The Professor's Favorite Student

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Kat knows how to get what she wants from her professor.
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This story is a spin-off about a character first appearing in "New Experiences at the Lodge." That story's events are referenced here in passing, but you do not need to read it in order to enjoy this stand-alone story.

Professor Jeff Timmons walked across the central quad of Maybury College enjoying the first warm spring day of the year. The long New England winter was finally releasing its grip. The birds were chirping and the trees were showing their first green buds. Little knots of students covered the green space and buzzed with conversation. Laughter rippled from a larger gathering of the students and another group threw a frisbee further down the field. Some of his own students offered him a friendly greeting as he passed by. Jeff was one of the younger members of the faculty and was widely regarded as a cool professor. His English literature classes were well subscribed.

Jeff returned the greetings and smiled as he turned to enter the liberal arts building. He assiduously avoided letting his gaze linger on the attractive young women in revealing outfits among the students. Many were letting their nubile bodies soak in the first rays of the sun after a long winter and he couldn't help noticing them.

Jeff was aware of his position of authority and trust. He enjoyed being surrounded by young people's energy and enthusiasm on campus, but he felt guilty that he spent more time than he should admiring the female students. As a professor, he knew it was inappropriate to view them as sexual beings at all. Try as he might, it was hard to ignore the crackle of sexual energy that permeated the campus. This line of thought still occupied his mind as he made his way smiling through the creaking wooden door of the beautiful stone building that housed his department.

As a junior member of the faculty, his office was crammed under the eaves of the building, but Jeff thought his little space was quaint and cozy. The walls were covered in bookshelves that he had filled with his massive collection of literature. A small round window looked out on the green quad. He dropped his bag on the floor and looked out over the field. He stole a glance at a nearby beauty stretched out on a blanket, but then he shook himself and looked away.

"Creeper," he muttered to himself as he turned to sit at his paper-strewn desk.

"What was that, Professor?" Jeff jumped in surprise as he found his student assistant standing in the doorway.

Kat was a senior. Though she was not an English major, she had taken several of his classes. He had gotten to know her best in the last year after she had taken over as president of the Maybury Mountain Club. Jeff was the faculty advisor for the group and worked closely with the student leaders. She was smart, hardworking, and fun to be around with. She was the perfect choice for a student assistant.

She was also the perfect embodiment of the temptation that Jeff tried so hard to avoid, for Kat was a beautiful young woman who exuded a sensual energy. Her eyes always seemed to flash with mischief, her voice was an alto purr, and she favored clothes that displayed her curvaceous figure and ample breasts. Today she was wearing a short frilly skirt and a white tank top that clung to her body.

"Oh, uh, Nothing," Jeff managed to stammer. "I was just talking to myself."

"I see," said Kat. Her head tilted in thought as she examined him from the door. "May I come in?"

"Of course." Jeff gestured to the chair in front of his desk. "What are you doing here? I thought you had class in this block."

She shrugged. "Usually. My prof canceled it because it's so nice out. He said everyone needed a mental health day after the long winter."

Jeff shook his head. He was not in the habit of canceling class for no reason. He wasn't a well-liked professor because his class was easy. Quite the opposite. His classes were very difficult, but his teaching style was engaging and he showed genuine care for his pupils.

"Why don't you enjoy the day then? You aren't due here until much later this afternoon."

Kat shrugged again. "I was bored. And I thought you might need help grading the quiz from Tuesday."

Jeff nodded. "I do. Sure, if you want. But we'll need coffee first." He turned to set up the coffee pot behind his desk.

"Naturally," Kat agreed with a smile. She glided into the empty chair that faced his desk.

Next, Jeff pawed through the mess on his desk and produced the file folder full of papers and the answer key for the quiz he had given his English Lit survey class. Before they got to work, he poured them both a cup of coffee. They chatted about the next big outing for the Mountain Club for a few comfortable moments. A big trek was in the works for the upcoming spring break.

Jeff was just finishing his cup when the phone rang. He set the cup down and picked up the receiver.

"Jeff Timmons," he said into the phone while leaning comfortably back in his chair. Kat looked up curiously.

Jeff instantly sat upright. "Oh. Uh, good morning, Dean. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Kat arched an eyebrow in a silent question. Jeff shrugged.

His face paled and his eyes flicked to Kat as he listened to what the Dean had to say. Kat uncomfortably lowered her own cup to the desk. The Dean's angry tone was surely audible to Kat across the desk, though Jeff doubted she heard what he said.

"Yes, sir," Jeff said when the Dean finished his tirade. "No. Obviously, that's unacceptable. I'll get to the bottom of it." He ended the conversation and hung up the phone, still looking intently at Kat.

"Should I go?" she asked. "That sounded... serious."

Jeff leaned forward and rubbed his temples. "Yes, Kat. It is serious. But I think you need to stay."


"That was the Dean. He's really upset."

"I gathered that much."

"It's about the Mountain Club. Apparently, on one of the treks this winter there was some... misconduct... at the lodge. At least that's the rumor going around. I told the Dean I would investigate."

Jeff shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"What kind of misconduct?"

Jeff sighed uneasily. "Well, some underage drinking for one thing."

Kat snorted derisively. "That's true for every trek. And just about any event for any club on campus. Is that it?"

"Well, no."

Kat crossed her arms waiting for him to go on. "Okay?"

Jeff shook his head before leaning forward with a loud sigh. "Basically, um, well. Actually... you see..." He paused and took a deep breath. His face was scarlet. He plunged on. "Kat, there's a rumor going around that there was a big, drunk orgy at the lodge."

Kat giggled in response. "Is that all?"

"This is serious, Kat."

"Why? Last I checked, there's no law or rule that says you can't have sex at the lodge. Everyone on that trip was a consenting adult. And no one was drunk." She waved a hand dismissively.

"Well, giving alcohol to underage drinkers is illegal... wait. How do you know which trip it was?"

Kat didn't say anything.

"Forget that point, for now," Jeff said, shaking his head. "But the optics are bad. Like I said, giving booze to people under twenty-one is against the rules. And illegal. The other stuff might not be, but it makes the whole thing salacious and scandalous. If the parents find out... or the alumni network..."

"The lodge isn't even on school grounds," Kat objected. Her arms were crossed defensively. "The club owns the land independent of the school."

"And the club gets funding from the school. Lots of funding. This will look really bad. I have to get to the bottom of it. If we can say we enforced the alcohol rules, maybe it will blow over and they won't shut down the club."

"What will happen to the people who were involved?"

"I don't know. That will be up to the Dean."

Kat groaned. The Dean was notoriously strict.

"Look, if you know what I'm talking about, just tell me who was there. I can get it from the records anyway."

Kat stared at him. "Me. I was there. What if I get suspended? I'm supposed to graduate. I have grad school lined up."

Jeff paused for a long moment. "I'll argue against that."

"It won't matter. You know how he is."

"Who else was there?" Jeff asked picking up a pen and paper. Kat just shrugged. "Who bought the booze?" he asked.

"Me," she said defiantly. Jeff sighed and set the pen down. He rubbed his temples again.

"And the other stuff. Is that --"

"Yup." Her eyes dared him to judge her. He looked away.

"I don't have a choice, Kat. You know the last thing I want is to get you in trouble."

Kat sat back in her chair with a sigh. She stared out the window behind him as she thought. After a moment, her gaze shifted to Jeff and she seemed to take his measure.

"You aren't going to report me." A wry smile spread across her lips and her eyes twinkled.

"Like I said, I don't have a -"

"Yes, you do. Just tell him it's a false rumor. You looked into it, and it's nothing."

"Why would I do that? I can't lie about this."

"Because you like me. I know you do." She shifter her hair behind her ear.

"Of course. You're a great student and assistant. But I can't play favorites."

"No. You really like me. You want me." She leaned forward. Her low-cut tank top offered Jeff a view of her cleavage.

Jeff moved backward in his chair. "No. Kat. That's no --"

"I know it's true. I've seen the way you look at me. The way you avoid looking at me. Like now."

Jeff made himself look her in the eyes. She giggled as he swallowed hard.

"It's okay, professor. I always thought it was flattering. But you were too professional to do anything about it. Too respectful. But it's true, isn't it?"

Jeff opened his mouth to speak but swallowed instead and didn't answer. The look he gave her was pleading.

"It's okay," she said again. "You don't have to say it. You said everything just now with your eyes." She stood up from her chair and spun around to close and lock the door behind her. She turned back to him and leaned against the door. She bit her lower lip as she stared at him with her eyes still sparkling.

Jeff started to speak again as she crossed the little office toward him. He stood up to face her as she came around his desk.

"Kat, it's just that-" She cut him off with a kiss. He stood there passively for a moment as she softly caressed his lips with hers. She rested her hands on his chest. When her lips parted, his did as well. He began to return the kiss and their tongues flirted.

"Kat," he whispered when they ended the kiss, "this is a bad idea."

"But you like it," she said with a giggle.

Jeff's only answer was a sigh, but his hands were on her waist and they started to explore the curve of her hips. As she kissed him again, his fingers slipped under her thin tank top to caress her bare skin. She shivered at the soft touch. Jeff could feel that his cock was swelling with excitement against the restraint of his khaki pants. He groaned as Kat's fingers swirled over the bulge in the fabric.

He knew what his heart and his cock wanted, and his last impulse to stop drifted away. The groan that escaped his lips as she unfastened his belt was one of resignation and urgent desire in equal measures. He wanted this girl so very badly. He'd never have tried to seduce a student, but when she offered herself to him, he found himself helpless to resist.

"Sit down, professor," she purred, as she slid his pants down. His cock bounced free and it pointed at the sky as he lowered himself back into his desk chair. Kat knelt in front of him and rested her hands on his thighs. She looked up as she flicked the tip of his cock with her tongue. She giggled as she was rewarded with a gasp and a shudder. Her tongue flicked again and Jeff took another deep breath. Kat smiled and licked her lips before finally sliding them over the head of his hard cock. Her lips glided down his shaft and her tongue swirled on his flesh.

Jeff's chair was armless. He rested one hand on her shoulder. He ran the other hand through her hair. Kat paused and looked up at him with a smile. One of her hands slid up to stroke his cock while she spoke softly.

"I really like it if you run your hands in my hair like that. Just don't push my head down. I hate when guys do that."

Jeff nodded and Kat's mouth enveloped his cock once again. He combed his fingers through her silky hair and caressed her head as she bobbed slowly on his manhood. She moaned softly in response and Jeff grunted in pleasure.

In the back of his mind, Jeff considered how remarkable it was that a twenty-one-year-old woman like Kat was so sure of what she liked and so confident in asking for it. Her oral technique had him squirming in pleasure.

Kat had always radiated sexual energy, but Jeff had not realized how aware she was of the effect she had on men. She knew the power she could wield through sex and she was willing to use it. Her confidence was as arousing as her physical beauty and her talent.

Kat continued to slowly stroke and suck Jeff, but her other hand slid down her body to disappear under her frilly skirt. Her moans became more urgent and her lips smacked as she worked on him.

She lifted her head and licked her lips. "Oh, God, I want to ride this cock," she panted up at him.

"Oh, Fuck," was all Jeff could manage to say as Kat stood and slid her panties off under her skirt. Jeff had a fleeting glimpse of her pussy as she straddled him on the chair and draped the flimsy skirt over both of them. She sighed as she moved her body to rub the slick lips of her pussy against his shaft. She ground her body against his to press his hard cock against her wet sex.

Jeff's hands were on under her shirt. He popped open the clasp of her bra and eagerly sampled the feel of her round tits.

Kat shivered and gasped as he rubbed a nipple. "I love that," she said. Jeff repeated the touch and she giggled. She raised her hips so that the tip of his cock pressed against her tight pussy lips. She was so slick, that it took only a small motion for the head of his cock to slide inside her. Jeff grunted as he felt the warm lips of her pussy slip over the head. Kat moaned as she settled down onto his shaft.

She leaned forward so she could whisper in his ear. Her big tits in her thin tank top were in his face. "I know you've been dreaming of this tight college girl pussy," she moaned as she moved her hips on top of him. "I know how you look at us girls. Some of them look at you the same way, you know."

"I think about you all the time," he finally admitted. Kat laughed and tossed her head back and began to ride him. She arched her back and raised her body before driving it back down on his hard rod. He grunted and lifted his hips to meet her every time she lowered her pussy to engulf his cock. Her firm ass slapped rhythmically against his bare thigh. Her warm pussy gripped him tightly and glided smoothly up and down him.

"Fuck me, professor," she begged, although, in reality, she was fucking herself on his cock. Jeff felt a thrill and his cock twitched as she used his professional title while she bounced on him. It emphasized the danger of this forbidden liaison and implied a power dynamic that he knew was false. She had initiated this encounter, but she was playing to a fantasy that Jeff had not been willing to admit he had. And she knew exactly what she was doing. She was playing the schoolgirl, despite being the seductress. It made Jeff feel sexy and powerful. He gripped her waist and thrust more deliberately with each bounce she took.

"That's it," she moaned, "fuck me, Dr. Timmons," Jesus, he thought, but she was so good at playing to his ego. He grunted and she groaned as he moved one hand to caress her nipple with a thumb again.

"Fuck," she gasped and rocked even harder in his lap. "Fuck, don't stop that." The office chair creaked as she bounced and ground herself down on him. She may have been playing a role a moment ago, but Jeff was pretty sure her reaction now was the real thing. He struggled to keep a thumb on her nipple as she thrashed on top of him. Every little circle he traced on the hard nipple elicited another moan or gasp.

Her breath caught in her throat and she stifled a ragged moan as her body shuddered. She pounded herself even harder onto him as an orgasm washed through her. She sighed hard and shivered.

Jeff felt his own excitement building. Sweat was beading on his forehead and a growing tingling crept from his balls toward the tip of his cock. The muscles of his groin and abdomen tensed as the sensation built. He grunted and thrust his hips to push his cock into her as deeply as he could. His breath came in urgent gasps.

"Are you gonna come for me?" she purred.

"I'm gonna come," he gasped.

"Come inside me," she begged. "Fill me up."

"Oh, fuck yeah," he groaned as his groin throbbed with the first contraction. He felt his cum erupting inside her in a satisfying splash and his cock pulsing with the climax. She giggled and rode him until the orgasm passed and he squirmed at the too-intense feel of her pussy moving on his sensitive cock.

"How was that?" she asked with a smile.

"That was... incredible," he managed to gasp. As she lifted herself off of his cock, he caught a glimpse of cum dripping from her perfect pussy before she twitched her skirt back into place. She left her panties on the floor as she moved back to the other side of the desk.

As Jeff stood and started to put his pants back on, the logical part of his brain was beginning to process the enormity of what he had done. With the intensity of the moment gone and his sexual thirst quenched, a clarity came rushing in. He ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"I... um," he stammered. He paused and exhaled slowly. "I... shouldn't have done that. We shouldn't have done that."

Kat was smiling and leaning against the door. "But you did," she said, "and I could tell you wanted to."

He opened his mouth to respond, but then just shook his head and looked down. "I did."

She arched an eyebrow. "So, we're good?"

"What?" He looked up with confusion.

"The investigation. We're good?"

"The investigation? I never said I would --" He took an involuntary step back.

"You didn't say," she agreed, "but then you fucked a student."

"But, you -- " He held up a defensive hand.

"I know what I did," she said with a shrug, "and what you did. We both wanted to do it. And it was good, right?"

He sighed again and dropped his hand. "I said it was. I just... damn it, Kat. I feel like I'm being used."

Kat laughed. "Seduced maybe. I don't know about 'used.'"

"Was this all just about you staying out of trouble? I thought maybe -"

"Jeff, that was the entire conversation that led to this." I didn't escape his notice that she used his given name rather than calling him professor or doctor. He wasn't a stickler for formality, but she had always offered him that courtesy on her own. Jeff supposed he'd surrendered any moral right to the protocol in her case. He'd left his role behind when he reciprocated her advances.

"Is this just a transaction? I... I do like you. Do you think that there's something here?" He indicated the space between them.

"I like you too, Jeff. If I didn't, I wouldn't have initiated this. But we aren't a thing." She gestured with her hand as if to suggest a lack of connection between them. "And, no, I don't want to get in trouble. Of course, that's what this is really about."

Jeff hesitated for a moment. "Well..."

She crossed her arms and tilted her head as he paused. "Do you want me to get in trouble?"

He knew she had him. He'd let his inhibitions go and he'd made a big mistake. He knew that if she breathed a word about what they'd done, he was the one who would be seen as having abused a position of trust, even though they were both willing participants.