

It was a sentiment echoed by the others in the room and Scooter grinned. "Just remember whose daughter she is Harley, you got a woman you can have your own with." He reached out and stroked his daughter's head. "You know, when Maggie told me she was pregnant, I wasn't sure I was ready to be a father, or that I ever wanted to be one. But then she lost that one, and I felt worse then she did. I mean she was devastated, but I felt like my whole world had fallen apart." He smiled softly. "I thought it was my fault somehow, but in the end, we had Matt and then Kimber and now we got Todd. And I would not give any of them up for all the money in the world. There is nothing better in my mind then coming in from working and finding my wife and children waiting for me. Pretty good for a guy who used to think the biggest thing in life was fast cars and trying to kill myself racing before I was twenty one." He chuckled heartily. "My god Harley, we actually grew up. What the hell happened to us, didn't we swear that was something we would never do?"

Keni saw Harley look at her before answering. "Yeah, but I'm glad we did." Bending over he kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek. Then a new look entered his eyes and he got to his feet. "Take care of your daughter for a few Scooter; I need to talk to Keni alone for a few..."

* * *

Keni followed him out on the front porch and knew something was wrong. "What's up Harley?"

He was angry, she saw it now. "Why the hell didn't you tell me that Waylon has been coming around and parking across the road? That he waits until you go out to get the mail, and then drives off?"

"Dean told you?" She frowned.

"Yeah, he figured I should know, what I want to know is why the hell you didn't tell me. Damn it Keni, you know I don't want him in ten miles of you and here you been hiding this from me." He was losing his temper, and he was starting to yell. "He is out of control Keni, I got the word he's put two girls in the hospital just this last week after he lost control!!!"

She knew about that as well as he did. "What was I suppose to say, that he's coming around and parking off the property? Damn it Harley, you and Dean got enough to worry about around here, and the closer it gets to Kate's due date, the more stressed it gets! And what would you have done if I did tell you, gone back to where he's staying and beat him up again?"

"Well, at least it's better than doing nothing at all. Damn it Keni, the last thing I need is to find out he hurt you or Kate while I wasn't here to watch after you!" Reaching out, he pulled her to him roughly. "God honey, if he did anything to hurt you or Kate, I couldn't control myself and I admit it, I just might kill him without regrets."

She shivered from the tone in his voice. "Which is exactly why I haven't told you Harley, I know what you're capable of, I know better then anyone else. But damn it Harley, I don't want you going back to prison for the likes of him."

Reaching up, Harley stroked her face and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "I know baby, but it scares me to death to think of him maybe getting his greasy hands on you, or Kate, and to tell you the truth, I don't think he would care which of you it was these days. He's determined to get even with Dean and me for something and he doesn't care who knows it, least of all me and Dean." He kissed her mouth softly, and then increased the pressure of his lips. As his tongue slipped past her lips, she parted her lips and accepted his search of her mouth. When he drew back he was breathing heavily. "Promise me baby; promise you will tell me if he comes near here again."

She nodded reluctantly. "Just promise me that you won't get physical Harley, which is my one fear, that you will start and you won't be able to stop. I couldn't bare it if you got locked up again. I've waited for you for so long."

"God honey, I been waiting for you, and going back to that hell hole is the last thing I want now that you've invaded my life, and my blood." He ran his hands down along her back. "Keni, you're my life now, I won't let anyone take that away from me."

Keni felt his desire and her own answered it as he pressed closer to her. She barely heard the rifle go off or the squeal of tires. Instead, she heard Harley's grunt of pain and the feel of blood splatter on her face. "Harley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The world began to turn in slow motion, she could feel him start to go down, hear her voice call for help, hear the rush of people who came and helped him down while pulling her away. Her eyes took in the spreading blood that soaked his worn work shirt and her mom taking over as someone rushed to call 911. Her dad held her tight against his chest, and Scooter was trying to calm his crying child. Her mind looked at the laughing little girl and shook her head. No, this wasn't happening, this wasn't happening. It couldn't be. She drifted in and out of reality as she heard sirens, the voices of Harley's parents, a man asking her what happened, able to focus on the authority in it, she saw the sheriff and let her mind go into the darkness it had been searching for.

* * *

When she woke, she was on the couch and the room was too quiet. Memories flooded over her and she sat up suddenly. It was dark out now and the smell of a cigarette burning in the darkness told her she wasn't alone. "Harley...!" Keni sat up suddenly as memory flooded over her.

"Its okay honey, he's fine, he's in the hospital. Henry and Maggie are with him." Her dad sounded tired, as if he wasn't ready for this anymore then she was. "Kate is there too, she went into labor when you passed out, so your mom is there and Dean. J.J. is sleeping up in the room mom and I are using..."

"I need to go to the hospital..."

"No, you don't, not until morning, and don't give me any grief girl. Do you know how close that maniac came to your skull? Not more then two inches. If you or Harley had moved just an inch to the right, it would be you, and I hate to think of you lying on a morgue slab instead of Harley in a hospital bed."

"Daddy, it's not Harley's fault..."

"No, it's not, but that doesn't help me feel any less angry. I want you to come home with me, not for good, but just until the local law can do something to protect you. Today just proved how serious this has gotten and I won't sit by and see you hurt by that man any more."

Keni shook her head. "No, I won't run from him. What happened to Harley?"

"He has a shattered collar bone and the bullet went through, so it was high powered. Thankfully Heather, Mike and Kate were all down low enough that when it hit the wall they weren't hurt. Dean was up and running the minute we heard the shot. Dammit Keni, you need to come home..."

"No, I need to be with Harley dad, I've needed to be with him for a long time."

"Are you sure this isn't just the sex Keni, the lust is what you feel for him?"

That made her smile. "No dad, it isn't lust. I may not be what most people consider an adult, but what I feel for Harley is what you feel for mom, what Dean feels for Kate, or J.J. feels for Gina. It's the same love I have seen in all your faces over the years, and I won't be pulled away from that love just because some man is jealous of his brothers."

"Even if Harley sent you away...?"

"I won't go dad, even then. I won't be a coward; you didn't raise me that way. Let me ask you this, would mom leave you if this was happening to the two of you? Would Kate leave Dean, or Maggie leave Henry? A woman stands by the man she loves dad. Just like that man stands by her. If you don't, then you don't love each other very much."

Her dad began to chuckle. "I told Harley you'd say that. He was all for us taking you home while he took care of this. But I told him I'd have better luck kissing a man eating shark then convince you to leave him now. Get your shoes on, I'll take you to the hospital, he wanted to see you as soon as you woke up."

* * *

Keni did as her dad said and a few minutes later she was beside Harley's bed, holding his hand and looking at him. Henry and Maggie had hugged her and checked her over as soon as she arrived and once satisfied that she was fine, had told her the sheriff wanted to talk to her in the morning then left the room. His shoulder was in a cast, and he looked paler then usual, but from what she could see he was alive and breathing. Sitting in the chair, she debated over waking him, knowing that he was on pain medication, but in the end he opened his eyes and she saw his sleepy smile.

"Hey, you're here." He licked his lips.

"Where else would I be, turning tail and running?"

That made him smile. "John talked to you huh? I had to try baby, I didn't want to, but I had to try."

"I know, but you're stuck with me Harley, better or worse. I just won't agree to obey..." She wanted to cry, but didn't. "So how long I got to sleep alone?"

"Just tonight, they want to keep me for observation. Too damn quiet around here anyway, hey any word on Kate yet...? We rode together in the ambulance, but I been out pretty much since."

That gave her a reason to smile. "Mom told us as soon as we got here, twins, a boy and a girl. Babies and momma are doing fine. They named the boy John Henry and the girl Maggie Jane. Maggie is a little underweight, but John is a good six pounds seven ounces. So they'll be here a few days, just until Maggie gains some weight."

"Hmmm, been an eventful day. We have a fight, I get shot, and your sister has twins, damn what next?" He moved a little and she saw the flash of pain in his eyes.

That made Keni giggle even if she wasn't sure why she did it. "The movie ends and we all go home?"

He grinned. "Do you know this is the first time we been totally alone in the last four weeks? Why don't you come lay down by me and let me cuddle you?"

"I'm not sure that is allowed under hospital rules..."

"Ask me if I give a damn, come on honey, I need to feel you beside me. Now get your ass on this bed and snuggle up to me." He took on that bossy tone that she hated at times. With a sigh, she did as he asked, settling on his left shoulder and putting her arm across his stomach. "Much better, I'd ask you to massage my aching hard on, but I won't push our luck." He nuzzled her hair. "God baby, I was so scared when I woke up. I was scared he had hurt you too. Then mom told me you had passed out and was at home with your dad. I can't begin to describe the relief I felt. It was him you know, I know it deep in my gut."

Keni knew it too. "I need to talk to the sheriff...I'm sorry I didn't tell you Harley, I should have, but I was scared you'd do something crazy."

"I almost did, Dean had a hard time calming me down. I just wanted to go settle this once and for all. I feel that even more now, that this has to end, one way or another."

"You aren't doing anything until you get better, you got a shattered collar bone remember?" She was feeling relaxed now, and sleepy. "I should let you rest, go home and get cleaned up then come get you in the morning."

"The hell you are, you're staying right here with me. I've gotten damn used to you being beside me in the night, and I ain't letting this place change that...Now you just stay where you are."

She nodded and drifted off to sleep, never noticing when his dad came in and raised the side rail behind her. She never saw Harley's silent thank you or heard Henry explain to the nurse not to risk his wrath by making her leave.

"That girl is the medicine my son needs right now Patty Ann, and you'll just have to forget the rules for tonight."

The nurse, an older woman who had known Henry and Maggie back in school nodded. She had to smile though as she thought of the two of them in that little bed. It reminded her of when her own husband had been in after he fell off the tractor and fractured his leg. Even in traction, he had demanded she spend the night with him. Damn, the men around here were bossy and demanding, but she wouldn't trade one of them.

Going back to her station at the nurse's desk, she took a drink of her coffee. Not that she would let Harley leave without reminding him of the hospital rules, that boy was too damn cocky by far, and the woman in his bed was just what he had always needed. There wasn't a woman or man in town who hadn't noticed the change in him since she had arrived, and not a one of them could say one thing wrong with it.

To Be Continued...

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GAnnEGAnnEabout 16 years ago
Good things happen from troubled beginnings

Interesting people whether good or bad characters --and the

lives they lead sure are NOT boring! Looking forward to

Ch. 7.

pshelferpshelferabout 16 years ago
liking this story a lot

The story and the writing are both getting better as it moves along. You can definitely tell the difference if you read the first chapter then this one, very much improved. Keep up the work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Love the story

and love your writing. Cannot wait to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Love IT!!!!

I love this story I can't wait to read more and see what happens.

dupage10dupage10about 16 years ago
Looking for next chapter!!

Waiting for the next chapter! Need to know what happens next! Nice character development and definitely holds the readers interest. Keep the good work coming!

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