The Pussy Driven Life


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"Ya know, Sarah, I doubt he'd be that blunt..."

"I know, Rachael. I know. But if I ask something, no matter what he says, how can I know if he's being honest?"

"Then why don't you go talk to the Harringtons? Find out what they know?"

"I barely know them. I think I've only seen him around once or twice in the last two or three years now..."


Miss Kaine's words were interrupted by the sound of the dog barking frantically as he galloped into the kitchen where the two women sat.

Mrs. Lynn glanced down at Baal and said, "Do you need to go outside?"

The dog kept barking as Mrs. Lynn stood up and opened the door that leads to her backyard. As she held the door wide, the dog ran enthusiastically onto the grass and squatted in a corner of the yard.

Mrs. Lynn and Miss Kaine watched the dog from inside the door. Miss Kaine scowled and expressed her disgust at what they were watching.

Mrs. Lynn picked up a "scooper" and a plastic bag before she opened the door to re-admit the hound into her home. "Be right back in."

"I'll come out with you," said Miss Kaine.

"Would you mind holding the bag while I clean up out back?"

Clearly not wanting to, but not wanting to seem ungracious, Miss Kaine said, "I ... guess..."

"Great!" Mrs. Lynn handed Miss Kaine the bag. Miss Kaine held open the bag at a distance from her body.

It was at this moment that I learned that the power of my Eden Stone is much stronger when my magic has permeated into a creature that has used it in an unexpected manner. The two women approached the waste-product that the hound had left behind. Mrs. Lynn used her gardening tool to lift the the matter into the air and drop it into the sack that hung loosely from her sister's hands.

As the waste fell into the bag but before Miss Kaine could seal off its brim, the aroma of my erotic creation had entered into both of their nostrils. Both women dropped that which they held. Some of the contents of the bag splattered and a small amount hit each woman in the arm.

Both women spake words about feeling dizzy and hurriedly returned into the domicile, neither noticing the waste-splatter that was now seeping my magic into their skin.

Mrs. Lynn squinted her eyes and shook her head. When she reopened her eyes, she felt her heart pounding in her chest and remarked about how uncomfortably warm her home had become.

Miss Kaine began breathing more slowly and she, too, felt my magical warmth growing inside of her.

After a brief silence between the two women, Mrs. Lynn removed her shirt in one fluid motion and began removing the remainder of her garments.

Seeing her sister undress, Miss Kaine lost all inhibition and quickly followed suit. Once naked, they looked at their own and each other's bodies and smiled. Miss Kaine then leapt into her sibling's arms and began to caress, kiss, fondle, grope, and allow her hands to explore in ways neither had previously thought to do.

Soon, the two women lay together on the floor, a writhing, sweating, shimmering mass of bodies, bound together by the lustful urgings that only an angel such as I am capable of inspiring.

Of course, as you know, I do not deserve all of the credit for this one. After all, it was a part of the grand Unintelligent Designer's plan to have a hound eat a pebble and have the dust of the pebble spread to the hound's feces, which proved to be a much more efficient and effective delivery system for my magic than any old rock could do. As I have been deprived of the ability to register such a sensation, I am not in a position to make any declarations as to the aroma of the fecal matter.

Still, I knew right away that it would greatly facilitate the distribution of my magic.

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Chapter 5

Please allow me to introduce Paul Stern, he's a friend of Mr. Lynn. They work together by the day; and to him Mr. Lynn confessed his sin.

"I'm telling you, Paul," spake Mr. Lynn, "I've never had anything like that happen to me before. I've never had a woman who was so out of control as my neighbor was last night. I didn't want to do anything with her but she was so aggressive, I also didn't want to hurt her either, ya know?"

"I hear you. It's the kind of thing that can get you into trouble on so many levels."

"And the worst part is, I haven't been able to tell my wife. I mean, how would you tell your wife that a neighbor basically raped you when you went over there to talk about something?"

"Sucks to be you, man. Was she at least any good?"

"Between you and me? Yeah. But I don't know how much of that was having a woman take so much control, ya know? It felt ... I don't know, I guess it was liberating."

"But it was also rape."

Mr. Lynn paused for a moment, a horrified look on his face. He whispered, "I hope she doesn't go to the cops and say that I raped her."

"I doubt that. You need to tell your wife what happened. You've got to be really contrite about it all, saying that you hated it and you didn't understand why she was doing what she did, but you really had no choice over things. Ya know?"

"Yeah. But ... How do I tell her that, you know, I ... I enjoyed it too?"

"I don't think you need to do that."

"Yeah, I know... It just feels so ... weird. I mean, I never even saw her as all that much of a sexual being in the first place and here she is..."

"D'you think her husband knows?"

"No clue. I don't think I'm the one who should tell him, though."

There was a lull in the conversation before Mr. Stern spake again, more quietly than prior. "Mind if I ask you something?"

"What's that?"

"It's just ... if you didn't really want it, um... how did you get it up?"

Mr. Lynn frowned and furled his brow. He opened his mouth to speak but spake naught.

"You okay, David?"

"Yeah, Paul." Mr. Lynn took a deep breath and spake, "I just, uh... I hadn't thought about it before. Not that I'm having any problems with Sarah or anything, but now that you mention it, I'm not sure how I was ready to go so quickly. It was like, she put her hand down my pants and the next thing I knew, she was fucking me."

When I heard this conversation, I knew that I was not the one in control here. I could be thankful that God wasn't in control either, but I was not in control. Whatever else happened to my stone when it landed in that dog's stomach, it imbued the dog's feces with something that caused women to become exceedingly needful in their loins, and any man with whom they came in contact would be so enabled to satisfy those needs. Apart from getting more of my stones out into the world, all I needed to do was sit back and watch.

When enough havoc is wreaked among the humans of the earth, His Psalmistry shall have naught a choice but to observe and attempt to rectify the matter in his imitiable way. And just as Judah had been unable to repel the people of the plains due to the plainsmen's chariots of iron (even though He Who Shall Not Be Named was with Judah and his men), so, too, shall Yahweh Or The Highway be unable to tend to the human crisis and to repel me and my minions at once.

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Chapter 6

Please allow me to introduce Sheila Kahn, she's an officer, upholding the law. Received a complaint about Mrs. Lynn, and this is what she saw.

Strange noises had been coming from the Lynn home and Officer Kahn was summoned to investigate. Despite knocking several times on the door, she felt dismayed by the lack of response, since she could clearly hear the sounds of people moving around inside.

She knew she needed to gain access to the home but before she would do that, she decided to walk the perimeter of the house to see if there were any signs of forced entry. She leapt over the fence and landed near where Mrs. Lynn and Miss Kaine had dropped the bag filled with canine waste.

She picked up the bag and inspected it. Upon opening it up and seeing its contents, she quickly dropped the bag, but not before its aroma found its way into her nostrils.

Her body responded and thus she quickly felt the need to doff her garments, her uniform, and all of her communications equipment before approaching the back door of the house. When the lady of the house had similarly been overcome, she neglected to secure the door, so Officer Kahn bounced into the house, fondling and caressing her womanly body, embracing her inner harlot.

Miss Kaine and Mrs. Lynn lay with each other as they would a man, and Officer Kahn, upon seeing them, felt compelled to join them.

The three women lay together in ecstasy, each providing pleasure to each of the other two, as the din of three females embracing their inner whores resonated louder and louder among the walls of the Lynn domicile. None knew or cared for anything but their individual and mutual pleasure; each continued to act and react until they fell asleep, naked on the floor. My minions tell me that they slept with a satisfied smile on their faces.

The Almighty Benedictator may have given these females physical beauty, but I recognized what I saw in them: a beauty that transcends the physical flesh and resonates from the sensual and spiritual fulfillment that they now felt. Eat that one, Your Goddishness!

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Chapter 7

Please allow me to introduce Adam Beaumont, he's a cop in the local district. He plays by the rules all time, and he can be quite strict.

Officer Beaumont was an associate of Officer Khan and expressed his concerns after she failed to contact her precinct following an initial investigation into a domestic disturbance complaint.

Officer Khan's last communication to Officer Beaumont or any of their mutual colleagues was that she had arrived and commenced the circumnavigation of the Lynns' home. Following that announcement, her communicator had gone quiet and she failed to respond to any of Officer Beaumont's requests for additional information.

He and his immediate superiors recognized the need to investigate the House of Lynn to see if something was amiss and/or if Officer Khan was in danger.

Officer Beaumont arrived at the location of the complaint shortly before mid-day and, as additional enforcement vehicles arrived, Officer Beaumont planned a process by which decisions could be made on-site and to open up lines of communication with the inhabitants of the house.

Officer Beaumont was conferring with another officer when Mr. Lynn navigated his vehicle towards his home, having decided to return to his wife for a lunchtime break and confess the prior night's activities in hopes of gaining her forgiveness.

Mr. Lynn saw the boundaries being set up by the police and felt a surge of panic. Had Mrs. Harrington contacted the police and claimed coercion or assault? He also believed that he was too close to the perimeter and that he would attract suspicion to himself if he quickly turned around and departed from the location, so he slowly pulled over to the side of the road and got out of his chariot to see if he could hear anything that was happening. He told himself that he didn't know whether or not they were congregating for his house or for another one.

Officer Beaumont raised a bullhorn to his mouth and spake through it, his voice magnified by the instrument before his lips. "If there is anyone inside the home of David Lynn, please let us know you are in there. We only want to talk to you."

Mr. Lynn loudly gasped and a nearby police officer heard him.

"May I help you, sir?" asked the officer.

Mr. Lynn looked down at the ground and said, "Um... What's going on in there?"

"Earlier today, one of our colleagues was called to investigate a neighbor's complaints of a disturbance and we haven't heard from her since. We're just trying to figure out what's going on inside the house right now."

Mr. Lynn exhaled deeply, his relief that he was not under investigation showing on his face. "I'm David Lynn. I was coming home to have lunch with my wife. What kind of a disturbance are we talking about here?"

"Loud screaming noises, according to the neighbor. We actually heard something in the background of the recordings of the last communication we received from Officer Khan. In fact, her cruiser's parked right over there."

Both Mr. Lynn and the officer looked down the street to a vacant patrol car.

Mr. Lynn paused and said, "Well, my wife should've been home the entire time. I don't know whether she invited anyone over or if someone might've tried to break in, but I should think she'd be in there."

"Would you mind please calling her? See if we can gain phone contact?"

"Sure." Mr. Lynn retrieved his cellular phone from his pocket and called his wife. It rang several times before he received a pre-recorded message telling him she wasn't available. "I got her voicemail."

"Would you grant us permission to enter and search your residence?"

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn didn't conduct any illegal activities in their home, but opening up the house to the police still was a source of discomfort for him. He deliberated for a short while and Officer Beaumont approached the two men.

The other police officer explained to Officer Beaumont that Mr. Lynn was the owner of the house and that his wife should be inside. Listening to this explanation gave Mr. Lynn the sense that he should be more concerned for his wife's safety than for allowing the police access to his home. "If you want, I can open up my house and you can see if they're in there. I'd, um, I'd rather not go into the house alone right now if there's a chance for a problem. I've been at work all morning."

"We can do that." Officer Beaumont shook Mr. Lynn's hand. Mr. Lynn started up the walkway that leads to his front door, and the police officer followed close behind.

Finding the front door locked, Mr. Lynn extracted his keys from his pocket before swinging the door wide. Officer Beaumont and one of his colleagues stepped past Mr. Lynn and into the front hallway.

Their weapons raised, the two officers looked around the house, which, upon first glance, had nothing out of place. Mr. Lynn followed behind the officers until they reached the parlour, where the police and Mr. Lynn saw the three women, sleeping naked on the floor.

Mr. Lynn meekly asked, "Um... are they all right?"

Officer Beaumont leapt forward to his fallen colleague and verified that she was alive. He looked at Mr. Lynn and nodded his head. He used his electronic communicator to reach out to his colleagues still outside of the house and said, "Let's get some blankets in here!"

Mr. Lynn identified his wife and her sister to the officers. All three sleeping women could not be roused. An ambulance was summoned to bring all three to a local hospital. The officers searched the house and found the clothing of all three women, with Officer Khan's uniform having some smears of the fecal matter of the dog.

The dirtied clothing of Officer Khan proved to me that the magic that I had put into the rocks, and which, in turn, passed through the stomach of a hound affects only females. It would seem that males can be easily seduced by females under the influence of my magic, as Mr. Lynn himself had learned the previous night.

This could represent a shift in power not only in my favor, but also in favor of overcoming the patriarchy that is promoted by those faiths that support The Imbecilic Designer himself most strongly. This is most definitely a promising turn of events.

Heh heh heh heh heh.

Chapter 8

Please allow me to introduce Joanne Curry, she's a nurse who works the night. She was tending to the Lynn-home harlots when she saw an interesting sight.

The three women weren't specifically confined to their respective hospital beds, however they were quarantined within a specific ward until a determination could be made as to what, exactly, happened to them.

A thorough search of the Lynn home had revealed nothing other than three naked women, their clothes and accessories, and a couple of half-empty coffee mugs. There was no evidence of anyone else being in the house and, after interviewing the complaining neighbor, it was determined that the noises that prompted the initial complaint had been sexual in nature.

Before the women awoke from their sleep they were tested and there was no evidence that any of them had lain with a man recently.

The first to rouse from her sleep was Miss Kaine, and Nurse Curry was by her side at the time.

When Miss Kaine came to realize that she was not where she thought she was, she moaned, "Where am I?"

Nurse Curry kindly said, "You're in a hospital. We're trying to..."

"A hospital? Why? What happened?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out. All we know is that you and two other people were found naked inside a house and, well..."

Miss Kaine sat up, pausing as she realized that she had tubes and needles in her arms. "I ... I don't ... remember anything. My sister was upset that her husband might be cheating on her. We were having coffee. We stepped outside to clean up after the dog, and... And... Well, here I am..."

"You don't remember anything else?"

Miss Kaine lowered her face into her hands and shook her head.

Nurse Curry approached Miss Kaine and helped her lie back in the bed.

As she lay back, Miss Kaine whispered, "I'd ... Could I go to the bathroom?"

"Sure. Do you feel comfortable standing up, or would you prefer a bedpan?"

Miss Kaine cocked her head to one side and thought for a moment. She looked at the bags of fluid that were attached to a stand near her bed and the tubes that flowed from the bags. "Um... Would you mind giving me a bedpan?"


Nurse Curry stepped into the adjacent bathroom and retrieved a yellow bed pan. "Here you go..."

Miss Kaine lifted her body to enable the nurse to place the pan underneath her.

After lowering herself back down onto the bed pan, Miss Kaine contorted her face as she relieved herself. She wiped her brow as she finished the expulsion of waste from her body and smiled at the nurse. "Could you take this away now?"

"Sure." The nurse reached down and retrieved the bed pan. She eyeballed the contents of the bed pan and inhaled. "That's ... strange....."

Miss Kaine started to ask, "What's ..." when the aroma of the contents of the pan reached her nostrils as well.

Soon the nurse and patient were under the spell of my magic rocks. The nurse practically ripped off her uniform as her arousal rose beyond anything she previously knew or understood. She began to rub her bosom, squeezing and mauling her ample womanly form, driving herself into a greater frenzy.

Miss Kaine ripped the needles out of her arms and threw off her flimsy hospital-issued gown, joining the nurse in a burlesque of lust and passion, their moans punctuating each other as the sound echoed off of the sterile walls.

In a neighboring room, Officer Khan was learning of what had happened to her, thanks to Officer Beaumont's explanations. Both heard the sounds coming from Miss Kaine's room.

"I, um... I think I should go investigate," said Officer Beaumont.

He walked briskly to the neighboring room, whereupon he let out a gasp as he observed the naked Nurse Curry climbing onto the bed of the naked Miss Kaine. He yelled out in disbelief. "What's going on in here?"

Nurse Curry turned her head and smiled mischievously. "A man! Please! Fuck me now!"

The nurse ran towards the officer, who had started to reach for something on his belt to protect him from the oncoming woman.

"No! Fuck me!" cried Miss Kaine, who also stood up and ran towards Officer Beaumont.

As the two women came closer to him, he found himself unable to defend himself. Nurse Curry reached the officer first and immediately forced her hand in between his legs, whereupon he felt himself sufficiently aroused to be unable to resist her.