The Real McCoy


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"Things not going well?"

"We probably shouldn't be loitering out here at this time of night."

"Get in."

She did and he drove off. "Where are we going?"

"Not far."

Jesse drove out of the neighborhood and turned onto a main thoroughfare. A mile away was an auto dealership. He pulled in and parked next to several used, unoccupied vehicles.

"This is clever," Zoe remarked.

"It was a great place to park in high school. The cops didn't know you were here. If you parked on lover's lane, they were always patrolling, and if they didn't see heads, they would knock on your window."

"Wow. Nobody I knew ever thought of doing anything like this. So, why are we here?" she asked with a grin, as if she didn't know.

"Uh, uh, it's a quiet place to talk."

Zoe grinned. "Oh, okay."

Jesse understood. "So, what's going on with you?"

She told him what she had experienced since getting in Peter's car at the first McCoy's home. "He wasn't like that back in the city. I'm hoping that when we return, he becomes himself again."

"I only met him for a second," Jesse said. "But from that alone, I don't think he is right for you."

"You don't, do you?"

With a smirk, Jesse added, "Of course, I might have a selfish reason for feeling that way."

"Oh? And what might that be?" Though she thought she knew.

Taking her seriously, he explained, "I've become attracted to you in the few days I've known you."

"Have you?" She had not been wrong.

"Our evening on the sofa was magical," Jesse went on. "And then again in the shower was a dream come true."

"I agree."

"I haven't been able to stop thinking about it--or you."

"That's sweet," Zoe said. "I've thought about it also."

"You have?" he asked with an excited smile.

"I have." She leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

Of course, he willingly kissed back.

"Remember when you said after the shower that maybe I just needed a last-minute fling to be certain?" Zoe asked.


"After what I just told you about my experience at Peter's family home, I think I need one more fling to be... absolutely certain."

Jesse kissed her deeply again. "I was hoping you might."

"I've never done it in a car," Zoe admitted.

"Leave it to me." Jesse pulled a lever on the side of his seat and pushed the seat back as far down as it could go, almost completely supine. He then squirmed backward into the rear seat. Reaching the side of the driver's seat again, he returned the seat back to its upright position, then slid the entire seat as far forward as it would go. There was a gap between the front driver's seat and the passenger seat, enough for Zoe to crawl between to the rear. When she did, Jesse reached to the side of her seat to move it all the way forward.

Sitting in the rear seat, the two regarded one another.

"You've done this before," Zoe deduced.

Jesse merely grinned.

But Zoe was too eager to wait any longer. She pushed Jesse to lean against the passenger door and immediately pressed her lips to his. Their kiss was passionate, and Zoe's arousal had her rubbing Jesse's cock though his pants. She slid down, undoing his pants in the process. She pulled them down below his scrotum, grabbed his hard cock and guided it to her lips. The size of his dick was perfect for her mouth, and she took it as far in as she could. Sliding her lips up and down his shaft was like partaking of a delicious meal she had not had in a while.

But again, her ardor was such that she was anxious for the big prize. She yanked his pants down to his ankles. Jesse kicked off his shoes and pushed his pants and underwear completely off. As he sat up, Zoe hiked her skirt up around her waist and hurriedly removed her panties. She straddled his lap, and with him holding his cock straight up, she easily impaled herself.

"Aaaaahhhhh!" she couldn't help but emit. Riding him gently, Zoe wrapped her arms around his neck. "This is divine!"

"No complaints from me."

Zoe rested her head on Jesse's shoulder to enjoy the ride.

Jesse was already in love with her, but he knew he could not tell her. However, that did not prevent him from wrapping his arms around her and holding her lovingly.

Sensing his affection, she again mashed her lips to his. More than just spit was transmitted, and they both felt it. In her heart, she knew this was wrong. But sex with him was just so much better than with Peter. That wasn't to say that Peter didn't have his moments. But he was not consistent. Not like Jesse.

Zoe's sweet pussy caressed Jesse's cock like no woman he'd ever been with. He reached up to unbutton her blouse, and then reach around to unclasp her bra. He couldn't remove it, but at least it freed her tits for him to fondle. He pulled her to him for another savory kiss.

Though it was a gentle fuck, it was no longer enough for his cock to just basically be inside her. She had to start grinding her pussy against him. Sensing her urgency, Jesse thrust his hips up hard to meet her as their sex became intense. Only a few minutes of this was necessary before each felt that magical feeling of orgasm. In an unprecedented experience for each they exploded simultaneously without warning. But that didn't stop either from thrusting, each wanting their climax to last as long as possible.

If someone had been watching from the street, they would have possibly noticed the odd vehicle rocking back and forth. However, they would have had to really be looking since Jesse had cleverly parked as far back as possible. Both wisely stifled their moans and groans not knowing how far their voices could carry outside.

As Jesse's cock deflated and wormed out of Zoe's pussy, with it oozed much of the cum he had shot inside. It dripped down his balls and onto the seat.

Zoe eased off him, sitting beside him, where more of his jism seeped out of her pussy onto his car seat. "We're making a mess on your seats."

"I might not even clean it because it will be something to remember you by."

Zoe giggled. "We really fogged up the windows." She started dressing.

"You in a hurry?"

She shrugged. "Not really. But I have been gone a while. Don't want to tempt fate. It might already be too late."

* * *

The knock on her door awoke Zoe like a slap in the face. She sat up sharply and looked around groggily. Another knock startled her, even though she was mostly awake.

"Zoe, are you up?" Peter urgently asked.

"I am now."

"It's seven a.m. Mother is waiting for us for breakfast."

Fucking wonderful, she thought. "I need a quick shower."

"Do you have to?"

No, I only have dried cum between my legs, she said to herself. "Okay. Let me get dressed." She hurried to the bathroom, wet a washcloth, and gave herself a cat bath, then quickly threw some clothes on.

"Why did you oversleep?" Peter asked in annoyance. "You knew we were having breakfast with mother to discuss wedding plans."

"I guess because I was tired." And I snuck out for a good fuck and was late getting back in. Fortunately, she had been able to sneak back in undetected. She'd had Jesse drop her a half block away.

Peter huffed and Zoe dutifully followed him down to the breakfast room. His mother was waiting with her usual look of dissatisfaction.

"Sorry I overslept," Zoe offered.

"Please sit," the woman said, but not as a command, extending her hand to a nearby chair.

Zoe obeyed.

A middle-aged woman, possibly Hispanic, wearing in an old-time waitress-type dress, appeared with a plate of typical breakfast food: scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash brown potatoes.

"Thank you," Zoe told her.

The woman frowned as if she didn't understand, then quickly smiled. "You are welcome."

"May I have some coffee?"

"Of course," the woman said, disappearing back into the kitchen and returning immediately with a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, again."

"You are welcome."

As the woman vanished, Zoe got the feeling that she wasn't accustomed to the courtesy of appreciation. Zoe further surmised that the woman was treated merely as a servant.

Zoe was now aware of a conversation that was going on between Peter and his mother regarding the location of the wedding.

"Why must we travel to New York?" Margaret asked. "Why can't you get married here at the country club?"

"You love the Plaza," Peter pointed out.

"Yes, but I do not care to travel anymore; at least, not as far as New York."

"It's where our friends are," Peter argued.

"And my family," Zoe threw in.

The other two both shot Zoe a look as a parent does a child who spoke out of turn.

"And my clients," Peter added.

"You want to invite your clients to our wedding?" Zoe questioned.

"Some," he answered. "They might not all come, but it'll help me with them in the future."

"I really would like to keep this small," Zoe said.

"That is not possible, my dear," Margaret said. "There are too many people we must include." She turned to her son. "And many of those will not want to travel to New York."

"Well, let's move on to other things," Peter suggested. "We can circle back to location later."

"No. We must decide on the location first," Margaret insisted. "Too many other items depend on location, such as catering and flowers. And we have a florist here that I've been dealing with for years. I would trust her implicitly to provide an elegance worthy of your wedding. And the chef at the country club is amazing."

Aside from being tired from her late-night romp and little sleep, Zoe was zoning out of the conversation, primarily because it did not seem what she wanted mattered. Not to mention that Peter was arguing for his own interests, not hers. Her mind returned to Jesse and their unplanned coupling. She'd wished it could have lasted longer, but she really had feared being discovered. She also thought about Anne and Mitch and was certain that if they were to be her future in-laws, Zoe's feelings and desires would be more of a consideration.

In fact, the more she thought about the other McCoy's, the more she wished she were still with them. They had shown her way more love and kindness, even after it was determined she was not their Pete's fiancé.

Zoe had told Jesse that Peter was different back in New York, not like he had been acting here, and that she hoped he would be his old self when they returned. But she suddenly realized that she was seeing a side of him she had never been exposed to before. And she didn't like it. Once married, how many trips to visit his family would they have to make, and how much of this attitude would she have to endure.

Having consumed only half her breakfast, Zoe suddenly lost her appetite. She stood to their curious eyes. "Excuse me." She returned upstairs to her bedroom.

As she ascended the steps, she heard Margaret comment, "That was rude," and assumed the woman was referring to Zoe's abrupt leaving.

Taking a seat in the chair in her room, she reconsidered her earlier thought about Peter's change in attitude since being home. Was she overreacting? They'd been together two years. Had she really thought she knew everything about him? Hadn't she known other guys whose mothers set them off?

On the other hand, she'd only met Jesse a couple of days ago and already they had fucked three times. It had probably been three months before Peter even made the first move. In fact, he asked her to marry him the first time before they'd even had sex. And it had taken more times than that before their sex had been any good. It had been good with Jesse right off the bat. And she and Jesse had so much in common, like art. What did she really have in common with Peter? He didn't even like art.

What had kept her with him all this time? She really couldn't answer that.

At the moment, she no longer wanted to marry him. She wasn't even certain she wanted to be with him.

The inevitable knock on the door came.


"Zoe? Are you all right?" Peter.

"I guess."

"May I come in?"

"If you're sure it won't make your mother angry."

He entered anyway. "What does that mean?"

"Well, we don't want to make mommy mad, do we?"

"That wasn't very nice."

"It wasn't very nice the two of you discussing my wedding as if I wasn't there and had no say so."

"Just trying to make it easy for you. Your mother is gone, and you have no one to help you. And because of my family and colleagues, we need to have the kind of wedding you can't afford."

"Wow. You just keep laying it on. I'll bet the two of you even decided where to have it."

"She finally agreed to New York."

"How convenient," Zoe remarked flippantly.

"You know, Zoe, if you would just go along with this, you'd probably end up enjoying it. Most girls would love a wedding like you're going to have."

This was just about more than she could take. "Really? You think so?"


"Well, in that case, I suggest you find one of those girls to have it with. I'm done." Zoe hadn't really unpacked except for the clothes she had on and a few toiletries. These items she quickly retrieved and stuffed into her suitcase, closed it, and left. At the door to the bedroom, she turned, "Tell your mom she doesn't have to go to New York now."

"You're leaving?"

"What does it look like?"

"What about the wedding?"

"There is no wedding."

"Oh, come on, Zoe. Let's talk about this. We can reevaluate some things."

"Reevaluate some things? You think this is a business deal you're negotiating?" Zoe shook her head in aggravation. "Ug! I've got to get out of here." She headed for the stairs.

Peter followed. "Please, Zoe."

But she kept on.

Margaret was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

And Peter was still pleading.

As Zoe opened the door to leave, she turned and glimpsed Margaret grabbed her son's arm.

"Let her go," the woman said. "She's not right for you anyway."

Zoe merely shook her head in stupefaction as she closed the door behind her. She headed in the direction she had walked last night. A couple of houses down, she glanced behind her and didn't know whether or not to be surprised that Peter had not followed. Shaking her head, she pulled out her new cell phone and dialed.

"Can you pick me up where you did last night?"

* * *

"Zoe, so nice to see you again," Anne greeted as she and Jesse unexpectedly appeared. Then, she frowned and asked, "What brings you back?"

Mitch and Pete approached also.

"Let's just say that Peter showed me a side of himself I didn't particularly like. It was unreal."

"Aw, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. I'm glad I saw it before taking the big step."

"Well, if it's a real Pete McCoy you want, I'm available," he offered with a smirk.

"Sorry, Pete," Zoe said, "but this is the real McCoy I want." She put her arm around Jesse.

With a huge grin, Jesse did the same to Zoe.

"That's wonderful, Zoe," Anne said. "I'm so happy for both of you. Will you be staying with us?"

"I don't want to impose, but I do still have a few days before I have to return."

"No imposition. But now that Pete is home--"

"She's more than welcome to share with me," Pete offered with another smirk.

"She can have my room," Jesse offered.

"That's very real of you," Anne noted.

"With me in it!"

They all laughed.

"Doesn't get any more real than that!" Anne quipped.

"I am her real McCoy."


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muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

LW story. LW cuck story. LW cheating slut cuckold story.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 1 year ago

It's good when you don't marry the wrong guy!


PrfsrPrfsrover 1 year ago

Liked it enough for five stars but I have one concern. Since she didn’t know Peter’s address, how did the airline send her luggage to his house? She wouldn’t have been able to list it in the forms she filled out. Perhaps you can come up with an explanation.

Banana_BJBanana_BJover 1 year ago

I really enjoyed it.

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