The Perils of Greggie-Poo Ch. 02

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Mishi & a Black neighbor use Greg.
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 06/29/2004
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Chapter 2: Being Neighborly

To start let me give you a brief description of the both of us. If you want a more detailed description you can look at Mishi. At the time we were in our late twenties. Mishi was about 5'6" tall. She was curvy and VERY feminine. She had wavy blonde hair cut short in a bob, creamy white skin and deep blue eyes. She had a wonderful, bubbly personality and always seemed to be happy.

I, on the other hand, am a fat slob. I'm 5'8" tall and back then I was about 220 lbs.

After the episode with Aramis and that strange woman, Lynne, Mishi began to try to talk to me about the evening. I honestly enjoyed the night, although parts of it disturbed me. Most disturbing was that I really liked the entire night. A small part of me was concerned for my manhood.

But my basic nature is that I don't discuss such things with anyone. This was a dilemma and I was used to working such things out in my own mind. But Mishi was a woman. She HAD to talk. I tried to talk with her, but I am not the sensitive type of man that 'opens up' and displays his emotions. The only time that I have ever opened up was when I opened up someone else, usually with my fists. Oh, yes, I was one macho guy back then. Since that time I have mellowed dramatically, but when I first met Mishi I was still pretty typically manly.

But Mishi persisted. Little by little she got my feelings out of me. She was very smart about it. She would ask one or two simple questions that required short responses and leave it at that. Then she would come back and ask other questions. Before too many days were passed she had a better handle on my feelings than I did. After a couple of weeks of this she had a serious discussion with me that I just couldn't avoid.

"OK, Greg. This is it. I know that these kinds of talks make you uncomfortable, and I don't want to do that, but I do want to know if I'm right. Will you try to confirm or deny what I think for me?"

How could I deny her that.

"I believe that you really enjoyed what happened. One of the big reasons is that you were able to conquer your jealousy. That must have made you feel really good. After all, jealousy is a strong emotion and you had the strength to overcome it. Am I right?"

I had already figured that part out.

"You discovered that the root of jealousy is insecurity. A person is only jealous when they are afraid that they might lose something. If there is no fear then it becomes sharing, a totally different thing. By sharing me you demonstrated that you are very secure with yourself. You could let your wife be with another man... even watch it, and still know that she would always be yours. Am I still right?"

I hadn't gotten that far, but what she said had a strong ring of truth to it. I started to feel really good about myself.

"But there's another side, isn't there? You've always been in control. You've always been the He-man. You've always been dominant and strong. I bet you felt a lot of new feelings when you had Aramis' cum on your lips. Finally you didn't have to be in charge. Finally you didn't have to be so strong. You could actually be submissive. And once you did that you found that you STILL were a man... all man. Am I right?"

I had to tell her that I didn't know about that. Being submissive scared me for some reason. Of course being scared immediately made me want to attack it, just like I had been trained. To charge through it until the fear had no control over me. But this certainly wasn't something that I wanted to attack. But neither was the other thousand fears that I overcame in the Army. Oh, no... back to confusion!

Mishi waited for a few minutes, obviously seeing the conflict in my face.

"Greg," she said, putting her hand on my shoulder, "you don't have to learn everything about yourself in one sitting. You can let it just happen on it's own. If you aren't sure of the answer then just say so. Maybe I can help you discover the answer."

"I just don't know, Mishi. I just am not sure."

We made a deal then. She said that she would take over being dominant for now. I would take the submissive role. But since neither of us wanted to be uncomfortable we made a signal. Any time that I felt that I couldn't go any further with what she wanted all that I had to do was use the word "eclipse" in a sentence. She would immediately back off and give me more control. She stressed that whenever I wanted to be dominant all that I had to do was use my commanding voice and she would be more submissive than I could ever be. She promised me that if I would do this then she would reward me more than I could ever imagine.

The thought of Mishi rewarding me more than I could ever imagine woke me up right away. Mishi was definitely well skilled in sex. She knew things that I had never dreamed of. The deal was made.

"No time like the present," Mishi said as she stood up from her chair, "follow me, little boy," Mishi stood up and walked to the bedroom.

I followed her into the bedroom, trying my best to be submissive. She didn't stop in the bedroom, but walked straight out onto the balcony.

Our balcony was only on the second floor. It looked out over one of the courtyards of the apartment complex that where we lived. It late night on a Saturday night. Mishi told me to leave the bedroom light on and open the drapes. When I walked out I could see that there was nobody walking below, but the drapes and windows of almost everyone else was wide open, letting the summer breeze float through. Glancing around I could see people watching TV, playing board games, and working in the kitchen. They could certainly see us if they looked our way.

My eyes widened when Mishi dropped her pants and her panties. She was standing right in front of the big glass doors. The light must have made her visible to everyone in the courtyard. She turned her back to me and put one foot up on a footstool that we had on the balcony. Then she leaned over and put both hands on the railing.

"Everyone can SEE you!" I said to her.

"That's EXACTLY what I want. I want everyone to see YOU get on your knees and start sucking my ass. Go ahead! Put your tongue inside my asshole. I want to see how far inside you can get it. GET ON YOUR KNEES NOW!" Mishi said in a loud voice.

I didn't want to attract attention so I immediately dropped to my knees behind her. I used both hands and spread the cheeks of her ass. I had licked her ass many times, but not like this. Each time that I had licked her ass her cheeks were already spread from the position that she was in. Somehow, the act of using my hands and spreading those cheeks made a difference.

The light behind me illuminated her like a spotlight. For the first time I noticed that the skin around her asshole was brown and wondered why. I held her ass cheeks apart as I gently touched my tongue to the sensitive skin around the opening. I wanted to drag this out. I wanted to see how long she would stay out here, naked from the waist down, in public sight. I wasn't too worried. This was an adult complex. There were no children, so only adults would be able to see. At least we wouldn't be contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Mishi loves having her asshole licked. She was breathing heavily in just a few seconds. She never stopped talking. "That's it, worm, lick that asshole. That's where your tongue belongs, right in the crack of my ass. Clean up my asshole, lick all the dried shit!"

Mishi kept on like a baseball catcher, never stopping, her ass was clean, but having her TELL me to eat her shit somehow made me hornier than ever. I placed the tip of my tongue directly on the opening and gently pushed. Her asshole opened immediately and the tip of my tongue was inside. I tasted a slightly bitter taste immediately.

"Oh, yes, fuck my asshole with your tongue," Mishi was saying.

I started pushing my tongue as deep into her asshole as I could. Then I felt her body shake from side to side, not like an orgasm, but like she was waving at someone.

"Hi, Luke," I heard her say loudly. Luke was our neighbor across the courtyard. He must have been at least twenty yards away so Mishi was speaking in a very loud voice.

"What on earth are you doing?" I heard Luke ask.

"I'm not doing anything at all," she replied. "It's Greg here that's doing everything. He has his tongue inside my asshole."

JESUS! She was practically screaming it out to the world.

"Aren't you afraid that someone will SEE you?" he asked.

"Nah, if they don't want to see Greg with his face in my ass then they don't have to look. I notice you are looking."

"I sure AM!" he said. "That doesn't bother ME at all. But I can't see very well. Hold on," he said.

A few minutes later he came back. "He's got binoculars." Mishi said to me. Then she pulled her shirt up, exposing her breasts to him.

"Better?" she asked him.

"MUCH Better."

Mishi started massaging her tits while I kept fucking her asshole.

"Luke, why don't you meet me in the courtyard?" she yelled. Mishi pulled away from me and pulled up her pants. "You wait right here, don't move," she said to me. Then she went inside the house. Luke dropped the binoculars right where he was and hurried downstairs. He and my wife met right in the middle of the courtyard, underneath a big tree. They talked for a couple of minutes and I saw Mishi wave her hand at me as if dismissing me. Then she reached for the front of his pants.

Right out in the courtyard Mishi dropped his pants to his ankles.

"Since my ass is so well lubricated already..." she offered and reached back and spread her cheeks for Luke. Luke didn't waste a second and shoved his big hard black prick right up my wife's ass! She held he ass cheeks open as Luke grabbed her hips and fucked her for all he was worth. Mishi kept looking right at me the whole time. Finally, Luke began to groan, he grabbed her hips tighter and plunged his cock all the way in. Mishi moaned as he shot his load deep into her ass.

When he was done, she turned so that she was in profile to me as she promptly dropped to her knees. All of my senses were heightened. It seemed every image was burned into my mind as her dainty fingers closed around his hard cock. She was looking at the head of it, staring at it. I was wondering what she was thinking at the moment. Was she thinking of me? Was she wondering about her loving husband, left behind on the balcony and watching her stroking a neighbor's dick?

Just at that moment she looked up at me. At first she had a strange look on her face, was it a frown, or maybe it was concentration. Or maybe she was grimacing at the stench of her own shit on Luke's cock. Then her face brightened and she smiled at me. She sort of aimed his dick in my direction and opened her mouth.

She started down at his balls. Slowly she pulled her tongue back up his hard dick. I could tell that she was doing this entirely for my benefit. She was putting on a show. She cupped his nuts with one hand while moving her tongue from the bottom to the top. When she would get to the top she would circle the head of his cock a couple of times before finally closing her lips around it and pulling the whole dick into her mouth until her nose was in his pubic hairs. She sucked on Luke's shitty cum-covered cock right down to the roots!

She sucked it clean making slutty "mmm" noises as she did so. Luke didn't even get a chance to get soft!

His dick was much bigger than mine, it was about twelve inches, and thicker too. I could tell that she was enjoying the fact that she could deep throat him.

Mishi kept on doing this for as long as he could take it. I have no idea how long she did it. Time stood still for me, up there, a spectator to my wife's outside sex show. It seemed like forever until suddenly Luke just had to put an end to it. He grabbed my wife by the sides of her head and started thrusting his hips into her face. She got the idea because she closed her eyes and started concentrating on him instead of on me. He head started moving back and forth.

I could hear a rattling groan escape from Luke. She took her mouth off his dick and I watched the first spray hit her lips. She immediately put his dick back in her mouth and I knew that he was filling my wife's mouth with his cum. She never missed a beat, but then again, she never did. She milked him completely dry. Then she stood up and took his hand and led him into our house. Mishi was smiling as she came back into the house.

She walked directly to me, her mouth was covered with Luke's sperm.

"Kiss me," she said.

I felt my dick harden as she grabbed me and pressed her lips to mine. Her lips were slimy with cum. I could taste cum in her mouth -she hadn't swallowed Luke's cum- but now I was! I could feel her smearing it all over my face. Finally she broke the kiss.

"You've been pretty good tonight," she said. "Come on inside and I'll reward you."

We went inside and she definitely did reward me...

As I was on my knees sitting on my heels, Mishi and Luke whispered to each other, planning what to do with me. Every now and then one of them would laugh or look incredulous and look at me with a wide-eyed evil grin. Finally, they settled on a plan and came over to me.

First, she had me lick her ass again, but this time it was coated with her ass-juices and traces of Luke's cum! Nevertheless, she made me lick it clean.

"Stick your tongue up there and eat out his cum since you love its taste so much!"

I was totally humiliated. I tried not to think about Luke standing right there looking at me, and I did as she said. I stuck my tongue right up her ass, and this time it opened even easier. I could definitely taste his cum (I recognized it already!) It was really up there, very viscous, more so than the load he shot on her face and in her mouth. Then I felt her strain and she let out a soft grunt with a wet fart that shot anal gasses and thick gobs of Luke's cum right into my mouth!

I started to back away but she reached back and held my head there.

"Luke, help me hold this little shitface on my ass!" She cried in an impassioned tone. Luke did just so and held my head firmly in her ass.

When she was sure I was secure, I felt her stiffen, then relax as she let loose a long, loud wet fart right into my mouth! Some of it escaped through the space between her cheeks and mine making an extremely obscene sound, but most of it shot into my mouth, through and out my nose, and into my lungs! In the process, the rest of Luke's thick sperm was deposited forcefully into my mouth- and there was a lot of it.

I guess he hadn't had a piece of ass in a long time, because he sure had saved up quite a load! I found out later, though, that that was about average for Luke.

"Ohhh... God... I have to... Luke, help me-" She turned around and he stuck my face between her lips as she squatted over my mouth- I was practically sealed to her cunt! She moaned as she pissed right into my mouth.

"Swallow it! Drink it all, you filthy, worthless toilet-boy!"

And that's what I was! I drank it all down, or at least, as much as I could. Some of it spilled over and down my chin. It was hot and bitter, and it turned me on like nothing else! When she finished, she slapped me.

"Dirty filthbag, you spilled some! Get back to my ass!" She turned around and once again, she sat right on my mouth. As Luke held me there, she wasted no time farting again, but as I stuck my tongue up her ass, I felt something hard that tasted strong and nasty!

"Oh, God, YES! Eat my yummy shit, dirtbag!" And with that, she let loose a disgusting, wet soft shit rope right into my open mouth! I tried to pull away, but her weight and Luke's grip kept me locked there, mouth open. I had to swallow, but I was gagging, I couldn't help it- I barfed- right up her ass!

"Ohhh..., that felt nice! Here, have some back!" And she shat my own vomit right back in my mouth, mixed with the shit that was in there! What choice did I have? I swallowed. Some of it spilled out over the sides, but most of it stayed in my mouth. I realized I couldn't breathe because my nose was clogged with vomit! I had to swallow everything I had in my mouth to be able to breathe anytime soon.

For whatever reason, I never thought to use the safety word. Besides, it would have been hard to use "eclipse" in a sentence when my mouth was packed full of my wife's steaming shit!

"Luke! Fuck his ass! Fuck his faggot ass while he eats my filthy shit!" I couldn't believe what she was telling him to do, but before I could really think about it, Luke was on his knees behind me and had his prick right at my asshole.

I looked up into Mishi's eyes pleadingly and she looked down at me with not a hint of compassion in her eyes.

"Do it. Fuck him!" And he did! He shoved his dick in roughly, no gentle devirginizing for me! It was a searing, splitting pain, like I had never felt before! As he shoved it in, I was just finishing the vomit and shit in my mouth and took a sharp breath- just as Mishi farted again. I took a nice deep breath of shit gas! Then she grunted and shot another load of crap right into my mouth.

This time I knew I couldn't delay and chewed it up and swallowed it as quickly as I could while Luke fucked me hard like a two dollar whore. Mishi took advantage of my faster swallowing and let her shit come faster into my mouth as she fingered herself. She must have been planning this, because she had enough shit up there for a week! And most of it was soft, some almost runny, all of it extremely revolting smelling, like horse shit!

Luke began grunting in my ear and Mishi began to buck as she farted and shat in my mouth.

"Yeah, come up his ass! Come up his ass!" Mishi came as she said that, then immediately dropped down to her knees and ordered me to jerk off, which I did feverishly, still chewing on her last mouthload of crap! Luke laid me on my back and continued to fuck me hard. Mishi sat beside me and whispered degrading insults into my ear as she held wide my butt-cheeks and watched Luke pummel my ass. I was still trying to finish the shit in my mouth.

Luke needed a lot of pumping to cum this third time, so I came before him easily. Mishi caught it all in a glass she had grabbed. As soon as I finished, she opened my mouth and poured a whole mouthful of my own cum in my mouth!

"Swallow!" Of course, I did.

Just then, Luke began to moan loudly, he pulled out of my ass came around to the other side of the bed. Mishi quickly moved me back so that my head dropped off the edge of the bed as Luke jerked his dick over my face. The first load hit me in the lips, the second came after he had shoved his filthy prick in my mouth to the hilt, his balls slapping my nose, his pubic hairs tickling my chin! I sucked his cock clean of my own shit as he pumped more cum into my mouth than I had ever thought was possible! I swallowed it all, missing not a single drop of it. He pumped my mouth like a pussy, leaning over me and fucking like a man possessed!

I don't know how I managed not to gag, but Mishi certainly didn't have the monopoly on deep-throating. As Luke fucked my face and fed me his cum-juice, Mishi sucked the excess come, piss, shit and vomit from my chin, neck and chest.

Finally, Luke shot his last load and held his cock as deep in my throat as he could. He left it in there, shuddering a little every now and then. Mishi went up and deep-kissed him, then whispered something in his ear. He nodded and they kissed passionately for a few more moments while I lay there with Luke's cock embedded deep in my mouth.

Then I felt a warm liquid pouring into my throat- it was Luke's piss! He was still semi-hard and pissing in my throat! Since he was so deep, there was no swallowing to do, it just went right down into me whether I wanted it to or not!