The Perfect Pussy Ch. 10

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The beginning of the end, and a revelation.
4.4k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/12/2008
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Author's Note: I want to thank everyone who responded to the Review Essay submission I made about how to end The Perfect Pussy, both on the site and through Feedback. To be honest, it was a mixed bag so I did some writing and doodling and tried a bunch of idea, what I came up with can be found in this and in the What If I wrote called Mistaken Identity. I hope it answers questions and I promise, there will be more adventures of the Barnes, and James Families, not to mention a few folks from the town of Crossroads, Oklahoma.

As I was pondering what to do about the tales from here on out, I also came up with an idea of another series of stories called the Crossroads Chronicles. This will be the first in them, but expect one set in Oregon soon. Sorry to say none of them will feature any of the Characters from this series, or then again, maybe they will...who knows...because I sure don't...

Peace darkstone57.



Keni walked around the small house and tried to imagine it as a home. It wasn't hard, small but nicely cozy. In time it could be expanded into something larger and more family oriented, but for her and Harley for now, it would be perfect. The bedroom was nice and bright in the October sunshine and she liked the view of the trees and the sound of the creek a few yards away. She could hear Harley talking to his uncle Fred and discussing what kind of arrangements they could make as far as rent went. He and Scooter's business was picking up and they had the rest of her college fund to take them through the winter.

"Hey Keni, come here a minute honey...Uncle Fred has a deal for us to consider..." Harley called to her from the living room.

She left the bedroom and went out to where Fred Barnes and his wife Andromeda were standing. Keni liked the older couple and both had welcomed her warmly into the family. "What's up?"

Fred smiled at her. "We want to give you and Harley the house as a wedding present. It's just been sitting empty for almost three years now, and the land isn't worth much, so we talked it over last night and decided what better present for a young couple starting out. Plus, we like what you've done to our nephew here. He's become quite a man since you arrived."

Keni wished people would stop telling her how much she had changed Harley, she didn't want him to change, and she loved him as he was. True he did do some things different, but she was sure he would have done it even if she hadn't come here. Everyone had to grow up sometime. "I haven't done anything that he wouldn't have done himself in time..."

Harley pulled her close. "You really believe that much in me honey?"

"Yes, I always have..." She leaned into him and looked at his aunt and uncle. "The house is wonderful, but are you sure you want to just give it to us...I mean this is part of your land, your past..."

Andromeda smiled. "We're sure Keni, our kids are all grown up now, and none of them ever had the affection for this old place that Fred and I did. I always felt this was a special place for us, we want it to be a special place for you two now..."

Keni didn't bother to tell Harley's aunt that in a way it already was. That creek, and those trees, on the other side was where the two of them often came to be totally alone, to park and make love or talk. "Then all we can say is yes, and thank you so much..." On impulse, she hugged the two older people. "I know Harley and I will always be happy here."

Fred shook his nephew's hand. "I hope you are. Well, we'll go get the paper work started, and let you two get to know your first home. Come on Andi, how about we leave these two young people alone?"

They left and Harley pulled her close as he swung her alone. "Our own home Keni, a real home for us, I almost fell over when Fred told us he was just going to give it to us." He bent his head and kissed her long and hard. "Our own house baby, it's like a dream come true..."

It was and Keni saw the happiness in his eyes. She felt a little over whelmed by it, but then she had so much to do before New Years Eve. Thank goodness Kate was up and moving now. And Maggie was being a big help. She could already feel her mind going into over drive again, thinking about new paint and what needed to be done before they could move in. Dean's new job at the lumber yard would help, he got an employee discount.

All the way back to Kate's Harley talked about what needed to be done and what they would need to buy before moving in, he was sure Scooter and Dean would be willing to come help him on the weekends to paint and make repairs, and the shopping for furniture and things they would would mean another money transfer, but Keni knew her folks wouldn't mind, after all the wedding would be fairly inexpensive and...

Her thoughts passed away as she saw the sheriff's car at Marge and Henry's. As Harley stopped, Heather and Mike came out to meet them. Heather was crying and Mike looked angrier then she had ever seen him. "We been keeping an eye out for you...I think the two of you better come on in...we wanted to catch you before you went on home to Kate's..."

Marge and Henry were both pale and it was clear that like Heather, they had been crying. The sheriff nodded as they came in. "We just got news from Idaho. Harley, you and Keni better sit isn't good."

"Way...?" Harley looked steeled for the worse but not for what the sheriff told him, or showed him.

"The boy was Randall Mason, a hunter found him while headed up into the mountains. Stabbed in the side and his throat was cut. He'd been missing two days before then. The police found Anita's car about twenty miles from there, abandon, they think that Waylon hitched a ride with the boy and his girlfriend, Shelly, both students at the college in Caldwell. They were on their way up to McCall to spend the weekend with his family. She's missing..." He opened a folder and pulled a picture out. It was a young woman, who in a remote way resembled Keni. "This is Shelly...

Keni shivered as she looked at the girl, she was pretty, and bright eyed. "They think Waylon has her don't they?"

"I'm afraid so Keni, and the problem is, she's not the first one to disappear in that area. The police in Montana have reported a girl matching your description went missing a week ago, still no sign of her. Her folks told the police there that she was dating a man who fits Waylon's description...but there's a problem..."

Keni gave a nervous giggle. "So what else is news? What's wrong now Sheriff Jones..."

"The finger prints they found in Anita's car don't match Waylon's..."

The room went silent at this new turn of events. It was Harley, who spoke next, in a soft voice. "What are you saying Sheriff...if they're not Waylon's, then who...?"

The Sheriff looked at her lover and his eyes turned concerned. "Harley, do you, or did you know a man named Max Connors?"

Keni saw Harley give a start..."sure he was my cell mate for a while at the farm. He got out about two years before I did. You don't mean to say...?"

"What I mean to say is this, according to the finger prints in Anita's car, the past person known to have driven it is a man named Max Connor. I pulled his description, he matches Waylon pretty close doesn't he...?"

Harley nodded. "Yeah, he does, gave me a start when I met him, thought it was a joke at first. That Waylon had set it up, but the more I spent time with him...that man is sick big time, worse then Waylon ever could be...Sheriff Jones, you don't think..."

"To be honest, I don't know what I'm thinking...All I know is we got Waylon, who no one has seen or heard from in weeks, and was believed to be last seen driving Anita's car up near Tulsa. We got a missing girl in Montana who was last seen dating a man who resembles Waylon, and we got a dead boy in Idaho who was last seen with a girl who resembles Keni and who is now missing, and finger prints of a convicted murderer who knew you in prison in Anita's car where they shouldn't have been..."

Keni swallowed hard as a strange sensation ran through her. "Harley, what if none of it was Waylon, I mean all I ever really got was a glimpse of the man sitting across the road, and what if it wasn't Way who shot you..." She shivered. "Could this Max Connor hate you so much for something that he would use his resemblance to your brother to do it...?"

Harley shivered and nodded. "Yeah, he would Keni, he hated me right up to the day he left, and by then he had been put in another cell..." It was clear he had no desire to talk about what happened to him and his relationship with Max Connor. "But if it wasn't Waylon, where is he, and why doesn't he come home? And didn't Anita say that it was Waylon who stole her car and money...?"

Sheriff Jones shook his head. "She was so upset the day she came in, I never could make heads or tails of what she was saying. Her mom came down and took her back to Tulsa for a while; she should be back in a week or two. Mean time, I think we should be looking for Waylon as much as the others are looking for this Max Connor..." His old eyes looked at Harley, "I don't suppose you'd care to tell me why this Max Connor hates you so much Harley..."

Harley shook his head. "No, I wouldn't, lets just say that I thought it was over the day he walked out of the farm..." He reached out and Keni found him holding her tighter then he had ever felt him hold her before. She felt too how badly he was shaking and the look in his eyes was one of a hunted animal. Running her hands over his back, she had a suspicion of what had happened but decided to wait for later before asking...

* * *

She woke suddenly, the thrashing body beside her sweat covered and the sounds coming from his throat were grunts and groans but they sounded as if he was in pain. When she moved closer to him, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. Running her hand over his forehead, she pushed back sweat coated hair and wrapped her own arm around his shoulders. "What happened to you Harley? I've never seen you like this before, and I'm scared to death...What did Max Connor do to you, or try to do...?" Keni kissed his shoulder as she spoke to him softly. "I'm here Harley, just hang on to me...I'm here and I won't ever leave you..."

That seemed to help him, but it wasn't until the sun began to rise that she saw how pale he was and how the dreams had taken a lot out of him. He was in no shape to go to work today, and while he slept she went down and left a message on Scooter's phone that Harley was sick and would not be in. Waiting while the coffee worked its way through the machine, she nibbled at her thumb nail and knew what she needed to do, she had to get Harley to tell him what had happened, and to reassure him that no matter what, it was past and over and she was not going to let it change how their relationship was.

It took her seven days, the same it took the gods to create the heavens and the earth. Seven days of nightmares before he was beaten down, and tired of her worried looks enough to look at her after he came home from work and give Keni a weak smile. "Lets for a drive babe, I want to take some measurements over at the house."

During the drive, she sat close to him, and rested her hand on his leg. When he put his arm around her shoulders, her head went to rest on his shoulder, while her arm went across his waist. She trusted his driving while they were like this and as usual, he got them safely to their new home. He did his measurements and she knew he was planning on taking that dining table his mom had said they should have.

"I want to double check those windows in the bedroom too, come on..." He held out his hand and drew her down the hall. The room was bare, but that didn't stop him from finding a place for them to sit so his back was against the wall and she was leaning back against him as he wrapped his arms around her. For a while they just sat in silence, until she heard his lighter click and smelled the whiskey soaked thin cigar he smoked occasionally.

"We are going to be happy here Keni, you and me and the kids we have. It'll mean putting in a staircase and adding another floor, but this will be a fine, big house before we're done. I told myself a while back that I wanted to give you a house just as good as the one Dean and Kate have...this will be that house."

"Yes it will; it is a wonderful house for us, and our place is here too, so that makes it even better..." She smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Any place with you would be perfect Harley, but this will be even better...our own house..."

"You know how much I love you don't you Keni, nothing will ever change that...I'm just afraid..."

Keni didn't need to ask what he was afraid of. Instead, she told him. "Are you afraid I won't love or respect you any more for what happened?"

He chuckled, "why are you always one step ahead of me darlin'? You got a good idea what he did to me don't you?" She nodded. "It was late at night, and I know he had help, I was just never able to prove it. All I knew was I woke up half off my bunk and my knees were on the floor. Someone was tying my hands to my bunk and he was behind me...god, I never felt so helpless in my life honey, no matter how hard I tried to fight, he wouldn't let me. I got a lot of bruises and cuts by the end of it. It happened for a week solid before I got the chance to even start to pay him back. But when I did, the guards took him out before I killed him and believe me, I damn near did. He was a brave sucker as long as he had help, but on his own he was a damn coward. He had plenty of friends though, and I did a lot more fighting there then I ever did back home. Why I ain't so pretty anymore..."

Keni smiled. "I think you are still the best looking man I know. Harley, you could be ugly as sin and I would still love your looks..." She shifted so she could wrap her arms around him. "I still love you beyond words..." Lifting her head, she kissed him long and hard, and then let him take over. When they separated she watched as he put out the cigar. "Harley..."

"This floor is filthy, but I need you so much honey, I think right now I need you more then I could ever begin to tell you..." Taking off his jacket, he put it down and laid her back on the hardwood floor. As he moved over her, she felt him open her legs and push her skirt up to her waist. "I love it when you wear those skirts you like." His eyes moved up and down her body, and as he saw what she had waiting for him, he smiled. "You knew you little minx, you knew what I had in mind, didn't you...?" He ran his hand over her bare lower body. His thumbs slipped down and spread her lower lips. "You're so hot and ready for're proof to me that I am still myself loved one. I was so scared when it happened that I was going to be changed some how. That it would make me less then what I was."

"You're still the same man Harley; you wouldn't be looking at me like you are if you weren't..." She reached up and drew his head down to what they both wanted. "Do it, you know we want it. Please Harley, do it for yourself and do it for your nasty girl..."

He grinned. "Oh honey, I never heard a sweeter invitation. You do make me so hungry..."

With no one near to hear, Keni let her feeling out loud and clear. He was no better when he finally slipped inside her and began to thrust in and out roughly. "Oh yeah, Harley, you know what I like, what I need...fuck me Harley, fuck you perfect pussy and make her cum..."

"I am and you will...oh lord honey, you are going to be cumming so much that it will be dripping out of you for weeks..." He groaned as he bent down and shoved his tongue into her mouth. Keni wrapped her arms around him and lifted her legs to lock around his waist. "I never get enough of you baby, my sweet sugar. When we're like this, I want to go crazy; to never stop...I want to make it like the first time over and over..."

Keni agreed with him, but to her each time was like the first time. She loved how he felt and how he pounded in and out of her while he gripped her ass and looked down at her with his hungry dark looks. She began to open her shirt and he ran his tongue over his lips.

"Yes baby, show me those beautiful tits. Rub and play with them the way I do. Get your nipples all hard and ready for my mouth, I love the taste of them..."

When he began to suck at her breasts, she ran her fingers through his hair and over his face. She had learned what turned him on the most and he knew every button to push with her. They were two sides of the same coin, soul mates. As she felt her body prepare to let loose, she moaned and gripped his shoulders as it crashed over her. At the same time, he began to shoot off inside her and she knew there would be no more nightmares....

* * *

Keni watched as Sheriff Jones gave her the file folder that she was taking to Dallas with her. "Now you understand Keni, you and Harley are acting deputies, and Judge Roberts is giving you all the power me or Kenny have got, so you go to Dallas, talk to Waylon, and see if what this woman told you is true, in the meantime I will contact Tulsa, Montana, and Idaho. But we are going to need proof, what ever legal papers you can get, and serve this warrant on Way as soon as you get there or as soon as you can, okay..."

Keni smiled. "Hey, I watch cop shows. If what she told me is true, then I feel a whole lot better..."

"Do you, believe her I mean...?"

Keni considered the phone call that had woke the household near 3 AM that morning, a phone call that made this trip necessary. She had no idea who Noreen Wilson was, but if what she had said was true, then it was a time to rejoice. "Yes I do Sheriff, there was something in her voice, she didn't sound scared or like someone was forcing her to say it. And Harley told me the other day why this Max Connor hates him so bad..."

"Hard to think of even a man like Harley being abused isn't it? Oh don't tell him I know, but I've met a lot of ex-cons in my life. And when Harley came back to town, he wasn't the same boy I've watched grow up. He was out to prove something to himself, and he went through a lot of women while he was doing it...that told me a lot...then you blew into his life..."

A deep sigh escaped Keni. "Would you please not tell me how much I changed him...? I hate that anymore, he didn't change because of me...he changed because he wanted to."

"But you're the reason he wanted to Keni, and that is the best part. Now you two get your butts on the road." He put his arm across her shoulder as they went out into the front of the station. "Harley, you drive careful and try not to piss off every cop between here and Dallas okay?"

Harley grinned. "I'll try...we'll call when we get there, let you know what we find out. It still feels funny, you handing me a badge..."

"Then you can imagine how it felt handing it to you. Do our little town proud Harley, we ain't much on the map, but we do have our pride..."

That was the truth, maybe that was what she liked about this town, and the people were full of pride, both in themselves and in the surrounding community. They believed in the town and in the people and for one of their own to be accused of all that had happened, well, they wanted it resolved. If they could get Waylon to come back, to prove that he wasn't the monster running free out there, then this trip was more then worth it. She knew both Maggie and Henry wouldn't have such hang dog looks and feel ashamed to go about like they have lately. God, please let that woman be telling the truth, that Waylon had been in Dallas since shortly after labor day and that it hadn't been him who shot Harley or hurt all those people, destroyed all those lives. And gods help Max Connor if he came back here; she would put a bullet between his eyes herself.