The Pilgrimage Ch. 01


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Banba knew that Megan had been awake for quite a while. She also knew that Megan had been moved to a private room. The hospital wanted to keep Megan overnight for observation.

When they got to Megan's room, Megan jumped up running to Banba. Megan threw her arms around Banba pulling her in for a hug, kissing Banba on the cheek whispering, "I'm so glad you came. Thank you for saving me from myself."

Megan stepped back taking Banba's right hand kissing it. "Lady Banba, I'm so very happy to actually meet you at last!"

Banba grinned. "It's good to see you up and about! How are you feeling Megan?"

"I feel better than I've ever felt in my life. But these stuffy old doctors think I could have a relapse so they're insisting I stay overnight."

"They know you're not gonna relapse Megan. They're just holding on to you trying to figure out some new excuse to poke and prod at you in the hopes of figuring out why you're still alive."

"Well good luck to them then," Megan giggled.

"Your vengeance is complete. They'll feel your horror and terror every waking moment and have nightmares about it every time they close their eyes."

A slight smile of satisfaction crossed Megan's lips. "That's more than vengeance Lady Banba. That's poetic justice."

"Perhaps. But that's how it is."

A policewoman knocked on the doorway. "Megan O'Leary?"

Megan replied, "that's me. How can I help you officer?"

"Do you mind answering a few questions about what happened to you?"

"I really don't remember much but I'll try."

"I see. Well just tell me what you do remember. Then we'll go from there."

"I was walking to the university when I thought I heard someone walking behind me. The next thing I remember is waking up in the ICU."

"You didn't turn your head to see who was behind you?"

"I would assume I at least started to. I mean, I'm usually pretty careful about someone coming up behind me. But I don't remember whether I did or not."

"Do you recognize any of these names?" She told Megan the names of the nine men admitted to the psych ward earlier.

"I know Brandon Walsh. We dated a few times. I found out he was into drugs and stopped dating him a couple of months ago."

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"We have some of the same classes at the university. I usually run into him everyday. But he hasn't been attending classes lately. I think it's been maybe two weeks since I ran into him last. I heard a rumor he had joined some gang that had ripped off some big time drug dealer. But I don't know if it's true or not."

"Hmm that's interesting. But you don't recognize the other eight names at all?"

"No ma'am I've never heard of any of them before."

"That's strange. They did a rape kit on you when you first came in. I have to wait for the DNA results to confirm it, but initial blood tests say all eight of them were involved in your rape. I'm not sure how you fit into all this. But I don't believe in coincidences. I have a feeling you're not telling me everything you know. It doesn't matter though. I'll keep plugging away until I find out the truth."

Banba spoke up. "Officer Crowley how long have you been on the police force?"

"What's your name girl and why do you ask?"

"My name is Banba O'Connor ma'am. I asked because you're a very astute woman. You pay a lot of attention to details."

"I gather you have a story to tell me Banba. Okay I'll bite. I've been on the force for almost six years now. Why?"

"Do you remember hearing about a bad accident on the Lee River bridge about three years ago? A woman was killed and her ten year old daughter survived but was paralyzed from the waist down."

"I remember that accident very well. I was the first one on scene. The mother was already dead when I got there. I thought we were gonna lose the girl as well. Again why?"

"Do you remember the little girl's name?

"Her name was Teagan Hurley. She was in a coma for weeks. I sent her flowers every few days and three different little teddy bears. What has all this got to do with anything?"

Banba looked over at Teagan. "Tell officer Crowley who you are honey."

Teagan stood walking over to officer Crowley. "I'm Teagan Hurley. I never got the chance to thank you for the flowers and teddy bears. I especially love the the little gray one with the pink and yellow checkered dress. It's my favorite. I keep it on the nightstand by my bed to remind me of your kindness. Would it be okay if I hugged you and said thank you now?"

Officer Crowley stared at Teagan for several long seconds. "My god! It is you Teagan! But how? The doctors said you had a severed spinal cord and that you'd never walk again. Of course you can hug me sweetie!"

Teagan hugged Officer Crowley. Then looked up at her saying, "I've never forgotten your kindness. Thank you so much for the flowers and the teddy bears."

"You're welcome sweetie. But I still don't understand how you're walking."

"I think Lady Banba can explain things better than I can. She only had me tell you who I am so that you'd realize that Megan's recovery was no fluke."

"I realize that now." Officer Crowley looked at Banba. "Why do they call you Lady Banba? Are you some kind of royalty or something? How old are you anyway?"

"I have no idea why they call me Lady Banba. Believe me, it feels as weird as it sounds. I'm eighteen ma'am."

"Oh my god! You're a MacCarthy pilgrim? I should have guessed as much. There's something special about you though. Your name, Banba. Is that your given name?"

"Yes ma'am, I'm a MacCarthy pilgrim. Banba is the name given to me by my mother at birth. You're beginning to put it together. Aren't you ma'am?"

"I think so. But it's almost impossible for me to believe. I was brought up to believe that the ancient Celtic gods and goddesses were myths and legends. They were only stories to amuse or frighten children. But I'm guessing that's not entirely true.

At least one of them is real and she has decided to re-engage herself in human affairs. I'd be willing to bet it's your namesake Banba, and that she's working her will through you."

"I won't confirm or deny anything you've said Officer Crowley. But I can assure you that the one responsible for all these strange happenings is well beyond anyone's reach."

"I thought so. Be careful Banba. The law may not be able to reach your goddess. But they will come after you if you slip up."

"The law has no reason to come after me ma'am. I assure you. I have not, and will not, do anything wrong."

Officer Crowley smiled. "I didn't say you did anything wrong Banba. Personally, I think the bastards got what they deserved. But if I could prove you had anything to do with it. I'd have to arrest you."

"Ma'am, all I do is petition the goddess on behalf of people who need her help. I have no control over if, or how the goddess answers that petition."

Officer Crowley turned to Megan. "My report will state that due to your injuries, you have no memory of your attack and rape at all."

Megan shook hands with Officer Crowley. "Thank you for coming Officer Crowley. I wish I could have been of some help."

"Be well Megan. May your goddess watch over you and protect you."

"May she watch over and protect you too Officer Crowley."

Once Officer Crowley was gone Megan said, "Lady Banba you shouldn't have put yourself in such danger for me. Officer Crowley would have asked a few more questions, got frustrated by my lack of answers and left."

"I didn't put myself in any danger Megan. Officer Crowley knows a lot more than she let on. That's how she was able to recognize me as a pilgrim. Her parents may have brought her up as a strict Catholic. But her paternal grandmother is a priestess to the goddess Danu. Officer Crowley will visit her grandmother later today. There she will find the rest of the answers she seeks."

"I thought you already told Officer Crowley everything.

"I didn't actually tell her anything. I led her down a path and let her draw her own conclusions. She left here with more questions than answers. Somehow she knows I don't have the answers to the rest of her questions. But her grandmother does. I don't know what her grandmother is gonna tell her. But I do know by the time she leaves her grandmother's home, Officer Crowley will become a trusted ally."

Mr. O'Leary spoke up. "You can count on us too Lady Banba. I apologize for not thanking you for helping Megan earlier. I saw what she looked like when they first brought her in and despite Teagan's walking, I was afraid of what we'd see when Megan woke up. I don't know anything about your goddess.

But if you have another candle, I'd like to join my wife and daughter in thanking her and you for for all you've done."

Another candle appeared in Banba's hand. She handed it to Mr. O'Leary. "There's no need to thank me sir. But the goddess does like to know that her gifts are appreciated."

Aileen spoke up. "Lady Banba, we have to get going. It's time for you to continue your pilgrimage. We have an important stop to make before nightfall."

"Okay Aileen." Banba stood kissing Megan on the cheek. "Be Well Megan. Don't forget your pledge to our goddess."

Megan replied, "I won't ever forget my pledge Lady Banba. I promise you that."

Banba nodded. "Okay Aileen, lead on girlfriend,"she giggled.

When they got in the car Banba asked, "Where are we going Aileen?"

"We're gonna visit your great aunt Brianna. She lives on a small farm about an hour's drive from here. She's a priestess to our goddess and the guardian of Ashling's tomb. The tomb is in a small grove of willow trees not far from her house. The farm was Ashling's home until she died at the age of eighty on April 5, 490. It's been owned by one of her direct descendants ever since."

"I never knew I had a great aunt Brianna. Mom never mentioned her, neither did gram. I wonder why."

"They couldn't. It's part of the tradition. You're not allowed to know about the farm until after you begin your pilgrimage. The tomb is a sacred site. You have to be able to understand what that means before you're allowed to visit the farm. I've been training to be a guide since I was fifteen. I've been to almost every site including Tara and Newgrange. But I wasn't even told about the farm until I turned eighteen last year.

Now I visit the farm at least once a month. I love spending time with Aunt Brianna. She's in her sixties, but she's great. I know you'll love her as much as I do. I also spend a couple of hours at Ashling's tomb. I sit and talk to her, especially if I'm upset or worried about something. I always come away knowing exactly what I need to do, and feeling at peace with myself."

When they got to the farm, Brianna was sitting on her porch waiting for them. "Well, it's about time you two showed up. I was beginning to wonder if you were gonna make it."

Aileen replied, "Sorry we're so late Aunt Brianna. We ran into a bit of trouble in the city. We..."

Brianna interrupted Aileen, "no need to explain child. I already know what happened." She turned to Banba. "My stars child! You're the spitting image of your mother! Welcome home daughter of Erie. Come on, we need to hurry to Ashling's tomb. It'll be dark soon."

At Ashling's tomb, Brianna and Aileen were shocked when Banba fell to her knees, again the words coming unbidden to her lips. "Ashling, child of Dearbhal and Cearul, Daughter of Erie, Blood of my blood, I summon thee!"

The tomb glowed briefly as Ashling appeared. "Blessed be! The goddess has made her choice! I've waited a very long time for this day my daughters!"

She looked at Banba. "You are the chosen one my daughter. My message to you is this, with great powers comes even greater responsibility. Always be on your guard, the greater the power, the easier it is for you to be corrupted. Our goddess is extremely pleased with you Banba.

You've even managed to impress the other gods and goddesses with your purity of heart and unselfish desires. They haven't seen anyone like you in thousands of years. They're beginning to line up behind you. Don't let them down by losing yourself in their gifts Banba. Keep your heart pure, your desires unselfish, and your trust in our goddess. Nothing else matters.

Legend has it that the gods and goddesses were present when the Melesians defeated the Tuatha Dé Danann. But history is always written by the victors Banba. The truth is, the Tuatha Dé Danann had turned away from Danu and her daughters. So Danu and her daughters withdrew their protection, punishing the Tuatha Dé Danann by allowing the Melesians to be victorious. The goddess knows you'll make mistakes. She doesn't expect you to be perfect Banba. She only expects you to trust her and appreciate her gifts."

Ashling turned to Brianna. "My time here is growing short. Thank you for bringing me fresh flowers every day. It brings me great comfort to know my legacy lives on." She turned to Aileen. "I really enjoy our little chats. I've gotten to know you pretty good over the past year. I hope what little advice I've been able to give you has brought you peace and comfort."

Ashling started to fade. "I'm sorry my daughters. My time with you is up. Remember, I love you all.

Banba, Aileen, and Brianna knelt in quiet contemplation for several long minutes. Then Brianna said, "come on you two. I need a stiff drink. It's time for some Irish coffee!"

Aileen giggled. "Sorry Aunt Brianna. I'm driving. But I'll take a cup of plain coffee."

Banba said, "red wine clouds my mind. I can't imagine what brandy would do to me. I think I'll stick with plain coffee too."

Brianna replied, "okay spoilsports. You win. Plain coffee it is."

As they sipped their coffee Banba asked, "Aunt Brianna, I don't understand. What did Ashling mean when she said I was the chosen one? Chosen for what? None of this makes any sense to me. I thought I was just here on a pilgrimage. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. You're a priestess. Do you understand what she meant?"

"I understand exactly what Ashling meant Lady Banba. But I'm not allowed to explain it all to you. The goddess herself will tell you what you need to know when the time comes. Come back here in two days and I'll explain what I can. But don't worry about it right now. Just allow Aileen to continue to guide you on your pilgrimage. It will prepare you for the wondrous destiny that awaits you."


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LynchjimLynchjimover 5 years ago

What a great start to this story. I can’t wait to get stuck into the rest thank you bob54z.

taco1085taco1085over 5 years ago

I love this story as much as The Creator.... I like where this is heading and love the plot..... thanks for some great reading... just right on the content

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I love the story. It has the makings of a great read. Looking forward to more on your other story. Please keep at it.

TJSkywindTJSkywindabout 9 years ago
I stand corrected

The first line of the story says her name is Banba O'Connor, and missed the association that MacCarthy was the maternal line. Four pages on Lit is about 40 pages of text, and I lost track in the interim. Color me chagrined and thanks for the correction.

TJSkywindTJSkywindabout 9 years ago

Almost comes across as a "Just So" type of tale. Enjoying the story.

Did you do a name change of the protagonist? Banba introduced herself to Crowley as Banba O'Connor, yet Crowley knew she was a McCarthy pilgrim. Or is that supposed to be Crowley's "seeing through" the lie, due to her own connections?

A pilgrimage is not the same as a quest, but Banba has been bestowing gifts, righting wrongs, and has herself received honors and gifts simply because of her lineage while she tours Desmond - though I grant that kissing the Blarney Stone isn't for the fainthearted. Can we expect to see a challenge ahead for the young woman Banba herself?

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