The Perfect Victim


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She looked up into the mirror, and made eye contact with him momentarily, tears streaming down her terrified face. The bastard winked at her and shifted his hips as he pulled her open with his thumbs. She felt a hot, painful stretching and then he was pushing the head of his cock into her body. She gasped at the feel, a sharp, stinging pain tore through her bottom as he ground his hips forward and back, working further into her. His hands slid up to her waist and he pulled her back to meet him. Despite being tied there was some give to the ropes and she slid back a little, more of his shaft pressing through into her body as she groaned in pain. She sobbed as he thrust again, grunting, and driving a little more of his cock into her sore, stinging ass. She felt too full inside, knew he was displacing her to make room for his shaft, and the pain increased. But as the pain flared with each thrust, each small length of his cock that he buried a little deeper into her, the Beast woke a little more, it fed on the pain and humiliation that he was inflicting on her, and a well of pleasure built deep in the pit of her stomach.

She sobbed and fought him as best she could, but the way she was tied left little room for movement and almost no way to really fight him, and he pushed deeper into her with each passing second, not rushing, taking his time as he groaned in pleasure at the tight feel of her ass around his hard cock. She sobbed and pleaded, begged and cursed and pulled harder at the ropes, yanking back only to relax her arms and then yank back again, her wrists were raw and bleeding from the abrading of the ropes and still she didn't stop. Finally she felt his hips come to rest against her bruised ass and he paused there, waiting a moment for her to get used to him while he got his breath back. Looking in the mirror, Alexa realized that they were both sweating with the effort and that he looked as tired as she was. but the respite was only momentary. He pulled slowly out of her in a single long stroke and she watched as he squirted more of the lube on his shaft and her rear before he pushed into her again, much smoother this time as he had already cleared a way. Moments later his hips pushed against her backside, sandwiching her between him and the table, her bruised buttocks flared in pain, and the Beast echoed the cry, but with pleasure. Then he pulled out again, and pushed back in a little faster this time, and the flare of pain/pleasure was accompanied with the feel of his scrotum slapping forward against her swollen, wet labia. With a start, she realized that she was dripping wet with arousal and that her juices were running down her legs. her sex was so inflamed that it ached and her nipples were so hard they hurt.

Breathing heavily, she watched in the mirror as he started stroking faster in and out of her body, deep, even strokes that began to build in speed and force as he went, his hips pressing against her abused ass with each stroke, his sac swinging forward to slap against her wet, tender pussy. Soon he was thrusting into her hard and fast, the pain decreasing as her body adapted to what he was doing and the Beast fed her more pleasure for the pain he was feeding it. Was it possible for her to orgasm from anal? She wasn't sure, but she had an idea that she was about to find out.

Harder and harder he thrust into her, fairly pounding her once virgin ass as he gripped her hips hard and pulled her back to meet him, grunting with the effort and with each thrust a flare of pain from her insides, which were never really meant to be used this way, and from her bruised backside and bruising hips where she was hitting the table with each thrust of his hips, each plunging, pounding stroke of his cock. She couldn't feel the familiar swell of an orgasm, the pleasure she was receiving from this was different, far different. But it was pleasure just the same. And suddenly she felt a hot wash of something within her body, a deep burning feel that she couldn't place at first, but he was not moving in her any longer, he was pressing her hard against the table and was holding his hips against her, his cock buried in her as far as it would go. He had climaxed, and the hot wash she felt within her body was his cum filling her, spilling into her body. More tears spilled from her eyes as she realized just how much her body had enjoyed that, and the fact that she didn't want it to be over. Some part of her wanted him to fuck her ass more, longer, harder.

She felt him slip his cock out of her body and then he walked around to the front of her and tangled a hand in her hair to pull her up to look at him. She could feel warm liquid oozing out of her ass and running down her legs as she was forced to look up into his eyes. She tried to study his face, but could never seem to remember it, the features just slipped away.

"Normally I would make you suck me clean, Alexa, but I am feeling generous. That was without a doubt, the best ass I have ever had, and while I am sure you're not consoled by that fact, you should be. I have had this cock in a lot of asses before today. I am going to go shower again, Alexa. when I get back you can prove to me that you will suck cock, and maybe if you're really good at it I will give that sweet, hot pussy of yours another pounding before I leave. But I have got a little something to leave you with first."

He walked away and a moment later returned. He circled around behind her, and she felt his hand on her ass for a moment before he spoke. "You must have enjoyed that, Alexa. You have pussy juice running all down your thighs... Looks tasty."

She felt his tongue run up one leg, making her shudder, before he lapped at her pussy, his tongue parting her labia and licking across her entrance. She sobbed at how good it felt. A moment later something pressed into her ass. I wasn't as large as his cock, but it was still big, and a moment later she felt a deep, thrumming vibration as he turned it on.

It took her a moment to realize that he had put a vibrator into her rear and as he walked away, she realized that she enjoyed the feel of it. despite the humiliation and pain of this night, she had learned more about her body from the ungentle caress of a stranger than from every other lover she had ever known before. And to her dread and horror, she realized she wanted more...

...she needed more...

...and the part of her mind that was still Alexa was quickly being replaced by the Beast. She knew that it would seek abuse and do anything to get what it wanted. It was the part of her that hated who and what she was, hated her life and her sense of self. It was the low self-esteem she suffered from as a child, the shy, withdrawn teenager who developed breasts early and hid them under baggy clothes, the sixteen year old who lost her virginity at a party because someone showed affection, only to ignore her after he got what he wanted. It was her adult depression and anxiety, her doubts and fears, the part of her that felt small and worthless and weak, given power over the rest of her. It was the part of her mind that believed she deserved it when bad things happened to her. It believed that she deserved it, so she might as well enjoy it.

When he returned she had slumped down onto the table, sobbing and weak, limp in her bonds and hating herself, hating the Beast and worse, hating the rest of her that was letting the Beast take over, letting herself be victimized because she enjoyed playing the victim, enjoyed being the perfect victim. She was covered with sweat, with blood, his cum and her juices drying on her legs and ass, and her hair was a tangled mess as she looked up at him. her wrists, she saw, were bloody where they had been rubbed raw by her thrashing in her bonds and her back and bottom were sore from being bent over the table and all of the abuse. But still that churning feeling of lust and need boiled low in her belly. Alexa was going to sleep and the Beast was taking over.

He stood right in front of her, hands on his hips and a smile on that damn face of his, the face she could never seem to get to stay in her head. There was something about that face... something familiar. He reached down and carefully, almost gently pushed the hair back from her face, gathering it all up with his hands he split it into two bundles and tied them off with bands, giving her pigtails. She knew what he wanted next, and when he left to return with the knife, she shuddered, looking at it with wide, fearful eyes.

"We're going to see if you can suck cock, Alexa. With those lovely red lips and the shape of your mouth I'd bet you can and that you're really good at it." He was wrong, she had only ever had one lovers penis in her mouth, and it had disgusted her. But she didn't have a choice now. She would have to learn. "if you bite me I'll hurt you badly, Alexa. I'm going to hold this knife in my hand and every time you scrape me with your teeth, I'll nick you with the knife. If you bite me I'll cut you up so bad they'll have to graft the skin back onto you, understand."

She looked up at him and nodded. "I understand. Please, just don't hurt me, I'll do whatever you want."

"Good, Now, make me hard so I can fuck your pussy one more time before I go, it's getting late." And with the Beast roaring to life within her, she opened her mouth wide.

A Clock Strikes Four

He grabbed a pigtail with his left hand and his right held the knife, the glittering steel throwing star-like sparks across her vision, her eyes were rooted to it while he shifted forward, his cock coming to rest against her lips and mouth. She used her tongue and what little movement the ropes allowed to try and take him into her mouth, and after a while she managed to get him past her lips. He was clean, she could smell her lavender soap on his skin as she suckled at his flaccid penis, feeling it stir slightly. She did her best to be careful, but the first nick with the knife was still a surprise. She gasped, cried out in pain, and looked up at him.

"I warned you, Alexa. I warned you." he said as he looked down into her eyes. The cut had been made to her back, near her shoulder blade, and she could feel the sting of it, and the warm blood on her skin. She wept, but turned her face back to the task at hand, and made game effort of it for a while until the second nick came. She cried out in pain at this, sobbing openly.

"Please, I... I... I can't when I'm... I'm l... l... like this, I have no cuh... cuh... control of where I am and... and where you are. If I had my hands..." She stuttered through the fear and pain, sobbing as twin trickles of blood on her back crept down either side, tickling the short hairs on her skin. He didn't reply, just stepped back and looked her in the eyes, then started untying her right wrist. Then he moved to untie her left wrist, but paused and looked her in the eyes.

"If you try anything you'll regret it, do you understand?" She affirmed that she did, and he untied her other arm and both legs, then pushed her down to kneel on the ground. "Stay right there, Alexa. If you move I'll beat you." He took the time to push the table into the corner of the room, away from the cameras and she took the opportunity to look at herself in the mirror. The vibrator was still thrumming in her ass, but she didn't even think of taking it out, it gave a pleasant sensation that crept through her core and she knew that he would punish her, probably severely.

Her hair was lifted, looped back and tied in thick bundles on either side of her head. She turned her head side to side for a better view. One of her lovers had told her that pigtails looked good on her, and she knew why; they made her look younger. She could look closer to sixteen than twenty five if she did her hair and makeup just right. But now she saw another reason. She had heard pigtails called 'handlebars' and now she finally understood the joke. When a woman was on her knees like this they could be gripped and used to steer her face, and she had the idea that he was going to do just that. And suddenly she wanted him to do that to her, wanted to be degraded like that, to have her body used like an object instead of treated with respect. She wept at the thought, knowing that it was wrong to feel that way, wrong to have urges and desires like that... wasn't it? Suddenly a small kernel of doubt root in her heart, a small shoot of that kernel broke through her mind as he stood before her, still holding the knife, looking down at her with a devilish grin and just waiting, letting her come to terms with herself. She looked up at him, her mind remembering every moment of abuse and torment, every instant of pain and humiliation, and she realized that she had enjoyed every moment of it; she enjoyed being treated like an object, desired for her body and nothing else. She enjoyed being threatened and bullied, forced and coerced.

He didn't care what kind of person she was, didn't care what she had done or where she worked. He just wanted to fuck her, to bend her over a table and make use of her body while forgetting she was anything more than a warm, semi-willing hole for his cock. It was pure animal need, pure lust that drove him. And she loved every moment of it... no... the Beast loved every moment of it. She reached out and rested one hand against his thigh, a shudder running through her as his free hand seized upon a pigtail and pulled her a little closer, reminding her who was really in control. She reached up with her other hand to caress his limp cock, leaning forward to kiss it and run her tongue over the head as she looked up at him.

Her other hand slipped from his thigh over to cup and caress his balls, rolling them in the palm of her hand as she took his limp member into her mouth, suckling on the head of it as a few remaining tears escaped to roll down her cheeks. She was trembling with a mix of fear and excitement. And the excitement was slowly winning out over the fear. He grew slowly hard as she carefully sucked and caressed him, using her tongue to caress the bottom of his shaft and stroking him with one hand while fondling his testes with the other. He gasped a bit as she worked him over, using her mouth and both hands to arouse him, soon he was as hard as a rock and she could get a firsthand look at his cock, it was long enough for her to circle it with both hands and still have the head showing, at least eight or nine inches. And thick, thicker than she had thought it would be. When he groaned, she looked up at him again, sucking as much of it into her mouth as she could, going back until she felt her gag reflex kick in and she started to choke.

His eyes were closed and he was open-mouthed in pleasure. She calmly reached up and took the knife from his hand. His eyes opened, he looked down at her with momentary anger, until she set the knife on the floor and slid it away, then took his wrist and guided it to her other pigtail. He smiled and nodded as she continued sucking him, closing her eyes now and trying to take more of him into her mouth unsuccessfully. She would push him in as far as she could make herself, until she choked and gagged. Finally he took over, pulling her forward by the pigtails and she gripped his thighs to steady herself, letting him control how hard and fast now. He wasn't getting a blow-job any more, now he was fucking her face, degrading her more and more with each act. And the line between Alexa and the Beast blurred more and more as she enjoyed every second of it. He yanked her forward, sending a stinging pain through her scalp and making her gag as he pushed a little deeper in with each stroke, and she did her best to keep from biting him. She had no doubt that he'd punish her if she bit him.

She moaned a bit at the treatment and something, perhaps the sound or the vibrations caused her throat to open and suddenly he slid forward, his long cock slipping deep into her throat and she choked for a moment, pushing against his thighs in a panic. But he still had control of her pigtails and wasn't letting her go. Her nose was buried in his pubic hair and his balls had slapped against her chin. He was hilt deep into her throat and after a short time the gagging nausea that had her stomach rolling subsided and her throat adjusted to this new presence. She still felt uncomfortable, but she also knew that would change. She thought about how long his cock was, and the fact that she had swallowed all of it and she felt disgusted and proud all at the same time. He let her have a moment and then used her pigtails for the handlebars they really were and began to fuck her face for real, thrusting forward with his hips as he yanked her in to meet him. As she pushed against his thighs, her one token resistance, and gulped breaths when she could, that little green shoot of doubt grew a leaf. She wanted to tell herself that this was wrong, that he was abusing her, but a part of her enjoyed being treated like this, and as that part of her grew and flourished, she was starting to understand that it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. She knew right where she stood with him, she was a fuck toy, and he didn't respect her, but didn't loathe her either. He wanted to fuck her, nothing more. Perhaps... just perhaps...

Suddenly he pulled out of her mouth, gasping and panting as he looked down at her, and then he pushed her hard over onto her back. "I only have one shot left, and do not want to waste it on your face, Alexa." He said as he knelt down, grasping her legs and hooking his elbows behind her knees, she lay on the ground looking up at him, knowing what he was going to do. And then inexplicably he looked up at the grandfather clock on the wall and nodded, then looked down at her. She bit her bottom lip as his cock lined up with her pussy and he looked right into her eyes.

"Fuck me." She whispered, looking right back at him. "Rape me." She said and he plunged into her, hilt deep in one smooth, hard stroke that drew a cry from her throat at the feeling.

She was so wet and aroused from excitement that he could have pushed a baseball bat into her with little difficulty, and the sudden pressure against the vibrator made her seem much tighter than she had been before. Within seconds he was pounding away at her, her arms came up to push against his chest as he fucked her hard and fast, slamming his hips against her with each stroke and grinding his cock deep into her, each thrust hammering against her cervix like a fist as he pounded her. She cried out in pleasure and pain as he fucked her, and she knew that that was just what it was; this wasn't making love, this wasn't sex, this was fucking. And it was brutal, just as he had promised.

His hips made a slapping sound as he thrust in, a wet, squelching sound accompanying each thrust from his wet she was. She felt herself squeezing his cock with her core as he pulled back, and then pushing herself up to meet him with each stroke. It was the hardest, most brutal fucking she had ever received and she loved every minute of it, wishing she was being humiliated more as she felt her heat begin to rise, the crest of an orgasm not far away.

Suddenly he shifted his weight, his hands gripping her as he sat up, and then lay back, pulling her almost effortlessly atop him so she was sitting up, riding his cock and straddling his hips. She was looking right into the mirror and the camera and he had her wrists as he looked up at her. And she immediately took over, using her legs for lift she fucked him, and she fucked him hard and fast, grinding her pussy around him as one of his hands moved up to her breast, squeezing hard and the other moved to her pussy, rubbing her clit with the pad of his thumb while she bounced up and down on his hard cock. The first orgasm crashed over her and she felt the gush of fluids wash out of her and over his cock as she cried out in pleasure, sobbing at the feel of it, powerful and due to get stronger as he called up to her.