The Photo Shoot


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"Okay, I thought we could start with a couple of pictures of you sitting and then standing," Eddie said, picking up the camera as Leanne guided Nicola on to the chair. She seated herself, and Eddie started snapping, pausing only to check the last few shots, before moving to another angle.

"Keep moving," he suggested, "Rest your hands on your head. Pose however you feel comfortable."

Nicola did really well, moving to a standing pose, resting on the chair, then Eddie took numerous shots of her standing in front of a backdrop and then finally seated in some black silk cushions.

"Fantastic," he said when he'd finally finished. "I'll go upload these to my PC and then shout you over for a look."

"I enjoyed that," Nicola said quietly in my ear as he left us, which surprised me but made me happy too.

Leanne told Nicola that she'd done a great job, and led us back in to the changing rooms for Nicola to get changed back in to her own clothes, leaving us alone for a moment.

"You were like a proper model," I said honestly, "You really seemed to get into it."

"He put me at ease," Nicola admitted as she slipped out of the dress. She'd worn quite a sexy black bra and panties set, which immediately got me hard again, and it was all I could do not to grab her and take her right there in the changing room. "It was actually easier than I thought it would be."

Just then the door opened, and Nicola covered her breasts with her hand, but it was only the camp Oriental guy, and she immediately relaxed and lowered her hands. Even though he was quite obviously gay, I was shocked to see her so at ease half-naked in front of another man. While he put the dress away, she pulled her jeans and shirt back on, and then we rejoined Eddie back inside the house where he was flicking through the shots he'd just taken.

"These are great," he said, pointing towards the screen and I had to admit he was right. He'd captured the essence of Nicola in most of the shots, especially the later ones, as she'd relaxed more.

"I love it," I said as he showed us the full set of photos, and Nicola seemed equally happy. Eddie told us to go home and have a good talk, and if we wanted, he would put a CD together of today's best photos for us to collect tomorrow.

"I'm not charging you anything for today," he shook my hand, "I really enjoyed photographing Nicola." He took her hand, and kissed the back of it. "You're very photogenic, I hope you'll come back soon and have a proper shoot done?"

"I'm certainly thinking about it," a blushing Nicola said, and with that Leanne saw us out.

Nicola was so excited in the car driving home. "I can't believe I did it!" she giggled, "What a buzz!"

I was tempted to tell her about the hardcore and glamour shots I'd seen but I didn't want to do anything that might spoil her day, so I told her how proud I was and when we got home we had a really great night in, talking about the shoot and in bed that night we had a wonderful sexy love making session. It almost felt like her confidence had already been boosted, which was the idea behind the whole photo shoot plan of mine, so I was really happy with what we'd done so far and hoped she'd agree to have a full shoot done.

The next day came around and she didn't need any convincing when I asked her about her thoughts on having some proper photos taken. Nicola told me to phone Eddie up and see when we could do it, but instead I said I would drive by after work to pick up the CD, and speak to him while I was there.

Nicola thought that was a good idea, so that evening I stopped by Eddie's house. Luckily, I thought to ring ahead to make sure he was home as I set off.

"Sure," Eddie said coolly on the other end of the phone, "But you might have to wait ten minutes or so for me, okay? I'm just in the middle of a shoot."

"No problem," I replied. I wasn't in any hurry really. Eddie didn't live that far away.

When I got there, I was greeted by another woman, who looked very much like Leanne, so I wasn't surprised when she introduced herself as Kirstie, Leanne's younger sister. Like her sibling, she had straight blonde hair, but her pretty eyes were brown and her face was slightly rounder. Kirstie was slightly taller but plumper than Leanne, a figure not dissimilar to Nicola's and a shape I preferred to Leanne's up-and-down, boyish frame.

She took me to the lounge and made me a coffee while we waited for the shoot to finish, but just then Eddie popped his head through the door. "Hey," he called to me, "I'm just finishing up. I won't be long." When I nodded, he disappeared, but then reappeared again, with a thoughtful look on his face. "I'm doing a glamour shoot," he cracked a grin and winked at me, "Want to come and see how it works?"

I was a bit taken back. "Um, sure?" I said, hesitantly.

Eddie looked over his shoulder back into the room before speaking quieter, "Look, I'll tell the model you're an associate of mine?"

"If you're sure?" I said, and Eddie beckoned me forward, smiling broadly, so I had a walk through with him into the studio.

I wasn't sure if I should be doing this, but Eddie seemed so confident about it so I followed him but then stopped dead when I saw who he was shooting. There was a tall, slim girl with long flame-red hair who Eddie told to relax, explaining that I was an associate of his; a model agent in fact. The girl was just wearing the tiniest thong. Her smallish tits were pert with small pink nipples, which were erect in the cool air of the studio and I immediately felt my dick going a similar way. Erica, I learned she was called as Eddie introduced her back to me, relaxed and laid down on a green couch which was the centrepiece of the shoot.

But Erica wasn't what made me stop so suddenly. She wasn't the only model. Leanne was there too, as naked as the day she was born. Slim and leggy, Leanne didn't bat an eyelid at seeing me. She must be used to this sort of thing. Eddie beckoned me towards a stool where I sat, out of the way, while he directed the girls and started snapping away with his camera.

I felt my face go red when Leanne looked over at me and smiled. I didn't know why. She was pretty but I wasn't usually this way with women, not easily embarrassed. I could only imagine it was because she was Eddie's girlfriend, yet here I was seeing her totally naked, being photographed by him. It felt like I was invading their privacy, but it was also strangely arousing at the same time.

Leanne leaned over Erica, and slowly and deliberately for the camera, eased down the redhead's thong panties, revealing that the long-legged model was completely shaved down below. Then Leanne pushed her thighs apart, and made to lick her pussy, her tongue stopping only an inch or so away from Erica's slit. Eddie was taking picture after picture and I wondered if he was getting horny at the sight, like I was.

Then the girls embraced and kissed, as Eddie changed angles and Leanne was then the one on her back, legs open with Erica's hand so close to touching her. I was willing for her finger to actually go inside Leanne's pussy, but the raunchiest it got was her fingers easing Leanne's pussy lips apart for Eddie to get some close-up shots. Leanne's mound was mostly bare, apart from a thin landing strip of sandy brown hair.

The sight was so entrancing, that I felt disappointed when Eddie called an end to proceedings and Erica and Leanne both put on a robe to cover themselves. Erica belted hers and then left to get changed, but Leanne hung around for a moment to look at the photo previews on the PC with Eddie for a moment. Her robe hung undone, and I could see the side of her pert, small tits, until Leanne saw me staring and pulled it shut with a smile.

Once she left, Eddie asked me if I'd enjoyed that, and much to my embarrassment again, it took me a moment to be able to speak, so I just nodded and he laughed.

"That's pretty much how I felt after doing my first girl-on-girl shoot," he grinned. "Want a beer and we can sit down and pick out a day for Nicola's shoot?"

Eddie had a fridge in his office, from which he passed me a cold bottle and we sat and chilled out on his comfy leather sofa while he flicked through his diary.

"Next Wednesday any good?" he offered, and then pencilled in 'Nicola' when I nodded and agreed a time. "I'm looking forward to it," he admitted, "Your wife is really hot."

"Thanks," I said, taking a big gulp of beer to steady myself a little. "So is Leanne. She's really cute."

"She is, thanks," he said back, "I figured you'd like seeing her in that shoot just now, after I saw you looking through the glamour and hardcore portfolios."

I must have turned red, because he apologised, "Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. You blushed earlier too."

"I just felt awful for snooping," I explained, "I didn't know you did nude photography, and I was just flicking through them. I never expected to see Leanne in there. I didn't see very much, you caught me just as I saw the first ones of her."

Eddie laughed and told me to relax. "It's cool. Leanne's been a model for a while, she's used to guys seeing her naked." He took a drink. "You didn't see much of her in the portfolio? But you saw a lot more just now."

I chuckled. "I saw pretty much everything! I didn't expect the girl-on-girl thing either. That was pretty hot."

"You haven't seen everything. She does a lot more than what you just saw. That was tame," Eddie took another swig, considering me for a moment, "Want to see the rest of the portfolio?"

"Okay," I said, feeling a bit more relaxed. The beer had calmed me down somewhat but also Eddie's cool personality had a way of making me feel instantly comfortable. It also struck me then as he went to fetch the albums, that I had forgotten Eddie was a lot older than me and Nicola. Even though he was nearing fifty and had more silver than dark in his hair, he was still fit-looking and acted like a much younger guy. He certainly had a girlfriend much younger than his years, which must mean something.

When Eddie came back he sat right next to me, spreading the large album across both our laps and flicking through the pages until he came to the section with Leanne where I had quickly shut the tome.

"Here we go," he said, jabbing a tanned hand towards a couple of photos of her, "This is the first shoot I did with her. It's how we met actually. What was it? Four years ago? I think she was twenty-one then, and a real hotty. I fell for her the moment I laid eyes on her."

I didn't say anything, just let Eddie reminisce for a moment, and then he turned the page to show more of Leanne. These first few pages were just of her, in various states of undress, in more and more explicit poses, but she was on her own. Her pussy was totally shaved in these shots, but she had a very fine strip of pubes now, so I could tell they were from a while ago.

"She's only just let me talk her in to the girl-on-girl stuff," Eddie said as he turned the page, "It took a lot of persuading."

"I can imagine," I said as I looked at yet more provocative naked shots of the lovely Leanne.

"Boy and girl stuff was easier, in fact it only took me about two years to get her to do full-on hardcore," Eddie turned the next page and I took a deep breath and felt my cock twitch as I looked at the next batch of pictures. In these, Leanne was with a guy. The first set of pictures looked fairly amateurish, but Eddie told me it was meant to look that way. A certain audience preferred photos which looked natural, and less posed. There were several of Leanne holding a cock, and then photo by photo, the scene progressed until she was first sucking him, then mounting and finally fucking him. The man wasn't Eddie.

"You were going out with her when you took these?" I asked, puzzled.

"Yeah, we've been going steady since we first met," Eddie said. "This is business, she's a professional. When she fucks a guy for a shoot, it's just that - business. After it's all over, we go right back to being boyfriend and girlfriend, but when we're shooting, we're the photographer and his subject. It's cool."

"It doesn't get you jealous, or angry?"

"Nah. In fact, it's kind of horny in a way," Eddie shrugged, "Almost like Leanne's my own personal porn star. We love and trust each other, and whatever she might do with the male models during a shoot, I get to do whenever I want and more, so I can't complain."

"Cool," I said, not really understanding, but agreeing anyway because I was mesmerized by the images in front of me. The next set of photos was of Leanne with two guys. One was a muscular white guy, the other was black but both were impressively hung. I had to admit the photos were incredibly arousing, with Leanne being fucked by both of them, a cock in her mouth and in her pussy in some shots, and in others, she took one in her ass while she rode the other.

"She's pretty amazing, isn't she?" Eddie said, and I nodded. "Next time she's doing a hardcore shoot like this, I'll let you know. You can come over and watch. In fact, are you well hung?"

I almost spluttered out a mouthful of beer. "Not like those guys, no. Not quite," I stammered, "Why?"

Eddie was laughing, "Sorry. I'm teasing you a bit. I am always looking for models though, male and female. Not all guys can do it, you know? Getting a hard on and keeping it with a camera pointed at you isn't as easy as you'd think."

"I don't think I'd have too much trouble if all the models looked like Leanne," I grinned, "But I don't know if I'd have the balls to do it." Eddie chuckled again, and I realised the pun I'd just made, "You know what I mean."

"I'm the same actually," Eddie confessed, "I always get incredibly horny during shoots, but I don't know if I could be on the other side of the lens. I know my dick is an okay size, but I'd be worried about keeping hard. Shoots are sometimes a bit stop-start."

"Viagra is always an option," I joked, and Eddie playfully punched me in the shoulder.

"Hey! I'm getting on a bit, but I'm not that old yet," he finished off his beer as we flicked through the rest of the portfolio, musing over more various dirty shots of Leanne, including some of her with several guys and ending up covered in sticky cum. I was going to comment on how adventurous Eddie's girlfriend was, when he surprised me again, "I wouldn't need any Viagra with your Nicola," he grinned at me, "I hope I'm not speaking out of turn, but she's so sexy."

"Thanks," I replied, not sure how to respond, "No, it's fine."

"We are talking about our women," Eddie said, "I mean, about my girlfriend at least, so I hope you don't mind. You're a lucky guy. Nicola's really cute and has a great body."

"Thanks," I said again, a bit taken aback, "Leanne's really slim, so I didn't think you'd appreciate..." I groped for a word to describe Nicola's plumper frame, "...curvy women."

"You're kidding, right? I love women with a pair of tits and a nice ass," Eddie closed the album, "Don't get me wrong, I love Leanne, but I do sometimes miss a nice big pair of tits and some hips to grab hold of."

"It's been a long time since I was with a slim girl like Leanne, so I fantasize about that sort of women now," I shrugged, "I suppose the grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it?"

Eddie nodded, and then winked, "Perhaps we should swap?"

"Yeah, right," I scoffed, "I can't see Nicola ever doing anything like that. She'd never do anything kinky like wife-swapping."

"I was only joking," Eddie picked up another portfolio, "Want to see some hardcore pictures of the lovely Erica - the leggy redhead from earlier?"

I looked at my watch. It was later than I'd thought, so I polished off my beer. "Maybe next time. I'm running late. I should get going."

"No worries, you're welcome anytime." Eddie put the albums back in a box. "I'm horny now. I wish I had an album marked 'Nicola' to wank over. I guess I'll have to wait until bed time with Leanne instead."

"Good luck with getting my Nicola to even show a bit of cleavage next Wednesday," I said as I put my coat on and made to leave, "I wouldn't get your hopes up too much."

Eddie just grinned and shook my hand, "You never know. Perhaps you should suggest it to her. A lingerie shoot or something. Damn - I'd love to photograph her like that."

"Maybe," I said, but I knew Nicola would never go for anything like that. Still, on the drive home, I couldn't help but imagine it. The thought of Nicola stripping off for Eddie was weirdly arousing. Even more so if Leanne or some other stranger were in the room. I didn't know why the thought turned me on, but it was only a fantasy so I didn't worry about it. I was certainly horny from seeing the dirty photos that Eddie had shown me, so I just put it down to that and resolved to give Nicola the benefit of my ridiculously hard cock when I got home.

She was happy with the appointment date and time I'd picked for our shoot, saying that next week was good because it didn't give her time to change her mind. When we went to bed, we had some great sex, and Nicola couldn't help but ask what had gotten in to me lately.

Of course, I didn't tell her that I'd been thinking of not only the photos of Eddie's girlfriend having sex but also imaginary pictures in my head of Nicola doing similar things with some faceless stranger while Eddie clicked away on his camera. I just said that I was feeling horny of late - she'd looked so hot in the photos we'd had done and I couldn't wait to see a proper shoot featuring my beautiful wife.

She beamed at that, and said that she was happy that this was having a beneficial effect on things for us. I agreed and over the next couple of days, things went back to normal, but I couldn't stop thinking about the forthcoming photo shoot, and still couldn't get my naughty fantasies about Nicola doing something risqué out of my head.

Then on the Sunday, I got a call from Eddie.

"Hey, are you busy this afternoon?"

"Not really. Why? What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing's up," Eddie said coolly, "I promised to let you know the next time Leanne was doing a hardcore shoot, and we've just got one lined up for today. You're welcome to drop by and watch. I know you're hot on Leanne. Hell, you can even bring Nicola if you like."

Even down the phone, I could tell he was smiling as he said the last part. I briefly thought about inviting Nicola but I knew that it would probably put her off the whole thing, so instead I told Eddie I'd see him shortly, and made an excuse with Nicola to head out for an hour or two.

I was met at the door by Leanne's pretty sister, Kirstie, who told me to go straight through to the studio. "You haven't missed anything. They're just getting ready, I think."

I was intrigued by how cool Kirstie was about what her sister did. "Do you model too?" I couldn't help but ask, looking at her and picturing her naked and posing.

Kirstie went bright red, and crossed her arms over her ample cleavage which was on display in the deep V-neck top she was wearing. "No, I'm not like that."

I apologised, saying I hadn't meant to give offence, but Kirstie smiled reassuringly. "It's fine," she kept her cleavage covered though, "It's just that Leanne is the confident one out of us too. I'm much better at doing what I do. Managing and keeping the books." She blew a stray lock of blonde hair out of her eyes. "Better behind the desk, than ON the desk, you might say."

She smiled, and I chuckled at her great sense of humour. I really liked her. If I wasn't happy with Nicola, Kirstie was the type of girl I would ask out.

"You better get in there," she ushered me towards the studio, "You don't want to miss anything."

Kirstie was right. I didn't want to miss this, so I walked through into the studio, to find Liu finishing putting some make-up on a very pretty Leanne. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun on the back of her head, and smoky eye shadow made her blue eyes really stand out.