The Picture


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The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back came after a conversation I had with some guy I had seen around. I don't remember his name and have no idea what he actually did, but we ended up talking about the crazy schedule Jesse was keeping and the pressure she was under. When I expressed relief that it would hopefully end sometime soon, he shattered the illusion Jesse and I had created for myself. He didn't mean to; he was just being honest and had no idea what he was doing.

"It'll slow down, sure, but probably not for a couple of years. With a new artist the company keeps them on the move constantly. She'll get sent all over the country, maybe even other countries, to do appearances and performances. They'll get her spots on talk shows and doing radio interviews. It'll be crazy for a while but that's what has to be done to make it."

I hoped Jesse hadn't been intentionally misleading me, but the reality was that I wasn't going to be able to live this life. I was already frustrated with the lack of time I had with her. I was very much a 'work to live' rather than a 'live to work' kind of person, so working what amounted to around the clock wasn't something I was willing to do nor tolerate from the woman in my life. If her dream was more important that me and my happiness, and I had no doubt that was the case, then I would free her to follow that dream.

I had come to the decision to walk away. I certainly wasn't happy to make that choice but I thought it was in the best interests of both me and Jesse. Of course I wouldn't just disappear, but it was a conversation I wasn't looking forward to.

We got home late that night so we just went to sleep since we were both completely exhausted. The next day was more work for her and more nothing for me. Since she was going to be gone most of the day I went ahead and packed up my things. I planned to wait until I talked to Jesse before making a flight reservation because I didn't know when that conversation would take place, and then I could stay at a cheap hotel that night if needed.

It was nearly 8:00pm when Jesse got back to our hotel room that night and she saw my bags immediately, and I think knew what they meant even if she didn't want to. There were lots of tears. She begged me to stay, swearing she loved me and couldn't do this without me. I assured her she was strong enough to do this, but I simply couldn't go on like this, nor would I dream of getting in the way of her chasing what she wanted by asking her to give it up for me.

In the end she asked me to stay with her one more night to give her time to come to terms with losing me. She knew that in her heart that her music was number one in her life and she told me that she suspected this day was coming soon. She swore she would always love me and I swore the same to her. I did stay one more night and then we split the next morning. I went to the airport and she went to do whatever it was that she did all day. I haven't seen her since, at least not in person.


I had my gaggle of teenage girls in tears at this point, and I wasn't much better.

"Do you ever regret your choice, coach?"

"Every day, Abby, but I also know it was the right one for both of us. If either one of us had given up who we were for the other one there was no way it would end well."

"Do you have any of her albums?"

"I have all three. Most of the time it's too hard to even look at them let alone listen to them, but sometimes when I'm really missing her I'll put one on."

"Do you have a favorite?"

"Her debut is my favorite, but that's mostly because it has my song on it."

"Your song? Like your favorite song?"

"No, the song she wrote about me?"

This sent the girls into a frenzy.

"Which one is it?"

"Track 10. 'Forever in my Heart'."

"How do you know it's about you?"

"If you read the lyrics you'll see some lines that don't make much sense on the surface, and people mostly chalk it up to some artistic license. But I know exactly what they mean because she's talking about us and only things she and I would know."

"She was telling you that she'd always love you."

By now the emotion of it was too much and I could only nod in response. We were up against our time limit so I waved at the girls to let them know practice was over and I retreated to my office. This was going to be a very difficult night.


Would you believe that was the last I heard from my team about Jesse Keller? No, neither would I, but for a few weeks I really thought it was. The girls were focused and dedicated, and our time was spent almost entirely on basketball. (When coaching teenage girls there's always some time that is about boy drama or changes in their bodies or whatever, but we kept it to a minimum).

It was about a month after our little storytelling session that I became aware that my team had not just let the Jesse Keller situation alone. I had the girls on the bleachers and we were talking about a road game we had the next day. Some of it was about our opponent and some was about the logistics of the trip. I was talking and realized that no one was paying attention. In fact, none of them were even looking at me; they were looking past me, and all at the same spot behind me.

I turned around and could hardly believe my eyes as Jesse sauntered (there's really no other word for it) across the gym floor in my direction. I literally blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I wasn't.

"Hello Henry."

My mind couldn't seem to process what I was seeing and speak at the same time so I stood there silently staring for several seconds. There were 12 uncharacteristically quiet teenage girls watching the scene unfold, and Jesse just stood there looking in my eyes and smiling. Finally I managed to speak.


That caused a kerfuffle amongst the players, and I heard a voice say 'What'd he say?" and another respond "He called her Jake now shut up!" I couldn't tell you whose voices they were.

"'d you find me?"

"I got a letter."

"I imagine you get thousands of letters."

"I do. Well, the record company and the publicists do. They're mostly requests for autographed pictures, personal appearances, or fan club information. Only a few actually get sent to me personally."

"And one of those told you where I was?"

"The thing is each artist can provide certain things, like say a person's name, that the letter readers are to keep an eye out for. Mine were directed to look out for your name and I finally got one."

"From who?" As if I didn't know.

"I got a letter written by someone named Marisa but it was signed by 11 other girls as well. They let me know that you were their basketball coach and where I could find you, if I was interested."

I glanced over at my girls, who suddenly found the floor or the ceiling very interesting.

"Marisa, stand up please, young lady."

Marisa stood up slowly with a rather embarrassed look on her face.

"Marisa, this is Jesse. Jesse, Marisa." They exchanged greetings and then I continued. "Marisa, I think you owe me something."

"Yes sir. I apologize for butting into your private life...again. I hope you understand that we did it with the best of intentions, though."

"I do, and your apology is accepted. You can sit down."

She hesitated for a minute, and then slowly raised her hand.

"Can I ask just one question?" I nodded. "Why did you call her Jake?"

Jesse fielded this one.

"When we started meeting with the record company for some reason a bunch of people started calling me by my initials: J K. We both thought it was kind of funny and Henry started calling me that even when we were alone, just as a way to make us laugh. One time he kind of fumbled on it and it came out as Jake, which made us laugh even harder. From then on I was Jake. It became his pet name for me."

"That's sweet. Okay, I'll sit down now."

"So, what're you doing here, Jake?"

"I came to get back the only man I've ever loved and the only man who ever truly loved me. Why'd we ever break up, Henry?"

She stepped a little closer to me.

"You know the answer to that."

"Remind me."

"You wanted to be a star and travel and perform, and I couldn't live that life. I didn't like travel or hotels as you know, but most of all I wasn't okay with being a kept man on the road while you did your thing, nor was I going to tolerate seeing my wife just a few days every month between gigs and appearances. That's not married life, at least not to me."

"So instead you left me. Has there been anyone else?"

"Not for me. You?"

"Me either. I'm actually kind of famous in the industry for being all about the music and having almost no social life. I haven't dated anyone since you left."

"Bullsh..." I saw the girls out of the corner of my eye. "I mean, well, I've seen you out with guys, famous guys. I damn near tore up the checkout lane at the grocery store when I saw you in People Magazine with that movie star at the Oscars. Tom something..."

"That was a publicity set up. His career was starting to slide and they wanted to do something to make him relevant to a younger crowd and asked me to go with him. I had always wanted to go to the Oscars so I went. It was nothing. Heck, it was less than nothing. He was boring and far too into himself to be interested in me."

"Be that as it may, Jake, nothing has changed. You're still a hugely popular and successful singer and I'm still me. I think you wasted your time coming here."

"Seeing you is never a waste of time, Henry, but can we at least talk about it?"


"Henry, I owe them just one more album, and we've finished recording it already. I took a break from the mixing and post-production stuff to come see you but it's almost done. Then about a year of touring and then I'm finished, done."

"What do you mean, done?"

"Honey, I have more money than we need. I don't need to record anymore and I've grown tired of the life, mostly because I don't have you to share it with. I've reached my career goals and now I want the picket fence."

"The picket fence?"

"You know, the white picket fence, the ideal suburban life. Baby, I'm asking you to just hang on for one more year while I finish up what I have to do. Then I want to come home to you and marry you and have as many babies as we can. We can shoot for your own personal basketball team if you want."

"I don't know, Jake. We haven't seen each other in 4years and we've both grown and changed. Maybe we're not right for each other any more."

"Then how come neither of us has ever had a serious relationship with anyone else? Hmm? I love you as much as I ever have, Henry. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me that much and I'll leave you alone if that's what you want."

I looked her right in the eyes but I knew I couldn't say that, and she knew it too.

"That's right, you can't, because that would be a lie and you have never, ever lied to me. You even told me when those jeans made my ass, sorry, my butt look big. You love me, damn it, so take a chance!"

"Look, this has all hit me kind of fast. I need some time to think. Let's have dinner tonight, okay, and we can talk some more."

"Okay, Henry. I'm at the Plaza Hotel, suite 701. Pick me up at 7:00. They'll be expecting you. Just give your name at the desk."

With that she closed the final distance between us and wrapped her arms around me, laying on me a kiss that put that first one to shame. I felt it all the way to my toes and knew then I was probably powerless to resist her. She was the only woman I had ever wanted, and what was one more year?


I considered the situation as I got ready to meet up with Jesse. It had been 4 years and we both probably had changed, but how much? My mind thought this was an incredibly bad idea, that there was no way this could work after all this time. But your logical brain usually can't overcome one basic truth: your heart wants what it wants. Besides, I had passed up several opportunities for relationships with other women because they didn't make me feel the way Jesse did, and if I didn't take advantage of Jesse's return then that would have been pointless.

I arrived at her hotel at 6:56 and gave my name at the desk. The clerk got on the phone and about 3 minutes later Jesse came sweeping out of the elevator in a skin-tight black dress that ended just below her knees and was very modest on top, though I knew all about those C-cups she was packing.

I swear it was like we had never been apart. We talked all through dinner with the ease of people that had been together for years. All those old feelings I had somehow pushed way down into some hidden compartment in my heart burst forth with a vengeance. I would wait forever for this woman and we both knew it.

We went to a jazz club, where it was nice and dark so that Jesse could experience some anonymity. We considered a regular dance club but figured she might be recognized. Even at the jazz club she got a few 'is that her' kind of looks, but the people that frequent this kind of club aren't likely to intrude even if you are famous.

It was late when we got back to her hotel and I escorted her all the way up to her room. I had no plans beyond that but apparently she did.

"Come inside for a few minutes, Henry."

No sooner had the door shut than she took her dress straps from her shoulder and dropped the dress to the floor. Her lacy black bra and panties quickly followed. Her breasts were as perfect as I remember them, topped with pale pink areolas and perfect nipples, while her pussy was neatly trimmed but still covered in fur, just as I liked it.

"Are you sure about this, Jesse?"

"As sure of anything I've ever done, baby. I've been without you for too damn long and I'm not waiting any longer for you to fuck me, so I suggest you get out of those damn clothes and get the hell over here."

I had waited the same 4 years and I was just as eager, if not more so, than she was, and I dropped my clothes to the floor as I crossed over to her.

We were up all night making love and fucking. Yes, sometimes it was loving and sometimes if really was just fucking, but it was always as incredible as it had always been. We just fit, Jesse and I, in all conceivable ways. We both had 4 years of pent up frustration and desire and we did our very best to release as much of it as possible that night.

I took her in every position I could think of. I lost track of the number of orgasms she had. Finally she had to beg me to stop because she was simply too sensitive to go on any longer. It was 5:04am when we finally settled in to snuggle, with her head on my shoulder and her arm draped across my chest.

"So, is that a yes, Henry? Will you wait for me?"

"No, Jake, I'm not waiting for you anymore."

Her head snapped up and she looked me straight in the eyes with a look that I hope to never see ever again.

"What the hell, Henry? After tonight...what the hell was this then? We spend all evening together having an incredible time and the last several hours with every part of me filled with every part of you that will fit, and now you give me this. What kind of asshole are you?"

I just let her finish her little rant with a smile on my face, and I think she realized something was up.

"You asshole, you're fucking with me aren't you!" Jesse yelled.

"Oh, I spent the last several hours fucking with you, baby. But I was serious about not waiting for you anymore. Wait, calm down, let me finish. I'm not waiting for you anymore. You're gonna marry me before you go back out on the road or it's over. Is that clear?"

Her anger quickly turned into a broad smile.

"Crystal clear, baby. Tomorrow we go ring shopping and doing whatever we need to do."

"Sounds perfect, but before me do that there's something we still need to do here and now."

I pushed her on to her back and slid my rejuvenated shaft into her waiting pussy and didn't stop until we both came again. Damn I love this woman.



We were married three days later in the gym at the high school. We actually made a school assembly out of it, and my team served as the wedding party; 6 on each side, with Marisa as my 'best man' (best person?).

Jesse went back to Los Angeles after a week to complete the work on the album, and she quickly recorded a new song that she had written just for me and got it on the album as the last track. 'Forever with Me' was never released as a single but was still a top digital download.

I spent the summer touring with her because I just couldn't be away from her for that whole year. Life on a tour bus is interesting and I could definitely see how one might grow tired of it. But when the school year started I was right back in my rightful place, teaching history to kids that didn't care about history and getting ready for another basketball season.

True to her word, Jesse retired after her last tour and we bought a house with some acreage out in the country. It made my commute a bit longer but I didn't mind. She quickly became the ideal coach's wife, becoming a surrogate mother to the girls that made their way through my program.

It wasn't long before she became a real mother as well. We've already had two kids and she is carrying number three, with no end in sight. Perhaps we will make a basketball team after all, though it'll have to be co-ed.

Her albums continue to sell well and see plenty of radio play, so the royalties just keep on coming. We've created a number of scholarships to award college money for either participation in girl's basketball or in music. Since we were married there hasn't been one girl that has played for me and gone on to college that hasn't gotten something from us to help pay their way. I'm pretty proud of that.

Jesse adapted very quickly to a life of anonymity. I saw no signs that she ever missed it. Every once in a while she'd be contacted and asked to participate in some of those 'Where Are They Now' type programs, and she's done a few of them. It usually depends what's going on in our lives at the time. She's made it very clear that her family comes first.




Author's Note:

Like many author's on this sight, I will often have ideas pop into my head that are nothing more than snippets of a larger story, but I don't yet have the larger story. For me it was the scene in the gym when Jesse appears and confronts Henry in front of the team he's coaching.

I've had that idea in my head for years. The original idea in my head was written around the recording artist, Jewel, from when she was hugely popular. That gives you some idea of how long this has been germinating in my brain. Her last name is Kilcher and the idea of 'Jake' as a nickname was spawned from those initials. I didn't want to use a real person so Jesse Keller was born to allow the same initials and use of the 'Jake' nickname.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I get the part of no serious romance by either for 4 years but it does not men they each didn't have sex. No way do they remain celibate. I can see the reunion of sorts but no way do I see her at that stage just quitting. She is famous and under contracts and would miss the lime light.

IndyOnIndyOn5 months ago

In the early 70s I met a girl who was the lead singer in a west coast touring band. She was married to the guitar player and leader of the band. They got divorced and the band broke up. We met the day her divorce was final and we stayed together for two years. She worked an office job and continued to take singing lessons weekly. After two years I was ready to propose when she was offered a backup singing job with a local big name talent. She now worked six days per week from 5 until 2AM then partied with her group until the wee hours. Her group went on tour to Vegas and then LA and when in LA they got a recording contract so she stayed in LA for two years and we were over. I know that feeling from your story, happy for her but personally sad. The studio started using their own musicians and backup singers so she came home. We tried again but she was looking or her next singing job so I just couldn't start again. That was 50 years ago and I still love her. Great story that brought back many memories both happy and sad. *5* PS....She never got another singing job.

Anita71Anita715 months ago

You write well, the way you weave the characters into the story is fantastic

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I really liked most of this story. So much so I took some bits out of it I did not like but added this extended ending. Hopefully the spellings are OK! I hope the BigGuy33 does not mind.

Jake also collaborated with the school. She volunteered to help in the music department. She coaches piano, guitar and voice to those with talents in those areas. Jake also helped with digital recording. On occasion Jake sang at the school when they needed some funds for when the school needed items or for money to send the kids off on events. The singing events were infrequent but when she did one they were always sold out and brought in the 'big bucks' for the school. Although the general public could purchase the tickets, she always made sure the school had their quota first. Some people travelled from across America and even Canada to get there.

From helping the music department Jake realised she could still do her music but in her own time and way. She discussed it with me and I was all for it. Every so often around town she would sing in a bar and kept her hand in performing in public. (These sessions were never published as the bar would be inundated, she just turned up as it were with only the bar knowing she was coming in. That said, when she asked them if they had a slot they never turned her down as the people never left the bar until she finished singing.) She still wrote songs and tested them out in front of the bar crowd. Those that went down well she recorded using the schools equipment with the staff and pupils assisting and published them on line. Jakes fans lapped them up and they made a large dent in the charts and even made the radio play lists. She made one last song for us, 'Forever With You' It was about our family. All three children are doing well. Jake restricted herself when they were younger but she still did days at the school when she could. In fact the other parents had rotors to look after the children so Jake could help at the school. Both of us were always receiving letters from the children we helped after they left school and when they came back home they came and visited us. I am gad Jake still did her recording for I was fearful she would miss it. As she said "its all about when I want to do it, the family comes first, helping the (school) children comes second but writing music and playing has its place as well, but I am in control of it." You should see the music studio the school has now, it top notch and they rent it out to other musicians in the area especially in holidays with the teachers, Jake and the children helping as the engineers. Jake of course has free use of the studio and there are plenty of helpers to assist her. The school choir did a song with Jake that she had written and that went down a storm with all proceeds going to the school. Jake and the school choir also did a song for a local hospital to raise funds as they have a programme to help those that do not have medical insurance, again all proceeds going to the hospital found, its still selling and is on the frequently on the radio. As our children have grown up and at least one of them has shown they have a musical talent and Jake is couching them to see what area they like to go to. One of the other children loves recording music and has a talent for arranging music. They have helped Jake on more than one occasion to add a few more tracks to harmonise with her raw songs. In fact their name is included in the songs listing as being an arranger. The other child is not musically inclined but they seem to be more academic and they may well follow me into being a teacher. As we move on through our years we are both content with our life and family. Those at the school call her Jake and that is a special title for her as its only special persons that call her that.

SouthdownSouthdown7 months ago

Great story BG I love the way it moved and uncovered stuff as it went along...teenage girls can always add fun to a plot and you did it perfectly Thank You 5***** Old retired guy here leaking from the eyes... not a bad thing,Good Job!

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