The Perfect Pussy Ch. 14

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The final chapter.
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Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/12/2008
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Author's note: See end of story, but no peeking until you read through it okay?


Max Connor was dead. The thought ran through Harley's mind as he sat back in the chair beside the hospital bed and watched Keni sleep. Max was dead and now all he had to worry about was the woman who lay sleeping beside him. It had been three weeks that she had lain here, wired to all kinds of machines and little more then a sleeping child.

No one knew what had happened in that cabin except her, and to be honest, no one really cared. Even the FBI had the attitude that the case was closed. He was glad that everyone felt that way, because he sure didn't. He wouldn't feel like it was over until she woke up and told him she loved him. God, he wanted her to wake up in the worse way, he missed her something awful. Nothing else mattered to him but having her back as she had been. Smiling, laughing, loving him.

"I talked to your mom today, her and your dad are doing okay, they'll be back in a week or so, after they take care of the house and do the things they want to do. Janie figures they can move into the old Harrison place around the middle of March, that's when the repairs will be done. And our place is all ready, just waiting for you to come home."

He talked as if she could hear him, which the doctor's said she might. It was hard to tell, because except for her sleeping her body was just going on like it did when she was awake. A guy from the FBI said she was probably suffering from PTSS. Some kind of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. He had heard of it, it was what the soldiers suffered when they came home from war.

"I'm hoping you can hear me baby, because if you can I want you to know how bad I want you to wake up and come back to me. I don't care what happened in that cabin, all I care about is having my Keni back. I can't handle much out here without you. I know you said I was strong, but I'm not, I am the weakest man in the world without you baby, you and our Kenley. Janie and mom said that was a funny name for a girl but I think it's beautiful. Kenley, both our names, because she's both of us." Reaching out, he ran his hand over her stomach. "Doctors said the baby is fine, growing just the way she should be. We were all pretty worried when he took you out of the church, but then we found where you were, and I knew you were alive. That was and is all I care about baby. Just the idea that you and the baby are okay."

He felt the tears running down his cheeks and a soft whisper caught his ears. "You always do talk too much Harley, I'd much rather you play Prince Charming and kiss me awake." Keni gave a soft giggle. "Think you can manage that?"

Harley grinned. "That and a whole lot more babe." He almost jumped from the chair to the bed and bent his head to kiss her gently. "How long you been awake?"

"I been drifting in and out for a while. How long has it been since...?" She stopped and swallowed hard. "Since he died?"

"Three weeks, doctors think you went into some kind of shock. You were pretty beat up, and all..." He still felt anger over the bruises and abuse she had suffered at Max's hands. "Its' all over and done with, as far as the FBI and everyone is concerned, the case is closed."

She looked surprised at that. "But it's not, aren't I going to jail or something?"

Harley grinned. "Why baby, why would you ask that?"

A far away look entered her eyes. "I killed him Harley, I shot him and left him for dead in a burning cabin."

Harley felt surprised but relieved too. "No one cares how he died Keni, only that he's dead. I think if people knew that you had been the one to shoot him, you'd probably get a medal." It was true, and he had a good idea that the rest of the world suspected the truth as it was. It had been her 9mm that was found in the remains of the fire, and while it had been in his hand, and the evidence all pointed to suicide, there were probably few who believed it.

Her face took on a relaxed demeanor. "Then it is over..." She began to cry and Harley held her close until long after the tears had stopped. "I was so scared Harley, so damn scared. He kept telling me he was going to kill me, kill our baby. He made me beg for it's life. All I could think was that he had to die, he had to be put down like a rabid dog."

"Hey, it's done and over, we can go home now, you married me before all of it came down remember?" The small wedding in the small church in town had been just what they wanted. He didn't remember a lot of it because all he had seen was his woman in a dress that made her look like an angel.

She nodded. "Hell of a way to start a honeymoon huh?" Looking around the room, she sighed. "How soon can you get me the hell out of here?"

A chuckle from the doorway made them both look up. "Just as soon as your tests come back and we know you and the baby are okay." The Oklahoma City doctor grinned at them. "You've been taking up bed space we can use, but that was one hell of a long nap." He walked over to the bed and held out his hand to both her and Harley. "Glad to see you Keni, and glad to tell you that except for the few bruises and bumps that man gave you, you're fine."

Keni nodded. "So how long before I can go home?"

"Give me a couple hours. Meantime, you must be hungry. Both of you..." He cast a glance in Harley's direction.

Harley saw his wife look at him as well, and saw the worry in her eyes. Running his hand over her face, he shook his head. "Yell at me later babe, right now I am just glad as hell you're awake."

* * *

Keni nodded. She was too, but she didn't like how exhausted Harley looked. He was pale and haggard through the face, and he looked as if he hadn't slept in days. "How long you been here babe?"

The doctor looked at her as he did her blood pressure and pulse. "He hasn't left since they brought you in. From what I hear, he almost knocked out the pilot of the helicopter that flew you in from Tulsa."

Harley frowned. "He said I wasn't allowed. Just showed him I was, that's all, no physical damage."

She shook her head. Well, he was never really going to change, she felt sorry for their daughters when they were old enough to date, he was going to scare hell out of their boyfriends. Once a nurse brought in food for both of them, she listened while he told her about the other people she had worried about. Mainly about the girl from Idaho that she had exchanged for herself.

"She'll be in therapy for a long time. He never laid a hand on her sexually, but he sure scared hell out of her most of the time. Her mom and dad been calling at least once a day to see how you are. She wants to thank you once you get better. Waylon and Noreen, they're talking about getting married this coming summer. The girls, they keep asking for their aunt Keni and asking when you're coming home."

That made her smile. "Did I hear you say that mom and dad are coming to Crossroads to live?"

Harley nodded. "To quote your dad, "with you and Katie here, and all, it made no sense to them to live all the way in Oregon and someone had to keep an eye on you when I was at work." I also got the idea that they want to be around to watch their grandchildren grow up. So they are buying up the old Harrison place and turning it into a farm again."

As she listened to his voice, Keni found she was able to push away the other one. She didn't want to remember the other one. The one who hated her husband beyond words, and hadn't been above using anyone to make him pay for imagined crimes. She hoped in time it would all fade away, but she had her doubts that it would ever really go away. Shivering, she knew that right now, she wanted to go home, she wanted to start her life as Harley's wife, with her own home and a future ahead of them...

Feeling a work roughened hand on her face, she looked into Harley's ice blue eyes. He smiled softly and his thumb traced the line of her lips. "We'll be going home soon hon, you just need to rest and take care of you and our daughter."

* * *

It was still a couple days before the doctors pronounced her fit to go home, and when she left, she was glad to see that it was just her and Harley she had to deal with. Her folks had called, and Waylon and Noreen had brought the girls to the hospital to see her, but most of the folks from Crossroads had simply called or sent flowers. Even the hospital florist had said she had never gotten so many orders from one place in her entire memory. Of all of them, Keni found her favorite to be the single red rose Harley had given her over dinner the first night she had been fully awake.

Like the hospital in Crossroads, there were rules about two people occupying a hospital bed, but no one seemed willing to argue with Harley when he told them that they would have to call the cops to get him away from her now that she was awake. Keni suspected that part of her reason for sleeping so long was simply a need to get ready for being back with him.

She had been visited by the local office of the FBI, but they never asked what happened in the cabin, and as the days had passed, she wasn't sure she could have told them the story anyway. Even her own memories of it were becoming foggier and foggier. Harley asked if she minded and after thinking about it, knew that she was almost glad they had decided to hide away.

The house that would be her new home was brightly lit and decorated with banners and pictures as they pulled up in the drive way. It was also oddly quiet and when she looked at Harley, he grinned. "I told everyone we would be home tomorrow, I figured you could use a night getting used to the place before you get over run with visitors."

It was clear that her mother and Maggie had been hard at work decorating and when she saw the lamp, she shook her head. "Oh no way, there is no way I am having that damn ugly thing in my home. My mother has been trying for thirty plus years to get rid of it..."

"So I hear. I thought it was interesting..." His voice sounded doubtful.

Keni looked at the tall, green glass encased table lamp. Encrusted with seashells and odd bits of colored glass, it stood out with it's lime green lamp shade that revolved with scenes of under water life. "Fine, then you take it to work with you and put it in your office. Do you know how many times mom and dad both tried to break that damn thing, and not just them. Dad offered twenty bucks to any of our friends who could break it and make it look like an accident. I don't know what the hell they made it out of, but if I had my gun right now, I would shoot that damn thing. Think maybe Buck would like it for target practice?"

Harley laughed as he hugged her tight and Keni melted into his arms. "Oh honey, I have missed you something fierce. I was so scared when he took you out of the church..." He swallowed hard. "Why did it have to be you?"

Keni had wondered when he would ask that question. There were others who could have done it, trained people who knew how to deal with men like Max. But even as the FBI had suggested different plans, she had known it had to be her. "It had to be either you or me, and I didn't want it to be you. So I volunteered. They had a tracking device on me Harley, and I knew you would find me. After all, you been my white knight since I was ten years old..."

Running his hand over her face, he nodded. "Well, right now, I am not feeling so much like a white knight as I am a husband deprived of a honeymoon, and a wedding night. Would you like to see your new bedroom wife of mine, or should we just use the couch?"

Keni was already one step ahead of him. At the bedroom door, she stopped short, and stared into the room at the back of the house. "Harley..." She could barely speak his name. "When...did you?"

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "I took care of it when we were in Oklahoma City. I thought this bed would be better and I knew what colors you wanted, and you had already said how you wanted it set up. Remember, your mom was scandalized when you told her you wanted red and black panels of silk hanging down from the center of the room like a tent, and how you wanted the bed to be big and open and all of that...?"

"Yes, but..." Keni giggled as she looked into a room that must have scandalized anyone who had seen it. The red and black panels not only hung from the ceiling but from the walls as well, and a crystal disco ball hung down to reflect the flowing red and black lava lamps sitting on low black tables. At the same time she felt Harley run his hands up and down the sides of her body and his lips move over her ear.

"Our little den of sin...that's what Way and Noreen call it. Say it's perfect for us. The girls even like it. Leigh asked if when you came home if she could come spend the night and sleep in it with us."

"You didn't tell her yes."

"Yes, I did. I think she just wants to do it because of how exotic it looks. Which I have to admit, it does look like the bedroom of some high priced call girl." He grinned. "I like it though...our own special room."

Keni didn't know what had ever possessed her to do it, maybe it was just that, the two of them having a room that was just theirs, a place they could just close the door and do as they pleased. She was sure over the years it would change in look and decoration, but for now, it was how she imagined it. For now, she looked at him and ran her fingers up over his face. Harley looked down at her and she let him push her back on the bed.

* * *

Harley ran his hands and lips over a body denied him too long and took long, slow strokes in and out of her. She was on the threshold, but he was determined to extend it out. Not that it was easy to accomplish. He swore she felt tighter and hungrier then ever before. Her fingers were clutching his shoulders and as he raised up to slowly withdraw from her, she raised up as if determined to keep him inside her.

"Harley, no, please, oh god, please finish it, I can't take any more..." Her groan was full of desperation.

Despite himself, Harley had to chuckle. "I know how much you can take honey, remember, I am your first, your last and your only."

"Bastard..." Her giggle was as full of lust as he had ever heard it. "No offense to your mother, but dammit Harley, don't torture me anymore. I been lying in that bed in Oklahoma City for the last three nights thinking of this..."

He knew she was right and he had to give in for his own sanity as well as for hers. Lord, it felt so good as she climaxed around him, and he filled her as if he had never done it before. His baby was back, she was his again and nothing would ever change that.

* * *

Keni watched as the doctor did his final check. "It's time Keni, how you feeling?"

She could have told the man what she felt, but the language would have turned the air as blue as his scrubs. As it was she was glaring at Harley with a look that was set on kill, and the ass hole was laughing about it. She felt like an over ripe watermelon about to split and he was laughing. "Harley, when this is over and done, I am going to kill you. Just that simple. I am going to kill your ass and not think twice about it."

That made him laugh harder and as she felt another contraction begin, she knew that she would kill him for real. Either shoot him or just take a knife and castrate him. Either way, he was never going to touch her again, no matter how good a lover he was. But lord what a lover her husband was. No, this was no time to think about that. This was a time for her to yell, scream, curse him over and over for being so damn good.

An hour later, Keni lay back in the recovery room, looking down at the blanket wrapped doll like creature in her arms. Kenley June Barnes was as black haired as her father, but it was clear she would have the green eyes of her mother. Harley smiled down at them both as their daughter yawned.

"You still hate me enough to castrate me honey?"

"I'll let you know once the pain medication wears off. You call the folks?"

"They were already here, mine, yours, ours. All pacing in that waiting room. Patty Sue told them to just sit and wait, which sent your mother into a tirade, and dad started reminding Patty how long they had known each other. Got so Patty was threatening to kick them all out on their ears." He bent over and kissed her forehead. "Have I told you how much I love you, and how glad I am you caught me being naughty that first day?"

"Not for a couple hours at least..."

As Kenley cooed in her blanket, both Keni and Harley took a step back in their minds and considered the long road they both had traveled to reach this moment in time. There had been good times and bad, but they had learned to roll with them, and they knew that as Kenley was joined by other sisters and brothers, they would continue to roll with the punches and the pleasures. For Harley, seeing his newborn daughter was like waking up from a long sought after dream and discovering that it was reality, and he silently promised her that he would do his best to be both a good father and a good role model for her.

Keni looked into the face of her daughter and found herself wondering what trials and tribulations would face this bundle of sugar, spice and vinegar. She had no doubt that the girl would be a handful, both to her and to her father. How could she be otherwise after all. She was the product of a perfect union and one that even for all the bad, Keni would have never passed up for a second.

The End

Author's Note: For real this time.

I want to thank everyone who followed this story to it's end. I hope this works for you because to be honest, I had so many good suggestions about how to end it, it was hard to decide how to do it. I must have started this ending a hundred times. Thank God for the Delete button on my computer, other wise the house would be filled to the ceiling with paper.

I will be working on Mistaken Identity and a few other stories I have in mind, but maybe not so long or drawn out next time. Hugs and hopes of Peace to you all


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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Loved it

Love your stories! Keep up the good work. 5* Thanks for your time and efforts.

sblazer227sblazer227over 9 years ago
Got hooked in 2014

such an awesome story and love the evolution of the characters without losing that lusty vibe.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
sad it's over.

This story deserves 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I love this story, but I feel like I'm missing something. From 13 to 14, it went from them eating dinner to the killer being dead and Keni in the hospital. Just curious if that's how it was written or if somethings missing. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Wow !!! Amazing story :)

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