The Quiet Man


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Tom smiled and headed for the kitchen as he said, "You know I do. Be right back with it."

After they chatted for a few minutes, Chrystal finished her tea and stood. She said, "Well, I need to go get my beauty rest. I'll see ya in the morning."

Tom reached out and grabbed her hand as she started to move. When she turned to face him he said, "No, you don't. You look great now just as you are."


"No, you don't need any beauty rest. You can't get any more beautiful."

Chrystal blushed and smiled. She quickly stepped forward and gave Tom a quick peck on the lips. As she stepped back, she said, "Oh, you. We need to stop and get you some glasses tomorrow." She turned then and rushed off toward her home.

Chrystal was ready when Tom pulled into her driveway. She had her purse and her computer in its case. She wore loose fitting shorts and a pretty button-front top underneath a straw hat. Her sunglasses were perched around the crown of the hat, resting on its brim. She didn't even wait for Tom to get out of the truck when he pulled up. She opened the door and slid into the seat, turned to him, smiled and said, "Let's get this show on the road."

They pulled into the market and began setting up right on the time Tom wanted. After they were ready for business Chrystal opened her computer case and pulled some stiff looking papers from it. She moved to the honey display and began picking up the jars and affixing a label on each. It was the label she had shown Tom the week before except in full color.

Tom picked up one of the jars and looked at it then turned to Chrystal. He said, "That is pretty snazzy Chrys, but you shouldn't have done it. How much did the labels cost? I'll pay you for them."

"Thanks, I think they look good, too. And they didn't cost anything. I had this old adhesive backed paper from a seminar I helped set up several years ago. We used it for nametags. I just made the labels on my computer and printed them off at home. All it cost was a little ink and I have no idea what that cost, so forget it. I wanted to do it for you and I did."

"Well thanks. Next time we'll print them at my place and I'll buy the paper."

As business picked up, Tom noticed that with every vegetable sale she made Chrystal gave the purchaser a label sized paper with his name and address on it listing all the vegetables they could buy direct from the farm. To his surprise, the next week he actually had a half dozen phone calls wanting to come purchase fresh produce instead of waiting for him to come to the farmer's market.

As the late summer progressed, it became normal for Tom and Chrystal to see each other daily. Usually Chrystal came to Tom's home in the evening after their work was done. Several times she brought or wore her bathing suit and they went to the river for a swim to cool off. Finally in early August, one day Chrystal came down mid-afternoon she was almost running and found Tom working at his computer on some Army paperwork. By now, they were good enough friends they didn't knock on the others door, they just came inside.

Tom looked up when he heard the door open and smiled. Chrystal almost ran to him and grabbed him in a hug. She stepped back and stood smiling as Tom asked, "Wow. What's up? Not that I'm not glad to see you."

"I just got an e-mail from the publishing company. They and the author have accepted my final editing of that damn book and it's being scheduled for print. They even gave me a large bonus for the work. I'm free! I can take a few days off and relax before they dump another manuscript on me. Can you quit for the day? I feel like a party."

"Sure. Let me save this and we'll get with it." Tom turned to his computer and saved his work then looked at Chrystal. He asked, "Well, what'll it be? I have beer, wine, some good scotch or that all-time favorite, some good Jack Daniels Black sippin' whiskey."

"I feel wild today. Black Jack on the rocks if you please, sir."

"You go on out on the porch and I'll get it all together." Tom moved into his kitchen, filled a tub with ice, got two tumblers, his bottle and a package of bar snacks, then headed for the porch.

After he poured their first drink, Tom sat. They picked up their drink, clinked glasses and smiled at each other. After the first sip Chrystal said, "I expected to find you outside somewhere all sweaty and working your ass off. What were you doing on the computer?"

Tom smiled and leaned back in his chair. He looked off over his yard then said, "I'm sort of ending my life." Chrystal gasped and started to respond. When he heard her, Tom looked over and kept on talking. He said, "No, I didn't mean anything bad. Or at least I hope it isn't bad or won't be bad. I was filling out my retirement papers for the Guard."

"Retirement papers? I thought you still had several months left before you could retire."

"I do, but I have to submit the request several months in advance and give them the requested retirement date. By the time it makes its way through the bureaucracy and they approve everything, it will be near my time. I'm requesting retirement next July 1. That will give me 20 years and one month of service. I just hope the honey business is all it looks like it will be or I'll be in a world of hurt, financially."

"Tom, that's great. I'm so happy for you. I'm sure everything will work out just fine." She reached over and slapped him on the shoulder before continuing, "But you scared the crap out of me. Don't you ever say anything like that again. Now we have something else to drink to, don't we?"

"Well, not really. I'm just beginning the paperwork. I have a long row to hoe before its carved in stone, then I have to wait until I'm nearly 60 for the pension."

"Yeah, but this is still some sort of milestone. You should be proud."

"Oh, I am. Believe me, I am. I just wish my parents could be here for it."

Chrystal reached out and gently laid her hand on Tom's forearm. She said, "I know, Tom. But Mom and I are here, and we're proud of you."

It turned into one of those evenings. By dusk, the two friends were staggering and slurring their words. Tom looked over at Chrystal and slurred, "Mmm ungrie."

Chrystal giggled and said, "Uh Huh. Wanna pizza. Les go getta pizza."

"Can't. Mmm too drunk. Getta tickie and be in truble." He smiled and continued, "But I'm smarter than tha average bear. Gotta half cooked un inna freezer. We'll cook er own."

Tom jumped up and headed unsteadily toward his freezer. On the way through the kitchen he stopped and turned on the oven. When he came back with the frozen pizza from one of the big chains, he unwrapped it and placed it as carefully as a drunk can on the oven rack. After he closed the door he leaned on the stove and carefully set the timer. He staggered back and put his arm around Chrystal then moved toward the door and the front porch once again. As he lead her unsteadily toward their chairs he said, "K. Gott 'er cookin'. 'Bout twenny minits n we can eat. 'S almost as good as fresh. I buy lotsa 'em and bring home to freeze then cook 'em later."

The two friends demolished the entire extra-large pizza when it was cooked. Surprisingly, it wasn't ruined by the drunk cook. The next morning before daylight, Tom woke with a horrible hangover and had to piss like a race horse. On top of that, his right arm was about to fall off it was so badly asleep. He tried to move and heard a moan, then felt something tickling his shoulder. He jerked his arm and reached for the lamp on the bedside table. When he turned it on he saw a naked Chrystal lying beside him. Her eyes popped open in shock and she gasped out, "Tom?"

Chrystal looked around and said, "What? Wow how did we get in here?"

By then, Tom was already on his way to the bathroom, naked as she was. Chrystal grabbed the sheet and pulled it over her. She lay there and watched the door for Tom's return. When he came back he stopped and looked at Chrystal a moment then began walking toward the bed again. He climbed into bed beside her and turned on his side facing her. "Damn Lady. You're dangerous. I haven't been this drunk in ages."

Chrystal blushed and started to roll away when Tom reached out to hold her. "You know they say booze doesn't cause you to do things, it just lowers your inhibitions and lets you do some things you really wanted to do. I've wanted to... No, that's the wrong way to say it. Chrys, I've fallen in love with you and was too damn scared to tell you. I'm glad we got past, uh, no, I mean, oh, hell, I don't know what I mean. Just, I'm sorry if you're upset here."

Chrystal pulled from his arms and rushed from the room. Tom felt as if he had just blown it big time. He got up to follow her and try to repair the damage when he heard her in the bathroom throwing up. He stood in the middle of the room for a moment trying to decide what to do, then, carefully opened the bathroom door (there was a door from his bedroom and from the living area to the bathroom) and moved carefully into the room. He found a clean wash rag and wetted it with cool water. When Chrystal raised her head he helped her stand and gently wiped her face with the clean rag.

Chrystal began crying and without thinking they moved together in a gentle hug. After a few moments she pushed away from him and wiped her face. She looked down at their nakedness and smiled. She was dry and he wasn't hard. Through her sniffles she said, "You don't know how much I have wanted to be in bed with you, Tom, but this wasn't how I imagined it would be. I wanted the moon. You know, every woman's dream? I wanted the special moment, I wanted to stare soulfully into your eyes and do the romantic kissing thing, then I get myself and you drunk and we just hop into bed like some, some... oh, I don't know what."

Tom hugged Chrystal again and gently rubbed her back. He said, "Yeah, I think I know but, uh, Chrys, I don't think we did anything. I mean, my hair's not matted and, uh, you don't look like you've been, uh, well, your pussy doesn't look as if we've had sex. I mean, we were pretty wasted and I think all we did is get naked and crawl into bed here."

Chrystal almost cried as she moaned out, "But I WANT to do it. I, I love you, too, and I just wanted it to be so perfect when, I mean if, we got to that point."

"Look, it's a little after 4:30. Let's just forget this ever happened. Come on honey. I can take you home if you want, or we can just go back to bed and get some sleep and figure this out tomorrow. Well, I guess later today. When we get up for good."

Chrys stood without moving, just letting Tom hold her. Finally Tom said, "Chrys, honey?" She just continued to stand gently hugging him. Finally, he gently led her back to bed. He covered her with the sheet when she was fully reclined then crawled back into bed on his side. They moved together and lay on their sides, him spooning her from behind. He put his hand on her shoulder and started to move down to her breasts, then stopped. Finally, he moved his hand down and placed it on her abdomen and pulled her gently to him.

Chrystal moaned and grabbed his hand. She moved it up until he cupped her breast before she sighed and lay there gently pressing his hand to her breast. To Tom's surprise, they went to sleep. In the past, he had been unable to sleep spooning a woman. He needed his space. He was a sprawler when he slept.

Shortly after 9:00 AM the next morning, Tom and Chrys were awakened by someone banging on his door calling his name. He almost fell out of bed when he tried to get up. His head was throbbing and his mouth felt horrible. He stumbled around trying to put yesterday's pants on so he could answer the door. Finally he got both legs in the correct leg hole and he staggered toward the front door while fastening his pants.

When Tom opened the door he found a frantic Patricia standing there. Before he could say anything she began talking. "Tom, I can't find Chrystal. Have you seen her? She called me yesterday and told me she had finally completed her work on the last manuscript she was assigned and was going out to party with a friend. I tried calling her earlier this morning and she didn't answer. I wanted to come down and celebrate with her, but when I got to her house she wasn't there and her truck was. I'm worried sick about her. This just isn't like her."

As she was talking, Pat pushed past Tom into his house. He followed, trying to keep up with her and formulate an answer to the obviously frantic woman. About that time a very disheveled Chrystal came out of Tom's room wearing one of his old shirts (Why do women always wear their man's shirt and why do they look so damn sexy when they do?). As she entered the living room Chrys said, "Tom, what's all the noise...MOM! OH, GOD... Shit, this morning just keeps getting better and better." She turned and rushed back into the bedroom.

Pat looked up at Tom and said, "Well, I guess you know where she is. You both look like warmed over shit, too, and don't smell much better. Get your ass in there and clean up while I put on some coffee."

"Uh, Pat. I can explain."

"Oh, can it, Tom. I can see. You're both adults here. I suppose I was just being a panicky Mom. If she had told me she was going out with you I wouldn't have been worried."

"Pat, nothing happened here. I, I mean we, uh just slept together. NO, I mean all we did was sleep."

Pat smiled and said, "Okay, if you say so. Now go."

Tom turned and went to the now closed bedroom door. He knocked and said, "Chrys? Chrys, you decent?"

When he got no answer, he carefully opened the door, then heard the shower running. He completely and fully opened the door then entered his room. All Chrystal's clothes from yesterday were gone. He was digging out clean clothes for himself when he heard the shower stop. Shortly Chris opened the door and looked at Tom. She gave him a sick smile and said, "Shower's open, hurry and clean up so you can face the music with me."

Tom grimaced and said, "I've already faced some of it. She's making coffee now. I'll be there in a few minutes."


Tom took a fast shower and ran his razor over the stubble as he was doing it. Like many servicemen he had learned to shave in the shower using regular soap, and now did it out of habit. Freshly cleansed and dressed in baggy shorts and shirt, he was almost ready to face the day. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door into the living area to face the music. Why the hell did he feel like a teenager caught with his hands in his sweetie's bra? Damn it, he was a 37-year-old Army Officer and shouldn't feel like this, especially when he was in the privacy of his own home.

Tom was happy to find Pat and Chrystal gone. He heaved a sigh of relief and poured a mug of coffee. He thought about sitting at the table to drink it as he was still walking impaired, but decided he really needed the peace of his front porch. He shambled toward the door. When he opened the door expecting solitude, he found two smiling women waiting on him. Pat leaned toward Chrys and whispered something to her then they both giggled.

'Fuck', Tom thought. He shambled toward the women and took one of the two remaining chairs.

After he was seated Pat turned to him and said, "Well, what do you have to say for yourself young man?"

Tom closed his eyes for a moment and thought, 'Crap, this is going to be worse than I thought.' He took a breath and said, "Look, I'm sorry here. We had a little, no a lot, too much to drink and somehow ended up sleeping together. Neither of us knows how we managed to do it, but..." He stopped when Pat broke out in a belly laugh and Chrys giggled.

While Tom was still trying to think about what was going on, Pat said, "Oh, I think at your age you know how you managed to do it. Now, what do you have to say for yourself here?"

When she saw the stricken look on Tom's face Chrystal took pity on him and laid her hand on her mother's forearm before she said, "Mom, that's enough. You shouldn't fuck with a hung-over drunk like that. You've had your fun, now leave us alone."

"Oh, all right, but an opportunity like this doesn't come along very often. I really think you should let me enjoy it longer." Pat turned to face Tom and continued, "Tom, it's fine. I'm glad you finally woke and smelled the roses as it were. That girl of mine has been head over heels in love with you for months, here. I was getting tired of listening to her complain about how you kept missing the signals."

As Chrystal yelled, "MOM", Tom said, "What?"

Pat looked at Chrystal and said, "Mom what? It's what you've told me now for weeks. Haven't you told Tom?"

"Well, yes, we did discuss that earlier this morning, but you don't need to tell the world all my secrets."

Tom reached out and took her hand. Chrystal stopped talking and turned to look at him. He said, "It's okay, Honey. I've felt the same way but I just couldn't find the right time to say anything." He got up and went into the house leaving two perplexed women on the porch. When he came back he had the coffee pot on one hand and a small box in the other. He set the coffee pot down and opened the box. He pulled a ring out and looked down at a weeping woman. He held the ring out and said, "I have been looking for just the right time to ask this question but couldn't find it, so I suppose I'll just ask now. Chrystal Dawson, will you marry me?"

Pat said, "Humph, it's about time."

At the same time Chrystal jumped from her chair and hugged Tom as she said, "Yes. Oh, yes." She held her left hand out for him to place the ring on her finger. It was slightly too large, but fit well enough she could wear it for a short time.

Pat smiled and said, "Well now, I'm glad that's taken care of finally. Now, how about some breakfast, then I'll tell you my news?"

Pat left the two lovers on the porch and went into the house to see if Tom had enough for her to cook or if she needed to go back to Chrystal's house. She found plenty and had the meal half prepared before Tom and Chrystal came into the room.

As they were eating, Tom remembered Pat's last statement and asked her what her news was. Pat smiled and said, "My company has been bought out. They are laying off many of the personnel and giving them a great severance package. Since I'm old enough now to get Social Security, I've decided to take the package, file for my Social Security and move back here to retire. This is a great thing for all of us. You kids have this nice place and I can move back into my house after the wedding."

Tom said, "Well congratulations, Pat. I know how you must feel. I was working on my retirement application yesterday when Chrys came down and accosted me."

Chrys slapped him on the shoulder and said, "Tom! I did no such thing, I just came down and offered to have a drink with you to celebrate my completing the book."

Tom smiled and said, "Whatever. I notice you managed to get me into bed, somehow. I think that amounts to accosting someone."

Thankfully, everyone laughed then the conversation turned to other things such as planning a wedding, retirement, moves and so forth.

After the wedding, Tom and Chrystal continued as before in their working lives. He successfully retired from the Reserves without another deployment and continued working with his bees and small truck garden. She continued editing manuscripts. In between, they managed to have two children, a boy and girl, who grew up to follow in their parents' footsteps. The boy seemed to have been born to be a soldier and the girl excelled in English, as had her mother.

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NitpicNitpic12 months ago

Before Crystal appeared, he was always going on guard duties/weekends.Then she turned up and he never went on another one,doesn't gel.

Lawrie1941Lawrie1941almost 2 years ago

What a wonderful story definitely 5 stars but you did it again and rushed the ending. I know from the reviews your other readers want an extended ending, we are lazy and don’t want to figure out how it all comes out.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 2 years ago

A nicely written story. Mildly entertaining, but, rather boring. There was no conflict. no gravitas.


The story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarf's had more upheaval to it. Conflict and upheaval is what gives a story 'meat'. There should be challenges for the characters to face. Yes, Tom went to war, his house burned down due to meth heads. He lost good friends and Pat and Chrystal lost loved ones to the meth heads. While these experiences where not fun, they did not have any, obvious, effect on Tom, Pat and Crystal.


I have no complaint with the quality of the writing, it was, as usual, very good. I just found the story to be a bit boring. I kept hoping something would happen that would rock the proverbial boat.


Just my 2 cents worth, for whatever it is worth,



PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

I’ll echo previous comments as they pretty much mirror my own thoughts, overly complex then stupidly fast last page, like a car that’s driven hard and fast but runs out of juice, you really do need to learn how to plan a proper story arc and not just abdicate responsibility for a proper ending, otherwise you don’t improve your writing. Done here.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Very predictable.

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