The Photographa


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"Are you part of the crowd who is here today?" Mandy asked.

Laura smiled and nodded. "Yes," she said, "I am working with them later."

The girl leaned across the counter. "I have heard that they are going to take some pictures of a naked woman with one of the trains," she said in a low voice.

Laura smiled again. "Yes, they are," she said.

"I wouldn't fancy having to take all my clothes off in front of all those people," Mandy said, glancing out of the window at the crowd on the platform.

"I don't know," said Laura with a slight smile. "I bet it might be quite interesting."

At last Karen came in and said they were just about ready. Laura smiled at Mandy and thanked her for her company. "I've got to go and do some work now," she said. Karen and Olivia had taken over a small waiting room to use as a dressing and make up room. Laura quickly undressed and Karen checked her body and make up while Olivia saw to her hair. Laura was again feeling the thrill of what she was about to do.

Just then Jim came in. He glanced at Laura's naked body. "I see you're ready for work," he said with a smile. He pulled up a stool and went through the story line with her. "How do you feel about dogs?" he asked.

Laura looked at him. "I don't have a problem with them, why?"

He smiled. "Well, I have one for you as part of the set up. You will meet him later."

He explained to her the running order of the shoot. She would arrive at the station in a taxi, the dog would be with her in the taxi. She would get out and stand and watch as her luggage was unloaded by a porter, then walk through into the booking hall. After picking up her ticket she would go through onto the platform. There she would stand and wait as the train pulled in with the guard opening the carriage door for her. Once on the train, that would be the end, but then he said, "Although I might do some inside later if there is time."

Karen passed Laura her coat "OK, let's go to work." They walked out to the front of the station to find Jim waiting there with Conrad. He was chatting to the driver of a vintage taxi. Awaiting her also was a guy holding onto the lead of a large Afghan hound. Laura leaned over and patted the dog.

"He's called Bruce," the guy said, passing the lead to Laura. "He's your co-star."

Jim nodded to Laura. "Right, let's get started." She smiled and slipped off her coat much to the obvious delight of the taxi driver and the dog handler. Laura again felt the thrill of exposing her nakedness to strangers as she stepped into the taxi. As the taxi did a short circle Laura observed the driver looking at her through his rear view mirror. When it pulled up she could not resist parting her legs slightly wider than necessary as she got up, giving him an unrestricted view of the intimate delights between her open thighs.

Jim and Conrad were waiting as the taxi pulled up and Jim told her how to pose as she waited for her luggage to be unloaded. Then they followed her through into the booking hall where he took more pictures and then out onto the platform. There were quite a few extras out on the platform as Laura stood there with the porter and her cases. She was holding Bruce on a short lead. Laura was again excited about being naked and being observed by so many people.

As the large locomotive slowly pulled into the station, the engineer was leaning out of the cab. He could clearly see the naked girl on the platform. He called his fireman across. "Come and get a look at this, Eric," he said. The Fireman came over and they both leaned out of the cab and admired Laura's naked beauty.

As the train passed her, clouds of warm steam caressed her naked body. This pleased Jim. It was just what he was looking for. As the train pulled to a halt the guard who was standing with Laura opened the door for her. She turned to look at Jim. He nodded to her and she led the dog into the carriage. Jim was pleased with the first shoot. Karen came on and brought Laura's coat with her. The dog handler followed and took control of the dog.

They did a second run through just to make sure everything was OK. No one complained, especially Laura. She was enjoying herself again. Jim then did a selection of pictures in the carriage itself. When he was happy with their morning's work they all retired to the buffet and Jim provided everyone with a drink. When Mandy, the buffet attendant, brought Laura's drink over she smiled at her. "You didn't tell me you were the one who was going to be photographed without your clothes."

Laura smiled at her. "You never asked me," she said.

Mandy smiled and nodded. "I just want to say I thought you were beautiful. If I had a figure like yours I am sure that I would not mind showing it off to people."

Laura thanked her and leaned up and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you," she said, that was so nice of you to say. She saw Mandy blushing as she walked away.

Jim came over and told Laura that he had decided to call off the last shoot of the day as they were already running late. He had decided that they had enough to go with. If they needed some more, he would have to fix up another session on another day. Laura was a little disappointed by this decision. It meant her exhibiting days were over, for the time being at least.

The next two weeks were quite mundane for Laura after the thrill of exposing herself with Jim. She spent most of her time pulling together the article she was writing about Jim for the magazine. It was Monday morning two weeks after the shoot that a large box was delivered to her by special messenger. She quickly opened it to find a selection of 12x10 pictures of the photo shoots they had done. Not just the ones with Laura but ones with the other three models as well. Laura looked through them. They were stunning! There was a note from Jim saying that what he had sent were a selection of the pictures he would be using at his forthcoming exhibition, and she might want to use some of them in her article.

She called Alan in and showed him the pictures. He slowly went through them. When he came to the ones of Laura, he turned and smiled at her. "You certainly made a good model," he said. Laura felt herself blushing slightly as Alan looked closely at the very explicit pictures. But she also felt that same old feeling as she again felt the thrill of exposing herself. Alan decided to pin the pictures up in the staff rest room and let the other staff member decide which ones should be used for the Jim Lisle article. He seemed to get a bit of a kick from displaying Laura's naked pictures to the other staff members. Laura herself had no objection to them seeing her. In fact, she was quite excited when she saw them looking at the pictures, especially the ones in which she appeared.

A few days later an envelope arrived on her desk. It was an invitation to the opening night of the Jim Lisle exhibition. Also, there was a note asking her if she were available to come down to the studio at 7:30 a couple of evenings before the exhibition.

Laura arrived by taxi and found several people already there. Some she knew, like Olivia and Karen. She saw Conrad chatting with Jim, who waved at her when she came in. There were also a couple of guys and three other girls whom she did not recognize. Karen and Olivia were handing out glasses of wine and when they came over to her, she asked them what it was all about. "You'll see later." She smiled a mischievous smile. "But knowing you as I do, I think you will enjoy it and I'm not saying any more at this stage."

Laura got chatting to one of the girls she had not seen before and found out that she was one of the other models whom Jim had used for his exhibition shoot. Her name was Arleen. She was a tall slim blond and Laura then instantly recognized her from the pictures that Jim had sent. It was then that she realized the other two girls there were the other models.

Jim called them all together and first of all thanked them all for their hard work in helping to produce all the work for the exhibition. He told them that the pictures were now complete and at this moment were being hung in the gallery. "What we have come here tonight for is first of all to thank you all, but also to show my four lovely models a little surprise I have for them." He looked over to where the girls were standing and smiled. He nodded towards Conrad who came forward bringing with him a life size shop mannequin. She was clad in a simple black strappy dress.

"As you all know most of my work is involved in displaying the female nude in situations where the contrast between the model and her surroundings is most stark." He stopped for a moment and looked around. "On the opening night of the exhibition we will have a celebrity VIP audience with black tie dress for the men and the lady guests appropriately attired. The guests will be served wine and food and allowed to wander around at will. My staff will of course be on duty to take orders. As well as the pictures of the models I feel that I want to display the models themselves, but to have them standing around naked is a bit crass. So I have discussed this with a couple of my technical guys and we have come up with something that I think will not only entertain the guests but also continue the contrasting theme of the exhibition."

Laura was interested in what he was saying but wondered just what he had in mind.

He turned to Conrad and the mannequin. "I have at great expense had this dress designed special. Each of our lovely models will be supplied with one to wear on the night of the exhibition." He looked at Conrad. "But the dress has a secret." He indicated what looked like a small clasp on the thin shoulder strap. "This is a micro switch," he said. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small device about the size of a mobile phone, then walked away from the mannequin. "Then I press one of these buttons," he said as he pressed the button. I watched as the straps of the dress parted suddenly and the dress slid down the mannequin's body and lay in a crumpled heap around her feet.

I suddenly felt hot all over. I looked at the other three models. They also seemed in a state of shock having watched the demonstration. Jim smiled. "Well," he said, "I hope the people at the exhibition get just as big a surprise as you did. You should just see your faces." He called Laura and the other three models over. "Well, what do you think?" he asked.

"It should be great fun," Arleen smiled.

"But when will the dress come off and what do we do then?" Vicky one of the other two models asked.

Jim shrugged. "That's up to you. I don't expect you to stand around naked all night. Just as long as you feel comfortable, do whatever you want. It could happen at any time. I will be watching you and when I decide that it might be an appropriate moment, I will press your button. Then it is up to you. I don't want you to panic. You can walk off straight away, but do it casually, and if you want to go through it again at another point in the exhibition, which I sincerely hope you will, one of my staff will return your dress to you."

Laura felt her heart beating fast. She was excited by the idea of being suddenly stripped naked in front of such a public gathering. It had been exciting enough at the shoots parading naked before strangers but now to be told she would have to do it all over again, she almost had an orgasm on the spot.

Jim asked them what they thought about the idea. Laura and Arleen were happy about it while the other two had some reservations but decided they would give it a try. Laura asked if they could try out the dress before the evening. Jim nodded. "It's no problem, I think all the dresses are here." He turned and called Olivia over. She confirmed that the dresses were all ready. "When do you want to try them?" Jim asked.

Laura looked at Arleen. "No time like the present," she said.

Olivia took the four girls through into a store room. The four dresses were hanging on a rail with the girls name on them. She handed them out. "It's a good idea to try them on," she said, "in case they need altering in any way. We have only two days before the opening."

Laura and Arleen quickly stripped off their clothes, and when they were naked they, with Olivia's help, stepped into the dresses. The other two undressed, but not completely, leaving their panties on.

Olivia checked out the dresses. They all checked out alright. She explained they needed to be a bit loose or they would not work. Laura looked at herself in a large mirror. She looked good in the dress, and it felt exciting to be totally naked under it. Olivia took the two of them out for Jim's inspection while the other two got changed again.

He looked them over. "You both look great," he said. "How do they feel?"

Laura shrugged. "Very nice," she said. Arleen agreed.

"Well, let's see if this thing works," he said, taking the device out of his pocket. With Conrad and the two guys watching with interest (the guys, by the way, Laura had discovered from Karen, were the electronic experts who had designed the magic clasps), Jim walked to the other side of the studio and pressed the button.

Laura felt the clasps give way and the dress slid gracefully down her body exposing her nakedness to the two guys. They both, she noticed with some amusement, instantly got a bulge in their pants. She turned and watched Arleen as her dress took the same journey to the floor and the tall statuesque blond was like Laura, exposed in all her naked beauty.

She smiled at Laura. "I think I'm going to enjoy the exhibition." Laura agreed.

The exhibition centre was filling up, and there were already queues of people lining up outside. A Jim Lisle exhibition was always a big draw. The place had the aura of a film premier. Men, some attired in tuxedoes, others in dinner jackets, mingled with ladies laden with jewelry and swathed in designer fashions. All but naked dainty Thai waitresses dispensed vintage champagne and trays of delicious eastern food.

Laura and the other girls had arrived early at the request of Jim. Karen and Olivia had checked their make up and hairdos. Conrad had run a check on the radio controlled clasps on the dresses and checked the hand held controller buttons so he knew which number related to which girl. Jim had decided he couldn't really do the job and had left Conrad in charge. He would have loved to have done it himself but he knew he would be too busy with customers.

Allison and Vicky, the other two models, were still not too happy about the dresses. Vicky especially complained that it had been bad enough displaying herself naked in the very public places during the photographic shoots, but what he expected of them tonight was past the limit. But she knew better than to upset Jim Lisle by refusing the assignment. One word from him and she would not get another job in this town. But she had already decided that once the dress came off, that was it. She would make a hasty retreat.

The four girls changed into their dresses and Jim said they could go and have a wander around to get used to the place. Once outside in the large gallery which was on three floors, Laura felt the excitement of being almost naked with just the thin dress covering her body, a dress that at any moment would fall from her, openly displaying her naked beauty to whomever was close to her.

Arleen picked up two glasses of champagne and the two girls who had now become good friends over the last few days wandered around looking at the finished pictures. The ones Jim had sent to Laura had been spectacular but the finished prints were awesome. Jim had worked in both color and black and white and the results were stunning. A large picture in one of the rooms was the one of Laura on the train platform just as the train passed. Her naked body seemed to be alight as the steam swirled around it. In another room Arleen smiled as she pointed to a picture of Laura seated in a chair with a glass of wine in her hand. She was naked, chatting to two old guys in oilskins. It was one of those Jim had taken in the club after the fish market shoot. Both the guys had pints in their hands and the expressions on their ancient weathered faces were amazing, as they both stared intently at Laura's naked body.

Arleen grinned. "Those two were getting quite an eyeful, weren't they?"

Laura laughed. "Yes, but I think it had been a long time since that had see anything like that."

The room was starting to fill up now and the girls parted company. Jim had told them not to stick together. Laura was leaning against the rail overlooking the ground floor. She saw Allison chatting to three elderly gentlemen who were standing in front of a picture of her taken in a foundry. In the picture she was naked apart from boots and a hard hat. The flames from a furnace lit up her body. Suddenly, as Laura watched, her dress slid down her body and lay in a pool around her feet. The three guy's eyes lit up as she stood there in front of them, her firm breasts with their hard erect nipples standing proud. She casually stepped out of the dress and continued to talk to the prospective customers, much to their obvious enjoyment and also to many of the other people in the room who stopped and stared at the attractive naked model.

Laura felt excited. She knew her nipples were hard, and she was beginning to feel seriously aroused. With all these people around her, she couldn't wait for it to happen. She saw the tall naked form of Arleen walking slowly through the crowd smiling at all her admirers. She stopped as she approached Laura.

"Are you OK?" Laura asked.

Arleen nodded and smiled. "It's just that my nipples are so hard they hurt. It's an unbelievable sensation. I feel I want to touch myself," she whispered.

Laura saw her friend was correct. Her nipples were sharply extended. "I'm going to need a good fucking after this lot," she said with a grin. And then she again slowly made her way through the admiring crowd.

Laura's turn came a few minutes later. She was again standing in front of the large picture taken on the station. She was talking to an American couple who introduced themselves as Faye and Morgan from Texas, and a guy called Vincent. The Americans told her that they had bought the picture, and it would be going over to the states to adorn their apartment.

Vincent smiled. "I was seriously thinking about it myself but it's rather large for my apartment. But I am certainly going to purchase one of the smaller ones. You are a seriously beautiful woman."

Conrad's timing couldn't have been more appropriate. Laura felt the light movement on her shoulder and the electronic switch operated and the thin straps parted. She held her breath as the dress began its decent. It snagged for a moment on her extended nipples but the weight of the material dragged it down. Laura stepped out of the discarded dress and gently moved it aside with her foot.

The American woman's hand went to her mouth as Laura's naked body was displayed in front of her. "Oh my god, what a beautiful body," she gasped, turning to her husband. Laura smiled.

She could see that he would not be contradicting her as he took in the naked beauty before him. Vincent in the meantime just stood with open mouth and stared at her. He evidently didn't realize that this was part of the show. The Americans were the first to regain some composure. Morgan pulled a small digital camera from his pocket. "Is it OK if we have our picture taken with you in front of our picture?" he asked Laura. She saw no reason to object and Morgan passed the camera over to Vincent. "Would you mind doing the honor?" he asked.

After the picture the Americans thanked her and moved on. Laura was in no hurry to leave. She was again enjoying the sensation of being naked in a public place, seeing the people smile as they passed her, the men giving her admiring glances. Laura was feeling hot. Vincent had at last regained some of his composure, and Laura had laughingly explained to him about the dress. He seemed a little concerned at first about her nakedness but she assured him that she actually enjoyed being naked. Vincent stopped one of the skimpily clad Thai waitresses and picked up two glasses of champagne. They then wandered around together looking at Laura's other pictures. Vincent was now enjoying the company of the attractive naked Laura, and the way that the other men in the gallery looked at him enviously.