The Poet Pt. 04

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Blake cuddles up with Lorna's virgin sister.
3.7k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/29/2022
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The Poet (Part 4)

Kathryn M. Burke

In the rush of the graduation ceremony, Blake had had time only to make the briefest acquaintance with Lorna's parents, Steve and Vera Walker, and her younger sister Marcy. So it was decided that the couple should spend some quality time at the Walkers' home.

Blake was clearly the focus of attention--especially to Marcy. She was nineteen and had finished her freshman year at another college: she'd always felt something of an inferiority complex to her big sister, and hadn't wanted to compete with her on her turf. During their brief meetings at graduation, Marcy had gravitated toward Blake--and now, at home, her interest was renewed.

As the entire family was sitting in the backyard having an impromptu picnic, Marcy sidled over to Lorna and, gazing at Blake's backside, said, "He's cute, isn't he?"

Lorna played dumb. "Who's cute?"

"Blake, silly!" Marcy said. "Nice butt."

"Oh, you are so disgusting!"

"Well, he does have a nice butt. Nice everything, in fact."

"You think so?"

"Sure--and you do too. He's a poet, isn't he?"


"That's so cool!"

"Well, he can be a handful. Gets moody and depressed sometimes."

"Of course he does. That shows he's deep."

"Is that right?"

"Absolutely." After a pause: "What does he do to you?"

Lorna gazed disdainfully at her sister. "What do you mean? He doesn't do anything to me."

"I mean," Marcy said, as if speaking to an idiot, "what does he do to you in bed?"

Lorna's eyes blazed. "I'm not telling you that!"

"Oh, come on--you gotta give me something. Who's on top?"

"He is most of the time. It's just easier that way. But I'm on top sometimes."

"Do you put his thing in your mouth?"

"Sure--as foreplay."

"You mean you don't swallow his stuff?"

"Well, I have."

"Eew! Isn't it supposed to taste awful?"

"Well, I won't say it's as nice as a hot fudge sundae, but it's okay."

"What else do you do?" The unspoken implication was obvious: Does he go into your butt?

Lorna glared at Marcy and said firmly, "I'm not telling you."

Marcy chuckled. That means he does.

The two girls lapsed into an uneasy silence as they watched Blake interacting with their parents. Then Marcy blurted out: "Do you think he could do me?"

There was a deep silence. Lorna slowly turned her head to her sister and said, "What did you say?"

"Oh, Lorna," Marcy said, suddenly tearing up, "I want him to do me! I want it so bad!"

"You want Blake to take you to bed?" Lorna said in disbelief.

"Just once! It's because"--her voice dropped to a whisper--"I'm a virgin, and I don't wanna be." She hung her head, as if having just admitted that she didn't know the multiplication table.

Lorna's eyes got big. "You're a virgin? At nineteen?"

"What's wrong with that?" Marcy said defensively. "Is that too old?"

"I guess not. I didn't know."

"Well, it's not something I shout out to the world!"

"But--but why Blake? I mean, he's my boyfriend!"

"I know that--and he loves you, I can tell. It's just that--he's a sweetheart, and I want a nice guy to do me. I don't know any nice guys."

"Oh, come on! You're telling me there's no one at your college who's 'nice'?"

"Not nice enough to--you know, do me."

"This is ridiculous. It's not gonna happen."

"Oh, Lorna, please! I don't ask much from you!"

"This is asking a lot!"

"Okay, sure, but--just once?"

"Look, it's gonna hurt, you know? Especially if you still have your hymen. Do you?"

"Of course I do."

"Well, then, it'll hurt, and you'll probably bleed."

"I know that. But I have to do it sometime."

"There's another problem." Lorna was almost gleeful as she went on: "Blake's kind of--big."

Marcy frowned in confusion. "He's not that big. He's just a couple of inches taller than me. And he's not exactly built like a football player, with these giant arms and stuff--"

"I didn't mean that," Lorna said, staring venomously at her sister. "I mean--his thing is big."

The color suddenly drained from Marcy's face. "How--how big?"

"About this big." And Lorna held her hands about ten inches apart.

Marcy clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening in horror. "No way! They never get that big."

"Oh, there are probably even bigger ones out there. But I'm telling you, his is that big. So I'm not sure he's the best guy to 'do' you. You might be screaming in pain."

Marcy looked fit to be tied. "Goddammit! I was so looking forward to his doing me!"

"Well, too bad, sis--better luck next time." And Lorna walked away and threw her arm protectively around her man.

But that wasn't the end of the matter.

That night, Lorna and Blake decided to get down to some serious cuddling. Lorna was a little nervous and was desperate to make sure that they remained quiet so her parents down the hall wouldn't hear. Blake did the best he could to be silent--and keep Lorna silent--as they copulated (and, yes, Blake was on top). Afterward, they lay down on their backs, gazing up at the ceiling and wondering if they might be up for another round after some rest.

That's when Marcy barged into the room.

Lorna never locked her bedroom door--had never felt the need to. She now gaped at her sister, who stalked up to the bed wearing nothing but her nightgown. Lorna frantically covered both herself and her beau with a bedsheet.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she whispered frantically.

Marcy peered at the couple intently and said emphatically, "I want him to deflower me."

Blake's eyes boggled. Lorna had neglected to tell him of her outrageous conversation with her sister earlier that day.

"Marcy, you're crazy!" Lorna cried.

"I want him to--" Marcy's voice was cut off when she tugged at her nightgown, pulled it over her head, and tossed it aside.

Blake gasped as he saw his girlfriend's sister naked for the first time. She was a stunner: sloping shoulders, round, ball-like breasts (32C, by his estimate), a bit of a swelling around her tummy, flaring hips, strong thighs and calves, and (so far as he could tell from this angle) a luscious curvy butt that just ached for a man's touch.

Even Lorna's jaw dropped. "Marcy--you're beautiful," she confessed.

"Thanks," Marcy said shortly as she shoved herself onto the bed.

The bed was a "full-size"--bigger than a twin but not nearly as big as a queen-size. Having three people on it resulted in a somewhat crowded scenario, and it was Lorna who got shoved back against the wall as Marcy lay down flat on her back and snuggled up next to Blake.

But when she'd pulled the bedsheet aside, she'd gotten a glimpse of that "big" member of Blake's--and her mouth hung open as she now stared fixedly at it. "Oh, my goodness," she whispered.

Amidst his amazement, Blake chuckled inwardly as he recalled that Lorna had used exactly those words when she'd first caught sight of his organ.

"Please go into me," Marcy said to him.

"Marcy, don't be silly," Lorna said impatiently. "You don't want him to go right in without any, um, preparation."

"Okay, then, let's do some foreplay."

She seemed to be expecting Blake to tend to her. For her part, she was frightened of putting that monster cock into her mouth even a little ways. Blake, getting his girlfriend's grudging approval, began warming Marcy up. He gave her some light kisses on the mouth, then draped himself on her body, head on her chest, and pressed her breasts against his face--one of his favorite activities. Marcy gazed down at him delightedly, then looked over to her sister. He's actually making love to me!

Blake extended a hand down to Marcy's sex to check out how wet it was. It was pretty wet! But he coaxed still more fluid out of her by tender and delicate strokes on her labia and clitoris.

Marcy was now getting frantic. She was actually pulling at Blake's shoulders to get him to move up her body. "Oh, please, please go into me!"

Blake for some reason felt the need to check with Lorna. She nodded briefly, saying, "You might as well. But just go in a couple inches, okay?"

He slid up Marcy's frame and looked down at her. His cock had already found her opening, and the tip was getting doused by the juices pouring out of her vagina.

"Are you ready, dear?" he said.

"Y-yes," Marcy said in a shaky voice.

"Are you sure?"


And so he went in.

The destruction of her hymen somehow took Marcy by surprise, and her eyes got wide as she realized that a man was in her for the first time. Then, all of a sudden, the first wave of pain hit her, and her face crumpled in misery. A big tear was squeezed out of each eye and trickled down her cheek.

"I'm so sorry," Blake whispered in her ear.

"It's okay," Marcy said. "Can't be helped."

Blake did his best not to go in any further--but Marcy begged him ("More, please!") and so he went in a few more inches. For some reason Marcy now began feeling choked, and strange little gargling sounds came out of her throat.

"Marcy, you're not doing it right!" Lorna snapped.

"Wh-what?" Marcy said, looking over to her sister.

Lorna grabbed one of her legs, raised it up, bent it at the knee, and draped it over Blake's knee. "This should be better."


"It's a better angle. Maybe it'll lessen the pain."

Marcy bent her other leg in the same way--and sure enough, Blake's cock seemed to have an easier time slipping in and out of the girl. By now he was getting pretty excited, and his thrusts were both strong and deep. Marcy, poor girl, felt like someone gored by a dagger, but after a while a certain feeling of pleasure began to waft over her--that feeling of being filled which a woman can get in no other way.

She held Blake close as her arms clung to his shoulders. Blake was kissing her all over her face and kneading her breasts and butt as he pounded her. And then he seemed to catch himself by surprise as his orgasm suddenly crashed down upon him, and he sent bolt after bolt of hot come into the former virgin. She would indeed have screamed--not from pain but from her own unexpected climax--if Blake hadn't pressed his lips against hers.

Lorna looked on in astonishment. She wondered if something like this had ever happened before--a girl watching her sister being deflowered by her own boyfriend.

Blake pulled out abruptly, leaving Marcy with that horrible empty feeling that makes women so sad after sex. Lorna, meanwhile, snatched up some Kleenex from the nightstand and quickly mopped up her sister's twat as well as Blake's cock. She didn't want blood on her sheets! The mingled white and red fluid leaking out of Marcy was clearly evident on the Kleenex, and both girls gazed at it with a certain awe.

Marcy, brushing away her tears, now lay back on the bed like a contented cat. "That was fabulous!" she cooed.

"Did it hurt very much?" Blake asked in sincere concern.

"Nah!" she said. It had, but she wasn't going to admit to either to him or to her sister.

"Are we done here?" Lorna said. "Don't you want to go back to your own room now?"

"I kinda like it here," she said, reaching down to stroke Blake's sore member gently. She figured that one of the best things about getting sexual with a guy is that his various parts now "belonged" to her, to do with as she liked. She put out of her mind the fact that this guy wasn't really hers, but Lorna's.

In spite of himself, Blake got hard yet again. Marcy looked at the development with amused triumph.

"He wants to do it again!" she said to Lorna.

"He's not going to do it again," Lorna said firmly. "Or if he does, he'll be doing it to me."

"Maybe he can do me in my butt," Marcy said calmly, flipping over onto her stomach to reveal a gorgeous posterior that Blake couldn't take his eyes off of.

"What!" Lorna exclaimed.

"Well, why not?" Marcy said. "He does you that way, doesn't he?"

"How could you possibly know that?"

Marcy smiled craftily. "I figured it out all by myself."

"Well, he's not--"

"Oh, come on, Lorna! What's the harm?"

"The harm"--Lorna was almost exploding with outrage--"is that he's just taken your virginity one way, and there's no way he's going to take you the other way right now. It--it's too much for you."

"Try me," Marcy said.

Lorna just looked over to her boyfriend as if despairing of ever making her sister see reason.

"Well," Blake said ruefully, "I might as well. She's not gonna give us any peace until I do."

"You got that right!" Marcy added pungently.

"For heaven's sake," Lorna said, closing her eyes. "Fine--go ahead. Be my guest."

"What has to happen?" Marcy said eagerly.

"Well," Blake said, "we'd better use this."

He picked up a tube of hand lotion on the nightstand and poured some out onto his fingers. As Marcy watched raptly, he coated her anus, inside and out, with the stuff. She giggled as she felt the cold wet substance lubricating her.

As Blake got into position, draping himself over Marcy's prone body, Lorna got alarmed and cried out, "Don't you dare go into her too far!"

"Okay, okay!" Blake bellowed. "Just a couple inches."

At his first penetration, Marcy's eyes suddenly widened, and as he went in farther and farther her tongue began to stick out of her mouth. When he was about halfway in she winced in pain.

"You're hurting her!" Lorna exclaimed, remembering her own first experience of this procedure.

"I'm sorry," Blake said to both Marcy and her sister. "You're tensing up, dear--you gotta stay loose." He massaged Marcy's bottom until she relaxed her muscles--and with that, Blake went in a few more inches.

"He's in me!" she cried in triumph. "Omigod, he's in me!"

"Does it hurt?" Lorna said, stroking Marcy's brow.

"Um, not much. I--I like it!"

Lorna wasn't convinced of that at all, but by this time Blake was forging in and out of Marcy's butt, wrapping his arms around her chest and grabbing her breasts as he did with Lorna. Marcy felt a sense of dreamy helplessness as this incredible man took possession of her. And when Blake slid one hand down her front (while holding both breasts with the other) and cupping her sex, Marcy let out a girlish squeal. The whole thing was getting almost too intense, and when she felt the first few drops of Blake's emission oozing out of his cock and into her rectum, she was overwhelmed with a thunderous orgasm that had her shaking from head to foot as if she was being electrocuted.

Blake, for his part, couldn't believe how much of his seed was shooting out of him--it almost embarrassed him, not to mention making him feel as if he had betrayed Lorna somehow. As he usually did with her, he remained in Marcy's ass for minutes after both their climaxes had finally wound down, until Lorna finally said sharply, "You need to come out of her--right now!"

Blake groaned and withdrew. Marcy remained flat on her stomach, drained of emotion and in a languorous state of post-orgasmic ecstasy. She had a goofy expression on her face as she looked over to her sister.

Lorna glared balefully at her. "I think you've had enough, young lady," she said, sounding a bit like her mother. "Why don't you go back to your own room?"

"I wanna stay here!" Marcy whined.

"Not on your life! This damn bed isn't really even big enough for two, let alone three! Time for you to leave. March!"

"You're such a party-pooper," Marcy said as she got off the bed. She staggered a bit when she first stood up, but managed to remain upright. Before leaving, she bent down and gave her ravisher a sloppy kiss on the mouth while also tugging at his sore and overused cock. "See ya later, lover!" she said impishly, then left the room.

"You really shouldn't have done that," Lorna said as she used some Kleenex to wipe Blake's member. She'd have preferred he wash it with soap and water, but she didn't want her parents to hear him--or, worse, actually see him parading around naked in the hallway.

"That's one determined girl," Blake said in his defense. "She was gonna get it no matter what."

"I really don't want to talk about it anymore," Lorna said, turning her back on her lover and trying to get to sleep. Incredibly, sleep found both of them almost at once.

Next morning, Lorna stumbled downstairs to see her mother broodingly sipping coffee and waiting for everyone else to wake up.

Lorna froze when she first saw her mom, then did her best to pour her own cup of coffee as nonchalantly as she could. But Vera Walker wasn't going to let her daughter off the hook.

"I heard some strange sounds in your bedroom last night," she said accusingly.

"Did you?" Lorna said with a nervous laugh.

"Yes. What exactly was going on in there?"

"Oh, you know how men are. They get these urges, and you just have to satisfy them."

"I know all about that. But I could have sworn I heard three voices in your room."

"Oh, Mom, don't be silly. How could that be?"

"How indeed." After a heavy pause: "What was Marcy doing in your room with you and Blake?"

"What?" Lorna cried. "Mom, she wasn't there! Really she wasn't!" Lorna hated to lie to her mother so blatantly; but she knew that Vera was something of a prude (Daddy had actually called her that once), so she didn't dare give even a hint of what had happened.

"Who wasn't there?" a new voice now said. Marcy had walked into the kitchen, dressed in the same nightgown she'd doffed when snuggling up with Blake.

"You were!" Vera snapped, pointing a finger at her younger daughter.

"I was where? Mom, what are you talking about?"

"You were in your sister's room--doing God knows what."

"Mom, you're crazy!" Marcy blurted out, her eyes boggling with alarm. She looked quickly at Lorna, who shook her head. I haven't told her anything--and you mustn't either.

"Something is going on here," Vera said, mostly to herself.

It was at this point that Steve Walker sauntered in with Blake in tow. They seemed like the best of friends.

"Hey, Vera," Steve said jovially, "do you know what? Blake deflowered Marcy last night."

There was a cavernous silence that seemed to go on forever.

"What--did--you--say?" Vera whispered in words of fire, staring first at her husband, then at Blake, then at Marcy, and finally at Lorna. The three young people were now cowering in terror.

"You heard me," Steve said matter-of-factly. "He seems to have done a thorough job of it. It's about time, if you ask me."

"Daddy!" Marcy protested. "I'm only nineteen!"

"That's a good time to lose your virginity." Then, turning to his wife: "Don't you think so, dear?"

Vera was almost speechless with outrage. Turning to Blake, she pointed at him this time and said, "Did you come in her?"

"Well, yes, ma'am--"

"You better not have knocked her up!"

"Mom, calm down," Marcy said. "It's not the right time of the month. I wouldn't have done it if it was. I'm not that stupid. Anyway, Blake's thing was kind of slick after being in Lorna, so it slid into me pretty easily."

"What!" Vera cried. Turning to Blake: "You did Lorna before you did Marcy?"

"Um, yeah--but she wanted it. I mean, they both wanted it. I'd never force a girl to do anything she didn't want to do."

"I just don't believe this," Vera said. Then she said to Marcy, "Did it hurt, dear?" Suddenly she became the sympathetic mom--or perhaps expressing female solidarity, since her own deflowerment at the age of twenty hadn't gone so well.

"A little," Marcy admitted. "But not as much as I thought. The other way hurt more, but I got through that too."

Another deafening silence.

"What--other--way?" Vera said in that ponderous way she had.

Marcy had clapped a hand over her mouth as Lorna rolled her eyes. Blake was looking at the floor, while Steve was gazing in confusion at everyone else.