The Plant

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A green thumb or something else?
6.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/14/2019
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This is a somewhat radical departure from most of my offerings and contains no cheating or revenge. It's also my first entry in this particular area of Literotica, although I have written other pieces that could have fit here, like "No Mercy" and my "Cheating Zone" series. I hope you enjoy this little tale. If so, great. If not, that's fine too.

As always, constructive comments are welcome and please remember, this is a work of fiction...

Theresa Hemmings looked at the front of the strange little shop before going inside. She had passed by it every day on her way to and from the bus stop and had always wondered what they sold. She never saw anyone inside and frequently wondered how the place stayed in business. Now that she was on her way home from work for the long weekend, she had some time to spend looking inside.

She sucked up her courage, reset her glasses on her nose and nervously walked through the front door, which caused a bell to ring. She looked about and saw mostly antiques and odd-looking knick-knacks, and began walking around stopping to look at various items before moving on.

The shopkeeper, a fairly mature woman, looked into the shop to see who had come inside. She spotted the thin, flat-chested, mousy-looking young woman wearing a long dress and a pair of horn-rimmed glasses going from item to item and watched to see where she would land.

Theresa looked at a number of items and thought they might look good in her small one-bedroom apartment. They might look good there, she thought, but no one would ever see them, since no one ever bothered to visit. Unlike many of her single co-workers, she didn't have a boyfriend -- or two or three -- who would see them or appreciate them.

She kept looking and stopped at a strange-looking plant. After looking it over a bit, she decided to move on, but stopped and turned back. Maybe she was seeing things, but it seemed the plant had moved slightly, almost beckoning her to return.

The shopkeeper watched, and a smile came to her face. She walked up to the young girl, now inspecting the plant even closer.

"I think it likes you," the shopkeeper said. The young girl looked up at her.

"What kind of plant is this?" Theresa asked.

"It's a very rare plant, found only in the deepest jungles of the Amazon," the shopkeeper said.

"How can it like me?" Theresa asked. "That's not possible."

"Oh, but it is," the shopkeeper said. "The plant reacts to your pheromones and trust me, it likes you." Theresa looked at the small, strange-looking pustules on the end of the leafy stalks.

"What are these?" she asked. "They kinda look like little penises." Theresa knew what a penis looked like from her high school sex-ed class, but had never seen the real thing in person. She had heard the girls at work talk about them and how they gave them pleasure, but that was something she had never personally experienced.

"Well, in some ways, they are just like penises. If you look closely, you'll see they even have what look like testicles," the shopkeeper said. "This is the male of this species and it mates with its female counterpart to reproduce. And they react in many ways just like the real thing. Go ahead, take one in your hand, but be gentle."

Theresa looked nervously at the plant and gingerly took one of the pustules between her thumb and forefinger. It was small, about one and a half inches in length, and soft to the touch. As she touched it, however, it began to get stiff and grew a half inch in length. Shocked, she let go of the thing. The shopkeeper chuckled.

"There, there, dear," she said in a friendly voice that reminded Theresa of her dear mother, now resting in a long-term care facility where she was catatonic most of the time. "Don't be shy or afraid. It can't hurt you. Like all living things, it just needs some tender loving care. And like I said, this one likes you."

"How big can these things get?" Theresa asked.

"Well, I don't know exactly, but I have heard of some reaching ten inches in length," the shopkeeper said. Ten inches, Theresa thought. One of her girl friends frequently bragged that her boyfriend was that big, but she personally doubted it and had no desire to find out for herself. "On average, though, they usually grow to about six or seven inches," the shopkeeper added.

"Do you have one of these plants?" Theresa asked.

"Why yes, I do," the shopkeeper said. "I've had one ever since my dear Harold passed away 20 years ago, and I can't tell you how much joy it's given me. Look at me closely, dear." Theresa looked. "How old would you say I am?"

"I'd say maybe your late 40s," Theresa said. The older woman smiled.

"You're a sweet girl," the shopkeeper said. She put a finger on her lips and looked around conspiratorially. "Don't tell anyone, but I'm really 71." Theresa's eyes grew wide.

"But how?" she began.

"I learned how to take care of these and in return, it's given me my health and my vitality," she said. "And it'll do the same for you if you follow the instructions. By the way, do you have a significant other, like a boyfriend?" Theresa shook her head, embarrassed.

"No, I don't," she said quietly.

"That's okay, dear. Nothing to be ashamed of," she said. "In a way, that might be better."

"How long do these plants live?" Theresa asked.

"Oh, they can live for decades if they're treated right," the shopkeeper said. "I tell you what I'm going to do. Since this plant seems to like you, I'm going to give him to you."

"Oh you don't need to do that," Theresa said. "I can pay you." The shopkeeper smiled a warm, friendly smile.

"No dear, I insist. It's clear the plant likes you and it'd be a shame to not give it a good, loving home," the shopkeeper said. "Let me just get you an instruction booklet that covers its use and care. Not only is this a rare plant, it has a lot of very good qualities that I think you'll enjoy." The older woman went to the back room and came out a minute later with a covered basket and a booklet.

"I wrote this myself after spending years with these plants," she said. "Just follow all the directions in here and I promise you'll like the results. The first part addresses the care of the plant and the second part deals with the benefits. There's just two things I recommend, though."

"What's that?" Theresa asked.

"First, keep it as close to you as possible. If you're in the front room, put it on a stand next to where you sit, then move it into your bedroom when you go to sleep at night. Second, you should probably be naked when you take care of it," she said.

"Naked?" Theresa asked nervously. She didn't care to be naked at all unless she was taking a shower or a bath.

"Yes," the older woman said, pointing to a leaf. "See that little drop on the leaf?" Theresa looked and saw what looked like a clear dew drop on the leaf. "The plant secretes that. It won't hurt you at all, but if you're wearing anything with cotton, that'll eat right through it. I like to collect those little drops and use them for other things. That's all spelled out in the book."

"Wow," Theresa said. "Okay, I'll remember that."

"That's okay, dear," the woman said. "Read through the book and follows those directions to the letter and I promise you'll like the results. Oh, and remember, it likes shade. It doesn't hold up well in direct sunlight. Remember, these plants live deep in the jungle, where there's very little light."

"Thank you so much," Theresa said, taking the covered plant and the booklet.

"You're welcome, dear," the woman said. "And please, feel free to call me anytime if you have any questions. My number is on the back of the booklet. And please, call me Margaret."

"Thank you, Margaret," Theresa said, smiling. As she left, Margaret smiled to herself. She had seen the young woman walk by every day for some time and knew exactly where she lived. She was confident that she would see her again.

Once back in her small apartment, Theresa set the plant down on a table next to her recliner. Remembering the woman's advise, she took her dress off and removed the cover. As she did so, however, one leaf of the plant brushed up against her panties, causing a ragged hole to instantly appear in the garment.

Swearing to herself, she removed her panties and bra. No one would see her naked anyway, so she wasn't too concerned, although she was just a bit embarrassed. She looked at the plant for a moment.

"What shall I call you?" she asked. "I know. I'll call you Bernie." Bernie was the name of her high school's sports hero. She had a huge crush on him back in the day, but he never once gave her so much as the time of day. That wasn't unusual, though, as the boys never spoke to her or gave her so much as a glance, preferring to congregate around the more attractive and well-built girls. She remembered her mother's words.

"Better develop your mind, dear, because you certainly weren't blessed with much of a body," the woman once said. Her words hurt at the time, but Theresa knew she was right. So she spent much of her time reading and learning all she could.

She now worked as a secretary in a law firm, but not because of her figure or her looks. It was her immense knowledge of filing and Microsoft Office that gave her an edge over the other girls.

She opened the booklet Margaret gave her and began reading. The first half spelled out the care of the plant, which oddly included instructions on how to suckle the penis-shaped pustules. According to Margaret, the plant thrived on this type of attention.

Setting the booklet down, she studied the miniature penises closely and decided to give it a try. Taking one of the things in her hand, she put it inside her mouth and gently sucked. She was surprised to find the thing had a sweet, citrus-like flavor. This isn't too bad, she thought to herself. She also noticed it grew a bit after being in her mouth.

She took it out of her mouth and examined it closely, finding a clear drop on its tiny head, which closely resembled that of a circumcised penis. She took the drop on her tongue and was surprised at the tingling sensation it left on her tongue. She repeated this with the other pustules on the plant and found she actually enjoyed the experience.

She read through the book, carefully taking note of the watering instructions and the pH level the plant preferred. It didn't require much water, she noted, but did like to get misted once each day, preferably in the morning. She went to her kitchen and grabbed one of the spray bottles she used for her other plants. This would be just for Bernie, she decided, and labeled the bottle, filling it with bottled water. There would be none of that city-treated junk that came from her tap for Bernie.

She continued reading the booklet and learned that the plant's leaves could be used to make tea. The book explained how to select and pick the right leaves and gave recipes for her to try. She also read how to collect the dew off the leaves and found directions on the many things she could do with it.

It could be used as a bath treatment, for example, or a skin conditioner. When mixed with other ingredients, it could also be used to remove unsightly body hair. She looked at her thin legs. She hardly ever shaved them because no one ever saw them, nor, she thought, did anyone ever want to see them.

The booklet also described how the dew could be used to stimulate certain areas of her body, like her nipples or her private parts. She blushed at that. Her breasts were so small, no one seemed to notice them, and no one had ever looked or touched her "down there." Still, she thought, it might be nice to feel something like that once in a while.

She went back to her kitchen and grabbed a couple of small Tupperware containers and a Popsicle stick. Returning back to Bernie, she began inspecting the leaves and collected a fair amount of the slightly sticky dew, placing it in one container, closing it tightly when she was finished.

She grabbed the other container and looked for leaves she could collect for tea. She was surprised to find quite a few that fit Margaret's description and carefully removed them so as not to traumatize the plant. She placed those in a second container. She stood back and admired the plant when she was done. She couldn't be completely certain, but it almost seemed as though the thing had perked up a bit since she brought it home.

She padded into her kitchen and decided to try a cup of tea with some of the leaves she collected. After boiling some water in her tea kettle, she placed a few leaves in her cup as Margaret suggested and poured the water over them. She let it stand for a few minutes until the water reached the right color and took a sip, wondering if she would have to add honey for flavor.

Surprisingly, the tea was sweet, the way she liked it, and had a nice citrus flavor. As the hot liquid went down her gullet, she felt strangely relaxed. The impact was much stronger than the chamomile tea she often drank at night.

She sat down with her tea and picked up a romance novel she had started reading the day before. As she read and sipped, she absentmindedly began caressing her own breasts. She noticed herself getting excited from what she was reading. This was odd, she thought. She had read erotic fiction before and had never experienced this.

She went back to her kitchen and grabbed a towel and the container holding the plant's dew. She placed the towel on her recliner so as not to get the upholstery wet and sat back down. She opened the container and took a tiny amount of the sticky dew and rubbed it into one nipple. She felt a jolt go through her body and realized she was actually wet between her legs.

She took a bit more of the dew and spread out her thick public hair to give her access to her lower lips. She put a bit of the dew on herself and was amazed at the feeling between her legs. She began rubbing herself furiously. She had never masturbated before but now she simply couldn't stop, moaning as she rubbed her lips.

She looked dreamily at the plant and saw that one of the pustules was now erect and appeared to be somewhat bigger than before. Could it be real, she asked herself. She reached out and took the thing in her hand. It WAS hard and it was... warm. Fortunately, the stalk that held it up was flexible and she was able to get it into her mouth.

She sucked on it the way the woman in her story sucked her lover's cock, running her tongue along its length. She took the whole thing in her mouth and soon, it erupted on her tongue. She swallowed the ejaculate and noticed it tasted a bit like tangerines. She loved tangerines. She also felt something building in her lower body and moaned as she experienced her very first orgasm.

She let go of the pustule and saw that it had now gone soft and had shrunk to its former size. She smiled and thanked the plant for the pleasure it had given her. She finished her tea and decided that it was time for her to get ready for bed.

After she had calmed down a bit, she ran a nice hot bath and, following Margaret's directions, mixed a bath lotion using a small amount of the remaining dew. As she soaked in the bath, she ran her hands over her body, enjoying the sensation the oil gave her. She finished her bath, got out and dried herself off. She looked in the container and thought she had just enough dew to shave herself. She went back over Margaret's directions and mixed some lotion to cover her legs. She had made more than she realized and with a wicked grin, decided to remove her pubic hair as well. She had read about girls doing this in her stories and thought it would help make her feel sexy.

She covered her legs and began shaving herself. The hair came off much easier than normal and her skin felt softer than she ever remembered. She took the remainder and covered her pubic patch. Her skin tingled as the mixture worked its magic.

"Here goes nothing," she said to the empty room as she prepared to shave her pubic area. The dark, curly hair easily came off as she glided her razor over it and soon, her pussy was completely bare. Using her finger, she scraped the remnants of the dew out of the container the way she used to collect frosting when her mother made a cake and rubbed it into her bare mound, moaning as she felt her skin tingle.

She looked at herself in her full-length mirror and liked what she saw. She smiled and padded naked back into the front room. She put the plant on her bed stand, made another cup of tea and came back with her book.

She thought about putting her nightclothes on, but changed her mind and climbed into the bed naked, something she had never done before. She felt so wicked doing this, but she loved the feel of the sheets on her naked flesh. Raising the head of her bed, she read for a while as she drank her tea.

After finishing her tea, she turned off her lamp, said goodnight to Bernie and went to sleep.

That night, she had a strange dream. In her dream, she was on a beach, spread naked as multiple disembodied cocks ravished her body. She experienced orgasm after orgasm as the cocks repeatedly filled her with their creamy ejaculate. Many times, she had a cock in her mouth and her pussy at the same time and once, she thought there were two cocks inside her pussy, both fucking her to orgasm.

She woke up the next morning, sweaty but rejuvenated. Going to her bathroom, she noticed her pussy lips were red and swollen. What happened, she wondered to herself. It WAS just a dream, right?

After cleaning herself up, she grabbed another cup of tea and, still naked, tended to Bernie. She collected even more dew from the plant's leaves, collected others for her tea and sucked each of the pustules until they ejaculated their fruity goodness on her tongue.

She eagerly swallowed and moved to the next until she had tended to all of Bernie's "penises." She loved the taste and way the stuff felt going down her throat. She misted the plant and stood back, inspecting the plant. It appeared to be healthy and in even better shape than the previous night.

She got dressed and addressed the plant before she left.

"I'm going shopping for a bit and then I'll be visiting my mom for a while, but I'll be back soon, okay?" she said, giving the plant a small kiss. She couldn't be certain, but she thought she noticed some movement in the leaves.

She headed out, taking the bus to the local mall, where she bought a couple of new dresses. She decided it was time to up her game a bit and bought something that was a bit more stylish than what she normally wore. The dresses made her look more feminine and showed off a bit more of her legs, falling just even with her knees. Of course, she had to buy another pair of shoes and a few accessories. Thankfully, the store was having a sale, so it didn't eat into her budget too much.

Then she went to visit her mother at the nursing facility. The poor woman was catatonic as usual and didn't respond much when she came in, but livened up a bit as Theresa read to her. After eating lunch with her, Theresa got up to leave and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek. The older woman smiled as she did so.

"I love you, Mom," Theresa said before she left.

Coming home, she put Bernie on the stand next to her recliner and stripped naked. She sat back down with a fresh cup of tea and gingerly stroked the plant. Her mind went to the dream she had the previous night. She had never experienced anything like that before. Was the plant somehow responsible for that, she wondered.

She spent the remainder of the day naked in her chair, reading, sipping tea and masturbating. What was coming over her, she asked herself. That night, she tended to the plant, collecting dew and leaves, finishing up by sucking the pustules. She loved sucking them and loved the sweet creamy substance they deposited in her mouth.