The Power of Clothing Pt. 02

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How a basque changes a career girl.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 14 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/30/2008
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This is the second story in my Power of Clothing Series. These, shorter than usual, for me, stories looks at how the clothes we wear influence and promote our sexual feelings and arousal.

It is part of a broader series examining how so many various things are part of our sexual lives.

As, particularly, this 'clothing series, flows from story to story, I strongly recommend that you read them in the Parts order.

Let me know your thoughts and any other ideas.



Chapter 1

"I've got a present for you," he said.

"Oooo, lovely," Jo replied.

"You'll have to get out of bed then," Tom said throwing the sheet back, which had been covering the naked lovers.

Jo clambered out watching Tom do the same, his erection now gone.

"Stand there then."

She did. He looked at her. She looked good. It had been good sex as well, but then so had the other three times they'd had it in their short affair.

"What is it?" Jo asked, full of curiosity. He hadn't made a habit of buying her presents, not that she wanted them for they made her feel a bit like a hooker when having a fling with a married man, but something now and then was nice.

"You'll see, close your eyes. No hang on," he said going into the bathroom. "Turn round, let me put this on," Tom said, holding up a thin towel.

"Now now, no sensory deprivation," Jo said smiling."

"Not at all, but let me loop it round, stop you peeping."

She half didn't believe him and wondered if he was going to try to tie her up? She wondered even more at what her reaction might be. She had never been tied up, restrained or even blindfolded and did have a curiosity about such practices. However, he didn't.

Tom tied the thin towel loosely round her eyes and he too, thought about maybe taking things further. He even felt a slight twitch in his cock at the vision in his mind of the naked Jo on the bed, her arms tied above her head, her ankles tied to the end of the bed, her, long slim legs wide open. He stored that idea for later, perhaps.

Jo heard some rustling wondering like hell what was going on and what the present could be. She felt that he was close to her, just behind her.

"Hold your arms above your head please Jo?" He asked, loving the view of her small tits being stretched as she did as he asked.

She felt something being wrapped round her then worked out that it was a waspie or a basque or something. Tom was behind her holding the opened edges. He moved around her and she felt him pulling the edges together.

'It must have hooks and eyes' she thought, amending that to include, 'some Velcro when she heard that familiar sound.

Tom had never done such a thing before and certainly had no experience of doing up hooks and eyes; he had undone some, but never the other way.

"Shall I help?" Jo asked, laughing a little as she added. "Women are trained to things like those up without looking, we'd never get our bras off otherwise.

They got all the first few done up quite easily, but as they moved downwards toward her waist, it was more of a struggle.

"You hold the sides together and I'll do them up," Tom suggested. They did that and, after considerable struggle and Jo breathing in a lot, they were done up.

"Can I take this off now?" she asked.

"No, not yet," the man replied "There's more."

He left her for a moment and Jo ran her hands over the garment. It was silky and lacy and was an underbust job with suspenders. 'Obviously getting a bra, panties or stockings she conjectured, feeling surprisingly interested and tingly as she stood there in the muddle of the room clad in just a basque and blindfold. She wasn't too sure what was the major turn on, the lingerie or him dressing her or, was it the feeling? God it was tight! She felt severely restricted.

"That looks fantastic," Tom said from close by, having padded barefoot back to her. "And with these on you'll look even more fantastic. He then proceeded, with Jo's help, so get her legs into a pair of stocking, which Jo felt were seemed at the back.

He got the front suspenders clipped ok, but was struggling with the ones that ran over her hips. He was standing behind her fumbling with something new to him, doing up the clasp of a suspender, when she felt his cock brush against her bare back. It was nearly hard and that was unusual. Tom had so been a 'one-time a session' guy. Sure they would make love, well have sex, for their attraction to each other stopped at liking and fancying, for ages, sometimes two or three hours. They would do oral on each other, which always made Jo cum, but not him. She was careful there, for with a 'one-time guy' having cum all over your face or tits seemed such a waste. He would also make her cum with his fingers, so she might have four or five orgasms before they had full sex. During that time, Tom would gaine and lose his erection several times. So far, they had always managed to get it back, but Jo worried that sometime they might not and she would end up 'unfucked.'

So it was quite a surprise to feel his hardening maleness against her bum.

"Mmmm, that felt nice," she said, adding. "Where's that come from?

As an answer, he whipped the blindfold away.

"This," was all he said.

Tom had positioned Jo in front of a mirror so she could see what he meant.

Despite the colouring of the basque being 'typical mistress' as Cosmo always called crimson and black, it was a sexy looking job. It didn't cover her boobs but was cut so it ran just beneath them, lifting them a little. The lower hem circumvented her tummy about midway between her navel and the top of her neatly trimmed brown pubes. The suspenders straining down her thighs held up a pair of very long, black, slightly old-fashioned, but nevertheless quite raunchy-looking and, as she had guessed, seemed nylons.

Overall, she was pleased with the effect. The main feeling it gave her was one of extreme femininity, she had never felt quite so much a woman, she thought, not really understanding quite what that meant.

Her figure was transformed by it. Whereas, usually, her curves were as minimal as is expected from a 33b 27 37 figure and, like many 'English roses,' she was a little pear-shaped, the lower centre of gravity having helped her with her tennis when younger when Jo broke into the top one hundred in the UK, now it was all so different.

Her small breasts were pushed up and supported, making them look the C or more cup she had always dreamed of. Her waist was pulled in somewhat, probably twenty-five or fewer inches, she calculated. And her hips, which mostly, she felt, looked and were oversized and under flattering, now looked amazing. They flared out from her lessened waist in curve either side, the like of which make men dribble with want.

"See Jo," Tom said standing behind her. "You look absolutely fucking amazing, like it?"

Feeling her nipples hardening, she went to reply, but he jumped in. Tom slid his hand round her and took a nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"I can see you do."

"It's incredible just what effect clothing can have isn't it Jo?"

"Mmmm, yes it is," Jo replied involuntarily running her hands up and down the silky material as he moved out from behind her, he was fully erect.

"You can see what they do to me, can't you?"

"Yes I can Tom," Jo replied reaching out for her lover's cock.

Chapter 2

In many ways, Jo Ashford was a normal working girl. About average looking with averagely attractive, averagely coloured, dark brown hair that she nearly always kept averagely short, easier to wash and look after, she had an average shaped body, but better than average legs. "My best feature" she always felt.

A confirmed 'bachelor girl' as she termed herself, in preference to spinster as her mum called her, she was a Regional Sales Manager for a national chain of health clubs. Her region being East and South East London and then all the counties to the right of a line drawn from Oxford Circus to Hull in Southern Yorkshire, meant she travelled a lot. Jo lived in London Docklands, not far from Canary Wharf, so getting around was easy, just up the M11 onto the M25 and she could find the most amazing traffic jams. It was nothing for her to leave home at four thirty in the morning to get to a meeting.

In other ways she was, though, not quite so average or 'normal.'

She was extremely ambitious and was highly thought of by her bosses, the eight hundred sales staff and tennis, fitness and swimming coaches who reported to her through the forty club managers on her patch. She knew she was being groomed for National Sales Manager, which was likely to become vacant in a year or so and most of her thoughts and focus were on making sure she got that promotion.

She had graduated from Loughborough with a first class honours degree in Sports Management. In her mid-twenties, she had complimented that with an MBA from Cranfield. The combination had been the persuasive factor that got her the job with the leading health club company in Europe, she was on her way!

Jo was a sporty girl. That was not just in her attitude towards sex, but also towards sports. In her teens, Jo had been a very promising tennis player, representing her county from the age of fifteen and briefly breaking into the top one hundred in the country in her late teens. She still played occasionally, but was now, in her late twenties, more into golf where she had reduced her handicap down to fifteen in the five years or so she had been playing.

For as long as she could remember, Jo had showed little interest in steady boyfriends or settling down and she felt that maternal instincts had passed her by. As most of her school and uni friends got married, Jo really was 'often the bridesmaid, never the bride.' It didn't bother her, she didn't want children and she certainly didn't want to be emotionally, sexually or in any other way dependent upon a man.

In many ways, however, it was her views and attitudes on sex, which set her apart from the norm. With those, she was very much not average or normal.

Kate was not lesbian. She didn't really even consider herself to be bi-sexual, although ever since her tennis days she had 'dabbled' with girls. She had controversial and very individual opinions on sexuality. In her mind everyone, if they had not been conditioned by social conventions largely influenced by religion, would go with someone of their own gender, given appropriate circumstances. Hence, being bi-sexual was the norm, in her view.

She also held many of the opinions that were in vogue in the sixties; she often felt that the hippy movement of the period was a strong influence on her, even though she never witnessed it of course, maybe she was born too late!

It would be going too far to say she believed in the hippy mantra of free love. That, she believed, was largely promoted by horny blokes trying to get into girl's knickers. But she did feel that the attitudes and approach of the Scandinavians was far more relevant than the strictures of English and American societies. Sex should be enjoyed, it was a pleasure, it need not be restricted, monogamy was a convention not a need. Again, society and religion had a lot to answer for.

The other area of controversy and 'non normal' thinking was in her approach to her partners. Firstly, she rarely, if ever went with guys of her own age or younger. With hundreds of younger, virile coaches working for her, it was not as if she lacked the opportunities, but she resisted; never dip your pen in company ink was a motto she fiercely adhered to.

She much preferred older guys, some even in their late fifties, she wasn't picky on age or looks come to that. It was a combination of force of personality and, even more importantly, brainpower that was Jo's main attraction to men. A vibrant mind, a quick brain, an intellectual approach and a deeply analytical manner really could let a man 'think his ways into her knickers.

It was the relationship status of the men she chose, though, that was probably the most unusual line of Jo's thinking. Nearly always, she went with married men. Her rational being that, generally, they were safer and wouldn't demand more from her than she wished to give, sex. Of course, it went wrong now and then and she would have to deal with a guy who said he would leave his wife and they could live together. It was easy to deal with, byeeeeeeeeeeee! She could be a real hard bitch when necessary, but then career girls like her had to be.

Finally, it was where and how Jo met most of her partners that set her aside from other women.

Her job meant that she was away nearly half of most weeks staying in hotels all over Eastern England. On top of that she had to attend training courses and management meetings, which could be anywhere in the UK and Europe. In most of those hotels, there were usually men away from home on business who yearned for the company of a young, sexually enthusiastic woman. Now and then, when the mood took her, Jo provided just that.

Chapter 3

Going up to the reception desk and asking for the key gave Jo a particular buzz, Sex in the afternoons, particularly in a hotel, was always a buzz. Usually, of course she went to the hotel with her lover. Tom, though, had to go to a meeting after checking in and phoned her with the room number and said they were registered as Mr and Mrs Miles.

She checked into hotels all the time and knew full well the staff didn't give a sod what went on, as long as the bill was paid. Probably a hang up from when she was young, Jo though, when checking in with a guy or even more so when he wasn't there as Tom wasn't, had this illogical fear the receptionist would stop her. So, taking the plastic card from the pretty, blonde, probably Polish, girl who smiled at her in what Jo ridiculously thought was a 'knowing' way, gave her a little charge of fear, but that was accompanied by a surge of sexual excitement as she walked across the lobby to the lifts.

This was only their fourth liaison. The first had been when they met in a hotel in Norwich and she had invited him to her room the second night they were there, she never let them fuck her the first night, Jo didn't do one-night stands. Second, had been a couple of weeks later when they were both in Birmingham and they ended up in his room, she stayed the night and the third had been some heavy petting in his car in a service station on the M40 near Oxford.

She was never quite sure on the hotel room etiquette when the girl was there first. Stay fully dressed? Get naked, get in bed, undress down to underwear, she pondered, wishing she had brought a dressing gown with her, but considered that to be rather forward. She had showered just before leaving home an hour or so ago, so that wasn't necessary and she didn't need to change her panties, so she stayed fully dressed.

After arriving, Tom had quickly undressed her and as equally quickly had got her onto the bed. They caressed and stroked, sucked and licked each other until he pushed her onto her back. As he slithered down her body so Jo held his head, ran her fingers though his hair and opened her legs. He made her cum very quickly. He did that again shortly after with his fingers as she sucked his cock and then he fucked her with them lying on their sides facing each other her left leg lifted up and draped over his right hip.

Jo had thought their afternoon sex was over until she heard those words.

"I have a present for you."

After dressing her in the basque and stockings, Tom quickly dispelled that thought. He persuaded Jo onto all fours on the carpet, still in the stockings and basque, and they fucked wonderfully.

"You can't believe," he grunted as he surged in and out of her, "just what that basque and stockings do to me."

Jo didn't reply, but smiled to herself as yet another orgasm built up inside her. 'Oh yes I can,' she thought to herself.

Chapter 4

Tom didn't last that much longer, but then Jo's lovers rarely did.

Over the next year or so, she had two more 'Tomlike' flings and the occasional shag with her long-term 'fuckbuddy' Bill, a friend of her father's.

Her promotion had come through, so now she was more office based at the company's headquarters in central London, although she travelled around the UK clubs and visited Europe. The reduced travel and the horrendous demands of the new job limited her opportunities to find new lovers; they also reduced her energy levels at finding them. Work, became even more than it had been previously, her lover.

The fling with Tom had triggered something in Jo. That time he had dressed her in the basque had given her sensations she had never before experienced. Wonderful, exciting sensations, sensations she wanted to repeat.

"Would you like to tie me up?" She had asked Gary, a lover who had lasted almost six weeks.

Spread-eagled on the bed, her ankles and wrists tied to the bedposts had repeated some of the sensations she was seeking; it had certainly made for some great sex. It wasn't quite the same though. It was different, quite nice, something new, but not what she was seeking.

She persuaded Bill to accompany her to a BDSM club. She thought that maybe she might have the guts to join in and perhaps be restrained in some way. That was hopeless. On one level, she just found the whole mess quite sad and on another level, laughable; men in latex posing pouches and masks were such a turn off.

Although hellishly busy getting on top of the new job and making a mark with the new MD, her boss, she still had time to think and wonder just what it was that so intrigued and excited her that afternoon with Tom.

Jo's life was now consumed with the job and she only had room in it for one other thing, sex, and not too much of that either.

She hardly had time for one of her, very necessary, passions, clothes shopping. Appearance was important to her, but more and more she was using the Internet to buy her clothing.

She was in a hotel in Sheffield one evening looking for clothes on her laptop. She found a couple of suits, some blouses and shirts and then logged on to an underwear site. It was then that it her, hard. Staring at her from the screen was a basque similar to the one Tom had squeezed her into.

She enlarged the photo and then looked at some more basques. Her heart was pounding at both the visions she was seeing and the memories of what she felt with Tom. Of course, that was it, she thought, her hands being drawn as if like magnets to her breasts. As she visited other sites, including some that were pure fetishist showing crotch less panties and bras with holes where nipples poked through as well as straight, but erotic stuff, so Jo became more and more aroused.

As she slipped her hands up the long tee shirt she usually wore as a dressing gown when working in a hotel room, she realised that she hadn't had sex for over a month, and that included with herself. Smiling as she ordered three different basques, paying for them with her Amex card, her hands found her small breasts. They felt alive. Her mind was replaying those sensations Tom had given her when she was blindfolded and he put the basque on her. She could almost feel the tightness round her chest and waist and she realised that was what she wanted to replicate. She knew she couldn't do that now, so she did the next best thing.

The tee shirt was lying on the floor beside where Jo stood looking in the full-length mirror. She was naked. Her hands roamed her body, cupping her breasts, pinching her nipples and stroking her thighs and tummy as they moved nearer and nearer to where they had to be. Her hands clamped between her thighs, Jo sank to the floor as she pushed three straightened fingers into her soaking pussy. The memories of the sensations she had received from wearing that tight basque bursting through her mind, Jo made herself cum lying on the floor of that hotel bedroom in Sheffield.