The Popular Crowd Pt. 01: Alexis


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Alexis smiled, "Thanks."

"Don't be nervous, it'll be a fun night. Jake is a great storyteller. I'm Nicole." Nicole explained, taking Alexis' apprehension as nerves. But in truth it was Alexis fighting herself to come to terms with playing this nerd game all so she could seduce Jake enough to get a picture of his schlong so that she could then take it to GGK and be allowed full membership and regain her proper status as a "popular" girl.

Holy fuck was she a shallow bitch or what?

The next four hours turned into one of the best nights of fun Alexis ever had. Nicole had been right, Jake was an excellent storyteller, he told a story that made her feel like she and her character where actually in this fantasy world. Shadow and the other characters around the table found themselves stuck on a sinking ship. They rolled dice as they frantically tried to find some way to fix the boat, failing that they then tried to find pieces of the boat they could use to fashion a life raft of some kind. It was through sheer luck of the rolls that the party found themselves on an uncharted island, digging through a costal cave. Deep within they found a cavern of treasure, but guarding the treasure was a Manticore a flying lion beast with a human-like face. The party battled the creature, and Alexis managed to roll well which allowed her to get the finishing blow on the creature.

All of it was exciting, and surprisingly engrossing which Alexis had never expected. As her character Shadow stood over the corpse of the beast, Jake stood up at the end of the table and said, "As Shadow pulls her dagger free from the Manticore's back, in collapses under her leaving her panting in victory over the beast." He smiled at Alexis and she would be lying if she didn't get the tingle in her belly with arousal from his look. If ever she thought a nerd could be sexy it was in that moment. "And that is where we are ending this week." Jake said, and Alexis clapped.

She leaned back and ran her fingers through her hair. "Wow that was totally different than what I expected. Way more fun too."

Jake smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You did good as Shadow too, got into character pretty well for a first timer." He told her. "Anyway thanks for coming guys, we'll see you all next week I hope."

The group packed up and Alexis spoke to them breifly thanking them for letting her join the group and playing with them tonight, Nicole was encouraging and told Alexis that she hoped to see her next week for the game again. As the group packed up Jake began to gather up the paper plates and napkins, the remains of the pizza's they all had crushed. Alexis got up and began to help him with the clean-up.

She threw the trash into the bin, helped wipe the table up and put the cups that they had used for drinks into Jake's little mini dish washer. Once the rest of the group had left Jake moved next to her and helped rinse things out. "Well tell me what you thought. Was it as unbelievably nerdy as you thought it would be?" He asked her.

She recalled the way he swung his arms as he described out they eached attacked the manticore, and how he had done voices of the many characters they had met along the way. She smiled at him, "Probably the nerdiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Unbelievably dorky." She told him.

Alexis turned to him and looked down at her hands, the nerves boiling inside of her again. "But," she said softly before turning her gaze back up to his. "I'd be lying if I told you I didn't have an incredibly huge amount of fun either. If this is what it is like, sign me up." She told him.

Jake nodded with a smirk, "I'm really happy to hear that. Not many girls like you would give this game even the slightest chance. You were great."

Alexis blushed and leaned in to kiss him. Jake's lips were soft against hers, but a little stiff as he didn't expect her to kiss him. For a second she feared that he might be taken and she was making him cheat, but after a moment of shock Jake's hands found her hips softly and he began to kiss her back. She pressed her tongue out, tasting his lips. She felt her body react to being against his, and couldn't believe she was actually attracted to him.

Jake broke the kiss lightly, taking a deep breath. "Wow that's umm...unexpected." He chuckled. "I never thought my first kiss would be from being a good D&D player."

Alexis felt her heart burn for him. His first kiss? The poor guy hadn't ever been kissed before? He was over twenty, even as a nerd she didn't understand how that was possible. She gave him a pout, "First kiss? You've never made out with anyone before?" She asked sadly.

Jake blushed and looked down before shaking his head, "No never really that popular with the ladies."

"Oh that's no good. We have to fix that." She grabbed his hand and pulled him from the little kitchen towards his bed on the otherside of the room. She smirked at him and shoved him back onto the bed, she leapt on after him, stratling his hips. She smiled and lowered herself down upon him, kissing him deeply. Her tongue pushed into his mouth to tease and play with him, her lips part as she invited him to do the same to hers. His lips wer soft and wonderful to kiss, she felt like she could really enjoy doing this with him.

Jake reached up to cup her face, she could feel his hands trembling as he touched her. Alexis broke the kiss and smiled down at him, "You nervous?" She asked.

Jake let out a shakey breath, "Yeah, I this is incredible."

She smiled at him and rose herself on top of him, taking his hands in hers she gave him a wink. "You don't have to be nervous. It's okay." She told her and pulled his hands to her breasts. Jake gasped as she held his palms against her chest, letting him feel the way her soft yet firm mounds dug back into his hands.

"How's that?" She asked teasingly.

"Incredible." He whispered.

She couldn't help but giggle, shifting herself on top of him. It was then that she felt it. Her eyes went wide, it wasn't possible, surely he had something in his pocket or something. The make out had made this poor virgin grow hard under her, she could feel his hardness pressing against her as she let her weight settle on him. But what pressed against her couldn't be possible, she wiggled on top of him gently trying to see if it was something else, but no, there was no mistaking it. The massive pressure under her was all him. Holy fuck.

Jake was biting his lip and looking up at her expectingly, waiting to see what she would do next. Alexis smiled and leaning forward to kiss him again. After a moment she broke the kiss and whispered into his lips. "If you've never been kissed before, that've never had a girl suck your dick then right?" She asked him playfully.

He swallowed and shook his head. Alexis smiled and rose up, "Good, then this should be fun." She shifted off of him, moving to his side. As she did so she took her phone out of her back pocket and set it on the mattress. Looking down at his crotch she could see the buldging area in his pants and her eyes couldn't believe it was real. There was a fucking monster in there.

She smiled at him as she reached out to run her palm over his girth. He let out a loud breath as she did so and it brought a moan from her own lips. "Oh you poor thing, you are so big yet so trapped. This must be awful for you." She told him.

As Alexis reached for the button of his pants, Jake's hand were suddenly there to stop her. "Alexis wait." He breathed, his desire was potent to the point where she could almost taste it on him. Slowly he pushed himself up onto his elbows to look at her. "Isn't this a little fast? I mean, I just met you the other day."

She blinked in disbelief. Was she hearing this right? Was he actually stopping her from going down on him? Never in the history of ever had she ever been stopped after getting to this point before. She knew he was excited for her, she could see the evidence of that. "What?" She asked softly.

Jake frowned and sighed, "I don't know. I just never had anyone even consider this with me. I was the guy who couldn't get a date let alone..." He gestured to her hovering over his crotch, "this."

Alexis couldn't believe it. He was trying to talk her out of blowing him. He was actually considering her and her feelings. Or maybe he sensed that she had other reasons for what she was about to do, no that couldn't be right. He was just a good guy, a nerd to be sure, but a good guy and not bad looking.

Smiling she crawled over to his face and gave him a gentle slap. Looking into his eyes she said, "Jake, when you give girls a good time, they like to return the favor. I had a blast tonight, and I wanted to kiss you." She kissed him softly to accent her point. "When you told me it was your first I felt bad. So I want to do this for you, I wanna show you some fun like you've never felt before. Kinda like what you did tonight for me already."

She sat up beside him and let her hands move back to his jeans. "Besides it doesn't have to mean anything. It's just a little head, people hook up all the time for...I believe the term in D&D would be a 'one shot'." She gave him a knowing smile, as her fingers pulled open the fly of his pants.

She snapped her fingers and pointed, "Alright tug these off."

Jake hesitated for a moment, looking at her as if still trying to decide if it was a good idea or not. Then he shifted and lifted his hips to tug his pants down, with a couple of kicks they went flying off somewhere on the floor.

Alexis loomed over him and looked down at the massive lump in his briefs. "Alright now let's see the goods." She teased, slipping her fingers into the pee-hole of the briefs and wrapping her fingers around.....Jesus what the fuck was this? A full Salami? Christ even as she wrapped her fist around him she could barely get her fingers to touch. She looked at him with wide eyes as she tugged him through the pee-hole and revealed the beast within.

Alexis took a deep breath. "What the fuck dude?"

Jake jerked and looked at her, "What?"

"You're fucking gigantic, fuck dude look at this thing!" She cried, as her hand slowly caressed the length of him. She lowered herself and lifted his hardness before her face. It was bigger than her fucking head. "You're bigger than my fucking head man!" She gasped, her free hand reaching slowly behind her to grab the phone she had taken out.

She rose up and unlocked her phone, "Hold the fuck on I have to see something here." She handed him her phone with the camera on. "Take my picture, I'm gonna see if your dick will hide my entire face." She dropped down and lifted him in front of her face again.

Jake grimaced, "I dunno if I want to take a picture of my dick though."

"Oh come on dude, my face will be there too. I'll make sure to send it to you so you can jerk to it later." She promised with a smile. "Please?" She then licked him, running her tongue along his entire length from base to tip. He had to be at least nine inches long, and thick as a brick. Fucking him must be like fucking an arm, she thought to herself.

Her tongue upon him did the trick though as his shaft jumped with the pleasure and he grunted. Jake shook his head and aimed the phone again, snapping the picture before setting the phone down. "There." He said panting.

Alexis smiled and kissed the tip of his throbbing mushroom. "Beautiful." She told him. "Now as I promised." She opened her mouth and gently sucked his tip into her mouth. Jake moaned with it, his shaft pulsed warmly on her tongue. She felt her body react to it as well, after seeing his size she wanted him, she wanted to try him. But that was perhaps going too far, especially since she didn't think her condom would be of any use on this monster.

So Alexis took more into her mouth, working him gently with her tongue. She kept it slow so that he wouldn't lose himself too quickly, she wanted him to enjoy this. Hell SHE wanted to enjoy this. Gone were the thoughts of shame of doing this just to be hazed, gone were the questions of her morality or ethics in doing something like this. Sure she had gotten her picture, but now she didn't have to feel bad about leaving him with blue balls because she wanted to suck him off. His size was a challenge that she wanted to tackle. Even just a few inches into her mouth and her jaw was already open wide. She couldn't take him like this, no fucking way, there was too much of him.

Instead Alexis made good with what she could take, using her tongue to tease the underside of him, pulling him back to her lips so she could suckle his tip and then repeating. Jake would swell in her mouth and she would stop, instead rubbing her palm over the spit covered tip of him and using her saliva as lube to stroke him. Her gaze would go to his, enjoying the look on his face.

"What do you think?" She teased.

Jake struggling to catch his breath. "It's incredible." He panted softly. "I don't know how much I can take, I'm sorry Alexis." He warned her.

Nobody that she could recall had ever warned her, they just came whenever they felt like it. She had gotten good at being able to read the signs of when her partner was about to finish, the panting, the change in movements, even the swelling of their size. Jake however was too thick for her to totally tell, she thought every throb was going to be the erruption but it wasn't.

She smirked, "It's okay, I didn't expect you to have pornstar stamina baby. Don't worry I'll drink you all up." Then her lips wrapped around him again.

Her words and the return of her mouth around him must have been too much, because not a second after she had his smooth fluffy tip in her mouth did she feel his massive tool jerk almost out of her grip. Then a rush of his stuff flooded into her mouth. Alexis squealed in surprise, tightening her grip with her hands around his base, holding him as he continued to powerfully jerk in her hand. Waves of his juice pulsed into her mouth, her throat worked overtime just to keep up with all he gave her. Her eyes went wide as he passed the point where a normal guy would have been done. But Jake gave her more, and then a little more.

Finally with a grunt, Jake slumped back onto the bed breathing heavily. Alexis sucked the last little bit from his tip and lifted her head taking a deep breath. "Whew!" She gasped, licking her lips a giving herself a few extra swallows to clear her throat. "Jesus not only is your dick huge but so is your load." She exclaimed.

Jake blushed, "Sorry?"

She giggled, "No need to be sorry, that's intense is all. I really really want to fuck you, I just want you to know that." She told him.

Jake sat up, "What really?"

Alexis frowned, "Yeah, but I can't."

Jake gave a deflated look, but Alexis grabbed his chin, "No I want to really. But I don't have a condom that will fit you Jake. I didn't expect you to have the fucking Titanic in your pants." She explained. "So maybe we can set up a raincheck. Find some rubbers that'll fit, and then we can see if my tight little lady can handle your beast." She smiled wide and kissed his forehead.

Alexis sighed and climbed off the bed, looking around for her shoes that she had kicked away at some point. "Hey where is your phone?" She asked.

Jake shifted to the end of the bed, tucking himself back into his underwear. "Uh, over on the table I think." He pointed. "Why?"

Alexis darted over and grabbed the phone, bringing it to him. "Here unlock it so I can put my phone number in." She told him.

She had never seen someone look so happy as he had in that moment.

* * * * * *

Alexis went back to her room, a warm feeling in her guts. She couldn't believe what she had done, she had sucked him off. Jake was gifted in more ways than one. She couldn't believe the beef he packed, that nerdy guy had the biggest fucking dick she had ever seen. As she walked she brought up the picture on her phone, even seeing the evidence she had a hard time believing it. Hell she even felt full from drinking his load! How the fuck was that possible? Like she had chugged a big glass of milk or something.

It was all unreal, but she found herself actually happy about it. She would get into the GGK no problem, and she didn't have to feel bad about leading Jake on because she had followed through delightfully with giving him some pleasure. She couldn't wait to fuck him.

Wait, what was that?

As she walked into her room and leaned against the door she realized something. She really did want to have sex with him. She wanted to see him again and she wanted to see what it would feel like with him. Sighing Alexis put her face in her hands, she couldn't believe that. But it was true, Jake was fun, that nerdy shit was way more fun than she ever believed it could be. Jake was a nice guy, talented in terms of story-telling, drawing, and all around creatively. She had certainly slept with worse guys, mostly assholes. Jake didn't strike her as having any hint of asshole in his body. But what would the GGK think if they found out? God could she risk the popularity she wanted for...what? A big dick?

"God I am a shallow bitch." Alexis muttered.

* * * * * *

Niece snatched the phone from Alexis' hand glared at the screen. "Get the fuck out of here. You photoshopped this!" She insisted.

Alexis shook her head, "No I swear I didn't, believe me I didn't. My jaw still is sore from it."

Niece looked at her and laughed. "Oh my god really? You actually blew him?"

Alexis shrugged, "I had to make it believable to him, small price to pay really."

"My god, that means....Holy fuck dude." Niece said.

Jessica and Emma came into the living area of the GGK at that moment and Niece waved them over. "You guys are not going to believe this thing. Check out the dick on that dork." She said showing the picture to the girls.

Both of their jaws dropped in unison, "What the fuck dude!?" Jessica cried.

"That's not real." Emma said, "It can't be."

Niece grinned and elbowed Alexis in the side, "She sucked it, so it must be real."

"Oh wow. You blew that dweeb?" Jessica asked, then glanced at the phone and shrugged, "Eh, gotta be honest, if that was what he is packing. I probably would have blown him too. I mean you'd have to try right?" She asked looking around, "Right?"

Niece shrugged and looked at the picture again, "Yeah I think so....hey did he say if he was single or anything?" She asked Alexis.

Alexis nodded and felt a drop in the pit of her stomach. "Yeah very single why?"

"I don't know. I mean....I kinda wanna see it myself you know?" She explained. "This is like the Moby Dick of.....Dicks."

Emma glanced at Alexis, "Hey you should fuck him. We'd definitely let you in GGK if you fucked him."

Alexis shook her head, "Oh come on you told me to get a picture and I did. Fucking him is a bit much don't you think?" Alexis didn't so much as hint at the fact that she would have fucked him already if she could have.

Emma shrugged, " Oh wait I have an idea. Niece we have the semester opener party Monday night right. Let's invite this guy and see who can get in his pants first."

"So you are all going to try and fuck this poor guy?" Alexis asked.

Niece scoffed, "Poor guy? Jesus you make it sound like we are talking about giving him water torture Alexis. It's sex. And for him it's sex with a girl way out of his league. You gonna sit there and feel sorry for him?"

Alexis blushed, "No I guess not."

Jessica narrowed her eyes and stepped forward, "Wait a minute." She glared at Alexis. "You like him don't you?"

Alexis gasped, "No!"

Jessica grinned, "Oh Niece she fucking LIKES the nerd! Look at her. She's redder than a rose!" She laughed.

Niece looked at Alexis and then at the picture. "Hmm....I don't know if I can blame her, I mean if you had this dick, could you be with any other guy?" She gave Alexis her phone and stepped up to her, getting right in her face. "Alright Alexis how badly do you want in to GGK?"