The President's Daughter

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The First Lady seduction plan for the President goes crazy.
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'I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.'

'Congratulations Mr. President,' the Chief Justice shook my hand.

Emma was the second to congratulate me. With a hug. The second was my Vice President Jim Tolar and his wife. Then the outgoing President, Vice President and their spouses. I made the rounds with the rest of the attendees on the platform to accept their congratulations.

Time for the inaugural speech. I presented my vision for America and set forth the goals for the nation. I created a buzz setting a goal to land on Mars and begin to colonize it by the end of the decade. The naysayers criticized me for stealing the idea from JFK. So what, If China beats us there, this country sustains a big blow to our national pride. Our partnership with commercial space companies will enable a cost effective program.

The other controversial goal was to accelerate our efforts to be a carbon neutral country, leading the countries of the world to achieve the same goal. I tied the two controversial goals together.

'Mars is more than a destination, it is our destiny. It is our safe place, our backup plan for the planet that we are on a path to destroy If we don't change our ways. The human race must live on.'

The third goal was cancer. This one close to my heart.

'A predecessor promised a moonshot to cure cancer but we never left orbit. There are over 200 different types of cancer and each patient has a unique variation. We must be methodical and attack each cancer, a team of smart guys and gals assigned to each one to find the cure is sorely needed.'

'We have to focus on early detection. We will legislate annual full body scans required by Medicare and all the insurance companies at no charge to the patient.'

'We have to use the latest MRNA technology to target the individuals tumors and growths. We must make cancer something treatable like the flu. Anything short of meeting the goal is not acceptable to me and all Americans.'

A standing ovation ensued. I closed out my speech. Another standing ovation. I am ready to get to work.

I have always been controversial and I will continue to be controversial. We will achieve these goals.


Emma and I made all the inauguration balls. She was the poster child for elegance. For an 18 year old, she shined at the balls and drew more attention than me. She was the 'spitting image' of Jean not only in looks, also personality. Emma will postpone attending Harvard college experience to be my full time First Lady.

Jean was 18 when I first met her. Married after college, Emma born shortly thereafter. Thinking back, they were so much alike, so alive, bright stars in my universe.

Friends and supporters engaged Emma in conversation at the balls. She was witty, insightful and surprisingly to me, had something of interest to say to all. Something about their children or their political career. I knew she was a quick learner, but wow.

As tradition calls, the First Lady and President should dance. I let her choose the music. I am so glad she didn't choose fast dances. Whew.

At the first ball, her choice was 'I Loved Her First' which is intended for a Dad with a daughter's new husband. Emma had a boyfriend but I believe nothing serious. Given what she and I went through together with Jean, somehow it fit. The reference to me, the first to love Jean, Emma next. I controlled myself, I had such an urge to cry.

A tear snuck out. Emma wiped it away from my cheek.

I nuzzled in close to her, 'I forgot to congratulate you on being the next First Lady. Thank you for agreeing to do that.'

'Daddy, I love you. I can't think of a better gift for you. I will not disappoint you.'

She gave me a peck on the cheek.

'I love you too Emma.'


Looking back, it was a landslide victory. So unusual for an independent to win the presidency. The last one to win - George Washington. I love his quote in his 1776 farewell address.

"Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of (political) party generally."

The pundits scored the victory as one of sympathy for me and explained away my national support.

Jean was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer two years before the election. The cancer quickly determined to be inoperable.

She did the chemo, joining 'know your tumor' movement to identify the best treatments. Pancreatic cancer is the silent killer. Ask Steve Jobs. Early detection is the key. We were too late.

Jean insisted that I continue my pursuit of the presidency. She stated over and over again 'the country needs you.'

In the early days of her battle, she was able to help in the campaign. Her participation dwindled over the course of her treatment. Right after the conventions, she moved to hospice care. She was in extreme pain, she lived on morphine. Her body deteriorated. She lost over 50 pounds. I kept telling myself, she was still Jean.

I received the call at 2 AM. Emma and I hurried to her. We each held a hand. Her breathing was labored. For the first time in a week, she awoke.

'Steve, you are going to win. I saw him, he told me. Keep going. I love you.'

'Emma, take care of your Dad. He will need you. Do everything for him, everything he asks for. You can do it. Love you honey. '

She took her last breath. And... she was gone.

I thought I was ready for her passing. I was not. The funeral planning kept my mind off the grief. The beautiful service brought that to the end. I was paralyzed, suspending my campaign activity. Jim, my VP candidate, kept it going. Emma tried to help me turn the corner, I was fighting it.

I was lying in bed, replaying the last two years over and over again, torturing myself with the 'what ifs'. I didn't plan on moving ever again.


He was still in bed at 3 PM. Mom's words 'Emma, take care of your Dad. He will need you.' echoing in my head. I will do something. It is time.

I knocked on the door.

'Emma, go away.'

Sounded so much like 'Anna, go away' in Frozen one of my favorite movies.

This is different. I entered the room. He pulled the pillow over his face like a kid hiding something.

'Dad, we need to talk.'

'I am not ready to talk. Go away Emma.'

'No, we are going to talk. Take the pillow off your face, sit up in bed and talk to your daughter.'

No movement.

'Now!' I shouted.

He finally moved. I sat next to him. I touched his face and said.

'Daddy, I miss her too. I want her back but that is not going to happen. We both need to move forward. I know, I absolutely know that is what Mom needs us to do.'

Still no movement.

'Daddy, there is a fund raising dinner tonight. No one is expecting us to attend. Let's surprise them, lets kick start your return.'

He nodded. Finally.

He needed a shower. My guess maybe two weeks since the last one.

I led my zombie father to the bathroom. i turned on the shower. I adjusted hot and cold till it was right.

'Daddy, you stink! Can you handle a shower?'

'I don't know, Mom and I used to... in the shower...'

OK. This was not going to be simple. If I have to get in the shower with him, I will do that. He has to make the dinner. I told Jim he would be there. $5,000 a plate. A thousand attendees. Another grand for a picture with Dad. This is huge. I can't fuck this up.

I removed his pajama tops. I reached down to undo the knot holding up his pajama bottoms. No luck. I kept working it. I needed to get a closer look at the knot. I kneeled down. Ah - I can see the problem now.

I undid it. His pajamas dropped to the floor.

There it was. My Dad's penis. Obviously I didn't know how big it was. I had not seen a lot of penises in my short sex life. His was the biggest. For an instant, I thought about doing something with it. My new found fetish. I shook it off.

'Mom would take it in her mouth. Gosh she was so good Emma.'

Mom's last words rattling in my mind 'Do everything for him, everything he asks for.. You can do it.'

I had to move things along to squash my temptation.

I took his hand and led him into the shower.

'Dad, can you take it from here?'

'Mom would lather me up. Can you do that for me? God I miss Mom so much.'

Ruining my designer clothes from Nanamica New York was not an option. I stripped to my Victoria Secret panties and bra. No big deal getting those wet. I committed to get him to the dinner. I will deliver on that commitment no matter what.

'Don't get your clothes wet. Take them off like Mom did. I can help.'

Turning to me his erection was inches from my pussy. Reaching around to unclasp my bra, he pushed his cock between my legs. He looked approvingly at my breasts.

'Just like Mom's.'

Stepping back, he pulled my panties down to the floor. I stepped out of them and followed him into the shower.

'Kneel down to lather Daddy's penis Emma, just like Mom would do.'

Kneeling down he put his cock up against my lips. I opened up and wrapped my lips around his cock head. He placed his hands on my shoulders, then started shaking them violently, calling my name.


'Emma, Emma wake up! It's two o'clock. The dinner starts at five, I have to be on time.'

'Get up please.'

I was still groggy from all the drinking and sex last night. What a dream! It seemed so real. Suck my Dad's cock? That's disgusting.

'Ok Dad. Give me an hour to get ready.'

Dad said, 'Thank you, take two if you need to. To be honest you look a mess.'

He was starring at my face. He left.

Off to the bathroom for a quick shower no need to mess with my hair. Until... I looked in the mirror, there so so much dried cum in my hair! I was so drunk, I just dove into bed after he dropped me off. No more late night, drunken blowjobs in a car.

Did Dad notice? Oh my god is that why he stared at my face? Possible. He won't ask about it I am sure.


In the shower, I replayed the whole night. Oscar volunteering to take me to the bar to meet up with my girl friends celebrating our 18th birthdays. Except for Olly. short for Olivia. She had seven years on us. We were getting drunk out of our minds having a great time. Oscar always lurking in the corner. He took his Secret Service duties seriously.

Dad didn't like have Secret Service protection, but as a legit presidential candidate he had no choice.

I had my own 'detail'. My friends thought that so was so cool, especially when they met Oscar, the detail lead. He was undoubtedly hot, sexy. He had a muscular build, handsome face, and wavy black hair. Most of my friends tried to entice him into a discussion. He was stoic.

I didn't change one thing in how I lived my life, especially my sex life. After all that drinking I was hunting the bar for a take home or go to his place. The herd has thinned out by the time I arrived. No trophy kills for me tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

My best friend Olly, gathered everybody back to the table. Everyone was disappointed in the talent in this bar.

'Emma, can I ask you two questions?'

'Olly, of course! Shoot!'

'We all saw you on the TV coverage of the balls. We agreed you looked like a princess who totally fit in the power players of D.C. And we see the real you, looking for a cock to suck. How do you do that? How can you be two different people?'

'Easy. I am two people. I love sucking cock. I love fitting into Daddy's world.'

That created a buzz at the table, sorry, it was the truth. Someday, will I combine the two to help Daddy? Disgusting thought.

'Hey, let's remember the pact we made. No sharing of our antics with anyone outside our circle. We all have stuff on each other, damaging in some way. Agreed?'

I didn't need any negative exposure. It would hurt Dad.

Everyone agreed.

'What's your next question?' I said, almost slurring my words. I am so fucking drunk.

'Are you doing...?'

She looked at Oscar.

'Not yet. I will tonight.'

So much jealously revolving around the table. I think I was a downer. Everyone left except for Olly. The bar was closing.

Looking back and forth like she was about to do a drug deal she asked.

'Can I join you and Oscar?'

'Olly, that is a great idea! I need to explore that with him.'

I walked over to Oscar. No fucking way. I haven't landed Oscar yet. I can add her in later. Too complicated right now.

I whispered in his ear, looking like it was something dirty for him to consider.

I said to him, 'Can I drive the Suburban home?'

He looked at me, shook his head no. 'Sorry Miss Emma, can't do that.'

I walked back to Olly shaking my head no, my hands up in the 'I tried' reaction.

'Thanks for asking, have fun with that stud tonight.'

I waited till she left, finishing my drink.

I approached Oscar. I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear.

'When was the last time you had a great blowjob?'

He pulled his head back, with wide eyed look at me.

'Are you going to answer me Oscar? Or should I assume you never had a great blowjob.'

While he was thinking, I placed my hand right on his crotch. Ooo, nice size.

'I... I have never had a blowjob. Honestly.'

'Do you have a girl friend?'

'No, never have had one. Ever.'

Maybe he is a virgin for everything! This blowjob will not last long, but that is OK. Such a stud, hard to believe no woman is interested in him.

'Do you want one?' I asked.

He nodded yes.

'May I ask, how do you get any sexual satisfaction?'

I expected him to say masturbation, instead he surprised me.

'Well, I shouldn't tell you this, but I like you and believe I can trust you.'

The guy is supposed to take a bullet for me, I certainly can trust him.

'My mom takes care of me. She says 'Vice is nice, but incest is best.'

I didn't need to hear anything else. How disgusting, sex with your mom!

'Then we should go.'

We walked to the car, Oscar checking the surroundings, looking for threats. Or witnesses. Nothing. It was so late, the parking lot was deserted.

He opened the second row door for me. I blocked the door closure he initiated.

'What are you doing, get back here with me Oscar.'

The windows were blacked out, no one could see us inside.

The minute he sat next to me, I found his belt. I pulled the leather up from the buckle towards me, releasing the bar clear of the frame. Slipping the frame up and over the belt leather, I pulled his zipper down first, then pulled open the pants, the simple tongue in slot clasp combination separated.

Ah, I could see the bottom of the erection in his white briefs. I eased his pants down, he cooperated raising those beautiful cheeks up off of the leather bench seat to ease the dropdown.

His erection pushing the briefs up. The long shaft nicely defined in brilliant white cotton. The head tucked down and out of my momentary view. I fixed that.

Using both hands and slipping my fingers inside the waist band, I slid them slowly down, exposing inch by inch of his erection. I stopped short of the head.

'Oscar, I need to be sure. Can I suck your cock?'

'Yes, yes Emma. please proceed! Mom won't do that for me.'

I freed his erection. Nice size, biggest so far for me. But it will not be the last I predict.

I squeezed down between the front seat back and the second row front of the bench seat right between his legs. His arms splayed across the seat back, his hips elevated off the seat bottom, pushing his cock up in the air, waiting for me to do something with it.

Stripping down to the waist, he went wide eyed.

'You... you are so much bigger than Mom.'

Ignoring his remark, I swiped his cock back and forth across both nipples until they were hard and pointy. I lifted one breast and inserted the pointy nipple into his penis opening. I looked at him, he loved it.

Two fingers wrapped around the middle of his erection, I wiggled the head across my lips, not allowing any lingering time. I stopped with the head on my lips, I spoke to him like his cock was a microphone.

'Oscar, are you absolutely sure I can suck your big boy cock?'

'Oh god Emma, yes, please, please do it. I am already so excited. I love this already.'

No need to respond with words. I opened wide and immediately deep throated him. I controlled my gag reflex as the head forced open and stretched my throat wide. I wiggled my head back and forth as I stay planted on his pubic hair.

'Yes Mommy! I can't believe you have your baby boy's cock all the way in your mouth.'

'Mommy make me cum like you always do. I have another big load for you.'

Mommy? He is fantasizing. I don't like it. Incest is disgusting to me. I thought about just pulling off and let him finish himself. But I didn't. I will just get this over with. I will play along to move it along fast.

'Baby, Mommy is going to make you cum in her mouth. Can you give me your big load there? Please baby. Mommy loves the taste of your creamy white juice. OK my son?'

'Yes Mommy, I am so ready. I can do that for my Mom.'

Back to wrapping my lips around the head then gripping the bottom of the shaft with one hand. The other hand, fingers encircling the top of his ball sack. I let all the built up saliva drip down on his thick shaft. Time to finish him off. Mommy will make him cum.

Stroking the shaft while diving down from the top, I first moved slow and easy with caressing motions. Then picking up the speed to an almost furious pace.

'Come on big boy, cum in Mommy's mouth.'

I looked at a expressionless face. Does he need his real Mommy to cum?


He caught me off guard, the cum shooting down into my throat gagging me. Instinctively I retreated, his cock free of mouth, cum kept on shooting at me. Onto my forehead, cheek, neck dripping to the top of my breasts. So glad I stripped. I didn't need a big mess on my $400 blouse.

He wasn't kidding. big load. Getting over my surprise I took control, pointing the final streams into my mouth. Still a lot left. He finished loading my mouth. I sucked out the little that remained from the cock head.

With my mouth full of cum I tried to say 'Look at your big load in Mommy's mouth' but it came out garbled so I opened wide for his inspection.

Big shit eating grin. Like a little boy proud of his stick man drawing.

'Mommy, are you going to swallow my big load?'

I did, then opened up for approval.

'You are the best Emma. Such a strong orgasm. Can we do it again?'

Some guys can recycle fast. He probably believes he is. Maybe he is with his Mom. Probably wears her out. But it was late. Three thirty. Dad gets up at 4:30.

Kissing him on the lips, I said, 'Oscar, let's do it another time. OK baby? We will have plenty of time together. That wasn't my best. You deserve better. Please take me home.'

'Oh next time, if you start with the Mommy stuff, I will not play along and I will stop immediately. Understood?'

He nodded yes.

He buttoned up. He was about to exit. I stopped him. His gun had slipped onto the seat. I picked it up. Checked it. Thank god the safety was on.

'Next time we need to be more careful about your weapon, I mean the gun.'

I smiled at him. He knew that could have been disastrous. President's daughter shot accidentally in the back of a Secret Service vehicle stripped to the waist. Oh boy. That would be a hot mess.


Tonight, I had to balance what I wore to a blend of sexy, and classy. I chose my favorite short black skirt that shimmered in the light. For the blouse, a closed neck, white silk long sleeve with button cuffs at the bottom. Very classy for sitting at the stage panel or table. Black hose, high heels, diamond ear rings, my black ponytail pulled back tight secured with a diamond tie.

'Honey, I... I think your skirt... maybe you should. Never mind.'