The Poet Pt. 02

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Blake has fun at a sorority house.
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/29/2022
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Even so, that intense argument made Rowena think, and a week later she brought up the subject again--in a somewhat different way.

"Blake," she said, cuddling with him one night, "I think you need some more experience."

"Experience?" he said, stroking her round, firm bottom. "Experience with what?"

"With girls," she said pointedly.

"What on earth do you mean?"

"Look," she said, raising herself up and staring into his face. "You say you love me, and I'm sure you do. But I'm not sure whether you love me just because I took your virginity or because of who and what I am. You haven't had any other girls, and I think it would help if you got to know some, so you can figure out what your feelings for me really are."

Blake chortled in disbelief. "You're telling me you want me to--to sleep with other girls?"

"That's exactly what I want you to do," she said bluntly.

"That's crazy!"

"Why? Girls come in all shapes and sizes--and I'm not referring just to their bodies."

"But Rowena, just going to bed with a girl isn't the same as getting to know her."

"I know that. But you're one of those rare guys who can learn a lot about a girl by bedding down with her. You're interested in a lot more than just poking a girl in her various orifices. And so, if you do that, you and I will be able to tell whether your love for me is genuine or not."

"It is genuine!"

"Well, I need to be sure about that--and so do you."

"But--but who am I going to sleep with? I can't just go up to some random girl and say, 'Hey, babe, you wanna--'"

"Of course not. But I've been thinking about this. You see, I know some girls in the Phi Epsilon Lambda sorority house, and I'm sure they'd love to find out what sort of a person you are--physically and in other ways as well." She chuckled naughtily.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, I do. Lemme set something up, okay?"

Rowena knew (or thought she knew) what she was doing. She was convinced that Blake, after sampling several of the girls in the sorority house, would come flying back to her with a renewed sense of her own superiority over any other female he bedded down with, and their relationship would therefore be strengthened. Maybe it was immodest of her, but she had supreme self-confidence in herself.

The first girl she chose was named Sarah. Rowena had told Sarah all sorts of things about Blake, especially about the size of his member. ("Are you kidding me?" Sarah had exclaimed when Rowena had held her hands about ten inches apart.) So arrangements were made for him to spend a Friday night with her.

Of course, the sorority house didn't allow males to even be in the building after 11 p.m., but that was a rule widely and happily flouted, and no girl was going to tell on one of her "sisters" who violated the policy. After all, she might be next in cuddling up with a cute and attractive boy! So Blake, still not certain this whole idea was feasible or sane, trudged over to the sorority house around ten o'clock, to give himself plenty of time to talk with Sarah before they got down to the business of fucking.

The next morning Blake came disconsolately back to the apartment he shared with Rowena.

She'd just finished breakfast, and she greeted her man brightly as he stepped through the door. "So how was it?"

His brooding expression told the whole story.

"Didn't quite hit it off?" she said, outwardly sympathetic but secretly pleased.

Blake just shook his head as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"What's the matter with her?" she asked.

"Nothing," Blake said. "She's fine. Just not very--interesting."

"I think she's a bright girl."

"I don't. She strikes me as a bit of an airhead."

"An airhead? That's not very nice!"

"It's true, though."

"Well, okay, if she isn't exactly an Einstein, what about--the rest of her?"

"Oh, that," Blake said dismissively. "She's all right."

"All right? I'll have you know that plenty of guys have tried to get into her pants."

"I'm sure they have. She's just the sort of girl that certain guys would like."

Rowena eyed him sharply. "I hope you don't say that about me."

"No, no! Of course not."

"But I do hope you at least, um, performed well with her."

"Yeah, sure. I came three times."

"Three times! That's pretty good. What about her?"

"She might have come about four or five times. I couldn't quite tell."

"Yeah, you can't with girls sometimes. What exactly did you do with her?"

"Oh, Rowena, I'd rather not say."

"Not say? You'd better say! I wanna know."

Blake heaved a sigh. "Well, first we did it just the normal way. Then I, um, went into her butt."

"You did? Did she like that?"

"I think I hurt her. She tried to show that she could take it, but I think she was in a lot of pain."

"Poor thing. It's not every girl who can take in that weapon of yours. What about the third time?"

"We did that thing called sixty-nine."

"Oh, you did? How'd that go?"

"Fine. I think she came a couple times before I came."

"And you came in her mouth? Did she swallow?"

"Most of it. Some of it dribbled out of her mouth and down her chin."

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. You really have a lot of stuff shooting out of you."

"I can't help that."

"Oh, I'm not complaining! I love every drop. But other girls--well, they might find it hard to deal with. Swallowing that much come takes some practice."

Blake scowled at her, and Rowena kicked herself for reminding him once again that she had a lot of "practice" with other guys before him.

Two other girls--Sandra and Belinda--were equally unsatisfactory from Blake's perspective. Rowena was quietly delighted that her plan was working to perfection: Blake really did seem to be becoming more and more devoted to her as he got "expreience" with other and inferior girls.

Then Rowena suggested a girl at the sorority house named Gloria.

"What's she like?" Blake said, not very interested.

"I think you'll like her better than the others. She's an artist."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah. I think she's a sculptor."

"Why should I be interested in that?"

"Well, you're a poet. You know, kind of the same thing."

"It's not the same thing."

"They're both creative fields. You'll probably have a lot to say with her in between--well, you know."

So, with a put-upon air (the things I have to do to please my girl!), Blake headed over to the sorority house on a Saturday night.

He was let in by some girl he didn't know and was taken upstairs to Gloria's room. She turned out to be pretty in a kind of fleshy way, with ample curves at bust and butt, and she seemed all ready for action. She'd been wearing a nightgown, but the moment Blake walked in she doffed it and tossed it aside, giving him a come-hither look.

Blake wasn't all that impressed. He'd hoped to have a deep conversaton with her about art and stuff, but it seemed she just wanted to get right down to action. So with a silent sigh he began taking his own clothes off.

Gloria watched avidly as he gradually revealed his impressive masculinity. But when he peeled off his underwear and stood naked in front of her, hardening by the second, her eagerness turned to--horror.

"Omigod!" she cried theatrically. "You're--huge!"

Blake looked down at himself. "I'm not that big."

"You are! Jesus, you'll split me in two with that thing!"

He came closer to her, hands held out in a gesture of reassurance. "Gloria, I'll do my best to be gentle."

But the poor girl wasn't about to be placated. She covered her face with her hands to blot out that monster organ from her sight, letting out pathetic little moans and whines that eventually led to something close to a scream.

"Get away from me!" she exclaimed. "Please get away from me!"

Alarmed, Blake turned around and with a mumbled "Sorry" bolted from the room and dashed out into the long corridor.

Well, this was a pickle. Here he was, wandering around naked in a sorority house with no place to go. All the doors up and down the corridor were closed--except one. He tentatively approached that door, wondering if he could find refuge there. The room inside was dark: maybe it wasn't even occupied. That would be a relief! He'd spend the night there and somehow get his clothes back in the morning and get the hell out of this place.

But the room was occupied. A girl was sleeping in a narrow bed situated against a wall. Even in the dark Blake thought he recognized her.

He squatted down on the floor beside the bed in a kind of lotus position--which at least partially hid his most prominent feature. But he didn't want to disturb the girl if she was really sleeping.

She'd just gone to bed and wasn't actually asleep. Sensing the presence of another person in the room, her eyes popped open.

Her name was Lorna Walker. She was a senior just like Blake, looking forward to celebrating her twenty-second birthday in a few months. She prided herself on her calm, cool temperament, so she did her best to take in stride the sudden appearance of a naked guy inches from her face.

"Hello," she said quietly.

"Hi," Blake said. "Um, I think I know you."

"Do you?"

"Yeah. We took a class together last year."

Lorna racked her brains. "Oh, yes--that American Novel class. You didn't contribute a lot to the discussion."


"I guess you didn't like the stuff we were reading."

"Not much."

"You're Blake Turner the poet, aren't you?"

Blake was flushed with pride that she knew who he was--and was aware of his most salient quality. "Yeah," he said in a trembling voice.

"Good stuff. Rather dark, but good."

He was so overwhelmed by this simple compliment that he couldn't speak.

But Lorna now focused on a more immediate issue. "What are you doing here?"

Blake turned even more crimson, although Lorna probably couldn't see it. "Well, I was supposed to be with Gloria--"

"Oh, yeah," she said with a chuckle. "You're the guy who's been coming over and, um, servicing some of the girls."


"So what happened?"

"She--she got scared."

"Scared? Of what?"

Blake mutely pointed down in the direction of his groin.

Lorna leaned over the edge of the bed and looked down into Blake's lap. With a little gasp she said, "Oh... my goodness. That is a little scary."

"Is it?"

"Yes. It's probably the biggest I've ever seen--not that I've seen very many."

"How many?" Blake asked urgently.

"Oh, about five or six."

The sense of relief that washed over Blake was palpable.

"But Gloria," Lorna went on, "isn't exactly inexperienced. She's had several other guys in her bed, I can assure you of that."

Blake just shrugged.

Lorna looked him over. "Where are your clothes?"

"I stripped in Gloria's room. So when she started getting hysterical I just left--they're still in there."

"Well, we can get them in the morning." Looking him up and down, she said, "Aren't you cold?"

"Yeah, kind of."

Lorna thought long and hard. This guy seemed both nice and fairly harmless--not to mention cute. So after a pause she said, "Why don't you get under the covers?"

Blake stiffly heaved himself up and, as quickly as he could, leaped into Lorna's bed, hastily covering his nudity with the thin sheet and blanket. The bed was pretty narrow, so he pressed himself against the wall to create at least a bit of space between himself and the girl. But that was difficult, so eventually Lorna wrapped an arm around his shoulder as he settled down lengthwise against her body.

His strong, firm frame felt good against her side--and she couldn't help noticing the thick phallus rubbing up against her leg.

All of a sudden Blake blurted out, "You're really smart!"

Lorna almost laughed out loud. At first she thought this was just the old trick that guys use: tell a pretty girl she's smart and tell a smart girl she's pretty. Lorna didn't think she was either super-smart or super-pretty--just above average in both. But Blake, now seeing her up close, thought she was just about the most ravishing female he'd ever seen.

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"You--you just dominated the discussion in that class. The teacher loved you!"

"Oh, that's just because I'd read a lot of those books before, just for fun. So I was pretty familiar with them."

"No, it's more than that. You really are smart."

"Thank you."

As Lorna gazed up at Blake, who'd kept himself propped up on his elbow, he slowly--painfully slowly--lowered his head and placed a delicate kiss on her mouth. It was such a light, fluttery kiss that she thought his lips might have been trembling.

"That was nice," she said dreamily. "Maybe you can do it again--a little harder this time."

Blake was a lot quicker at kissing her the second time; and Lorna held his lips in place against her own by cradling the back of his head.

That cock of his seemed to be getting even bigger--and it seemed to be quivering.

Once again Lorna fell into deep thought. She hadn't had a man in her for the better part of six months--and that guy had been pretty unsatisfactory. Blake was a lot more appealing on many levels. And yet, even though they'd taken a class together, she didn't think she really knew him. But maybe it was time to get to know him better.

"Do you want to go in me?" she said softly.

She thought she heard what sound like a little whimper from her companion. "Do you?" he said eagerly.

"Yes." And with that, she tugged at her nightgown and pulled it off over her head.

Blake uttered a little cry as she exposed herself to him. She was more than just pretty--of that he was convinced. The lovely pink skin, the ripe, firm breasts, the flat stomach, the thick patch of fur over her delta, the strong thighs and calves: all this combined to present the very picture of fresh young womanhood--one that had not been excessively violated by previous male incursions.

He was so eager to enter her that he mounted her right away. A quick glance at her sex assured him that she was fairly wet, and so he plunged right in.

She winced at his abrupt penetration. "Easy! Not so fast, okay?"

"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear.

He went into her more slowly, but in a matter of seconds he was firmly and fully lodged in that warm, wet, tight vagina. She felt just the faintest trace of discomfort at his unusual length and thickness, but accommodated him well enough, wrapping her legs around his thighs and throwing her arms girl-fashion around his neck. He kissed her passionately on the face and neck and shoulders and even her armpit while his hands kneaded her breasts and bottom. In only a few minutes he felt the tingling in his testicles that signaled the onset of his climax--and then he poured his usual huge load into her, groaning right into her ear.

He hadn't come so fast since his first experience with Rowena.

When he pulled out of her, he was gratified that she was gazing upon him fondly. "Was that nice?" he said.

"It was very nice," she replied demurely.

"Did you--um, did you come?"

"Well, no, not quite. But I was close."

"Can I make you come?"

"You may."

Blake slid a hand down her front and found her pussy, his emission already oozing out of her. He always enjoyed feeling his stuff down there: it somehow emphasized the reality and significance of the act. In fact, he used his seed as additional lubricant as he started to stroke Lorna's labia and clitoris while sometimes sticking two or three fingers deep into her.

Lorna had never had a man stimulate her in such close quarters (she, unlike Gloria and other girls in this house, had never had a guy over to make nookie on this tiny bed), so she was a little unnerved at how Blake was looming over her, inches from her face, as he fondled her. But she was, as she'd said, pretty close to a climax, and after several minutes she found an orgasm of almost cosmic proportions surging over her, rendering her inarticulate as strange choking cries came out of her throat and her whole body quivered with spasms that seemed to go on and on and on.

At last she had to pull his hand away as she collapsed in exhaustion. Feeling dizzy and confused, she looked up gratefully at him and said, "Wow, that was something!"

They began a little cuddling session now, since both of them were a bit embarrassed at their sudden and unexpected descent into intimacy. And yet, both of them sensed that there was far more here than mere physicality, and they somehow seemed to get better acquainted with each gentle snuggle even though they exchanged almost no words.

And it didn't entirely surprise Lorna when she saw Blake's organ get big again.

With a smirk she said, "You want more?"

"Yeah," he said uneasily, as if there was something he wasn't telling her.

"What is it?" she asked.

Now she could see him blushing. "I just wondered," he said awkwardly, "whether I could go into your butt."

She peered at him intently and a little sadly. "You wanna do that?"

"Yeah--but only if you do." When she didn't answer right away he went on, "Have you done it before?"

"A few times--not often."

"You don't like it?"

"I wouldn't say that. It's just a bit uncomfortable. And I've certainly never had something of that size go into me back there."

"I'll go slow!--and I won't go all the way in!"

She chuckled to herself. Thank heaven for small mercies. "Okay," she said. "But we need some lube."

"This should work," Blake said. He had alertly noticed a tube of moisturizer on the nightstand.

With a little sigh Lorna flipped herself over onto her stomach and waited for him to lube her up. She remained flat on her back, since she didn't like the "doggie-style" position. Blake was fine with that, because he looked forward to draping himself all over her while probing that luscious bottom of hers. When he entered her, Lorna gasped at the unusual girth of his member. Blake felt bad about hurting her, but Lorna insisted that he keep on going. After a while, when he was about halfway in, she started to feel better, and he got into a good working rhythm as he wrapped his arms around her chest and took hold of her breasts while nuzzling her check and neck and the back of her head. That felt nice, and Lorna was particularly delighted when he stuck his hot tongue into her ear. Nobody'd ever done that to her before!

As Blake--in spite of his promise--went in nearly the whole way into her butt, a strange feeling came over him. There was such a sense of connection and unity with this girl that his heart began to swell with emotion. As he continued to pound her tight anus, he somehow wished he could get even closer to her--merge his body with hers. She was letting out soft little grunts after each thrust, feeling a delicious helplessness while being totally possessed by this unusual young man. And when he started sending long streams of his come into her, she smiled in quiet self-satisfaction: no guy had ever come twice in her before.

Blake remained firmly embedded in her long after he'd finished. He never wanted to separate from her. His breathing was irregular--not from exertion, but from the complex mix of emotions he was feeling. He rubbed his face against her hair, taking in the scent of her shampoo--and her own body-scent. And he continued to clutch her breasts, as symbols of her glorious femininity.

In a choked voice he said, "I love you, Lorna."

Her eyes popped open at the words. Here was yet another first: she'd never heard those words directed toward her by a man--certainly not while he was ensconced in her derrière! She awkwardly reached around to stroke Blake's cheek, saying, "Um, that's very sweet, dear, but maybe you can come out of me now?"

Grudgingly Blake pulled out--and the withdrawal of the bulbous tip of his cock caused her a final smidgen of pain. But she didn't mind. Rolling over onto her back, she was expecting them to cuddle a bit more before going to sleep. But looking up at Blake, who was peering intently and almost maniacally at her, she got worried.