The Rape Farm

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Survive 60 days unraped by the men who pay to hunt.
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The rape farm. Twenty acres of pristine wilderness - ringed in a chain-link fence with electrical wire atop it. In the center was an old farmhouse and a big parking lot. The women on the rape farm had all signed a dozen consent forms, confirmed their age, and taken medical screenings - they had very few rights remaining.

The rules were clear-cut and simple: survive 60 days without getting raped by the hunters, and the ultimate prize of one million dollars would be theirs -- no one was allowed any weapons of any kind, and permanent harm was forbidden. The women were left to rely solely on their instincts, cunning, and resourcefulness. The men - their strength.

A catch - if you were raped, you still had to run for 60 days. Raped twice still got a thousand-dollar follow-up prize. Three times halved it to 500. Even those who inevitably failed the right of passage that was the farm - often emerged with something. A few - the slowest and prettiest - left with a pittance.

Each morning, as the first rays of dawn broke through the trees, a blaring siren signaled the start of the hunt. The women, a diverse group from various backgrounds, were given a mere 20-minute headstart to scatter into the thick woods surrounding the farmhouse. These women, each with their own reasons for volunteering, were driven by a common desire for autonomy, challenge, and, of course, the chance to claim the life-changing prize.

The hunters ranged in type and reason - some skilled in tracking and survival, others middle-aged white men who thought themselves capable. They were released after the women, tasked with the challenge of capturing them and preventing anyone from reaching the coveted 60-day mark. These hunters paid a hefty sum, a thousand dollars a day, for the thrill of hunting fellow humans. The farm took the remainder of the money after payouts.

The terrain itself was a formidable adversary. A single stream wove through the forest - the only source of potable water. The nights were cold, and food was scarce.

The farmhouse served as both a sanctuary and a place of dread. It was where the women returned each evening after the hunting hours closed. Here, they could rest, regroup, share their experiences, and change clothes into any of the many alluring outfits the farm provided. But it was also a place where they made fresh tracks leaving, a place where the men who ran the place would use and abuse them - off the clock of course.

Five women, framed on the farmhouse walls as ultimate survivors, served as a reminder of the farm's daunting challenges. These women had managed to outsmart the hunters, endure the wilderness, and reach the elusive 60-day mark, earning their place in the farm's history.

Some women chose to go "feral," living off the land completely, away from the traps and dangers of the farmhouse. This was a daring move, as they left behind the security of their fellow participants and ventured deeper into the wilderness, where they had to fend for themselves entirely.


As the sun rose over The Rape Farm, Sarah and the other women were led out of their rooms and into the woods that surrounded the property. The men who visited The Rape Farm were given a new form of entertainment: the opportunity to hunt the women throughout the day, capturing and taking them as they pleased.

Sarah knew that she had to do everything she could to stay hidden and avoid capture. She knew what happened to the women who were caught, and she was determined to do whatever it took to stay free.

As she moved through the woods, Sarah came across a large oak tree with a sturdy branch that extended out over a small clearing. She quickly climbed up and settled in, her heart pounding as she tried to calm her nerves and focus on her surroundings.

From her vantage point in the tree, Sarah had a clear view of the clearing, and she could see the men as they spread out and began their hunt. She watched as they called out to the women, trying to lure them out into the open.

Sarah's heart sank as she saw her friend Mary emerge from the woods, her eyes wide with fear as she looked around at the men who were closing in on her. Sarah could see the panic in Mary's eyes as she tried to decide which way to run, and she knew that she had to do something to help her friend.

But before she could make her move, Sarah saw two of the men grab Mary and force her to the ground. They tore at her clothes and began to rape her, their grunts and moans filling the air as they took their pleasure from her.

Sarah's heart raced as she watched the brutal assault on her friend. She knew that she had to do something, but she was unsure of how to help without putting herself in danger. As she watched, Sarah saw Mary's body tense and then relax as the men took turns with her, her eyes filled with tears and despair. Mary had mentioned this morning she was ovulating - her birth control pills traded for gear from another woman. This was not a good day for her to be caught.

As the men continued to rape Mary, Sarah saw her friend's body arch beneath them, her legs spread wide as the men took their pleasure from her. She could see the way their bodies moved together, the way their hips thrust, and the way their breaths grew heavier as they approached their climax.

Sarah's heart ached as she watched her friend's body respond to the men's advances, even as her mind screamed at her to fight back. She knew that the men were growing closer to impregnating Mary, and she knew that once that happened, her friend would be lost to them forever.

Desperate to help her friend, Sarah considered making a move to intervene, but she knew that the men would likely harm her or Mary if she did. Instead, she clenched her fists and bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears as she watched the men continue to take their pleasure from her friend.

As the men reached their climax and released their seed inside Mary, Sarah felt a wave of despair wash over her. She knew that her friend was lost to them, and she was unsure of how to help her now.

As the men pulled out of Mary and released her, Sarah watched as her friend stumbled back into the woods, her eyes filled with tears and her clothing ripped.

As Sarah watched Mary disappear into the woods, she knew that she had to find a way to help her friend. She considered following Mary, but she was unsure of how to do so without putting them both in even greater danger. So she hunkered down and hid, ignoring the moans and screams that echoed through the forest.

As the sun dipped below the horizon on the first day of the rape farm hunt, Sarah found herself back at the farmhouse. She had managed to evade capture on this brutal day, and a sense of relief mingled with her exhaustion. The farmhouse, with its creaking wooden walls and dimly lit interior, offered a temporary respite from the dangers of the forest.

Sarah settled into a corner of the room, listening to the soft murmur of voices as the other women returned one by one. Their faces were etched with a mix of exhaustion, fear, and a determination to survive. They huddled together, seeking solace and support in their shared experiences.

As the evening darkened, Sarah couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations, stories of capture that were shared in hushed tones. Over half of the women had been captured on this first day, their tales of capture recounted with a sense of vulnerability and a hint of eroticism that hung in the air.

One woman, Lily, spoke of being cornered by a group of hunters in a dense thicket. Her voice quivered as she described the relentless pursuit, the feeling of powerful hands restraining her, and how they had passed her from man to man, until the lubrication of cum brought her to orgasm. Her words were charged with a strange mixture of fear and excitement, as if the memory of capture had left an indelible mark.

Another woman, Emily, shared a story of being caught by a single hunter at the riverbank, her voice trembling as she recounted the moment when her wrist was seized, her QR code scanned, and her legs spread. She spoke of the sensation of being overpowered, her vulnerability laid bare, and the strange intensity of the hunter's gaze.

The stories continued. Each woman's experience unique yet bound by a common thread of danger and vulnerability. Sarah couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for her fellow survivors, knowing that they had all faced the same relentless pursuit.

The farmhouse, with its dimly lit corners and hushed voices, became a place where the women found solace in sharing their stories, their experiences intertwining with a hint of sensuality that lingered in the air. As they recounted their tales of capture, they clung to the hope of survival, the bond of their shared ordeal growing stronger with each passing day on the rape farm.

Once she was back in her cell, Sarah felt a strange sensation welling up within her. It was a mix of excitement and anxiety, and she was unsure how to interpret it. Was it a sign of her growing desperation, or was it something else entirely?

As the hours passed, Sarah found herself unable to concentrate on anything else. She couldn't get the image of Mary being raped out of her mind, and she found herself thinking about it constantly. To her horror, she realized that she was starting to find the idea of being raped and impregnated by the men almost appealing.

Sarah was shocked by her own thoughts and feelings, and she tried to shake them from her mind. She knew that giving in to such desires would only make her more vulnerable to the men, and she feared that if she allowed herself to enjoy the idea of being raped, she would lose control of herself completely.

Despite her best efforts, Sarah found herself unable to resist the allure of her own desires. As she lay in her bed, she found herself fantasizing about being taken by the men, about feeling their bodies pressed against hers and their seed inside her.

To her horror, Sarah realized that she was starting to enjoy the idea of being raped and impregnated. She knew that she was becoming more and more vulnerable with each passing moment, and she feared that if she allowed herself to give in to her desires, she would lose herself completely.

As she drifted into sleep, Sarah knew that she had to make a decision. She could either continue to resist her desires and risk losing herself completely, or she could give in to them and risk becoming a rape slut of the men who pursued her.

There was only once choice. She would continue to resist her desires, no matter how difficult it was. She knew that she had to stay strong and focused in order to protect herself and her friends from the men who sought to control them.


The morning sun cast its first golden rays over the dense forest as Sarah prepared to make her escape once again. The siren's blaring had signaled the start of the hunt, and Sarah knew that she needed to move quickly to avoid capture. The previous day had been filled with peril, and today promised to be just as challenging.

As Sarah gathered her resolve, she noticed another woman nearby, Jane, who seemed just as determined to make it through the day unscathed. Jane had a fiery spirit and a fierce determination that had caught Sarah's attention. They had crossed paths during their preparations, and in the brief moments before the hunt began, they exchanged nods of understanding.

Together, they devised a plan to stick together during the initial stages of the morning hunt. They believed that by watching each other's backs, they would have a better chance of avoiding the hunters and making it through the day. Sarah had welcomed the idea of an ally, someone to share the burden and the uncertainty of this perilous game.

However, as the minutes ticked away and the sounds of the approaching hunters grew louder, Sarah's instincts kicked in. She couldn't shake the feeling that sticking with Jane might slow her down. Survival on the rape farm was a brutal competition, and every second counted.

Without alerting Jane, she slipped off her post and into a hiding place just as the men emerged silently into the clearing. Jane turned too late, and then the men were on her, pulling up her skirt and forcing her to her knees. Sarah watched as they surrounded Jane, each man's cock coming out of his pants - stroking himself as he waited for his turn. Sarah waited for them all to rape Jane the once, and moved away as they started coming back for seconds.

As Sarah moved through the forest, her heart heavy with guilt, she could still hear the echoes of Jane's cries in the distance. The bond they had briefly shared had been broken in the pursuit of survival.

Throughout the day, Sarah managed to avoid capture, relying on her instincts and resourcefulness. The guilt of abandoning Jane gnawed at her, but she also understood that in this ruthless competition, every woman had to fend for herself

As the sun began to set, Sarah and the other women went back to the farmhouse, where they would be fed and allowed to sleep for the night. The men who worked as guards at The Rape Farm were known to take advantage of the women's vulnerability at night, often raping them as they slept or as they ate their meals. This didn't count against their tally - but didn't do a lot for moralle either.

Sarah knew that she had to be on her guard at all times, but she also knew that it was important to stay alert and aware of her surroundings. As they entered the dining hall, she quickly scanned the room, looking for any potential threats or opportunities.

As they sat down to eat, Sarah noticed a young woman at a nearby table who was being raped by one of the guards. The woman's eyes were filled with tears as she tried to suppress her sobs, her body trembling with fear and despair. Sarah's heart raced as she watched the guard's movements, her own body tensing in response to the woman's suffering.

As the guard continued to rape the woman, Sarah could hear the sounds of another woman being raped in a nearby room. The muffled moans filled the air, a constant reminder of the women's vulnerability and the men's power over them.

Sarah's heart ached as she listened to the sounds of the other woman's suffering, and she knew that she had to do something to help her fellow prisoners. But she also knew that doing so would put herself and the other women at risk.

As the meal continued, Sarah found herself unable to eat, her mind consumed by the suffering of the women around her. She knew that she had to find a way to resist the men and protect her fellow women, but she was unsure of how to do so without putting herself in danger.

As the night wore on, Sarah continued to watch and listen, hoping to gain some insight into how she could protect the women from the men who sought to control them. She knew that the battle was far from over, and that she would have to be strong and resourceful in order to survive.

In the middle of the night, Sarah was suddenly awoken by the feeling of a hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw the cook standing over her, his face twisted into a cruel grin.

Terrified, Sarah tried to push the cook away, but he was too strong for her. He grabbed her, pinning her down with his body in a practiced motion.

As the cook began to rape Sarah, she struggled and fought against him, but he was too powerful for her to resist. She could feel his breath on her neck and the weight of his body on top of her as he took his pleasure from her.

Despite her fear and pain, Sarah couldn't help but notice the strange sensation that welled up within her as the cook continued to rape her. It was a mix of fear and excitement, and she was unsure how to interpret it. Was it a sign of her growing desperation, or was it something else entirely?

As the cook reached his climax and released his seed within her, Sarah felt a strange sense of power and control. She had resisted the cook's advances, and she had survived the encounter. But she also knew that she had to be careful not to let her guard down, as the cook could easily return and take his pleasure from her again.

After the cook had finished raping Sarah, he got up and left her alone in her bed. Sarah lay there, trembling with fear and excitement, trying to process what had just happened. She knew that she had to stay strong and focused and that she had to find a way to protect herself and her friends from the men who sought to control them.

As the sun began to rise, Sarah vowed to herself that she would never give in to the men who sought to control her. She would win that million dollars - her face would be the 6th on the wall - and if that ment the cook raped her every night - so be it.

As they released her into the forest, however, Sarah sensed a group of men specifically eyeing her - their eyes filled with a predatory hunger. She knew that she had to be more careful than ever before, but she was unsure of how to proceed.

As she moved through the woods, Sarah could hear the men closing in on her, their footsteps crunching through the leaves and underbrush. She tried to stay calm and focused, but her heart raced as she realized that she was about to be caught.

And then she was surrounded. The men's faces twisted into cruel grins as they grabbed her and began to strip her of her clothing. She struggled and fought against them, but they were too strong for her, and she knew that she had been captured.

They stripped her and dragged her to a clearing. Sarah could feel their eyes on her, their gazes lingering on her naked body as they talked among themselves about what they were going to do to her. She knew that she was in for a terrible ordeal, but she also knew that she had to stay strong and focused in order to survive.

Sarah was thrown to the ground and surrounded by a group of men. Without hands on her, she looked around for an opening, a place to escape, but they had picked the place and their positions well. As they stood, waiting, watching, Sarah began to understand. The women who came here came to be raped. She had come to be raped. The men came for the struggle - for her to put the full of her force into fighting them, and for them to be stronger than her. To be able to do to her as she would.

There, crouching in the circle of them she realized that she could just lay back - give them a bad experience, take them in pleasure - but she grew wet at the idea of the other thing. If she was going to be raped - she was going to be raped.

Sarah sprang up, running at one of the men, and then dodging to the side as she reached him, slipping past. He cursed, yelling for help as she ran for the embankment. Reaching it, she jumped - almost making it up and over when a man's hand caught her ankle and pulled her down. Struggling, screaming, and fighting she was pinned - her legs held apart, as the first man pushed into her wetness. Her struggles grew less as she came into the rhythm of the men's grunts and moans as they took their pleasure from her. When they would switch she would try and escape.

And in their pleasure - there was hers. She orgasmed as the third man pounded her, as the tension of her twisting and writhing built up in her body. She orgasmed again as the fourth and last man came inside of her, and the men each bent to scan her QR code - noting four rapes that day.

Left lying on the ground, trembling with fear and excitement, Sarah crawled to her feet. The remaining prize was two hundred and fifty dollars and she still had 58 days to go.

Sarah very much doubted that she was going to make it out anything less than a rape slut.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

20 acres fenced in? Good story concept but you need to up the 'farm' acreage to closer to 1,000 acres if you expect anyone to 'go feral' or even hide for more ten an hour.

Timsandtoms69Timsandtoms695 months ago

Just want to point out that 20 acres is 0.03125 square miles. Really not enough space to play an interesting game of tag in, let alone live off the land or something. Fun story!

DEGEDEGE5 months ago

Great beginning of a promising storyline. Don't quit your ideas. Focus on those deviant men desires and turn them more explicit.

Search on those girls minds, their reluctance, their cock craving desire, their secret desire to be taken forcefully and with no choice.

You can also dedicate a whole chapter to a knocking hunting of fertile women. Pregnancy risk fear is a high drive for Non Consensual category

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