The Rebound Ch. 03


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I felt alone.

Thirty minutes later I'd returned to my home keeping myself busy with various chores while playing a movie with the surround sound turned up. I vacuumed my bedroom discovering a pair of Shaila's panties in the process. The thought of calling her up was fleeting as I had a beer or two while checking my social media accounts. Carry Anne crossed my mind refusing to leave and I couldn't discern if it was because of her body or the fact that she'd sexually humbled me. It triggered something inside making me extremely surly and angry enough to pick up my phone and call her service.

"Hey, Carry Anne; I just wanted to say that you're wrong about me, okay?!! Truth of the matter is that I'm really FUCKING LONELY and SAD!! I'm lost and adrift with no goddamn direction after giving years of my life to a FECKLESS BITCH who SHIT ALL OVER ME in the long run!! YOU-ARE-WRONG!! I'm FUCKING CRAZY, okay Carry Anne?!!"

I hung up staring at the Avengers fighting a bunch of androids on my large flat screen television. Streams of tears and snot were running from my eyes and nostrils as those heroes managed to save the earth a second time. In the middle of it all, one good android saved a woman falling to her death. It was the most beautiful thing about the movie as I sat numbly watching. Scott Pilgrim showed up on my screen afterwards and I can't remember for the life of me changing the channel.

My phone rang, thankfully drawing me out of suspended animation.


"Open the door, darling." The Twilight Zone reared its ugly head once more as I craned my head towards the front door realizing I'd left it open. Carry Anne was standing there looking directly at me through the locked screen door.

"What, how?"

"I have your records when you filled out some forms at the beginning of our sessions. A little known fact, I have a didactic memory that doesn't allow me to forget much if anything. Can I come inside, please?" She was wearing this white pullover shirt, sort of like warm up gear, black gym leggings and white sneakers.

"Yeah sure; what're you doing here?" Carry Anne was holding a large pizza box with a six pack of sodas on top. I found my inner chivalry taking her burden and placing it on my coffee table.

"I came here to talk to you."


"Yeah, like a human being this time, darling."

She was different this time, displaying some reticence and emotion as I motioned towards my sofa. She waited for me to sit first before cautiously resting beside me with her elbows on her knees. Her blonde hair was a little different cascading over her shoulder while the back was tied in a little ponytail. I didn't know what to make of her.

"Carry Anne?"

"I'm sorry about this afternoon. It was more about my own gratification than helping you and for that, I apologize. I found you attractive and wanted to sleep with you after you admitted having no qualms about using someone for their body. I was wrong about you; will you accept my apology?" There were vague crow's feet at the corners of her blue eyes.

"I'm sorry about spazzing out and calling you." I admitted.

"It was my fault for taking advantage of you. I watched you from my office window and you just looked so lost fidgeting around on the sidewalk. It bothered me more than I thought it would, so I tried to bury it with a gym visit and some intense cycling."

"Did it help; I mean the gym visit?"

"No, but then you called me, and your pain hit me hard in a place I thought no longer existed." There was a contrite sort of expression on her pretty face. I noticed these little half dimples at the corners of her lips. I could see the little flecks of maturity in her; a much older and wiser woman peering out at me.

"So, you bought me a pizza?" Carry Anne chuckled completely losing the cold, clinical therapist to recent memory as the human emerged. She wiped an errant tear from her eye before continuing.

"I've always taken what I wanted and never cared about the consequences. With you, I liked you but knew what crossing the line would mean and I wasn't sure about my own motivations, either."

"I don't understand?"

"My attempt at starting up my practice again, was a mistake. You see, I understand what you're going through because I've been on both sides of the argument. More often than not, I've been the cause of a lot of pain and misery for everyone around me. When you looked back at me before leaving; I knew I'd have to stop trying to come back."

"Carry Anne?"

"I'm lonely too; I don't have anyone, and no one is checking for me. Everyone I know, is waiting for me to die so the world can start spinning again." A single tear ran down her cheek hitting the floor with a splash.

"That's not true."

"So, I want to try being a real person for once in my life and cater to someone other than myself. Will you allow me to serve you food and drink; allow me to sit here with you and watch a movie? I uhm, I wanna be good for once."

Tears were running down her face in rivulets, her mouth partially open as I leaned in trying to wipe them away with my thumbs. I took Carry Anne in my arms holding her cradled to my chest. I let her cry for a good long while still watching my movie. I was crying too earning an attempt to assuage my raw emotion as she reached up wiping away some of my tears. Our lips merged soft and passionate. It was a worthy first kiss and I hoped for more in the aftermath of our mutual confessions.

She wiped away more of my tears before leaning over opening the box pulling out a few slices placing them on a paper plate. Carry Anne forced a smile that didn't fool me one bit. This woman was in serious pain. Despite the obvious, she got up going into my kitchen to fill a glass with ice. She knew my eyes followed the sway of her large, supple derriere. We ate and enjoyed Scott Pilgrim, more importantly we truly enjoyed one another's company.

"Can I, kiss you again?" Carry Anne asked somewhat hesitant and anxious.


She was soft and wet, not forceful like before. We made out for a long while as I drew her legs up into my lap cradling her body to mine. I liked holding her close and she went with it cuddling with me. Neither of us were watching television anymore, just enjoying one another. My tongue eventually slipped into her mouth savoring her taste as we let nature take its course.

Carry Anne's face was a bit flushed, her cheeks rosy and warm. My hand slid up under her white pullup covering a breast hidden behind a sports bra as my thumb brushed across an erect nipple. I found myself pinching and teasing it a bit before she covered the hand with her own.

"I want you to make love to me; not fuck me." Her tone was pleading, intimately desperate.

I withdrew my hand pulling Carry Anne on top of my reclining body wrapping my arms around her torso. She straddled me prone with a leg on either side of mine staring deeply into my eyes. It felt good having someone this close to me filling a void in my soul. We didn't have to do anything, and I would've been just as happy with this tactile skinship.

"I've been waiting to make love to someone for such a long time."

There was no denying the vulnerability in her eyes as she slowly drew the white pullup up until her grey sports bra came into view. Her nipple was really hard, poking the fabric leaving a visible indentation in the material. I ran the tip of my finger over it watching as Carry Anne's eyes fluttered and narrowed. Her fingers peeled the cup upward allowing her large breast to spill outward. Her nipple was really hard and reddened while the rest of the areolas looked wrinkled and creased.

I'd seen this before when some woman were really aroused. I had to have it, sucking the fat nub into my mouth nibbling and sucking with all I had making this beautiful woman moan ardently. Her packed body trembled in my lap as I pulled and nipped on that single breast, swirling my tongue on that sensitive wrinkly areola.

My cheeks vacuumed inward suckling that sole breast for all I was worth until she covered the nipple with her hand, gasping loudly. Denied I resumed kissing her with all I had as she reciprocated in kind. Carry Anne righted herself sitting up to discard her top, straddling my lap cowgirl style as I peeled the rest of her brassiere up letting the other breast flop out. She quickly snatched it off tossing it over my shoulder towards the dining room. Her breasts were large and beautiful with only a bit of noticeable sag as I cupped them both instinctively teasing her nipples.

Carry Anne drew my lips to her neglected breast feverishly. I pulled and distended that rubbery nub until she was fit to be tied, crying out as I cupped both teats suckling both. My fist captured that ponytail gently pulling back on it as I traced a slimy trail up the center of her cleavage.

Her leggings yielded to probing fingers seeking and finding the upper swell of her magnificent butt, stealing a good handful as she glanced over her shoulder before returning with a deep soulful kiss. All ten of my fingers dug furrows into the flesh of her rear squeezing hard, playing and groping with aplomb. Carry Anne leaned into my body grabbing the back of the couch just over my shoulders. It was like being with an entirely different woman than before as she rocked and ground her slit against my bulge creating an exciting friction.

My hands found the furthest part of her curved rear pulling her into my body with this sawing motion. Carry Anne wrapped her arms around my neck, bucking her hips frantically into me. Her teeth nibbled at my neck before she began nipping my earlobe, sticking her tongue onto my ear. The strange intrusion sent shockwaves arching electrically up my spine as my cock became a steel bar in my pants. Something fiery and fierce was engulfing us leaving only two animals in heat. She reached back drawing my hands to the front of her body still embedded in the waistband of her leggings as she stood working with me to draw them down.

"Help me." Carry Anne wasn't wearing underwear; she drew my hand up between her shapely legs beyond wet, her essence wetting my fingers even before a few gained entrance inside.

I bolted up throwing her over my shoulder, carrying the women in primitive fashion and tossing her onto my bed. Her shoes followed the leggings snatched free of her body so quick that she rolled about on the mattress like a wet fish recovering quickly going after my belt and zipper until I batted her hands away doing it myself. Her feral nature took over as she filled both of her fists with my t-shirt ripping it apart to get at my peck. Her teeth bit into my nipple making me cry out as her tongue swirled on it until I pushed her down burying myself inside her up to the hilt.

There was almost no friction because she was so wet and slimy that my thrusts produced splashes of essence. Her nails continued ripping and tearing until my tattered shirt came away in her hands leaving only the disembodied collar orphaned about my neck. Her groans and incessant whimpering added to my fervor giving aid to my bucking hips which was met fully by her own. Our eyes locked, enchanted by the symbiotic union as she whimpered and mouthed inaudible encouragements.

Carry Anne's arms were outstretched in front of her beckoning me down onto her body as we embraced with every bit of strength we could muster while her powerful legs coiled about my lower back nearly snapping me in two. There was this loud audible sound of our pelvises clapping together providing a sensual percussion to our actions. Her limbs well defined just outside of muscular tightened around me as she openly sobbed taking what was given as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Her nails racked across my back clawing it up until I pushed up supporting my weight on flattened palms. This seemed to unlock her constricting limbs as she worked against me ending up lying face down on the mattress. This position really put her extraordinary derriere into perspective from the visible dip at her lower back to the majestic curve of her large, heart shaped buttocks. I draped myself across her body feeling those cheeks cradling the base of my cock.

Carry Anne rhythmically squeezed tight massaging my girth as it slid back and forth unable to really leave her body because of her voluminous bottom with visible dimples appearing upon every inward stroke. Her skill and experience were undeniable, but this time she was working almost solely to give pleasure instead of taking it like she'd done earlier. Her arms were spread pointing at each corner of my bed as I took in her profile and gaped maw. My efforts eventually produced a ripple effect across her expanse before my arms faltering bringing me crashing down on top of her.

I realized that Carry Anne never stopped pumping and puckering her cheeks around me as a massive climax engulfed us collectively. It was a softer, yet still forceful version of the maneuver done earlier when she'd had her fun deciding to milk me dry on demand. Her inner walls massaged and tightened accepting repeated bursts of liquid love from my pulsing tumescence. The rhythmic tightening bore fruit as tears of happiness streamed down my face. She was sobbing too, feeling my essence filling her up to the point of overflowing.

"Now, you stop that crying." I was trashed again, but happily this time as I framed her face with my own, lapping at her tears with my tongue. I savored the salty taste of her sadness and despair.

"That felt so good; most of the time I don't really feel anything beyond the intrusion; beyond the thrusting."

"It's okay, I understand."

"For so long I was addicted to the feeling of being fully penetrated, not the intimacy. It would be okay at first, but then I would end up looking around desperate to relive my first time in one way or another."

"Your first time?"

"Yeah, it changed things for me; put me on the path to become the person I am today, good or bad. When I was younger, I thought no one wanted me but he changed that when he pushed inside me for the first time. I've never told anyone this, but I orgasmed so hard just from the thrust that took away my maidenhood. I lost my virginity in one of my mother's terrariums, you see. Lost it at my own debutante ball while everyone else was dancing the night away."

"What happened?"

"Got found out one afternoon in that same hot house, my mother who promptly sent me away to boarding school abroad. I lost him for years always telling myself that I would find him someday and I did. Only he was dead, killed sometime after I'd been sent away. So, I got married, had some kids and made a generational shit show continually questing for that unique feeling."

"Carry Anne, what're you trying to tell me?" She rose chest up glancing into my face, saddened.

"Don't be like me; let go of the past and find yourself a future." I leaned across her body taking her hand and kissing her moist lips. There was a wedding ring on her finger that I hadn't noticed before. She glanced from it to my face, understanding the immediate change in it.

"Robert is long gone; I know that he's happier now than at any time during our failed marriage. We talk sometimes on the phone, but never about the hell I put him through for decades. He's in a good place with a good woman looking after him."

"What about you?"

"I wear the ring so that I never forget who I am; the scarlet woman who burns everything about her to a cinder. It's my penance for destroying a good man who loved me enough to marry a fallen woman."

"I- I don't think you're fallen anymore." The emotion about her person was raw engulfing us both as she turned on her side facing me.

"Can I ask something of you?"


"If you would continue seeing me, on any level whatsoever as therapist or other; just stay in what we have here. Let's just have this bubble exclusively and cut out the rest of the world. Because I'd like to try living a little bit."

I gathered her up into my arms kissing her before nodding my acquiescence to her wishes. Carry Anne nodded too with tears flowing down her cheeks as we both faced my window sitting Indian style in our birthday suits. After a night of unbridled passion we sat hands and fingers interlocked watching the sun come up through venetian blinds.

It was good enough for her.

It was good enough for me.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Jesus I love these characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Glad to see it.

Glad to see Carry Anne let her real feelings show and start to get her some real happiness. Now let's see Catherine get some more dick like Carry Anne used to. lol

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I'm Nigerian and we are awesome. Lol. I'm glad Carry Anne has found happiness.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
You've got real skills

For real man you could be doing so much more you're actually a fantastic writer.

mondotokenmondotokenalmost 4 years agoAuthor


by Anonymous user on 8 hours ago

Great story. I was surprised when Carry Anne was mentioned. I had to think back and remembered she was one of your characters too. Nice twist. But hey, about your thing with Nigerians.... did a Nigerian fuck your girl cuz? LOL.


No, in fact I have two Nigerian (Male characters) I have yet to role out because I'm finishing up a couple of story arcs. I didn't say anything bad about Nigerians, just that a characters girlfriend was dating one. It was told to the main character of that story by her gay friend as an aside meant to humiliate him when said gay dude mentioned the size of the man's penis.


Not the answer you wanted to hear as I suspect you are a troll looking for some "emotional content" from a very busy author. Good luck making trouble around here, son. LOL.

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