The Power of Clothing Pt. 14

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How bras increase a young man's & an older woman's passions.
6.3k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/30/2008
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Tales about erotic clothing could not be complete without examining the part bras play in promoting sexual activity.


Chapter 1

Kate had never really been unfaithful to her husband Paul. In the over twenty years of marriage and the three they were together before that, she had never committed adultery. She had been tempted and she had received several, well numerous, offers. Some had been loose and some serious, but she hadn't taken any of them up. At times, especially when with a ghroup of other women, she often wondered why she hadn't?

She had come close, though, but then what attractive woman in her early to mid-forties hadn't? She knew most of her friends had and that some had gone further. There was the time on the hen do in Brighton when she had been heavily snogged against a wall in a club. There was the occasion at a Christmas party when she was working in an ad agency when she had gone with one of the Creative Directors to his office. He locked the door, they kissed and he pulled the top of her dress down and caressed her full breasts. Then there was Stephen with whom she had nearly gone to bed. Actually, she did lay on a bed naked in a hotel with him, but they had both pulled back from 'going all the way.'

With James, though, she knew was going to be unfaithful, she was going to sleep with him, have sex with him, commit adultery with him and be fucked by him. Just why she was so certain, she wasn't sure.

It had been building up since she had joined the gym where he was a personal trainer. The whole experience of the gym had got to her. The expanses of skin, the tight clothing of the men and women and all the sights and sounds had affected her. It was intimate, revealing, uninhibited, exhibitionistic, voyeuristic and very, very physical. There were half-clad bodies everywhere. Men and women posing and preening, lifting weights, running, stretching, rowing and cycling. There were bare legs pumping on running machines, bare arms pushing bars up and bodies in swim suits in the pool, the steam room, sauna and jacuzzis. On the various machines she saw buttocks swaying, breasts bouncing, bottoms jiggling and nipples hardening, albeit probably more from rubbing against a vest or tee shirt, although some, hers at times included, were for more basic reasons. The men mostly wore shorts and tees and there were lots of hunks as well as flabbies around; she didn't look at the latter very much. The women mainly wore long trousers, crops or pedal pushers tight over the bums and tummies, and skimpy tops with sports bras' big, supportive harnesses almost.

All of this did something to Kate. The combination of the bodies, the amount of bare skin, the movement of breasts, tummies and bottoms, the outlines of men's bulges and women's mounds and breasts and the intimacy of so many half-dressed, or undressed depending on your view, affected her, strongly. But overriding that or, perhaps strongly influencing how she felt, was what she wore. Kate found it almost impossibly arousing getting dressed for the gym. The tiny thong which was necessary to prevent VPLs under the thin, tight, hipster trousers, the long trousers that clung to her bum and tummy like a second skin, the singlet on top worn over the sports bra. That was the sort of bra that breasts of her ample size needed, but even with it still bounced alarmingly when she went on the running machine. It wasn't a particularly attractive garment. It certainly was not as sexy as the lacy stuff she had taken to buying over the past couple of years, but it had something. What it was that caused Kate to become aroused when she 'encased' her D cup boobs into it, she didn't know. She also didn't know why, when she put it on the first couple of times she stared at herself in the mirror, why she wore just the bra, why she felt the need to touch herself and why she masturbated in front of the mirror wearing just her sports bra. She also didn't know, but had grown to stop worrying about knowing the answers to such things, why she felt she had to show her cyberlover, Dean, on her cam, what she looked like in the sports bra and, of course, nothing else.

So in a way, Kate was pumped up, fully primed, tuned into and turned on so much, that when her personal trainer, the mid twenties James, administered her initial assessment and then worked with her on the fitness programme they had agreed, she was putty in his hands. And James was ready for her. He was used to women of her age, used to seeing them 'lose it' at the gym and used to them being 'putty in his hands;' he liked holding putty.

Just over a week ago, James had gained a promotion to work as an area manager for the company. This would mean him travelling around his area, Essex, Kent and Suffolk, visiting the twenty gyms on his patch. It also meant that he would, of course, have to stop being Kate's PT and, as he got a car with the new job, he sold his own. Purely by coincidence, Kate had become James' last appointment and thus they left the gym at the same time. Usually she went to the gym three times a week, but this week, as it was James' last, she went every day. Each day she gave him a lift home. The first two nights she had parked on the brightly lit, main road, but on the others, as they were chatting, he had suggested she park round the back in what had been the garden of the big, old house.

Over the next few evenings, their chat had become more personal, their gestures more intimate. He had stroked her hand, he had taken the clip out of her blonde hair and let it tumble down onto her shoulders and then eventually they had kissed. After that, the 'rules' went out of the window and last night he had slid his hands up the back of her singlet. At first, unusually, they hadn't found her breasts. No, for some reason, James spent ages with his fingers stroking and probing inside the wide strap of her sports bra. It was almost as if he was making love to that, the garment that had turned Kate on so much when she first wore it, that she had masturbated in front of her mirror in.

'How could he know what that bra does to me?' She asked herself when she felt his fingers on her skin under the two inch wide, bra-strap running across her back, as they kissed, deeper and deeper.

Of course, he wasn't restrained to that. Although James had a sort of fetish for sports bras and loved indulging that by stroking and rubbing them, he had an even bigger fetish for women's tits. And an even bigger one than that for full, round, D cup wobblies like Kate's. So, of course they came out of the bra, and of course he stroked and squeezed the pliant flesh, and of course he pinched and pulled and kissed and gently chewed the big, suckled nipples and wide, dark pink areola. And of course he ripped away every last vestige of resistance that she may have had by saying.

"Oh Kate they are fabulous, perfect, so beautiful."

"Oh James, are they? Are they really?" Kate moaned back, badly needing the reassurance an older woman requires when exposing her ageing body to a younger man.

"They are truly beautiful," he whispered, then using a verbal trick he had heard in a film. "Thank you so much for letting me see them," adding as he looked deeply in her eyes and gently pinched her nipples. "Thank you Kate for sharing your breasts with me."

That was the moment when they both knew they would make love. It was then that Kate knew she would commit adultery. It was as James saw the expression in her eyes as he muttered those enticing words, that he knew he would fuck her.

James had told Kate that he was finishing early the next day, his last at the gym. He had told her he was having a few drinks at a pub near the gym with some of the team. He had told her he was then free all afternoon and had asked if she would like to collect him from there after she went to the gym. She had said she would, but had suggested she wait round the corner.

"I would feel awkward if the other trainers saw us together," she explained.

Holding her face in his hand, James alternated his gaze from where her singlet was rolled up and her breasts were hanging out of the sports bra, to her eyes. He replied.

"Why because they might guess we were going to make love?"

Chapter 2

That evening, all night and the next morning were agony for Kate. She was torn, she had so much conflict and guilt, confusion and remorse and, most worryingly to her, an almost permanent feeling of being like a bitch in heat over what was to happen with James.

It hadn't really needed spelling out. They didn't really need to discuss it, there was no necessity for them to agree in words that they were to make love, as Kate thought of it, and have sex, or fuck, as James did, but she had replied.

"Yes James, I would feel embarrassed when I come to the gym if they all knew or thought that."

Slightly cruelly, but very much too the point and adding to Kate's excitement he had replied.

"But that is what we are going to do, isn't it Kate?" As he had kissed her more deeply and again caressed her breasts.

She didn't reply until he squeezed her boob more firmly and repeated. "That is what you want isn't darling, I do."

"Yes, James, yes she gasped," thrilled but also a little worried at his use of darling. It did sound nice, though, she thought, wondering when Paul had last used such a term of affection.

They had chatted a little more, slowly agreeing that she would go to the gym. He would call her when his farewell drinks party was breaking up and she would pick him up. They had one final kiss and then as Kate was rearranging her clothes, James said lightly, but very meaningfully.

"Don't worry, I'll change the sheets on the bed," and then, just before he shut the door he added, "Keep the sports bra on won't you Kate?"

Kate took a spare sports bra and a clean thong with her, both dark blue. Changing into those after her half-hearted session and shower she was a bundle of nerves and several times decided not to go. 'It's not fair on Paul, he's a good man and father and, she was sure, didn't cheat on me' she thought, but knowing full well she would go.

Standing in the changing room fixing her make up, dressed in the bra and thong with her hipster, cropped to just beneath the knee gym trousers her warbling mobile made her jump. Her fumbling fingers pressed the wrong button and cut off the caller. She quickly looked at the call log and didn't recognise the number so assumed it was James. She called it back.

"Hello babe, you ready for me?" He asked.

"Yes nearly," she whispered.

"Well I'm ready for you Kate so hurry and come"

"What?" She asked not getting the joke until he added.

"Yes come and get me."

She slipped into a clean singlet and the zip up gym top and was off.

James was waiting where they had agreed and he quickly slipped into her car, with it only stopping for a moment; all suitably subterfuge. They hardly spoke on the short trip to his flat. She parked round the back as usual and turned the engine off, but didn't move.

"Ok?" He asked placing his hand on her knee sending little shock waves through her.

"Yes," she replied softly, far from sure she was.

"Then come on let's go."

He opened a side door on the house. Inside there was a hallway to the left and a narrow flight of stairs in front of them.

"Which way?" Kate asked looking over her shoulder as she felt his hands on her hair.

"Straight up, that's how you prefer it, I assume" James replied with a smile as he flipped the clip and comb from her hair and pulled it down. "Mmm, that's better." He kissed softly on her lips and "Murmured, now get up those stairs."

He was exciting her. It was thrilling and adventurous, different and unexpected. She was being romanced and seduced and by a man young enough to be her son. Was she crazy?

As she turned and started up the stairs and as James put his hands round her right onto her breasts, she began to rather think she was. And when they got half-way up and she felt his hands on the waist band of her hipsters pulling at them she was convinced she must. She grabbed hold of her trousers and stopped him.

"What's the matter?"


"Why not?" He asked sounding innocent and making her protest sound slightly ridiculous.

"Someone might come."

Laughing he said. "Yes, us I hope and soon, but no one else Kate."

"How can you be sure?" She asked holding on tightly to the waist-band, which he was still pulling with both hands as they hovered half-way up the staircase.

"Well for a start, I haven't invited anyone else, I didn't think you would want that our first time and secondly the flat downstairs is empty."

"Oh I see."

"You sound almost disappointed, should I have invited someone else?"

"No don't be daft."

"Then my lovely lady, let go and keep walking, slowly. One step at a time as I tell you."

Kate was almost mesmerised, as if hypnotised by his youthful assertiveness. She took her hands away and lifted one foot up to the next stair. As she did, so she felt her trousers waistband slipping down her hips.

'It's all so matter of fact,' she thought, 'So taken for granted, so as if having sex was the most natural thing in the world?' She supposed that was the way of the young, things were so much simpler and less complicated for them. 'For James' she thought, 'We are just going to have sex, that's all, simply sex nothing more and nothing less, for me we are committing adultery and that is big, but should it be?' Over the past year or so she had developed a greater interest in her body, what she wore and her sexual needs. Was it a coincidence that during this period Paul's interest had waned significantly. What was the chicken and what was the egg?

James saying softly, yet with authority.

"Move your other foot up to that stair and stand still," brought her back to the reality of what was happening. Just momentarily she hesitated and thought of stopping, but the need and desire in her overwhelmed such reservations.

She did as he said and felt her trousers being rolledover the swell of her bottom. By the feel of the air on her skin, she guessed the top was now about level with the start of the crease of her bum.

"Do the same again," he directed. She did and this time they came further down.

She could see at the front that at least half of her thong was uncovered so reckoned that most of her cheeks were on view. She was worried about that for, although she had a shapely bum it was on the large side and there was certainly some small saddle-bags or love handles on each hip.

"Mmmmm gorgeous," James murmured, running his fingers over each cheek and adding in an American accent. "You've got a great ass baby."

He made her continue like that two more times, which took her trousers down to her knees and got them to the door of his flat. He unlocked it and they almost fell inside.

Before even closing the door, they immediately kissed. All of her pent-up need for him, her concerns, worries, guilt and excitement blended together into an explosion of feelings and emotions as his tongue surged into her willingly opened mouth. He was pulling at her clothes, undoing the zip of the top and with her help, struggling that off; she wanted him to look at her, as he had termed them, 'fabulous' breasts, she wanted to 'share them with him.' He rolled the singlet up and with no hesitation whatsoever, not that she wanted any, slid his hand inside the left cup of her sports bra.

"That looks great," he grunted staring at her breasts in the support garment. She kissed him. "And they feel even better," he said easing both orbs out of the bra. Still without shutting the door, he squashed her back against the wall and pressed himself against her.

'God he's so hard' was her immediate thought as she felt his erection pressing into the soft, slight bulge of her tummy. She squirmed against him, revelling at the base of his erection putting pressure on her clit. Kate's hand slid down James' back and into the waist-band of his track trousers. She pushed further until she felt the cheeks of his bum. It was so beautifully smooth and youthfully taught, it made her shudder with want. She pulled on the waistband so it came down a little way, not as far as hers but so that at the back it was level with the middle of his gorgeous cheeks.

'She's up for it and ready for it,' James was thinking as he ground his hard on against her. 'Game, set and nearly match' he almost muttered enjoying the putty in his hands.

It was a splendidly sordid scene. Kate, a forty something, married woman with her slightly too long for her age, blonde hair tumbling down onto her shoulders was squashed against the wall in the tiny hallway inside the still open door of the small flat. James, a twenty three year old personal trainer was pressed firmly against her. They were kissing and pawing each other. Her top was rolled up, almost round her neck and her full, slightly floppy breasts were hanging out from the sizeable sports bra. The top of her gym trousers was around her knees, his were round his hips. It was wonderfully wanton, but neither could really appreciate that for they were so into giving and taking excitement, their minds thought no further than the other's body.

James suddenly grabbed her. He pulled her across the small landing and turned her round facing a square table.

"Bend over," he growled, pushing against her head.

That action and his commanding tone excited her even more.

Kate had come to terms with a number of things recently: her strong need to masturbate, a newly found exhibitionistic nature that enabled her expose herself on her cam and cyber, now, with two guys and her fetish for clothes, the white, almost see-through coat, the sexy undies and, of course the sports bra. They were all part of what she thought of as her sexual reawakening, but she had not come to terms with enjoying being dominated and being submissive. She was now, though, starting to and that was adding to her pleasure and arousal.

'Her arse is a bit big,' James thought, pushing his trousers and tight, supportive Y fronts down in one go. His respectably sized, extremely hard cock sprang free. Kate looking over her shoulder saw it and her pulse raced; it looked fantastic. It was bigger all round, she thought, than Paul's and certainly thicker than Stephen's, the only two she had seen in real life since her teenage years. The feel as he pressed it against her bum, its length fitting nicely into her crease, which was slightly open due to her parted legs, was delicious; she squirmed back against him, that felt lovely.

James didn't bother taking her panties off, he simply got hold of the slither of lace and satin of the blue thong and pulled it to one side. Her anus and the lips of her cunt were exposed, on view and right in front of him.

"You ready Kate?" He asked.

Her heart was pounding, her pulses were racing, she was panting and her legs were turning to jelly. It was the combination of the extreme sexual arousal and her intense excitement, or was it concern, that she was about to commit adultery for the first time, that was giving her these amazingly strong feelings as she whimpered.


The feeling as he surged up her was indescribable. Not just from a physical viewpoint, but also, more if anything, from how her emotions were reacted.

'Another man is in me.'

'I'm having sex with someone other than Paul.'

'I'm being fucked by a toyboy.'

"I'm committing adultery.'

All went through her mind. They were, however, totally and utterly outweighed by another thought.

'It's absolutely fucking amazing.'

As he had first entered her, James had, rather indiscreetly, grabbed hold of her 'lovehandles', but was now reaching round her and squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples.

"Is it good Kate?" He asked rubbing her breasts and slipping and down her well lubricated passage.