The Ranch Ch. 10


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"Do you love him?" Rosa asked, startling Katie from her thoughts.

"I- Yes... I- well," Katie faltered uncomfortably. "I have feelings for him."

"Mark won't be happy," Rosa said, and Katie curiously noted a satisfied gleam in her teary dark eyes.

"We'll see what happens," Katie carefully answered, hoping to put an end to the topic before it could get worse. She didn't want to tell a traumatised, volatile teenager that she wanted two men, one whom the girl desired for herself.

"Rosa, I'm sorry about your father," Katie said sadly. Rosa shook her head.

"I know you are. But my dad would be sad for you. He was always sad for women. If it is true about my mum, it makes sense now."

Katie didn't have much else to say, she was still overwhelmed.

"I am going with Gerard in the morning," Rosa confided, noticing Katie's surprise. "He was friends with my dad," she explained, slightly pulling a face. "He is also very sad for women. He will nag me all the way home for frightening my mother." She sighed heavily, as though reconciled to an unpleasant, unavoidable task. "It is better than his pity, I suppose," she said, shrugging.

"Well, thanks," Rosa stood to leave and wiped her eyes, visibly more cheerful. "I think my dad would be proud that I spoke with you, so maturely," she smiled naively, and Katie cracked a weak grin, feeling slightly better.


"What is it?" Mark asked, noticing the sudden closed expression on Alex's face, swiftly wiped of all the good humour he'd sported throughout their stay.

"Bert is dead," he said shortly, switching off his phone. Cory and Mark exchanged worried glances.

"How do you know?" Cory tentatively inquired, aware that despite his stony composure, Alex was extremely upset.

"Because of a text he would never have sent," Alex bitterly replied, clearly not wanting to discuss it further.

"But maybe he-" Cory began.

"Cory-!" Alex slammed both hands down on the table, the noise echoed throughout the still kitchen. His tall frame shook with emotion, not least of all, anger. Then he stalked from the room without another word.

Cory watched Alex's handprints fade from the counter, then stood to follow his cousin. Mark seized his arm to halt him.

"Leave him alone," he said gravely.

"Why?" Cory snapped, shaking his arm free. "You're the one who pushed us to make up-"

"Think, Cory. You cut him out of your life for a long time. Bert was his best friend. They were partners for many, many years."

"I know that," Cory said savagely. "You think I want to make it worse?"

"I remember when you and Katie disappeared," Mark said quietly, staring hard at his palms. "When your horses found their way back to the Ranch without you. When I knew right away something was seriously wrong. I remember that shattering moment when I couldn't fathom how I would cope with you gone."

Cory listened without interrupting, knowing it was rare for Mark to open up about anything

"In some ways, Alex is like me," Mark continued. "And you just have to trust me that right now, he should be alone."

Cory slowly sank into the seat beside Mark, and put an arm around him.

"You know, it's not so easy to get rid of me," he gruffly teased. "I'll ambush you half naked, if I have to."

"Yeah." Recalling the bizarrely shocking, but welcome sight of Cory staggering into Greg's torture shed to rescue him, bloodied and bare-chested, Mark's bleak mood was relieved as he burst out laughing.


For several hours Alex lay on his bed fully clothed, staring up at the ceiling. His mind whirled with memories, his chest seethed with a gnawing regret. Alex knew Bert's life hadn't ended well. Though it was counterproductive, his mind unwillingly played over the possibilities, the various ordeals Bert probably suffered before his death.

Losing one of the few valuable, steadfast friendships he'd ever had; It was as though he'd mislaid a precious piece of himself by carelessness. He was so caught up with helping Cory, so focused on keeping Sandy out of harm's way, he completely neglected to warn his most trusted friend of imminent danger. And Bert paid for his unwavering loyalty to Alex in full.

Alex slightly writhed on the bed, tormenting himself by wondering if Bert was angry with him before he died. If he'd thought about Alex while he was being tortured. Whether he resented Alex's failure to warn him, or believed Alex didn't care enough to bother with a simple message. And ultimately, Bert still chose to stare pain and death in the face to protect him.

"Fuck!" Alex ground out, his handsome face bittered with grief. Angrily grabbing a pillow, he twisted it in his hands till the plush material threatened to tear, his chest heaving with anguish. He needed to break something, fight someone, get drunk; anything numb his mind. He needed Sandy.


Squaring his shoulders, Peter nervously rapped on George's office door.

"Yes?" George said briskly, not looking up from the papers he rifled through. Somewhat recovered from the shock of being outsmarted in various humiliating ways, he had now resumed his calm, businesslike demeanour. Though it was clear to anyone nearby that a vengeful fury churned within him, simmering perilously close to boiling point.

"Dom has been located," Peter announced, his heart singing after pulling off an unlikely breakthrough before he could incur George's legendary wrath.

George's head jerked up. "Where are they?"

"In our sights. They're constantly on the move," Peter swiftly replied.

"They're all together?"

"Just Dom and Greg. No sign of the others. Katie-"

"Was obviously exchanged for safe keeping," George finished the sentence, tightening his grip on the pen. Peter jumped as the sound of snapping plastic cut through the silence.

"Should we..." Peter timidly asked, twiddling his thumbs anxiously.

"Do not intercept them. They must not know they are monitored," George sternly ordered. He clicked his fingers on an afterthought.

"Pull the girl's image from the news, let it appear resolved," he added, then he smiled. "I will wait patiently for my little ducks to find each other, and form a neat little row."

George spoke so sweetly, with such venom in his eyes, Peter shivered.

"And when they do...?" Peter tentatively inquired, slightly fearing the answer.

"When they are together and cornered, then you act." George thoughtfully looked up at the ceiling as though contemplating what he'd like for lunch after receiving a very appetising menu. Dark eyes calculatingly narrowed, he began to count people off on his fingers.

"Cory, Greggory, and the cousin - kill them immediately," he said slowly. "If Dominique gives you any trouble, which he probably will, kill him, too. I want both girls brought to me alive and unharmed. They are your priority." He paused indecisively.

"I would also like Mark alive and unharmed. Any surprises or uncertainties, you will call to check with me."

"M-Mark?" Peter stammered deliriously, feeling as though he encountered a long riddle to solve. Under the guise of smoothing his hair, he pressed the heel of his palm to his eye to stop it twitching.

"Yes. The charming one, with dark hair and cobalt eyes. No mean feat, but I have full confidence in your resourceful talents, Peter."

Peter blinked rapidly, trying his best to recover from the startling instruction. "But...And your son-?"

"Those are my orders. You are a prince of secretaries. You may leave."

"Respectfully, George," Peter uttered, praying he didn't overstep. "Just to confirm...You permit Dom's killing?"

"If he is difficult, yes," George affirmed with surprising calm. Relaxing in his seat, he folded his arms and surveyed his shaking assistant with amusement.

"I completely understand your need for clarification," he said gently. "To be candid, Peter, that boy has recently exhausted the limits of my patience and mercy."

"V-very good," Peter nodded as though he understood perfectly, but his eyes were very alarmed.

It was obvious to anyone who knew George, that he was very taken with Katie as a new hobby. And he was also on the hunt for an old flame. But Peter never anticipated George would serenely approve his son's disposal.

Miserably regretting he hadn't brought a notepad and pen, Peter reeled from the prospect that George would favour the welfare of a troublesome enemy, above his own flesh and blood. He initially presumed George spoke in error - that it was Mark who should die, and Dom spared.

George often mentioned family pride and his bloodline, even though Dom was a constant disappointment to him. If he had the courage, Peter would have asked George the reasons behind his decision. His eye broke into a new twitching spasm as he tried to imagine peacefully subduing a man of Mark's size and resilience.

"Another thing, Peter," George silkily interrupted Peter's deliberations. "I would like to speak with the trafficker. Arrange a meeting."

"That will be difficult," Peter gulped, almost bursting into tears as his job became increasingly problematic.

"But nonetheless you will manage. Thank you."

With no time to waste on his scattered wits, Peter hurried from the room with far less than his usual proud bearing, fretfully muttering under his breath and counting on his fingers.


Once again, Mark found himself hovering on the other side of Katie's door. Frowning at the memory of Gerard's sensible lecture, Mark shook his head. Katie was a grown woman, and he wasn't planning to force his company on her if it was unwanted.

Hearing her soft 'come in', after knocking, he entered. With huge relief, he saw Katie smiled at him shyly. Only then did Mark realise he had been extremely apprehensive about how she would receive him alone.

"Hey, Katie," he grinned, noticing a flattering blush spread up her cheekbones.

Katie had no idea why her face was heating, but she was glad Mark had come to see her. Throughout their time apart she had wondered more than once if she'd exaggerated Mark and Cory's appeal, but seeing them both again confirmed the sparks of chemistry were not her imagination.

"Hey," she replied, as he bypassed the chair and climbed onto the bed beside her.

Mark cleared his throat, trying not to think about the hotly erotic dreams he frequently had about her. "So, I spoke with Cory..." he trailed off, raising his eyebrows.

Katie immediately knew what he referred to, and sensed he needed her to personally verify it.

"I told him both of you," she said timidly, clearly embarrassed.

"Neither of us expected it," Mark admitted, linking his fingers together across his stomach.

Katie's eyes followed the movement and travelled over his muscular build, his hard abs, the toned strength in his arms. Then she looked into his handsome face and felt transfixed by his strong jawline, dark ruffled hair, and deep blue eyes, which now watched her, alight with good humour. Just like Cory, he was ridiculously good looking.

"Oh," Katie breathed, realising the whole time she ogled him, he waited for her to speak. "Um...I-I didn't expect it either," she said lamely, wishing the bed would swallow her.

"There's no need to be embarrassed. It's cute," Mark smiled, shifting closer to trail a finger down her smooth, warmed cheek. "I can tell you now that it won't be a problem. But don't think about it, yet. There's no rush," he murmured, his cheerful grin fast turning wicked as his eyes fixed on her full lips.

Katie stared as though mesmerised, then her eyes gently closed when their lips met, and Mark sensually kissed her. Katie tasted chocolate, and dimly mused that he had obviously raided Alex's cocoa stash. Caught up in the kiss, she was vaguely aware of their positions changing, of Mark's large hands on her waist, gently lifting her into his lap.

Katie didn't feel threatened; she liked the gentle intimacy. Mark was very hard, his erection pressing against her groin. His hands slowly stroked up her shoulders to caress the silky nape of her neck. One hand slid higher into her soft hair, his fingertips pleasurably massaging her scalp. Surprisingly, Mark broke the kiss, but his hands continued to lightly trace her body.

"I really don't want you to leave, Katie," he confessed huskily against her pretty mouth.

Katie moved closer against him in a slow grind, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. It wasn't the first time Mark had taken her mind off her problems.

"Katie?" Mark prompted, as her hands snaked around his shoulders, one ardently forming a fist in his hair.

"Shhh," she grinned naughtily, and tried to kiss him again.

"Look at me," he insisted, and with some reluctance she leaned back, her chin raised with mild reproach.

"Do we have to talk now?" she softly complained, her brilliant eyes greedily zeroed in on his mouth.

"Not if you promise to stay," Mark teased. While she considered, he peeked down the front of her top.

"Can I touch you?" he asked, fearing his desire began to cloud common sense.

"Where?" Katie said, shifting tentatively.

"Anywhere you are comfortable."

"I can' know," she looked away awkwardly, and Mark smiled understandingly.

"Of course not. And I wouldn't, even if you begged me," he said playfully.

"It's not that I don't want to..."

"Katie, there is no way I would consider it. Gerard would mount my head on a pike," he joked reassuringly, reaching to tuck a soft strand of hair behind her ear.

Tilting her head at him in a slightly arrogant manner, Katie continued to press against his erection, whilst slowly unbuttoning her white blouse.

Feeling suddenly breathless, Mark resumed kissing her with more fervour, his heart pounding when his searching hands found their way to her open shirt and gently cupped her breasts.

"Mmmm," he moaned, stroking the silky flesh of her cleavage, encased in a sensible, black bra.

Still kissing him, Katie impatiently tugged the bra down to free her breasts, shuddering with excitement when his warm hands immediately covered them, his thumbs stroking tantalising circles around her nipples.

"Oh.." she panted in his mouth, opening her eyes to see an intensity in his face that was almost frightening.

"Say it, Katie," he breathed between kisses, knowing her arousal was building. He could feel her heart race under his hands as he kneaded her full, bare breasts. "Say you'll stay with us, come on."

Katie now rocked on top of him, her mouth demanding kisses with a matching urgency.

"I-I..." she said breathlessly, wondering at the numerous thrills ribboning up and down her body. "I..."

"Say you'll stay, Katie," Mark persisted, wickedly catching her lower lip between his teeth on the last kiss. "I'll make sure you don't regret it."

Katie looked slightly suspicious, still wantonly pressing her pussy against his cock.

"This is entrapment," she concluded huskily, but her pink mouth dropped open as he gently pulled her nipples.

"Say it, Katie. Say it." he teased, rolling the incredibly soft peaks between his fingers. When she didn't reply, he began to kiss her neck, and she gasped when he gently sucked the sensitive spot behind her ear.

"Oh," she breathed, gripping his shoulders tightly. His hot breath tickled her ear lobe, his teeth grazed the soft flesh.

"I personally guarantee that you won't regret it," he whispered sexily, and chuckled at her reaction before disclosing a truth that surprised him. "An offer made to no woman before you."

"Huh," Katie narrowed her eyes sceptically, but Mark looked serious as he waited for her answer. "What were we talking about?" she said absently, distracted by his hands on her breasts, the hot look on his face.

"You were promising to stay," he encouraged. "It's just a small, legally binding statement."

Katie giggled at his cheekiness. After a thoughtful, sexually dazed moment she slowly nodded against his forehead.

"Well?" he probed.

"OK," Katie relented.

Mark's face broke into an adorably wide grin that she couldn't resist. But the anticipation was quickly overridden by disappointment as Mark gently shifted her out of his lap, and tenderly ran a hand though her hair to playfully ruffle it. Though his movements seemed controlled, he was engaged in a vicious inner battle to master his libido.

"You're not ok," he murmured, not looking at her directly. "But you will be. Just promise to stay until you can think straight."

Katie sighed heavily. "So we hole up here, and wait for the mess to sort itself out?"

Mark shrugged. "George and Dom will be looking for you. We don't stick out necks out until we know it's clear."

"An unknown date. Until then, all of our lives are on hold," Katie muttered, restlessly kicking a leg out. "The lives I haven't already ruined." Depressing thoughts clouded her mind and she quickly sought to stifle them. Lifting her chin, she gazed beguilingly at Mark.

"I want you to kiss me," she pouted, and felt some triumph as his eyes fixed meltingly on her full mouth, clearly tempted.

"No, Katie." Mark refused her advances with an effort, and looked away. "You're not thinking straight. And I have to accept that I don't think straight when I'm alone with you."

"That's not fair!" she argued heatedly. "You were all over me just now!"

Mark smiled thinly at the reminder, and Katie's temper flared as she could see he was regretting it.

Recalling Gerard's advice about moving too quickly, Katie tried not to sulk. But she wasn't asking for an engagement ring, she just wanted a consensual encounter. The flirtation and amorous tussling was a treat she lived without for too long. She felt like she was on a strict diet, drooling over a sugar-loaded cake within reach. Cory and Mark seemed increasingly like a forbidden patisserie.

"You guys suck," she griped childishly, crossing her arms in a huff.

Mark laughed sympathetically, unsure whether he felt more sorry for Katie, or himself. "But we're right."

"All I can do is sleep, and have nightmares. Or stay awake, and remember," she muttered miserably. Mark's jaw tightened, but he didn't answer.

"It would be nice to experience something different, from everything else," Katie hinted, casting a hopeful glance at him from beneath her lashes.

"Mmm," Mark wryly replied, carefully keeping his gaze on the wall in front. He ignored her small hand sliding up his thigh.

"You don't have to kiss me, if I'm so repellent," she said in a hurt voice, baiting him. Mark didn't respond, but his eyes hardened at the wall.

"Or you can kiss me, where I'm sore," she coyly suggested, remembering Mark was very talented with his mouth.

"Katie, stop trying to seduce me," he said shortly, his voice harsh with frustration. Finally, he met her gaze, his eyes, dark navy from desire a minute ago, now seemed bright blue with desperation.

"You seduced me first! What is it, with you two?" Katie exclaimed, feeling an irksome déjà vu that took her back to Cory's rejection after asking if he could kiss her. When Mark didn't respond, she narrowed her eyes at him.

"You put on the charm until I agreed to stay!" she said accusingly, and Mark looked a little sheepish. Shaking off her irritation, she stared at him challengingly, her big green eyes wide with mischievous invitation.

She arched slightly, and knew he couldn't resist the sight of her soft, pouting breasts. Her hand edged higher on his thigh, but he briskly deflected it before she could touch his painful erection.

"Katie, this is lunacy," he reasoned, his voice slightly quivering.

Katie's eyes sparkled and she smiled triumphantly when Mark shifted to his side and reached for her chest, but the grin soured when he merely readjusted her bra, and began to button up her shirt.

"Oh, fine," she said scornfully, and angrily shoved his hands away. "You don't want me."