The Prisoner Wore Panties Ch. 04


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She managed to get Steven aside in a quiet alcove and explained the full detail of the escape plan.

"Myself and Mary are going to lure the Oberst upstairs to his bedroom and while Mary engages with him I'll steal the key to the security gate. Our suitcases are hidden in the closet next to the backdoor; the most dangerous period will be crossing between the house and the fence and then across the cleared area before we get into the forest where we will be met by the Resistance," Danielle explained.

"Why do you two need to get the Oberst into his bedroom?" Steven's jealousy was surfacing again.

"I'll be blunt Steven. The plan involves both of us seducing him and when Mary fucks him I will steal the key and she will keep him occupied long enough for us to get clear. I told you that I'd do whatever I have to. Is that clear enough?" Danielle said frankly.

Steven nodded.

"You need to be at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me when I come down and ensure that the hallway is clear while we make our escape. When I get to the landing halfway down the stairs you need to signal me when the coast is clear ok?" Danielle explained.

"Got it," Steven said.

"Don't go all sulky on me ok?" Danielle leaned into him and kissed him languidly.

He responded and pressed against her. She smiled around the kiss when she felt him becoming tumescent.

"Ok, here we go," she disengaged from him and gave him a serious look.

Danielle found the Oberst engaging with Mary and Benny so she joined them, just as they had contrived.

"Ah! The beautiful Danielle," Kurt Wessel had been drinking and was well into his cups.

He kissed Danielle's hand.

"We had a pleasant interlude at my dinner party did we not?" Kurt grinned.

Danielle figured he was trying to make Mary jealous. Benny slunk away leaving Kurt alone with the two stunning women.

"Oh Kurt how naughty of you! Was she as good as me?" Mary made light of the comment.

"I'm not sure," Kurt leered at the two women.

"What if we find out Herr Wessel; maybe sample us both tonight and then decide?" Danielle gave him a lewd smile.

The Oberst ginned and nodded.

"What about here and now. No time like the present don't you think?" Mary guided the Oberst's hand to the split in her dress.

"You ladies are very forward and as much as I hate to leave my party guests I think it is an excellent idea," Kurt put his arms around the waists of both girls and led them towards the stairs.

Benny and Steven looked knowingly at each other and strategically positioned themselves so they could monitor the stairs and the hallway leading to the back door.

Up in Kurt Wessel's bedroom Danielle and Mary had Kurt undressed and lying on the bed; his rampant tool sticking up like a periscope. The girls had put down their purses and Danielle had purposely kicked off her heels. They lay either side of him and he took turns kissing them both. Danielle was stroking his cock, using the globules of pre-ejaculate to lubricate it as she worked her fingers up and down the shaft. There was little chance of premature ejaculation as the Oberst had imbibed quite heavily prior to and during the theatre performance.

When Danielle had him nice and hard she crept down the bed and began to fellate him while Mary kissed and caressed him. Danielle slavered at his manhood getting it rock hard and ready for Mary. She patted Mary on the buttocks to indicate that she had Kurt ready and Mary disengaged from Kurt and removed her knickers. She lay back on the big bed and hiked her dress up out of the way. Danielle encouraged Kurt to mount Mary, which he was more than willing to do and as Mary had been pre-lubricated he slipped right in and began to vigorously fuck her.

Once Danielle was happy that Mary had Kurt's undivided attention as she fervidly kissed him while he rutted away at her, she quietly slipped off the bed and tiptoed over to dresser. She stealthily opened the drawer and carefully took the key ring from the corner, ensuring the keys didn't jingle. She saw that the loaded Luger pistol was still in situ and she made a spur of the moment decision and took it.

She closed the drawer and looked over at the bed to see that Mary had her stocking-sheathed legs spread wide and her heels high so that Kurt could robustly shag her. She gave out a series of muffled groans as Kurt thrust his sizeable member in and out of her tight anus.

Mary held Kurt's face to her neck and he slobbered at her neck and nibbled her earlobes; she winked at Danielle and mouthed 'good luck'.

Danielle slinked out of the bedroom, picking up her purse and heels on the way out. She stuffed the pistol and the keys in her purse and padded down to the landing and looked anxiously at Steven. He was very happy that she had not been caught stealing the keys but they were still in danger; he looked up at her and shook his head. One of Benny's girls and a German officer were canoodling in the passageway that led to the back door. They had to wait impatiently for about five minutes until the couple found an unlocked door to a parlour and slipped inside the room to consummate their desires.

Steven looked up at Danielle and nodded zealously and she wasted no time in padding down the stairs. At the bottom of the staircase she put her hand on the newel post to steady herself while she put on her high heels. She debated leaving them off or changing into flats before they left the house but if she left them off her feet would be cut to ribbons on the forest floor and if she stopped to change her shoes they would waste valuable time. Danielle was very adept at walking in her heels and was confident that unless she tripped over an obstruction of some sort she would be fine.

Steven had left the closet door near the backdoor ajar and he took out the two suitcases which were small but heavy; Danielle ran down to him and snatched her case and opened the backdoor as quickly and as quietly as she could. She stepped out into the cold night and Steven followed, closing the door behind him.

As they had hoped it would be, it was a pitch-black night and they stood stock-still and waited to get their night vision and then for the searchlight to pass over the outer fence.

"There!" Danielle whispered as the searchlight illuminated the outer pedestrian gate.

When the searchlight moved on they ran across the expanse between the house and the fence, their hearts racing. There was a moment of panic when in the dark Danielle couldn't find the key to the gate and thought that her assumption that the key was on the keyring was totally incorrect.

"Bollocks!" she hissed as she tried in vain to get the big key in the lock.

"Let me try!" Steven hissed and snatched the keys from Danielle.

He felt the along the shank of largest of the keys until he found the bit, then he carefully guided it to the escutcheon plate and moved the pin end of the key across the plate in circular motion until it fell into the keyhole. He held his breath and turned the key.

The gate opened noiselessly outward and they quickly stepped through and locked the gate behind themselves. They ran across the flat open clearing for what seemed like an eternity and made the treeline just before the searchlight swept back across their path. They beat their way through forest, glad of the sparsity of undergrowth, until the woods enveloped them and Steven tossed the keys into a thicket. They waited for their eyes to adjust properly to the dark, and while they did so Steven pulled Danielle into his arms and kissed her. She dropped her suitcase and kissed him back.

A tap on the shoulder disturbed them and for a second they panicked believing they had been caught, but soon realised it was their Resistance contact.

"You take her hand and hold it tight, we are going to move fast," the woman said to Steven in German.

Steven of course hardly understood a word and Danielle had to translate.

They moved off quickly through the forest, all the time waiting for the wail of the siren from the camp but they heard nothing but their own breathing. Danielle found it a little difficult being dressed in an evening gown and heels but Steven held onto her whenever she faltered. The woman obviously knew her way through the woods because it was so dark that they could only see inches before their faces.

Finally they came to a road where a car was waiting; its engine running. The woman indicated they should throw their suitcases in the trunk and climb in the back seat. It was cold and the heater either didn't work or was not switched on; Steven pulled Danielle close to him as much to keep himself warm as her. He opened his mouth to talk but the woman placed a hand over his mouth.

"No talking until we get to the safe house," she said abruptly; Danielle placed a finger to her lips as a means of interpretation.

The headlights of the car were fitted with visors that reduced their beam to small slivers of light that barely lit the road; Danielle and Steven had no idea where they were going and to honest, didn't care. It was away from Stalag Luft Oberursel and that was all that mattered for now.

They passed farms and isolated buildings that were barely lit because of the blackout, and then they entered the suburbs of a large town. The woman leaned over the front passenger seat.

"When the car pulls up I will take you inside. No talking until we are inside and I tell you it's ok to do so. Verstehen?" Danielle nodded and whispered in Steven's ear.

Steven's rudimentary German was virtually useless; he picked up every fourth or fifth word and he was so glad that Danielle was with him.

The car pulled into an unlit courtyard next to a two-story house and the woman leapt out before the car was fully stopped; she opened the back door and almost yanked Danielle out of the car. Stephen followed and they were quickly led inside while the driver took their suitcases from the trunk and followed them inside.

The woman led them down a long hallway past unlit rooms until they came to a back kitchen that was dimly lit by kerosene lamps. The woman's demeanour changed immediately and she pulled Danielle into a hug and kissed each cheek in turn.

"My god Fraulein, that is a brilliant disguise! You look like a woman, you feel like a woman and you smell like a woman. You even walk like one," the woman grinned.

"Yes and I even talk like one," Danielle said in her Marlene Dietrich voice.

"Oh mein! I was advised that I would be connecting with a man and a another man disguised as a woman and I thought it was ridiculous... but you are wonderful; almost too pretty I think," the woman said sceptically.

"But how rude of me; I am Frau Katerina Scholl and this is Herr Wilhelm Schmitt but he prefers to be called Willy," she beamed.

"And we are Monsieur and Madame Stephan and Danielle Bouvier," Danielle made introductions and translated for Steven.

Katerina was a slim, attractive woman who looked to be in her early fifties. She was dressed in a blue party dress and black low-heeled shoes, revealed when she shucked out of her heavy raincoat. Her makeup was a little on the heavy side but perfect and to Danielle's surprise she was wearing nylon stockings; a luxury that she wouldn't have thought appropriate for a traipse through the woods.

Katerina noticed Danielle examining her.

"I have to keep up appearances Danielle. I am a wealthy widower and Willy is my handyman and driver; if we were pulled over by the Feldjägerkorps and I was wearing dungarees and a flat cap it would be very suspicious. Especially considering the way you are dressed; my cover would be that we have been to the party at Oberst Kurt Wessel's house and are on our way home. As your people are want to say, better to embellish the truth than tell an out and out lie," Katerina tapped the side of her nose and smiled.

Willy was dressed in a suit that seen better days but had once been expensive, his shoes were highly polished. He had grey hair and appeared to be in his early sixties but he was muscled and handsome. He was the strong silent type and Danielle wondered if he was more to Katerina than just a driver, handyman and bodyguard.

He had taken the liberty of opening their suitcases and was examining their documents.

"These are good; you will have no problems travelling with these so long as you present yourselves confidently. You speak very good German with a French inflection so that fits your story. Katerina is right however; you are undetectable as a woman but your good looks will attract attention you may not want. We will talk tomorrow but my advice to you is don't try to hide your attractiveness, use it as an asset but don't bring unnecessary attention to yourself, verstehen?" Wilhelm said in strong deep voice.

"I know that you escaped once before and was captured. You didn't use the Resistance to help you last time but this time I think you might fare better. You understand that the German resistance consists of small and isolated groups. Most groups just attempt individual attacks on Nazis or sabotage acts, but because we are close to the POW camp we think we are better served helping prisoners of war, Jews, and other 'deviants' escape the Nazis," Katerina extrapolated.

"I'll tell you more tomorrow but for now lets get you to bed. Willy will show you up to your bedroom; I'm afraid you will be sharing a bed," Katerina was obviously not aware of Danielle's full commitment to womanhood.

Danielle translated what Katerina had said to them while Steven went ahead and Willy followed them up the staircase to the second floor to the bedrooms. There appeared to be three, one for Katerina, one for Wilhelm and a spare, which they would occupy. A bathroom was located at the end of the corridor.

Willy put down their suitcases and closed the door behind him as he left. Danielle went over and locked the door. She could see that Steven was frustrated because he didn't understand what was being said. She stepped in close and put her hands on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry. We're safe. We're both tired it's been a long night so let's get some rest," she stepped away from Steven and sat at the small vanity table and began to take off her jewellery.

Steven turned away from her and quickly undressed. There was a wooden coat hanger behind the door and he hung up his suit and tie, stuffed his socks into his shoes and slid under the covers dressed only in his underpants.

The sheets were cool and the room was lit by a single gaslight but the bed soon warmed as he lay there watching Danielle undress.

She kicked off her high heels and slipped off the evening gown and lay it over the back of the chair and then rummaged in her suitcase. Steven admired her soft buttocks clad in tight-fitting satin panties as she bent over the case. She found a nylon negligee and pulled it over her head, he noticed that she had not yet removed her stockings. She turned her back on him and began to rummage in her underwear.

"Oh; that's so much more comfortable," she sighed as she took off her bra and tossed the breastforms on the table followed by the balled up tape from her gaff.

Steven made no comment; it was surreal being with Danielle in a real bedroom watching her undress.

Danielle sat down and began to unclasp her stockings.

"Don't do that. The bed's freezing; leave them on for now to keep your legs warm," Steven whispered, his eyes lit by a mischievous smile.

"No ulterior motive then? And I suppose I should leave my makeup on?" Danielle raised her brows.

"I want to sleep Steven; I'm exhausted," she sighed.

As she climbed in bed beside Steven she too realised how bizarre the situation was. Steven turned out the light and Danielle turned to him for a goodnight kiss.

He kissed her softly then brushed her lips with his fingertips.

"Do you realise how perfect your lips are?" he whispered.

"Here. Feel what you do to me when you are near," he held her hand to chest and she could feel his heart beating fast.

She ran her fingers up to his face and then she kissed him; she put her hand around his neck and pulled him close, she moulded her body to his and kissed him again.

Steven's hands went inside her negligee and at first she was embarrassed when they found her meagre breasts but he caressed them and her nipples hardened and he caressed them too. He lowered his mouth and sucked her nipples and gently bit them.

Danielle gasped; she was becoming hard.

His tongue made lazy circles around her breast, then continued down to her stomach. His fingers found her tumescent in her panties and lightly stoked her. Danielle ran her fingers through Steven's hair wishing his lips would continue their journey down to her groin but he just languidly stroked her through her panties as his tongue explored her flat belly.

"Please," Danielle whispered and tried to guide his head but he resisted.

Steven smiled; for the first time he was in control and he listened to her gasps, felt her responses, building the pleasure slowly. He licked the tip of her penis through her panties, lapping at the pre-ejaculate oozing through the satin.

"Oh come on Steven, please," she begged.

Steven allowed Danielle to pull him back up her body and their lips locked and their tongues intertwined. Danielle struggled to rip off his underpants and when she did Steven deliberately held his lower body away form hers as she tried to lift herself up to him. He kissed her and stroked her nipples; he bit her earlobes and licked her long neck. He occasionally bushed against her pantied phallus but only briefly. Her body was on fire; her need profound.

"Oh Steven," she tried to guide him to her, opening her legs and rising to meet him but he resisted.

He kissed her again as she gripped his manhood and her body shook with wantonness and the exigency of her desire.

Finally Steven allowed Danielle to guide him inside her knickers and he eased into her with such exquisite slowness that Danielle bit her lips. He pulled out ever so slowly and she tensed her sphincter trying to hold him inside. He pushed back inside and she moaned with pleasure.

"Danielle?" his breath was hot in her ear.

"Do you like this Danielle?" he teased as he slowly fucked her and she dug her fingernails into his flesh.

She raised herself up off the bed and encouraged him to quicken his pace; she was whimpering.

"Please fuck me Steven," she gasped, unable to take the suspense any longer.

Steven drove himself inside her all the way and her legs locked around his torso. The spurred him on as he fucked her faster and faster, the bed squeaking and their cries becoming louder.

"Fuck me Steven! Fuck me!" Danielle screamed as she ejaculated into her knickers.

Steven drove himself all the way inside her and spent himself; they crushed their mouths together, drawing blood with the intensity of their kisses.

In the next room Frau Scholl bit her pillow to silence her moans; she had her hand inside knickers and was vigorously fingering herself listening to the noises in the bedroom next door.

To be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I'm hooked

This one has me hooked, keep them coming (and faster if possible, I check every day and must admit I am disappointed when a new chapter isn't there).

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Once he's found out, the Oberst will be headed to the Eastern Front, and hopefully Danielle and Stephen will make their escape.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Keeps getting better

This is so hot! Never thought I wanted to be a POW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

keep this one going

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