The Pussy Man Cometh

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Three beautiful women discover their boss is well endowed.
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Introducing Angels



Jerry Farmer looked around his office. He was proud of his staff of three women; they worked like a well-oiled machine. It had taken two years to get them to this stage but it had been time well spent. Now 'Jerry's Angels' was the best damn computer industrial design team in the country. It showed in their easygoing relationship the smooth way that they progressed from task to task and most importantly in his bottom line.

The fact that they were grade 'A' eye candy was an added bonus.

The work that they did required intelligence, dedication, patience and an ability to think outside of the square. In the past other companies would put many of their engineering design problems into the too hard basket, now they passed them on to Jerry and his Angels, Lynn, Anne-Marie and Carrie.

Lynn at 22 with short fair hair that framed an elfin face was the most out-going of the three and therefore usually acted as their spokeswoman. Talking with Lynn was something that Jerry enjoyed. No beating around the bush with Lynn she came straight to the point. She also had a trait of taking a deep breath before speaking which caused her c- cup sized breasts to lift enticingly.

24-year-old Anne --Marie was a tall with wide hips and full breasts; she was probably the best proportioned of the three. Added to which she had long red hair so that her very presence tended to fill a room. Anne-Marie had a slow-burn sensuality about her. A way of lowering her head that caused her hair to cascade forward as she regarded him through half lidded green eyes. Although she seemed unaware of it, it was a look that was totally erotic.

There was also something about the way that Anne-Marie walked, she moved in a sensual, graceful yet studied way that Jerry couldn't quite pin down. But when she moved, men took notice.

At the age of 20 Carrie was the youngest and only one that was married. Her jet-black hair and bright blue eyes spoke of her Irish heritage. She had the small supple frame of a gymnast. Gymnastics was a sport that she had excelled in before marrying the preacher of the local church. Although Carrie was the quietest of the three she left Jerry with the suspicion of still waters that ran deep. She had a quiet innocence about her that seemed to fit her for the role of a preacher's wife; yet somehow she gave the impression of possessing a fiery passion that lay waiting to be unleashed.

Jerry sighed; it was all very well to have fantasies about his employees but they were all much younger than his 52 years. He thought that this was probably for the best, because although he had an easygoing relationship with his staff that allowed him to discuss literally anything, it might not be a good idea to be emotionally involved with any one of them. He'd long ago concluded that any move toward a physical relationship would have to come from them.

It was lunchtime, Jerry who also served as errand boy had come from Subway with an assortment of sandwiches. The conversation had varied around their weekend activities and was therefore wide-ranging; from Carrie's church fete and Anne Marie's visit to the theatre to a vivid description of Lynn's love life. Apparently her latest beau, Tom, was not up to scratch. Everyone was howling with laughter at his failure to perform after a night of heavy partying.

Lynn was a hard act to follow so silence reigned for a while till Carrie asked Anne-Marie about her trip to the theatre. Anne-Marie looked up from her coffee and brushed a flame of hair aside as she explained that the local theatrical society was having a Shakespearean festival; last night's offering had been Romeo and Juliette.

'Who played Romeo?' Lynn asked.

'Jeremy Lyon.' Anne-Marie replied

'Hmm I wouldn't have minded seeing that myself.'

'I thought that you weren't interested in Shakespeare.'

'I'm not.' Lynn said. 'But I wouldn't mind seeing Jeremy Lyon's arse in tights.'

'Yes it was rather nice.' Anne-Marie mused.

Sensing a lull in the conversation Jerry added his contribution. 'I don't understand what it is that you women see in men's backsides.'

'Well you don't give us much else to look at.' Lynn piped up.

'I dunno so much' Carrie added. 'I like to see men's arms and their chests.'

'Huh! How much of them do you see?' Anne-Marie asked.' They're usually covered with jackets and shirts. Even Romeo had a long sleeved shirt on last night. At least you can see the shape of a man's butt through his pants.'

Lynn continued the conversation. 'Come to think of it we women put on a much better display than our men do. You can at least see our legs' She stood up and spun around hiking her skirt as she did so. ' And lot's of thighs, and bottoms. To say nothing of our boobs,' She illustrated her point by thrusting her breasts in Jerry's direction then added. 'Which is why men describe themselves in terms of a woman's anatomy. They are 'Leg men', 'Tit men' or 'Arse men.' Which are you Jerry?' She now towered provocatively over Jerry's chair.

Jerry allowed his gaze to travel slowly up Lynn's shapely legs to pause awhile where her skirt was hiked around her firm thighs then up to a pair of c-cups that were almost in his face before he answered. 'None of the above.'

'Why, what's wrong with the 'Above'?' Anne-Marie asked slowly.

Jerry knew that he was being put on the spot as he answered. 'Nothing is wrong. Lynn's legs arse and boobs are as good or better than any I've seen. I'm just trying to be totally open and honest. I don't fit into any of these categories.'

Again Anne-Marie spoke slowly. ' So just what is your category Jerry? And don't give us any shit about personality, posture or intelligence. Come on! You just said that you are trying to be perfectly open and honest. What turns you on? What kind of man are you?'

The amused grins on the faces of the women were belied by the expectant silence that filled the room, which was broken by Carrie' voice that was almost quivering as she said. 'Yes come on Jerry what kind of a man are you.'

'Yeah just what does turn you on Jerry,' this came provocatively from Lynn who still stood with her legs apart and dark skirt raised halfway up her thighs. 'Now come on you said that you'd be honest.'

Jerry was trapped. 'Are you sure that you want me to be honest?'

'Yes!' All three women chorused together.

'I'm a pussy man.'

'A pussy man!' Anne-Marie echoed.

'What is that you like about pussy?' Lynn asked as she took a step back.

'What's not to like about pussy? Pussy is the most feminine part of a woman. I like the feel of it, I love the scent of it the taste of it and the sight of it. There is nothing about pussy that I don't like. The only problem is that I only get a very rare flash when someone is going commando.' A palpable silence filled the room till Jerry continued. 'Well you did ask me to be honest.'

The silence thickened as Lynn slowly and provocatively slid her skirt higher and higher till it was rucked up around her waist. She was wearing a black thong through which the cleft of her sex was clearly showing; a small damp patch indicated that the eroticism of her action was turning her on. 'Well how about this one?' Her voice had turned husky.

'You've made my day Lynn. That looks like it might be one very beautiful and sexy pussy. But you've done it in a way that only a woman could. You wear mini skirts to show off most of your legs to the legman, you wear low cut blouses and dresses that partially display your boobs for the tit man. And you wear pants and shorts that show your backsides off. But it is all a tease,' He paused to look at Lynn again. 'Here's the best possible example, a really sexy pussy which is completely covered by the tiniest scrap of nylon. The ultimate tease; the pussy man gets to see nothing.'

'Lynn wriggled her skirt back down then said. 'Well you guys are even worse. All we ever get is a bare hint of butt or the occasional flash of bare arms and chests when we walk past a building site. But that doesn't mean that we don't notice things.'

'Notice things; like what?' Jerry asked.

'Notice things like that package you're carrying; even your baggy pants can't hide that lot and when you wear jeans it's almost on view! Isn't that right girls?'

'Yeah right' said Anne-Marie as Carrie nodded.

'At least you got to see a lot more than a pussy covered by the tiniest scrap of nylon '. Lynn quoted. 'If you are being as totally open and honest as you claim then you would show us what you've got. Isn't that right girls'

'Yeah right! Anne-Marie agreed.

Jerry looked to Carrie hoping that she would disagree and get him out the hole he had dug his way into. He was to be disappointed. Carrie nodded smiling. 'Yes come on Jerry show us what you've got.'

In an atmosphere that had suddenly grown thick in expectation Jerry started to slowly undo his zip.

Lynn cleared her throat and licked her lips before saying. 'Uh uh Jerry no cheating drop your pants show us the lot.'

The women had called his bluff there were no options left. Jerry thought that he might as well make the most of it as he slowly slid his pants down taking his boxers as he went.

It could be said that the years had been kind to Jerry Farmer but the truth is that he had taken good care of himself. He ran 8km every morning and visited the gym twice a week. So that as raised his shirt to slide his pants down he initially revealed a flat stomach with a light coating of hair over washboard abs with a trace of darker hair pointing down to his pubis. A thick brush of soft springy hair came into view as Jerry became aware that the women were holding their breath.

As he uncovered the base of his cock Lynn could see that it was as thick as her wrist and large veins pulsed just below the skin. She let her breath go with a whoosh, Anne-Marie gasped and Carrie sighed.

Jerry continued to slowly and provocatively lower his clothing. Carrie had to move her head to see around his penis to where a substantial pair of testicles nestled in their sac.

It seemed to Ann-Marie that he would never stop lowering his pants as inch after inch of powerful pulsing manhood came into view. His trousers were well on their way to his knees before the uncircumcised head came into sight. Where the very tip of his cock protruded through his foreskin, there was a clear pearl of liquid suspended from the eye.

Once again the women were holding their breath. Jerry knew that he was well above the average in size but he never expected such a reaction from his Angels. They were after all worldly women, Lynn, for a change, was speechless, Anne-Marie was literally open mouthed in wonder while, surprisingly, Carrie had a salacious smile on her face. It was she who broke the silence with, appropriately from a preachers' wife. 'Good God!'

Feeling that he had made his point Jerry began to hoist his pants. Lynn spoke up. 'Can I kiss it before you put it away?'

'Not during working hours.' Jerry replied with a smile as he finished dressing then headed through the door.

For a brief moment silence reigned before Lynn exclaimed. 'I am definitely going to get my share of that!'

'Just make sure that you leave some for us.' Carrie growled.

The Pussy man Cometh



I've always had a bit of a thing for Jerry. O.K. so he's thirty years older than I am, but he has looked after himself and has the strength of character that comes with maturity. The way that his hair has started greying at the temples just adds to his foxy looks.

Although our relationship has never gone beyond the professional level nevertheless he's the kind of guy that you can discuss anything with and I mean anything. He has a way of making you feel at ease. He also makes me feel horny but I think that we both knew that was not going to lead anywhere; till yesterday. As soon as I saw that magnificent cock everything changed.

I raced home but even before I got there I'd made the phone call that turned my current guy Tom into my ex and I was already making plans.

At yesterday's little unveiling ceremony Anne-Marie was panting and the cute little vicar's wife positively drooled I knew that I would have to be quick or my gorgeous workmates would beat me to it. The early bird gets the worm, or in this case, the python.

When I went to bed it was to toss and turn, I simply could not get that magnificent cock out of my mind. Inevitably my thoughts turned to what it would look like when it was erect, what it would feel like in my hand, what it would taste like and how it would feel plunging in and out of my pussy. Before I knew it my hand was between my legs working feverishly at my vagina, which I swear, had never been so wet.

The tiny denim mini skirt and white button down shirt that I wore in the morning had always caught his attention. I made certain that it did so today by not wearing a bra and leaving the top buttons undone.

Several times in the past I've noticed Jerry checking out my breasts; not that I minded, the truth is that I got a bit of a kick out of it. Even if I say so myself I've got what the guys call a great rack.. So today every time that I came near to Jerry I made sure that he got a really good look at them.

The poor guy was really starting to squirm as I upped the antes when, just before the end of the day's work; I called him over to discuss an algorithm that I was working on. As we both leaned forward to read the document I took a deep breath before speaking as another of my shirt buttons accidentally came undone. I heard the quick intake of his breath as he became fully aware that I was certainly not wearing a bra.

I think that it came as something of a relief for Jerry when the other two girls said goodbye and walked out of the door. As soon as they'd gone Jerry quickly made his way to his office. He obviously had a bit or re-arranging to do. I went to the bathroom where I took off my panties, they were soaked, I was positively oozing. I realized that I would need to be pretty damned wet if I was to accommodate Jerry's huge cock. The thought put a lascivious smile on my face as I said quietly to myself. 'Right Mr Pussy man, let's see what you're really made of.'

Jerry's office is a formal name for what is an informal room. His desk faces a large leather lounge sitting behind a long mahogany coffee table that holds a table lamp. There was a drinks cabinet to the left and a coffee machine near the window. Jerry's aim was to make his office a place where people would feel at ease. People included customers and staff.

Jerry was bringing his paperwork up to date and soft warm jazz was playing in the background when I opened the door and entered. There was nothing unusual about this; we girls would often stop by for a chat after hours. I made my way to the drinks cabinet and made myself a Tom Collins; then without asking also made Jerry a scotch and dry on ice, which he preferred served in a Collins glass.

As I leaned forward to place his drink before him he couldn't help but take another look, not only were my breasts on display but also my nipples were standing proud and straining against the fabric of my shirt. He looked up to discover that I had caught him out; I gave a knowing smile then walked across to sit on the lounge opposite him.

We chatted briefly while Jerry tried to concentrate on his paperwork. Which he was finding difficult whilst he was unsuccessfully trying to covertly deal with a fast rising erection.

If Jerry thought for one moment that he would be able to bring that beautiful hard-on under control I had news for him. I kicked off my shoes and rested my feet upon the coffee table; then making sure that my legs were slightly parted I placed the softly glowing table lamp near my feet.

I just knew that my clean-shaven cleft would be glistening in the light of the lamp for I could feel my juices oozing.

A few minutes later Jerry looked across to see that my bra was not the only thing that I wasn't wearing. My pussy, sans panties, caused him to catch and hold his breath till he let it go with a wheeew. A slow smile crossed his face as he husked, 'I was right. Yours is one very beautiful and sexy pussy.'

'I'm glad you like it'

I reached down and lifted the hem of my already short skirt higher.

'And seeing that we are now outside of working hours it should be alright for me to kiss your gorgeous hard-on.' He rose and walked around to me. His penis causing the material of his pants to stretch and strain to retain its mass. As he moved, his cock appeared as if it were struggling to break free.

'It's not just all right to kiss it. I absolutely insist that you do.' He growled.

It was a matter of seconds for me to slide to the end of the couch; doing so pulled my skirt even higher so that now my pussy was fully uncovered; I didn't need to look down to know how wet I was, juices were beginning to ooze down my thighs. My clit had hardened; I could feel it protruding slightly between my labia.

My feverish fingers swiftly undid his belt and began pulling his pants and boxers down together. His cock sprang free slapping me under the chin as it did so.

Now it was my turn to let my breath go with a wheeew. No penis that I had ever had anything to do with could have possibly prepared me for Jerry's. Well endowed doesn't begin to describe it. I wont buy into the silly inches game; I never did see much point in taking a tape measure to bed. Suffice it to say that Jerry Farmer's cock put all the others that I had seen into the shade. It was not only bigger it was harder; it felt like stainless steel covered in silk. More than this; his cock pulsed with the beat of his heart almost as if it had a heart of its own.

It was impossible to span this beautiful cock with one hand as I caressed its pulsating length. Easing his foreskin back I used my thumb to spread his copious pre-cum over his purpling glans so that as I caressed his foreskin lasciviously slithered back and forth; I found it easy to imagine my vagina doing the same, which caused even more honey to seep out of me. As much as I desperately needed that beautiful penis inside me there was no way that that was going to happen till I had tasted it but I was already wondering if it would fit inside my mouth. Oh well, only one way to find out.

Pausing only to lap at the salty pre-cum I first kissed the tip then slowly slurped my way along its head. I found it easier to get it inside my mouth by twisting my head to one side as I sucked hard. This bought a loud groan from Jerry and would have done from me if my mouth weren't so delightfully filled, so Jerry had to settle for a deep hum, which seemed to please him even more. His groans got louder as I sucked and swirled at this wonderful cock. Then I felt Jerry's finger tips drawing tiny circles at the top of my thighs. I parted my legs further; he had the delicate and sure touch of a man who knew exactly what he was doing. He then went on to prove that point by tracing slowly up and down the lips of my pussy only skimming lightly across my clit, which, by now, was begging for his touch. The only way that I could let him know was to suck harder, hum louder and swirl more slowly. He got the message; so sure and perfect was his caress that it was almost as if a small electric current had arced across between us causing my clitoris to go into an immediate orgasmic spasm. The pussy man had obviously made a study of the object of his desires and had passed with flying colours; no man had ever brought me off so fast which caused me to realize that Jerry Farmer was much much more than a fantastic cock. He was a magnificent lover.

However Jerry was only getting started on proving that point. What happened next was done so quickly and smoothly that I hardly noticed it happening. My shirt was undone and taken off; my skirt was slipped over my feet and pooled on the floor. I was naked my skin buzzing, I hardly had time to protest as Jerry withdrew his cock from between my lips scooped me up in his arms and lay me full length on the couch. As his head moved toward my pussy I reached down to hold the cock that I needed so badly.