The Ranch Ch. 01


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"If you have any problems. Mark and I stay in the presidential suites, two floors up," Cory informed her, coming back into the lounge area. With his hands in his pockets, he blew out a thoughtful breath as he glanced about the room, rocking back on the heels of his brown leather shoes. His malt-coloured eyes rested interestedly on Katie's flushed cheeks.

"Hot in here?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No, I'm just tired," Katie hastily replied. "And I'm a little surprised about not being able to eat dinner in the room," she added, unable to resist pointing at the dining table.

Cory shrugged. "I personally run my own businesses off-site, Mark has served more time on the ranch when guests are around than I have."

Katie nodded politely, thinking Cory's explanation was even weaker than Mark's excuses.

"Well," Cory continued, tilting his head. "Shall we get you dressed?"

"Uh," Katie looked up at him uneasily. "You know, I'm fine with what I have on. I'll clean up and change into the robe before bed. Then I'll be out of here fairly early, so I'd like to settle the bill tonight, if you don't mind."

Cory shook his head. "That won't be possible tonight, but we'll sort something out tomorrow. There's the transport arrangements to be made as well." Without another word he turned and exited the suite.

"I can leave you my card details?" Katie called after him. No response. She looked around, baffled. Was she supposed to follow him? What was it with these men, and their mystery? Just when she'd decided to stay behind, Cory poked his head through the doorway.

"Coming?" he asked lightly. For the first time since they'd met, Cory's mouth formed into an attractive, infectious grin, and Katie couldn't help but smile back. "Mark'll be getting hungry soon."

Trying to shake the image of a hyena licking its lips at a fresh carcass, Katie followed him out to the hall and into the next room he'd already unlocked. Cory hit the lights and Katie blinked rapidly, as her eyes adjusted to a number of clothing racks of different shapes and colours. There was outdoor wear - jackets, boots, hiking equipment, even cowboy hats. There was smart-casual attire, suits and cocktail dresses.

Gathering her thoughts, Katie finally landed upon what had been bothering her.

'," she ventured awkwardly, "was that my room key you used before...or?"

"Oh, Mark and I have master keys that open into every room," Cory replied casually, and at this new information Katie felt goosebumps rise along both her arms and up the back of her neck. "Mark will organise your key and give it to you at dinner."

Noting her shocked expression he continued. "We have to take responsibility for the property when we reside here so..." he trailed off, and picked out an elegantly layered, turquoise mini-dress. "I think this would look great on you."

Katie made a face at him, disconcerted by his familiarly with her. She blindly reached forward and pulled out a conservative, black dress. It was plain, its length flowed down to the ankle, and wouldn't seductively cling to her bodily assets.

"This will do," she told him firmly, snapping the tag off the neck and handing it to him. "Please put it on my bill, along with dinner, and the charge for the room."

Cory didn't respond, but stood watching her with a frozen smile on his face. It was an incredibly odd situation for Katie, to be alone with a staring stranger, in an empty clothes shop at night.

Though Cory smiled, he was engaged in a vicious inner-fight to control himself from taking her in his arms and brutally kissing the anxious expression off her perfect doll-face. He too, was feeling the intensity of being alone in a room with this beautiful woman. Watching her, he couldn't recall the name or face of the staff member he'd slept with a week ago. His eyes grew warm as they traced over Katie's smooth neck, noting her rapid pulse. He wanted to take his mouth to her, taste her skin, lick the sweat and earth and deliciously scented perfume from her collarbone. He wanted to run his fingers through her soft locks, suck on her breasts, grip her ass tightly while he fucked her brains out.

"Cory?" Katie's question snapped him out of the moment. "Umm, are you ok?" She held up the dress. "Is this ok?"

Cory's handsome face had tightened in his frustration, and he frowned down at her. "Of course. When you're ready, we'll be in the third dining room. It's one level down the lift, and the lift opens into it so you can't get lost. Here," he handed her his keycard, "take mine for now and we'll exchange at dinner. Don't worry about locking up." Without waiting for a reply he quickly turned on his heel and strode from the room.

Katie stood for half a minute staring confusedly at the door he exited, then she blew out a long breath. "Katie, Katie, Katie," she tutted herself. "What the hell have you gotten into?"


"Holy fuck," Cory exclaimed, leaning over on the table and looking down at his hands. "It was all I could do not to strip her naked and nail her on the floor."

Mark, comfortably seated with his feet up on the same table Cory leaned against, drew on a cigar and slowly blew out a long stream of smoke.

"Why do you think I sent you off with her?" he smirked knowingly, raising his eyebrows. "If I was alone with her, I'd be on her right now. We'd never make it to dinner, because I'd be eating something we don't offer on our menu."

Cory stood and lifted his arms in a pained, exaggerated stretch. "I've never had so much trouble resisting a girl I'd just met. Or any girl, for that matter. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"No," Mark glanced down, and leaned forward to stub his cigar out in an ornate ashtray carved into an eagle's head. The edges of his mouth curved into a small sinister smile. "Of course it's not a good idea. That girl fills my head with all kinds of...very bad ideas."

Cory seated himself and reached forward to pour a glass of wine from the elaborately curved, horn-shaped decanter.

"We've never eaten in here you know," he observed, measuring out a generous glass of full-bodied red wine.

They generally dined in the outdoor area, or at the bar. Dealing with business associates internationally, occasionally Mark would have dinner in his suite if he needed to attend an urgent work-related issue. The third dining room was much smaller than the other two on the ranch. It was less extravagant but no less luxurious. It was warm, intimate, comforting; normally reserved for small parties of friends or large families. Whilst there was nothing particularly fancy about the room, it had plenty of class.

The tables and chairs were a simple patterned beige, and long white candles lined the cream walls. Since there were only three diners that evening, hardly any of the candles had been lit, giving the room a more darkened, intimate atmosphere. Most of the room's light was provided by a chandelier, the room's only decorative piece of furniture, which dimly hovered above like a glittering moon.

"There's never been cause for it," Mark absently answered, leaning back slightly to check the elevator.

"Cause?" asked Cory, swirling his glass and sipping.

"Cause," Mark nodded, still watching the elevator as it hummed in motion. "And I think the cause has just arrived."

Cory half-choked on his wine upon hearing the elevator bling.

Both men stood as Katie stepped out of the lift and glanced around, bewildered. Sighting them, she hesitantly made her way to the table, and Cory seated her as etiquette decreed while Mark watched silently.

Though freshened by a quick shower and change of clothes, Katie was feeling delirious by her surroundings, and the events leading up to it. After rinsing off in her suite she'd quickly tied her long hair into a rough side-plait, which perfectly contrasted with the simple black dress she wore, giving her a much sexier appearance than she'd have wanted.

"Wine?" Cory offered, gesturing to the decanter.

"No, thank you," Katie firmly answered, annoyed by how amused Mark seemed by her decline.

"Perhaps later," Mark suggested, signalling to the staff hovering by the door. "We weren't sure what would be to your taste, so we got a bit of everything."

Katie's mouth dropped open as several dishes were set down on the table. Cory laughed quietly into his wine at the look on her face.

" really thought it'd be too much trouble to send a plate to my room?" she stuttered, overwhelmed by all the food.

Mark shrugged nonchalantly, but his blue eyes were fixed on her face in a way that alarmed Katie. She thought about those vampire movies, where everything seemed to go swimmingly well for the courted damsel until her throat was suddenly ripped open to satisfy bloodlust.

As the last staff member made to leave, Mark beckoned him over. "You can head home early, there's no need to wait around to tidy up. It can wait till morning." The waiter nodded and quickly left, making Katie feel even more alone than before, which she didn't think was possible.

Not the 'blushing schoolgirl' type, Katie was irked to realise how self-conscious she felt around Cory and Mark. Although she didn't particularly like either of them, there was no denying that they were both exceptionally attractive. Any straight girl past puberty would find them drool-worthy.

Deciding to make the most of an uncomfortable situation, and fairly hungry after her trek to the ranch, Katie steadily sampled the dishes until she felt she'd had more than enough to eat. Throughout the meal, both Cory and Mark plied her with questions about her life. In turn they filled in the time by telling her about the ranch and its surrounds. Katie had managed to redirect the conversation when it became too personal, and both Cory and Mark were also adept at deflecting questions they obviously didn't want to answer.

Having commenced dinner well into the night, by the time they had finished eating and conversation was drawing to a close, the hour was very late. Despite a number of offers, each more persistent than the last, Katie remained repeatedly adamant in refusing to drink alcohol. Distinctly uncomfortable in her surroundings and present company, she felt it prudent that she keep her wits about her in sobriety. As the men continued to drink, their behaviour became less formal and increasingly flirtatious.

Mark reached into the front pocket of his shirt and pulled out a card.

"This is yours," he smiled, leaning over and deliberately brushing his fingertips across Katie's as she took it. Studiously pretending not to notice his lingering touch, Katie's hand shook as she withdrew it, while Cory watched them with interest.

"Thank you, Mark. Well, it's very late," she smiled primly, rising from the table. "Thank you both for your hospitality."

"How about a dance?" Mark asked.

"S-sorry?" Katie stammered, taken aback. "Oh. I...I don't think...I mean, no, thank you," she collected herself with an effort, not sure if her ears deceived her or if Mark was joking, since there was no music.

"It'd be bad manners to deny your hosts the pleasure of a dance," Mark replied, looking at her wistfully.

Katie's hands twisted together nervously and her eyes darted towards the elevator.

Cory laughed. "He's just toying with you, Katie. Go to bed. See you in the morning."

Relief flooded Katie's features. "Oh, right." She quickly slipped Cory's master key onto the table, and both men respectfully rose as she hastily left them and disappeared into the lift.

Settling back down into their seats, Cory and Mark looked at each other a moment.

"You shouldn't scare her," Cory chided, lifting the decanter to refill Marks glass before his own.

Mark swirled and sniffed the wine contemplatively. "Why not? Where's she going to go in the middle of the night?"

"I don't think she likes you," Cory commented, easing back into his seat and meeting Mark's eyes.

"Are we making a bet?" Mark responded, slightly leaning forward, wine still in hand.

"What are the stakes?"

Mark rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Well, there's no point in money. There's only one thing both of us want right now, so why don't we bet on it? Whoever seduces the girl, gets the girl. Simple as that. And if she's open to being shared," he shrugged a shoulder, "we could go there."

After the last time, Cory didn't want to share a girl with Mark ever again. But Katie wasn't just any girl, and if she did choose Mark over him, he wouldn't turn down an opportunity to lay hands on her if he was the one to lose.

"Why not?" Cory tossed back his wine, finishing the glass. "You're on."

Mark slapped his thigh. "I almost forgot. Did you see the look on her face?"

Cory slowly shook his head. "When?"

Mark stood, cracking his knuckles. "When she realised she'd let slip that no one knows she's out here."


Katie decided she wasn't going to wait until morning. She'd get a few hours rest, leave a note and her details for payment, and venture out well before dawn. If she really had to, there was always the option to return when the staff were back. Katie knew she should be grateful for Mark and Cory's hospitality, that her attitude was exceptionally ungracious considering her dire circumstances. But dealing with the kindly Marco had ill-prepared her for the two men she'd felt forced to spend time with.

Katie was surprised she hadn't grown a beard after being in the presence of so much testosterone. They were both intimidatingly masculine, and evidently interested in her. She felt like a mouse in a snake-pit, as if a clock was steadily ticking towards her being devoured. Concerns about propriety aside, Katie was well-preoccupied with another problem, which she knew had been fast on her heels since the day before. It was a mistake to stay at the ranch, she should have insisted on going into town.

Readied for bed, she had just wrapped herself up in the robe and entered the lounge-room to turn out the lights when a knock sounded at the door.

"Oh, shit. What now?" she muttered, crossing the room to answer it.

As her hand reached for the door, it opened on its own, and Katie gasped as Mark slipped inside, quickly clicking the door shut behind him.

"Hi," he breathed down at her surprised face, his blue eyes bright with excitement. He stepped toward Katie as she simultaneously stepped back from him.

" there a...a fire or something?" she faltered, her scattered thoughts trying to form a reasonable explanation for the uninvited man in her room.

"Something like that." Mark reached forward and grabbed the front of Katie's robe, tugging her toward him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Katie yelled, as she half-tripped into his arms. In a panic, she tried to jump back but he quickly wrapped one arm around her slim waist in a crushing hold and bent to kiss her smooth neck, easing the gown off her shoulder with his other hand as his mouth travelled down over her collarbone.

Mark leaned back to readjust his hold on her, then he swiftly bent and hitched her body up over his, so her feet kicked off the ground and his face was level with her chest.

Katie's face burned in embarrassment as he peeled her robe back further and buried his face in her firm, curved breasts. As she struggled in his grasp, his breath came hard and fast while his mouth took turns toying with each nipple. They hardened under his attention, sending small rivulets of pleasure down Katie's torso through her legs.

Wild with lust, Mark quickly turned and pushed her up against the door. In fright Katie instinctively wrapped her legs around him to prevent herself falling from the unfamiliar height. She shoved against his shoulders with all the strength she had, trying to disengage his wet mouth from her breasts.

"Mark, what the fuck?! Stop! You're drunk!" she cried, completely taken by surprise, not knowing how to stop him.

"God, you taste good. I want to fuck you, Katie," he panted, kissing up her neck and cheek, running his tongue over her earlobe. He pulled back from the door and carried her across the room. With one sweep of his arm he cleared half the ornaments off a sturdy cabinet, and sat her down on top, standing between her legs. He roughly pulled her robe open, feasting his eyes on her nakedness.

"I've done nothing to give you the wrong idea about me!" Katie shouted in a panic, turning her face away from his kisses as he tried to capture her mouth with his. "It's not worth it, Mark! Stop! No!"

With his lips moving all over her face, she strained both left and right to avoid him, Mark's hand snaked down between them and lustily felt around her inner thighs, squeezing here and there, before slipping inwards to cup her naked pussy. He moved back and looked into her outraged face as she gaped at his audacity, tracing over her slit with his fingers. In anger her eyes glittered at him like crystallised jade, and her cheeks were adorably flushed. Her lips seemed to have swollen in her distress, and Mark felt his cock swell at the sight of her beautiful, stunned countenance.

"You wet for me?" he murmured, stroking her as she fought to move him out from between her legs.

"Fuck you! No!"

"You are. Yes, you are," he grinned into her face, and as she parted her lips to insult him, he lowered his head and forced his lips over hers, his tongue pushing through to explore her open mouth.

Katie's heart was racing, but not from fear. She was shocked, and she was furious. The back of her head was pressed against the wall under the force of his kiss. She curled her fists into his dark hair and tried to tug his head away but he didn't budge, he was too strong. Giving up on trying to fight him, she blindly felt across the drawers for a weapon with one hand while the other tried to shift his hand from between her legs.

Her searching hand knocked over an oil diffuser and she heard the small reed-sticks clatter over the end of the cabinet. Then her hand wrapped around an ornament shaped like a pingpong ball. It felt cold and smooth, like marble. Moving along, she found an apple-sized version and firmly closed her fingers around it.

Not paying any attention to her movements, ignoring her hand futilely tugging at his wrist, Mark slowly pulled out of the kiss, but he kept his face close to hers and she felt his hot breath on her lips as he slightly panted. Close against him, Katie smelled his cologne, the clean scent of his skin, and from his kiss she still tasted the rich wine, mingled with a hint of cigar.

"Wanna take this to the bedroom?" he whispered against her full, pink mouth, with one hand holding her smooth, naked shoulder back against the wall, while the other still moved between her legs, making her squirm.

"Where do you get off?" she gasped in disbelief.

"Right here, honey," he smiled, and moved both hands beneath her robe to cup her naked bottom and jerk her tightly forward against his erection, straining against his trousers.

As soon as he did, Katie clobbered him on the side of the head with the ornament. When Mark crashed to the floor, she didn't look or think twice as she grabbed her key and fled from the room, still only wearing the robe.

Looking left, then right, she darted down the hall toward the lift. As the lift doors eased shut at an excruciatingly slow pace, her heart seized up in terror as she heard Mark's laugh echo down the hall from within her suite. Although relieved she hadn't killed him, his confident amusement caused her significant discomfort.

As the lift gently progressed to the ground floor, Katie's mind was in a horrified whirl. As the adrenaline from her fury began to wear off, she felt her chest constrict in fear. Where was she supposed to go now? She wasn't going to seek help from Cory. He was Mark's best friend and he was probably in on the whole thing. Katie was afraid of both of them, she'd been afraid since she first saw them silently staring down at her from the height of the staircase.