The Power of Clothing Pt. 08

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How gym clothing arouses James and Kate
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Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/30/2008
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Sometimes it's the strangest garments that turn us on. And sometimes it's seeing others wearing them that does it.

Chapter 1

Kate's life was changing. She had reached her mid-forties, her children were 'off her hands,' her husband had largely lost interest in sex and she was bored. She had tried tennis, but couldn't master the backhand, and had attempted golf, but couldn't handle the four hours walking round with a stranger, often a snob. She had tried cybersex in chat rooms on the internet and had an amazing online affair with a young, American stud. In the end, though, interesting sex needs more than a keyboard and monitor, she found. Sure, she added on a cam and microphone and indulged herself with Dean and a couple of other cyberfriends, but in the end they were virtual and not real, and that made her think. Was that what she was looking for, a real affair?

She had also tried going back to work. The first job had been as a Medical Assistant to a consultant psychologist who, so it turned out, was one of the most eminent in his field in Europe. He was also gorgeous, sexy, interesting and, as things developed between them, extraordinarily horny.

They had come within a hair's breadth of having an affair. That, and their sexual activity largely revolved around the knee-length, button right up the front, slightly see through and rather too tight, white coat she had to wear as a uniform. They had both reacted encouragingly to the outlines of her underwear through the coat and to the changes in what she wore as the, mainly, much younger other MAs gave 'aunty Kate' their advice.

That she slightly misused the advice and one day came to work in a far too thin and transparent bra was both unfortunate and persuasive. Her quite prominent nipples on her very prominent 34D chest stood out like beacons. They both recognised that, although wearing the revealing bra was a mistake, it was also her acceptance of Stephen's visual advances and her invitation to investigate further.

That they did, firstly in front of the mirror in the consulting room's private bathroom when Stephen undid the coat and eased her breasts from the delicate bra and later in a hotel bedroom. They didn't fuck, but they each masturbated as the other looked on. By so doing, Kate left the job after just a month or so, slightly unhappy, but pleased at not having cheated on her husband.

The way her life has continued since her 'near affair' often makes her wish that she had gone further with Stephen, but she does have relatively high morals and a strong feeling of loyalty to Paul. In her twenty-six years of married life and the two years she was with him before wedlock, Kate has never strayed. Alright, she's had the odd snog at office Christmas parties and the occasional hand on her boob at parties with close friends, but she hadn't gone any further than that. No man other than Paul, or woman come to that she often giggled, has been in her knickers for nearly thirty years.

Chapter 2

Kate had never been to a gym before. Well not since leaving school, which felt a couple of hundred years ago. Then, gyms had climbing frames, ropes and benches, heavy medicine balls and parallel bars. They didn't have the complicated machines and electronic apparatus that scares the hell out of people for fear of not being able to make them work. They didn't have personal trainers, stretching areas, weights and inflated, yard high exercise balls and mostly, they didn't have blaring music and plasma screen televisions.

"So if you sign up Kate, you can use all this whenever you like?"

"Will someone show me how?" She asked the pretty, young, worryingly slim and fit looking Asian-looking sales consultant.

"Oh yes, part of the service is a free assessment."

"Assessment?" Kate asked worried it might be some form of test.

"Yes one of the PTs."

"The what?" Kate asked almost giggling at the double entendre, for in her time PT had a far different meaning to personal trainer.

The girl explained that she would be put through a few exercises and would have a discussion to assess her level of fitness and what she was trying to achieve.

Assim went on "The PT, will then explain how to use the exercise apparatus and design a course for you. Would you like to look round?"

Assim walked Kate round the gym. They visited the machine rooms, the stretching room the weights area, the wind down and warm up places and the pool with its saunas and Jacuzzis.

Although she hated the phrase, Kate used it to herself. "I'm fucking gobsmacked," she said, when she popped into the loo.

It wasn't just the enormous number of exercise machines or the range; it wasn't, either, the blaring music or the plethora of plasma screens showing TV programmes and videos and it wasn't simply the sheer scale of the operation. No, it was the people. Well more to the point, what they were wearing.

Kate's mind went into a whirr as she saw loads of men and women, boys and girls, males and females running, stretching, rowing and lifting weights. In the main, they were wearing such alluring clothes. The men wore short shorts or tight trousers, singlets or tee shirts and, generally, looked great.

It was the girls, though, that gave Kate the biggest buzz and, she smiled to herself, 'I'm not even that way inclined.'

Wherever she looked, she saw swaying undulating buttocks, wobbling bums, jiggling breasts of all shapes and sizes and deep and shallow cleavages. Bare thighs and naked midriffs, glistening arms, perspiration dampened chests and legs wet with exertion. There were pumping biceps, calf and upper legs muscles, some lithe, others more chunky.

Everywhere there was movement, activity and, Kate felt, an atmosphere of restrained erotic energy and sexual promise. She felt almost faint as she looked at the girls' outfits. Hipster, bum hugging long trousers, crops to mid calf, shorts. Both tight and loose, tee shirts, vests, tight bodices, low cut tops and figure hugging leotards. Under the tops she saw the outlines of sports bras and under the trousers and shorts, almost universally, the shadows, of thongs. She saw numerous, unusually prominent pubic mounds inside the tight trousers and several hugely hardened nipples under the thin tops, the wearers of which presumably, she conjectured, didn't have sports bras.

Chapter 3

As Kate was getting ready for her first trip to the gym in her new gear, her mind went back to her times with Stephen. It often did when she was getting dressed, for so much of their very brief fling was involved with her clothing and, to a lesser extent, looking in a mirror. Neither he, nor she had any idea why the white coat became such a big things or just the effect it would have on them, but since then, she had acknowledged that clothing plays such a large part in sexual activity.

Her last working day for Stephen had been awful and terrible at the same time. It was the day after Kate had worn a diaphanous bra and Stephen had seen her nipples through the thin Egyptian cotton of that coat. The day, after he had stood her in front of the mirror and pointed that out to her. The day after, when following weeks of sparring, they had kissed, he had touched her breasts, he had undone the top of the coat and had lifted her full 34d breasts out of the delicate bra as they stared at themselves in the mirror.

Her last working day for Stephen had started with a strained atmosphere as they both felt concerned about the scene in front of the mirror in the bathroom the previous day. Her last working day hadn't continued like that. The attraction to each other via the white coat was so powerful and addictive it would not have been possible. They tried, but failed to keep their hands from each other. It was no more than half an hour after her arrival that they were kissing again, that he was again undoing the top of the coat, easing her breasts from her bra again and this time kissing, sucking and licking them. It was only moments later that he was pulling the hem of the coat up and feasting his hands and thrilling her entire body by cupping and squeezing the, slightly oversized, but beautifully symmetrical and deliciously pliant cheeks of her ample bum.

They had stopped, she recalled. She had stopped him going further, although every cell and tissue in her body wanted him to fuck her. But not here, not at work, not over the desk or on the couch in his consulting room. He had suggested his home, but that she couldn't do that. They settled on a hotel and nearly had full sex, but it wasn't right, neither was ready to be unfaithful to their partner.

On her last day working for him, in that hotel room they had undressed, they had looked at each other's splendid nudity; at her full, slightly sagging breasts, his hairy chest, her somewhat bulging tummy, his flat, athlete's six pack, her curves and rounded hips, his lithe thighs and at each other's genitalia. They stared at his blood engorged, full erection, her soaked pink lips. They had looked, but hadn't touched. But then things had started going wrong. The atmosphere had changed. The enormity of what they were doing hit them; she became nervous and tight, he became worried and started softening.

Kate had said, half jokingly. "It's not the same without the white coat is it?" Stephen had groaned with frustration, disappointment and embarrassment.

"Wait here," Kate had whispered, getting up from the bed and walking into the sitting room of the suite.

She didn't bother with underwear. She didn't bother doing up the top and bottom four buttons, but she did put on the three-inch wide belt after she had slipped into the white coat she was taking home to launder.

She stood before him in the bedroom and gave him a twirl. Almost immediately he started hardening. She leaned forward, she turned away and bent over. He gazed at her bare breasts bursting out of the coat and at her rounded arse inside it, her crease clearly visible through the thin material. He was then hard.

She lay beside him on the bed. He undid the remaining buttons, but left the belt in place holding the white coat on her, but open. Her near nudity was framed by the coat. Stephen was kneeling beside her. He was holding his cock in his hand. She was involuntarily stroking her neatly trimmed mound and hugely erect nipples. He started to pump his cock, she started to rub her clit. They made a wordless pact. They agreed without saying anything "We will fuck ourselves, but not each other, that way we will remain faithful to our spouses."

Seconds later, on the last day that Kate worked for Stephen, his cock exploded. His sperm shot all over her breasts, which she was invitingly holding together to receive his offering, and onto the white coat.

Chapter 4

"If you don't mind me saying," Assim had said as they were in the PT shop choosing Kate's training gear the day she had joined the gym, "You will need a sports bra." Kate had asked why and Assim had replied. "With breasts your size you can easily injure yourself without one." So she had bought a couple. "34 d," she had rather embarrassedly said to the male 'child' who had served her.

Kate struggled her mind back to getting dressed. She was excited at the prospect of both the assessment, with James, as Assim had advised, and at the stimulation of the vibrant gym. 'It won't seem the same this time' she told herself as she slipped the thong up her legs. 'It will be different, I was just taken by surprise before,' she thought as she wiggled the tiny garment into place.

As part of the 'new' Kate, she had entered the twenty first century as far as underwear was concerned. Sure, she still wore M & S high-waisted, big bottomed panties and large cup, full bras for comfort, but she had bought a whole range of more 'delicate and erotic' gear as the websites referred to it. Lacy panties, little shorts and some thongs, not the very thin ones but the sort that bisected the cheeks of her bottom and vanished between them just a little way up her crease. She had also bought several new bras, lacy ones, some cut acutely across her breasts almost showing some of her nipples and others that were completely see-through. Her initial reason for buying them was to perk up her marriage, to rekindle Paul's waning interest in her. It had done that and from time to time, she still did get into bed in a sexy bra and panty set to surprise and remind him when he joined her, and that worked as well. Kate had, however, found other uses for her range of 'intimate apparel.'

The first had been intentional with Dean, her internet lover. It was an evening when she had dressed in a pale grey, lacy bra and panty set ready to welcome her husband home with a display of her full tits and bum spilling out of the sexy lingerie. That a dinner appointment made him disappoint her, led to Kate logging on, finding Dean was there, telling him what she was wearing and agreeing to watch his cam. He was naked. As she told him what she was wearing, he hardened and as he told her what he would like to do to her if they were together her nipples exploded and her pussy lips began to dampen. As they exchanged messages so he coaxed her into touching herself as he rubbed his awesome, to Kate at least, erection. They masturbated together.

The second use, unintentional though it was, had been to bring the Stephen issue to a head. By inadvertently, she believed, wearing such a thin, see-through bra under the white coat she had displayed the shadows of her areola to him. When he pointed that out, she had then more clearly introduced him to her nipples. As they both looked at her chest in the mirror, they just simply exploded with lust and the rest, as they say, is history.

Today, though, Kate was not wearing lacy shorts or a half thong. At the visit to the gym, she had carefully looked at the wiggling and wobbling bottoms of the girls using the machines. The shapes and shadows she saw under the tight trousers, crops and shorts were of the tiny thong variety; the sort that had the merest slither of a half inch or so of material plunging between her cheeks from an equally thin elasticised waistband. The sort of thong, that when the waist of the trousers moved a little, showed those slithers of material very clearly. It was that sort of thing that Kate was wearing for the gym.

Looking at her front in the long mirror then turning and looking over her shoulder at her rear, Kate felt as pleased as she could be with what she had. She was about average height, or a little more, but a bit overweight. She had blonde hair, which she helped a bit. Recently, she had taken to wearing it wavy and shoulder length in a 'dragged through the hedge backwards' look, as Paul called it or, as her gay hairdresser put it, 'your just fucked, image. In truth, it was a style that was probably a little too young for her really, but then that was how she felt with her new-found liberation.

Although there was some excess on both her hips and her bum and, as she turned, she could see a crease just above her waist in a roll of what she couldn't possible mention, but which slim sods would call fat, fuck it, she was in proportion all over. Fairly broad shouldered, with an upright posture and a wideish back, she was quite a big girl so she could carry the excess well. And she did have great tits, which helps a woman overcome most other 'problems.

Pleased with her near nude appearance in the mirror, she turned to the rest of her new gym outfit laid out on her bed.

'What first?' She asked herself.

The dark blue, hipster gym pants was the obvious next garment, save the complications of the sports bra for later, she thought, not at all sure how she would get into it.

Sliding them up her, quite good legs she always thought, Kate was surprised at how light they were. Made from a thin material, probably cotton or wool, she could hardly feel she was wearing any at all. That was a nice sensation too. Turning round and then back as she looked in the mirror, she felt a little shudder go through her entire body as she gazed at herself in the gym trousers.

There were so many new things to look at. The outline of the thong and the small flash of its waistband above that of the trousers, just like the girls at the gym looked. Nice, she thought, giving her bum a little shake. She loved the sight of her rounded cheeks, uninterrupted by ridges or elastic wobbling sensuously inside the thin material stretched tightly across them. Her nakedness above the waist, her full breasts wobbling and shaking, 'like two blancmanges with raspberries on the top, she thought watching and feeling those 'raspberries' start to grow.

'I'd better stop this' she said to herself turning away from the mirror, knowing full well that if she didn't she would not be able to resist masturbation; something that happened more and more frequently nowadays.

The sports bra was big, it was also heavier than what she was now used to wearing. It had crossover, quite wide straps at the back and a wide, probably two inches, band that went round her body. She had to put it on over her head, 'More climbing into it,' she smiled, adding as an afterthought. 'No man would be able to get this off, for they can't usually undo ordinary bras, can they? But then, she didn't really have that much recent experience of men removing her bra, she thought to herself, realising that Stephen hadn't bothered to take hers off in the consulting room. Thinking back to that amazing time, she smiled as a little shudder went through, 'He just pulled my tits out of the bra.

It certainly wasn't a glamorous or particularly erotic sight that greeted her when she returned to looking in the mirror. The cups completely covered each boob and showed nothing through their thicker, than usual for a bra, white material. However, the support they gave was not only reassuring from a 'safety' point of view, but was also mildly stimulating "As though each tit was being held by two hands," Kate thought, momentarily visualising herself with two men, Stephen and Dean, maybe? The firmness and support of the garment had another affect on her breasts as well. By pushing them up and together it created the most wonderful cleavage, 'Maybe I should wear it with a low cut top at a dinner party,' she smiled, running her hands over her boobs inside the bra.

As Kate turned away to get the other clothes so she saw her breasts moving inside the bra. 'Hmmm, not too rigid,' she thought, turning back to face the mirror. She jumped up and down a couple of times. They wobbled nicely, she ran on the spot and began to realise the value and benefits of the bra. Her tits didn't fly all over the place, as they would in a normal bra, hence making it more comfortable, but certainly the tops of each boob wobbled nicely. 'Good buy' she thought.

She had bought several tops. Some singlets or vests, like women athletes wear, some tees, both short and long sleeve, a couple of zip up tops and two sweat shirts. For some reason, she couldn't work out her gaze and then her hands were drawn to one of the vests, a dark blue one. It matched the colour of her hipster trousers. Sleeveless and low cut it was tight and clung to the outline of her boobs almost like a second skin, its hem just reaching the waistband of her trousers. Mostly, though, and perhaps the reason she was attracted to it, itt so very clearly showed the spectacular cleavage created by the sports bra.

Her reflection in the mirror both pleased and slightly excited her. She felt similar feelings to those she had experienced when wearing that white coat when working for Stephen. That was a heightened state of sexual arousal, an almost permanent tingling in her lower stomach and breasts and a strong sense of her femininity.

As she put on one of the zip ups, she had one last inspection and realised she was also experiencing another emotion. She felt fucking horny.'Just right for my first visit to a gym' she thought picking up her bag and heading out to the car.