The Perfect Storm

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A 19 year old secret comes back to haunt Marie.
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The Perfect Storm

This is my first posting. It is not my first story. My other stories will likely be held up in editing. I needed to use a lot of italics in them and that sometimes causes issues. I'll have to remember that in the future. So anyway, it looks like this will hit the lists first. Much of the premise is taken from an 80's rock song. many of you might figure it out. It's a simple story but I think it's exciting. I hope you do too.


The Perfect Storm

The thunder crashed. Boom! Rumble rumble. "You whore!!! How could you?!!! Do you know what else he said about you?!!!"

Marie could almost imagine. He had told her he would tell her husband Alan about them but she didn't believe he'd actually go through with it. She was horrified and furious. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Now... She picked up listening to Alan's tirade.

"... incredible! I couldn't believe my ears! My wife! A whore! A fucking slut!"

Fury struck her. She jumped up from her seat and smacked him viciously. A flash of lightning and thunder. Flash! Boom! Rumble rumble. "Don't you dare call me that! You have no idea what I did, what I've been through!"

He straightened up. "Oh! Here's where I get the 'it wasn't my fault! It was an accident! It was a mistake!' Really?!!! So tell me about it!!!"

"Fine!!!" She shoved him in the shoulder. "Move! Upstairs!"

"Oh you have got to be kidding me! You think..."

"Get the fuck up there! NOW!!! Anna's room. Move!" A flash. Boom, rumble rumble.

He reluctantly led the way with her all but shoving him along. When they got to the top of the stairs, Marie banged on the door. "Anna, we're coming in!" They rushed in the room just as Anna shut off her computer.

"Geez, mom. Couldn't you wait two seconds? I might not have been dressed."

"This is important. We have something to discuss... as a FAMILY!!!" She snapped at Alan. Rumble rumble. "Sit!" She ordered him. He sat on the corner of Anna's bed.

"I heard all the shouting but, damn! You guy's fighting? Why?" Anna had never seen her parents fight before.

"I have something to tell you, a confession." She took a deep breath. "Anna, Alan is not your biological father." Flash! Boom! Rumble rumble. Anna almost fell over. "I know, it's not something you ever thought you'd hear..."

"Never thought I'd hear?!!! How, mom, how? You guys have been married..."

"Yes, it happened while we were married."

"Oh, God, mom, what did you do???"

She sat on the far side of the bed and sighed. Boom, rumble rumble. "It's a bit of a story, so stay with me. About three years before I got pregnant with you, your dad and I first started trying to have a baby. After about nine months we saw a doctor to find out why it wasn't working. He did tests and we found out your father was incapable of having children. He'd had an accident in the past and... well, the damage was irreparable. So we started looking for alternatives."

"Artificial insemination?" She asked.

Flash! Boom! Rumble rumble. Marie smiled. "We couldn't afford it. Back then it was a detailed scientific procedure, not like today where you can pretty much do it yourself. Adoption was out too. Laws then were pretty restrictive. We had an apartment at the time and we both worked. Both those conditions were unacceptable. They wanted a house with one parent home."

"Jeez! They don't even ask that today."

"The only option was surrogacy either by artificial insemination, which we already ruled out because of cost, or by my having direct intercourse."

Boom, rumble rumble. "Uhuh! No way!"

"Your father agreed with you. I, however, was willing to do whatever it took."

"So you took it upon yourself???"

Rumble rumble. "Pretty much, yes, I did." She paused, letting it sink in. "That came out wrong. I didn't plan it." She paused again. "I had to attend a training seminar in Seattle. I drove since it was cheaper than an air fare. When the seminar was over, I started home. It was late, it was raining heavily, and I was on a secondary road since the main highway was closed for a large accident. I needed gas, and I asked the attendant where there was a hotel I could stay at. There was one up a little further so I went on." She paused again and looked quickly at Alan. He still looked mean, but he was listening.

"I saw a man walking on the road, alone and soaked. I offered him a ride to the hotel. He said he was going there too. As we talked, I realized he was intelligent, well spoken, outgoing, all good things. I also noticed his appearance. He was big and strong, handsome, just... I couldn't help but think, 'This would be a good surrogate', but I didn't have any kind of intentions then."

Boom. Rumble rumble. "We got to the hotel and wouldn't you know, they only had one room left. He said he would go look for another place but I couldn't let him do that. I offered to share the room. He was going to refuse but I was insistent. I'm such a softie. I couldn't let him back out in that rain. So he accepted."

"When we got to the room, we found it was a single. I didn't expect that. I guess the counter girl thought we were a couple. So he says he'll sleep on the floor. He's trying to be all gentlemanly but all his things were wet and they're strewn about drying. So bed it was. Problem was, he has no dry clothes to wear to bed."

Flash! Boom! Rumble rumble. "At this point, I'm thinking how fate is striking. All the stars must be present, planets aligned... I seduced him right there and then. We got into bed and I set out on a mission to make this baby, but when the sun came up, I was gone. I didn't talk with him, I just left while he slept. God! I felt so guilty! It was killing me. All the way home I kept thinking about what was happening inside me that very moment, that one egg being fertilized, implanting, how conception was happening... by the time I got home, I was pregnant." She began crying.

Boom. Rumble rumble. "I nearly attacked your father. I loved him like never before. Even our honeymoon was nothing like this. Over and over, for the next three days... and as often as we could for the next week, all through my fertility period. I wanted him to believe that by some miracle, he'd done it, that he'd gotten me pregnant. I was on pins and needles waiting for my monthly and when I missed it I hurried to get a test done. It was positive. I rejoiced and I died all over again. You see, if it was negative, then I would have done what I did for nothing. It would only be a betrayal. But then, since it was positive, if it was that man's, then your father wouldn't be your father and he never would be a father, but if you were you Alan's, then again, I'd be living a lie for nothing. It again would be simple betrayal for no good reason. Any which way, I lost."

She looked at them gauging their expressions. Alan looked less mean, Anna in wonderment. "By the time you were a year and a half, we had bought this house. Your grams sat you when we worked. Thankfully, we were making it. That's when trouble came around." She paused and her anger began to rise. "I noticed him, watching the house so I confronted him. Seems he got my plate number from the hotel counter girl and did a trace. Once he had my name, finding me was easy.

He'd seen Alan go out to work, saw me take Anna to gram's, and saw us come back before Alan got home. That's when he approached me. I told him he should go, that I was married. He asked about you, Anna. He knew your age and had put it together. I told him I did not want him ruining our marriage and to leave us alone. He left and I hoped it was over."

Rumble rumble. "Every year, your birthday, Christmas, holidays, vacations... I remembered my sin and feared so much the truth coming out. I knew it had to sooner or later but I wanted to be the one who did it, on my terms. I was so afraid of Alan leaving me and you being forced to be raised in a one working parent household... it's hard enough for parents and kids to have a successful life without that kind of thing. So I decided I would tell you both when you were eighteen so you could make your own way if you needed to, make your own decisions, where you wanted to go, or to do... we wouldn't legally be forced into a hole. You would be free."

"But I'm eighteen now! So why haven't you told me yet?!"

"Because you're still in school, Anna. You've been a straight A student for seven yours now. You're in line for National Honor Society, Valadictorian, and up for several academic scholarships. Do you really think I'd dump this on you so close to final exams?"

"Well you are dumping. So why now?"

"That man... he was so nice when we met that night. I wonder what happened to him to make him... He came back, Anna. He threatened me. He said he would tell your dad the truth, that he'd ruin our home. And now he did tell him."

"You guys are getting a divorce???!!!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. if his telling your dad was all he could do, then I would have said something before this. God knows I hated the idea of him saying something first. But that wasn't his only threat. He knows about your father's job and how they view scandal like this. He said he'd get your dad fired." She paused. "He wanted $50,000."

Rumble rumble. "And you told him to go fuck himself I hope." Alan remarked angrily.

"I said I would go to the police and have him arrested for extortion. that's when he told you. I guess he figures that was the lesser of the evils and I'd pay him to save us from the other."

"You still should have told me." He shook his head. "You let me worry about my job. They've got a lot worse things to worry about than some twenty year old impropiety." Marie nodded. "Don't think that you and I are through with this though."

"It doesn't matter what happens to us now. Just don't you dare turn your back on your daughter. She is YOURS!!! You raised her, you cared for her. You and her watched ball games together since she was two, and when she was old enough you took her to the games. You got her her glove, and ball, and bat, and football... when you got her that helmet?" They all laughed. "You taught her math and science, you screened her first boyfriend..."

"Oh God! I remember that!" Anna said.

"... you drove her to her first school dance... and never mind the school drivers ed, it was YOU who gave her her driving lessons! She is YOUR daughter, your little girl, and some day you will walk her down the aisle and dance with her at her wedding!!!"

Rumble rumble. He looked at Anna and swallowed hard. "Yeah, don't worry about that. I'm not going anywhere, Anna." She came off her chair and hugged him.



"You are going to forgive mom, right? I mean, yeah, I'm upset about this too, but I understand why she did it."

Rumble rumble. "Let's leave your dad alone with that for now."

"But mom?!!!"

"We're married, Anna. That requires honesty and trust and I've broken them, for good or for bad. He has to do what he feels is right and right now is not the time to force an answer to that question. Give him some time."

"Yes, honey, I will need time, but right now I need to talk to your mother some more. We'll be inside, okay?" Anna nodded.

He looked at Marie and nodded towards the door. Marie had a sense of foreboding but with a smile at Anna, left the room with Alan behind her. He closed the door and led Marie to their bedroom next door. Once in he closed the door.

Rumble rumble. "Alright, Marie. I'll say this... I'm not going to leave you, and I not going to force you out, not now, but it's for for Anna's sake. But before we do anything else, I want you to tell me the truth, because he said some things and I want to know how much of what he said was true. What exactly happened that night?"

"Oh, God, Alan! You know full well whatever he said he did it to anger you."

"No, I don't know that. I'm sure a lot of what he said was true."

"Like what? What did he say that was so bad that I need to go through this with you now?"

"Well let me hear it from you and I'll decide! From the beginning, why did you pick him up? We're you thinking of fucking him from the beginning?"

"That's ludicrous! I could barely see him in the rain. He could have been a girl. You know how soft hearted I am."

"Alright, then when he was in the car you wanted him. You even said so!"

"I said I thought he might make a good surrogate, yes, but I I was thinking about you. I wanted to be home, not out in the rain like I was." He looked doubtful. She got frustrated. "We talked. I said I was coming from my seminar in Seattle and was going home to San Francisco. He said he was going down the coast to San Francisco, to L.A., and to San Diego before heading out to the oil fields in Oklahoma. He had work there starting in about two months from then."

"So you never told him you picked him up because you thought he was hot and you wanted some company in the hotel to fuck for the night."

"Oh Alan! Does that really sound like me? Even when we play fantasy games I never said anything like that, and if it had ever been in my mind, I would have said it to you, in private! You know all this!"

He bit his lip meanly. "So was that really the only room you could get?"

"Yes, and had I thought of it I would have made sure it was double occupancy before I took it."

"You seem to be guessing all my questions." She raised her eyebrows in wonder about that. "He said you specifically asked for single."

"Wow. What an ass! He really laid it on thick."

"So just when did all these ideas start?"

"Let me guess! He said I was all over him the minute we entered the room, right? Stupid! What would he have done about his sopping wet clothes, put them back on wet the next day? Asshole. We laid them out to dry. We even put the clothes he was going to wear the next day over the a/c to dry out. It was only when I was faced with him needing to sleep naked did any real thoughts come into mind."

"So you never got the hots for him?"

"Until then, no, but I will be honest. When I saw him naked I did get very turned on. He was quite... hot... as you say."

"You said you seduced him."

"Oh, Alan! Do you really want all the details?"

"Maybe I do."

She grit her teeth. "Fine!" She snapped. "You want he whole sex story? Then here it is!"

She closed her eyes. Never in a million years would she have thought he'd do this to her, but here it was. She looked away snapping her head as she did it. After a second she glared back at him.

"He said I should turn off the light so I wouldn't have to see him and be embarrassed so I did, but we were both on the window side near the a/c when I did. We hadn't talked about who was going to be on which side of the bed and we both turned into each other. We put out our hands and I felt his chest. His hand landed straight on my... my breast. We jumped back and I said we'd better put the light back on. That's when I saw him." Rumble rumble.

She pursed her lips and glared through squinted eyes. "He was beautiful, tall, lean, muscular... and yeah, he had a big cock. Not super big but a real pleaser. It was half erect. I guess the bumping into each other made him a little hot. I felt sorry for him for just a second since he'd try to be so polite, but I was turned on that he found me attractive. I gave up. I went to him and said 'we both know how this is going to end up' and I kissed him. He kissed back." Flash! Crack-Boom!!! Rumble rumble rumble.

"He was already naked so I didn't need to pull off his pants. If I did, I probably would have sucked him off, but instead I let him undress me. Then I stepped back to the bed and I let him push me over onto it. He got down on his knees and ate me out. I guess it was just the absurdity of the situation but for that moment it was the best job I've ever had done to me. I need to say it right now, Alan, so don't get pissed. Besides, you asked for this. The whole night, every time he fucked me was better than the first, and in all that time, you were the furthest thing from my mind. He was the best." Boom! Rumble rumble.

"The first time was absolute pure wild aggression. He fucked me hard, but maybe too hard. I never did forget that what I wanted. It was to get pregnant, even though at that point all I was thinking about was having HIS baby, not ours. The problem was I was cumming so hard and fast that I missed the moment I was looking for. I don't know whether I was tented properly to accept his cum or not. I just know that there was no leakage afterwards. That much seemed like a success. But I couldn't be sure, not by one time alone. Not that I needed any more reason at that point but I was determined to fuck this guy until the sun came up, and I did."

"Sometimes we'd make love, I rode him, soft and easy, others like wild bronc riding. We did reverse cowgirl, me laying back so intimately while he caressed my tits. He had such great hands and knew how to use them, them and his cock. He took me from behind, driving me, and even laying on our sides behind me. Oh My God! It was such an intimate thing... you know how it feels. Laying back away. Hands around me on my tits with nipples rock hard, holding my hips while you're sliding your cock easily in my tight pussy... We've done it so many times. But that night, just for that one night... her was the greatest lover ever." Flash! Crack-Boom!!! Rumble rumble rumble.

She took a minute as the tears flowed. She began more gently, "I cried all the way home the next morning after I left. I thought of how my pregnancy was starting, like I said, but I felt so guilty, not just for having done it, but for how I'd felt doing it, that I'd let someone else take first place in my life, even just for a time. I looked at my hands on the wheel and saw my wedding rings and realized I did all that with them on. I totally disgraced and denied our marriage. I'd always thought that if we did surrogacy I would take them off. But I didn't. I pulled over and vomited." she paused and swallowed hard.

"So I hope you're happy. Did he say I told him he was the best ever? No, I did not. Did he tell you how I told him I loved his cock in me the best? Never. Did I say anything else I might have said that would insult you? No, I did not. I kept any thoughts I had to myself. I may have been infatuated, but I never did or said anything like that. I may have felt a lot of ways then, but I kept them private until now, when I told you." Boom. Rumble rumble

"I'll add one more thing... I did not come home and go nuts with you because of my excitement over him. I did it because I needed to. I needed hope because I really did do something terrible and that somehow, some way, I hoped you would make me pregnant, and not him. I needed you to reclaim me completely, even though you never knew why. I needed to remind myself that you, not him, were by far the best lover I've ever had. Believe that or not, that's up to you, but I'd like to believe that the last eighteen years would speak for itself." She paused. "But I have one problem with all thi, Alan, and it's the secret you've kept for eighteen years, no! Nineteen years! I don't think that for one second, you believed Anna was yours, not from the very first moment. You knew all along she wasn't, didn't you? Right from the moment I told you I was pregnant. So why? Why now, after all these years, has what I've done hurt you so bad? Was it him? Was it confronting him, facing your rival, your nemesis? Did he break you?" Rumble rumble.

He sat on the bed, his face sullen. "I don't know. Maybe he did. Maybe it's what you said, facing the reality. I always tried to bury it with the miracle, just wanting to believe. I figured it was in Seattle, that it was a coworker or someone like that. I was initially concerned who ever it was would pursue you when you were back home, maybe lay claim to Anna. But that never happened." He sighed. I'm sorry. I should not have done that to you. I hope you're okay." Rumble rumble.