The Pilgrimage Ch. 05


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Morrigan slowly worked her way up Megan's neck kissing, licking, and nipping as she went. When Morrigan started nibbling and sucking on Megan's earlobe, Megan began to wail like a banshee in heat. Morrigan worked Megan's ear for a minute or so letting Megan build up a head of steam. Morrigan worked her way back down Megan's neck to a point about halfway between Megan's ear and shoulder. Morrigan locked her lips on Megan's neck and began sucking HARD. Megan's wailing became almost primal and when Morrigan slapped the sides of both of Megan's succulent tits then tugged on both of Megan's nipples, Megan's orgasm took off like a rocket. Megan's head flew back as she opened her mouth in a silent scream. Her eyes rolled and her belly muscles convulsed, as her arms and legs twitched and shook, and her breathing came in short shallow pants. Megan's orgasm lasted for nearly a full minute, and she had tremors and aftershocks for about another three minutes.

When Megan finally recovered her senses she laid her head on Morrigan's shoulder and said, "my Gods, Babe; what the fuck was that? You really did a number on me! I have NEVER cum that hard in my life!"

Morrigan giggled. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I really wanted to give you the best orgasm of your life. That's why I took my time and teased you the way I did. I wanted you to get frustrated, then build up some pressure so that when your orgasm hit, you'd go off like a bomb. Believe me, it was as much fun for me as it was for you. Now let's get out of here and dry off. It's your turn to have a little fun."

When Megan stepped out of the tub to grab a towel, she glanced in the mirror and saw a dark purple hickey the size of a quarter on her neck. She giggled then said, "I see you marked your territory. Thank you; I love it."

Once they were laying on the bed, Megan ran her fingertips up and down Morrigan's magnificent body. Megan spoke softly and gently. "I'll never forget the first time I saw you. You hadn't made the transformation. You were skinny as a rail. Yet you were so self-assured, and oh so very cocky. The first thing I noticed about you were your beautiful green eyes. It's been said millions of times that a person's eyes are the window into their soul. Until that day I had always thought it was a cliche. But when I looked into your eyes I realized just how easy it would be for me to get lost in those gorgeous emerald orbs. We locked eyes for twenty, maybe thirty seconds that day. But in those few seconds, I saw enough to know that I was hopelessly and deeply in love with you.

I can't explain how, or why; I just know how I felt. You didn't know it of course. But from that moment on my body and soul belonged to you. The next things I noticed were your perfect legs. You have no idea how much I wanted you to wrap those legs around my neck so that I could eat your sweet pussy until you screamed to the heavens from the pleasure I'd give you. Those were just the physical things. But I saw so much more than just that. I saw everything about you, and somehow I understood that you'd become the woman you are today. I think in that instant I knew more about you than I did about myself. I know how much you love me. I belong to you, now and forever. That's all I ever really wanted or needed. You know how much I love you. That's all that's really important to me. Talk is cheap. It's time I showed you how much I love you. I'm gonna take my time just like you did and I'm not stopping until you have a sheet grabbing, bed soaking, mind blowing orgasm that has you screaming to our goddess in ecstasy."

Morrigan giggled. "That sounds heavenly. Bring it on, Lover; give me the best ya got."

Megan's eyes took on a mischievous glint. She slid a hand under the other pillow pulling out a night time blindfold. She handed it to Morrigan saying, " put this on. I know you won't be able to see a thing; but that's the fun part."

Morrigan giggled again as she slipped the blindfold over her eyes. "I take it you're gonna show me your kinky side."

"Only a little bit of it, My Love. But trust me; you're gonna love this. Slide over to the middle of the bed for me. Hmm just a little bit more. Right there, perfect. Now I'm gonna position your arms and legs where I want them. Don't move them no matter what." Megan placed Morrigan's arms straight out across the bed. Then Megan took each of Morrigan's legs bending them at the knee and spreading them as wide as she could. "Perfect! Now be a good girl and hold that position. The next part might make you a little nervous so I really need you to trust me. I don't want you to see or hear anything; I only want you to feel. I'd like to put some earplugs in your ears. Is that okay?"

Morrigan smiled then said, "Babe, I trust you with my life. My body's yours to have fun with right now; so do whatever you want."

Megan giggled. "Ooh, you're such a good girl tonight! This is gonna be sooo much fun!" Megan pushed the earplugs into Morrigan's ears. Then slipped off the bed walking around it admiring the spectacular body on full display for her hungry eyes. She opened her closet door taking out a box of toys and setting it on the floor beside the bed. She grinned as she took a feather duster out of the box.

Megan lightly ran the feathers up and down the side of Morrigan's neck stopping to tickle Morrigan's ear. Morrigan squirmed and giggled but didn't say anything. Megan sat on the side of the bed drawing circles around and between Morrigan's succulent D cups. Megan kept her circles wide, barely touching the edge of Morrigan's three inch areolae. When Morrigan started to squirm and moan, Megan suddenly stopped and dropped the feather duster back in the toy box. Megan removed the blindfold from Morrigan's eyes then pulled the earplugs from Morrigan's ears. Morrigan blinked several times then asked, "What's wrong, Babe? Why'd you stop?"

Megan bent down and gave Morrigan a soft loving kiss. Megan sat back and said, "I just can't do it that way. It's not fair to you. You made me cum harder than I ever have in my life and all you used was your mouth, hands, and your love for me to do it. Tonight's supposed to be about US; not silly props and toys. You really deserve the same loving treatment you gave me. So if you don't mind; I think I'd like to just start over."

"I don't mind at all. Meg. As I told you earlier; my body belongs to you to do with as you please. You're right; I do want tonight to be about just us. But I was really into what you were doing to me. The blindfold and earplugs made all my other senses so much sharper. Every little thing you did felt like it was magnified a hundred times. My boobs are super sensitive, especially my nipples. If you had run whatever it was that you were using on my boobs across my nipples a couple of times; these sheets would've gotten their first soaking of the night," Morrigan finished with a giggle.

Megan grinned. "That's good to know. Maybe we'll get back to that another night, Sweetheart. But tonight I'm gonna drive you up the wall using only what mother nature gave me. It's the best way to show you how much I truly love you."

Morrigan smiled softly. "You don't have to prove anything to me, Sexy Girl. I already know without a doubt how much you love me. I haven't moved from the way you put me. I really want YOU to have YOUR fun. I promise I'll be a good girl for you, Lover."

Megan got off the bed walking around to it's foot. Megan then crawled up the bed on her hands and knees; her luscious C cups hanging down swaying enticingly as she moved. Megan slowly crawled up Morrigan's body until Megan's knees were about an inch away from Morrigan's succulent little pussy resting against the insides of Morrigan's wide spread thighs. Megan lowered herself down on her forearms and Kissed Morrigan with all of Megan's pent up passion. Soft lips were moving sensuously against soft lips. Tongues were jousting, chasing each other from mouth to mouth and exploring every inch of the others mouth. Neither one was sure just how long that kiss went on. But when Megan finally broke the kiss both were panting heavily.

After a few seconds Morrigan giggled. "WOW! That was some kiss! But if you bite my lip you'd better fuck me. Just saying," she giggled again.

Megan grinned and nibbled on Morrigan's lower lip then gave Morrigan another long, deep, passion filled kiss. Then Megan gently nipped Morrigan's lower lip again before breaking the kiss. When Morrigan caught her breath Morrigan giggled again. "Ooh, you bit my lip twice! Does that mean you're gonna fuck me twice?"

Megan just smiled as she lowered her upper body and began licking, sucking, and nibbling on Morrigan's left ear. Morrigan moaned as Megan kissed, licked, and gently nipped her way down Morrigan's neck, across Morrigan's collar bones, and up the right side of Morrigan's neck to Morrigan's right ear; paying the same attention to Morrigan's right ear as she had the left one.

Morrigan's moans got louder as Megan slowly worked her way back down Morrigan's neck and began to lick and kiss Morrigan's scrumptious right tit. Megan worked her mouth across the top of Morrigan's gorgeous globe kissing, licking, and nipping as she went. As Megan's lips, tongue, and teeth made their way along the underside of Morrigan's right tit Morrigan's moans got even louder as Morrigan raised her hips trying to find a way for her clit to make contact with Megan's body.

Megan used one hand to gently push down on Morrigan's lower abdomen. "Be a good girl for me and keep your sexy ass on the bed. It isn't time to fuck just yet." Megan licked and kissed her way up Morrigan's cleavage. Megan then used just the tip of her tongue to lick all around Morrigan's beautiful pink areolae carefully avoiding Morrigan's half inch thick diamond hard nipple as she squeezed and caressed Morrigan's left tit. Megan's mouth closed over Morrigan's swollen nipple. Megan sucked on Morrigan's nipple, swirled her tongue around the pebbled nub and occasionally tugged on it gently with her teeth. Morrigan's head turned from side to side as she struggled to keep the rest of her body still while she wailed out her pleasure.

Megan kissed, licked and nipped her way over to Morrigan's left tit paying as much attention to that one as she had Morrigan's right tit. When Megan simultaneously bit down on Morrigan's left nipple while while pinching and twisting on the right one, Morrigan couldn't stop herself. Morrigan's mouth opened in a silent 'O'. Morrigan's hands clutched at the sheet as her ass raised once again and her juices ran from her soaked pussy down the crack of her gorgeous round ass wetting the sheet below her.

Megan sat back on her heals and giggled. "WOW! I guess your boobs really are super sensitive!"

Morrigan grinned. "Can't say I didn't warn you. Now are you gonna fuck me or what?"

Feeding Morrigan's words back to Morrigan Megan replied, "in due time, My Love, in due time. Right now, I want you on your belly, shoulders down and ass up." Megan slid down the bed so that Morrigan could get into position. Once Morrigan was where Megan wanted, Megan gave Morrigan's magnificent ass a good smack and said, "Gods you look sooo fucking sexy like that!"

Morrigan moaned softly then giggled and said, "seems like you're not the only one who loves a good spanking."

Megan winked. "Maybe later, I've got something else in mind at the moment." Megan got behind Morrigan gently caressing Morrigan's scrumptious ass cheeks. Megan lightly ran her fingers up and down Morrigan's outer lips from Morrigan's asshole to the top of her soaked cunt, sensuously teasing Morrigan, making her moan and squirm with pleasure.

Megan slowly licked Morrigan's dripping pussy from Morrigan's asshole down to her swollen clit using long, sensuous strokes with the flat of her tongue. Megan dragged her tongue along Morrigan's outer lips, pressing in lightly as she went, making Morrigan moan and gasp every time Megan's tongue swept over Morrigan's swollen clit.

Megan slid two fingers in Morrigan's weeping pussy dragging them around the inside of Morrigan's tight cunt until Morrigan's hips jerked hard. Megan grinned. She knew she'd found Morrigan's 'G' spot. Megan began rimming Morrigan's tight asshole with the tip of her tongue and running her thumb over Morrigan's swollen clit,while stimulating Morrigan's 'G' spot with the two fingers in Morrigan's tight little pussy. Megan yanked her two fingers out of Morrigan's tight, satiny slick cunt causing Morrigan's soaked pussy to spasm, and squirt as a massive orgasm caused every synapse in her brain to fire shooting jolts of pure pleasure to every nerve ending in Morrigan's body. Megan quickly grabbed Morrigan's hips holding Morrigan up as Megan brought her mouth back to Morrigan's squirting pussy. Megan managed to gulp down two mouthfuls of Morrigan's sweet nectar before Morrigan's spasmming pussy stopped squirting. Megan released her grip on Morrigan's hips and Morrigan collapsed on the bed as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over her. Every muscle in Morrigan's body twitched and shook. Her eyes rolled. She fought for air as her breaths came in short shallow pants. It took almost two minutes for Morrigan's aftershocks to stop and her breathing to return to normal.

Megan giggled. "Holy shit, you're a squinter! I didn't expect that! But Gods, I loved every sweet mouthful! Why didn't you tell me?"

Morrigan rolled on to her back. She looked at Megan with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "A girl has to have a few surprises for her lover, don't ya think?"

"Well it was a wonderful surprise. But we're not done yet." Megan pointed to Morrigan's legs and continued, "spread 'em wide, knees bent just like before. But this tilt your hips up a bit. It's time for some serious fucking!"

Morrigan giggled then said, "it's about time. I've been waiting all night for this, Babes."

"Well your wait's over," Megan replied. She slowly and sensuously crawled up over Morrigan's body until they were vulva to vulva, clit to clit. Megan eased herself down until their vulvae were pressed tightly together. Megan began moving her hips in little circles as she ground her swollen clit against Morrigan's. They both moaned in unison as Morrigan wrapped her long shapely legs around Megan's sumptuous little ass using her heels to push Megan's ass down harder so that their clits were stimulated even more. Both were moaning loud and panting heavily. They were syncing their movements and fucking each other fast and hard.

Megan was the first to cum. She let out a long wailing scream. Her whole body shook as she slammed her vulva down against Morrigan's. Megan's pussy was spasmming hard, every muscle in her body was shaking and twitching. Her breaths were coming in short rapid gasps and she nearly passed out from the pleasure.

Megan's orgasm was enough to send Morrigan into orgasmic euphoria. Morrigan's orgasm tore through her whole body like a tornado tearing through a house; every neuron in Morrigan's brain was alight with ecstasy; every nerve ending firing off jolts of pure bliss.

It took them both several long minutes before the aftershocks of their massive orgasms faded and they were able to think straight. They continued to make love for hours, exploring and using each other unabashedly. Each one freely giving their body to the other in any way they desired, seeking and giving pleasure equally, both dominating and submitting as they chose. Each focusing only on the needs of the other until they were both spent and satisfied. It was well into the early morning hours before they were both finally sated. They fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.

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ThitabeThitabeover 5 years ago
Great story

I made you a favorite author when you were writing Creations Guardian. I saw the reference to that story when you talked about "The Maker of All Things". I really love this story line and I look forward to the next chapter. Please don't wait 6 months to post it. I have no problem with reading long chapters,(8 to 20 pages) but If it means seeing chapters more often I would rather read two 4 page chapters then one 8 page chapter as it allows me to better remember the story line and not feel lost trying to remember what has happened in the past. I do look forward to reading the next chapter soon.

TLB1981TLB1981over 5 years ago

Peter Parker learned that lesson after his uncle Ben was killed after he let the theft go by at,a wrestling event.

bob54zbob54zover 5 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the comments. Actually I've never seen Spiderman. The great power line is my version of "absolute power corrupts absolutely." I actually thought it was original.

taco1085taco1085over 5 years ago

love where this is all going, cant wait to read the future chapters... plz continue.... thanks

TLB1981TLB1981over 5 years ago

Did you get that great power line from spiderman.

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