The Reckoning of River Rollins


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He could hear the material of his step-mother's jacket straining against the swelling of her giant tits as she took a deep breath in. "Wait right here . . . mommy needs to get something."

She spun on her heels and marched out, stomping so loudly that the things on his desk shook a little. He didn't care though, he forgot about her the moment she was gone. River started trolling all of the school's most popular social networking sites, searching for any new gossip about Chloe. His ex-girlfriend was becoming quite the talk of the town, although her infamy as a rambunctious little slut still didn't compare to that of Sabrina Apple.

River heard his step-mother charge back into the room.

"River. Turn around."

River did so, rolling his eyes with exasperation at his nosy stepmother, but when he saw her those same eyes nearly exploded. Carmen Rollins was standing before him in her work clothes, which were little more than a torturous series of latex straps and metal studs that cut into her voluptuous flesh like razor-wire. Her arms and legs were encased in shiny black latex, skin tight and rippling with curvaceous muscle. Her planetary breasts were bare, held aloft by some very expensive surgery and her sheer dominance as a living goddess of pain. Her nipples were light brown and erect, each poking out more than an inch, and each pieced with metal studs. Her stomach was a washboard, the result of one hundred crunches three times a day. Her ass was a wrecking ball, split down the middle by a latex thong so tight it looked ready to cut her body in half. The two most disturbing things about her though were her smile (which screamed 'I'm going to fuck/eat/kill you) and then twelve inches of thick black rubber protruding from her crotch. Strapped onto her rolling thighs was a ludicrously large black dildo that was so finely detailed it looked alive, ready to spew a gallon of hot cum all over River's slender body.

"Like my big, fat cock?" Carmen asked, stoking her rubber penis, even moaning as she did so, as if it were real. "Does it look familiar?"

River couldn't forget it. "Ma . . . is that Marcus's?"

"Ding-ding-ding!" His mother said. "Correct. I'm borrowing it from Mrs. Cummings, your math teacher. Seems she and Marcus were going at it hot and heavy for a while, but when he broke up with her gave her this, something to remember him by. She's been paying me a fortune to strap it on and fuck her brains out once a month or so. I guess I'm the only person in town with a thrust to match that of the amazing Marcus King . . . as you are about to find out."

River crawled up into a ball in his chair. "Mom . . . what are you doing?"

She strutted forward with a predatory smile on her face, the giant phallus bobbing in front of her. "I'm conducting and intervention, you stupid little shit. You've been wallowing in your own pathetic misery and semen ever since Chloe made the smartest decision of her life and left you. You've got the most pathetic inferiority complex I've ever seen . . . EVER . . . not to mention some seriously deranged tendencies of chronic masturbation and vicarious delusions."

"Wa . . . what?"

"It means that you're a fucking PUSSY!" She grabbed River by his hair and with a strong swing of her hips she slapped him across the face with her pseudo-Marcus. The rubber cock struck his jaw with the force of a baseball bat, and he fell to the floor. "You're obsession with Chloe and inability to please her are due to the crushing sexual inadequacy you feel when you foolishly compare yourself to men like Marcus and your father. Instead of working with what you have you instead fantasize about what it would be like to be swinging a thick foot-long pipe between your legs, crushing bitches left and right, and leaving behind a tail of torn panties, popped cherries, and broken hearts. Well sorry to break it to you, River, but you are not and never EVER will be a man like that."

River rolled over and was surprised to see that his little penis was diamond hard, sticking straight up like a big thumb.

Carmen snickered. "That's what you are. A worm. A worm who likes to be stepped on." She pressed the sharp heel of her latex boot into the shaft of his cock, hurting him a little, but arousing him even more. She really did look like a goddess as she stared down at him over her massive breasts.

"What . . . what are you going to do to me?" River asked, his heart racing.

Carmen smiled softly, her full lips puckering like a big kiss. "I'm going to cure you sweetie. You'll never understand what it's like to be a man like Marcus or your father, so I'm going to show you what it's like to be a girl like Chloe." Carmen reached behind her back and tossed something pink and balled up onto River's chest. He lifted the little ball of cloth up to see that it was a pair of panties, familiar panties, with little hearts on them. They were Chloe's panties, the ones she had worn during her visit on that fateful day. They were smelly and so crusty with dried semen that they crackled as he handled them. Marcus must have used them as a cum-rag before he left.

Carmen laughed deeply. "Put them on."


River stood in the middle of his room, shivering like a leaf in a windstorm, but from the weather which was actually quite warm. He was naked, as he had been, his slender, supple body slightly glistening with a layer of sweat worked up over three days of nonstop masturbation, except now his small package and tight little ass was covered by a pink pair of sex-stained panties.

"What . . . what do you want me to do first?" he asked.

His stepmother stood before him like a sexual giantess, easily a head taller than him and seemingly twice as broad thanks to her childbearing hips and gigantic breasts. Her stance was wide, her thighs swaggering a little back and forth, her hands on her hips. She smiled down at him with a condescending grin, both amused and disgusted with her new bitch at the same time. She bit her lower lip as she admired her vulnerable little body, and when she considered the heavy weight of the massive dildo hanging from her waist her nipples grew erect with excitement.

"Well . . . why don't you get on your knees . . . and suck my big . . . fat . . . cock," Carmen suggested, speaking slowly and sensually, as if she were currently licking a big, fat cock herself.

River crouched a little, but hesitated, so Carmen put her hand on his head and gently forced him to his knees. The bulbous head of the rubber-Marcus was starring him in the face like one-eyed monster, the cockhead alone being about the size of a small apple.

"Go ahead, baby, it won't bite," Carmen said. "But it might break your jaw."

She leaned in, and the rubber head came to his lips. River submitted, and he started to spread his feminine mouth to engorge the thick helmet, straining much more than he thought he'd need to just to get it in his mouth.

"Good girl, good girl," Carmen cooed. "Don't fight it. This is what little girls like you are built for."

Carmen gently pushed the back of her stepson's head, forcing inch after inch of her cock to slide into his mouth and down his gullet. His throat bulged with the effort, and even a small cough was enough to make his whole body lurch, gagging and spitting up around the cock's wide base. Carmen wouldn't let him go though, although she did gyrate a little bit, sliding the shaft in and out, teasing his tonsils with the black hammer. Surprisingly, River was already taking more of Marcus's cock than Chloe had been able to, but there was probably a world of difference between the real thing and a rubber prosthetic.

"Good girl," Carmen moaned, planting both hands on River's head, holding him tight. "Now hang on. Mommy's gonna get her big, black dick nice and wet."

Carmen took a wide stance as she started to pump her hips back and forth, gyrating her artificial piston in and out of her son's throat with incredible accuracy, sliding it back into his lips bulged with the rim of the cockhead, and then back down so hard and fast that her rubber balls smacked him in the neck. She was picking up speed quickly though, and soon her hips were a black and tan blur. Waterfalls of spit oozed from River's lips, tears filled his eyes, saliva bubbling from his nostrils as he gagged and choked on the neckbreaking baby-arm plunging into his stomach. His mind danced on the edge of unconsciousness from the lack of oxygen, but he managed to look up and see past his stepmother's bouncing melons that her face was ecstatic with pre-orgasmic bliss. He guessed why. The dildo was double-ended, although since his mother lacked the signature Marcus 'bulge' in her gut her end was probably more manageable.

"Little more . . . little more . . . little more," his mother chanted. "CUMMING!"

Carmen grabbed her stepson's head and slammed him forward, her big dildo going balls-deep one last time. She arched back and moaned deeply, enjoying the sensation of a small orgasm as her tight latex thong started to leak, her pussy dripping cum onto the floor, but much of it also running down the length of the rubber cock and onto River's lips.

After almost a minute of holding herself balls-deep in her son's throat, Carmen finally released him. Like a dead bug sliding down a car's windshield, gravity slowly pushed the barely conscious River back to the ground, his mouth finally coming off of pseudo-Marcus with a very loud, very wet 'POP'!

River was given only a few seconds of rest to lie on the ground and gasp for air before his mother grabbed him by his hair and lifted him back up. She flung him over the edge of his bed so that his chest was resting on his messy sheets, and his lower body hung off the side. He felt his mother's fingers hooking into the hem of Chloe's dirty panties, and she peeled them down to his knees. He could hear his mother snickering as she pressed the wet tip of her giant cock against the tight rim of his anus. She grabbed his hips and held him down, her massive breasts pushing down onto his back. Her nipples were so hard they felt capable of cutting him.

"Mom . . . mommy please don't do this," River begged his wicked stepmother.

"I'm not your mommy anymore," she laughed. "I'm Marcus, and you're Chloe, and I'm going to pop your cherry."

She bucked forward, her nipples sliding across his back, the large spherical head of Marcus's rubber cock bursting through the tight little ring of River's boy-pussy. River landed back and screamed, at the same time ejaculating into his mattress as his mother struck home and obliterated his prostate. His orgasm was too sudden and powerful for his little body to handle, and his right testicle burst again. River was frothing at the mouth as he lost consciousness, but his mother wouldn't be finished stretching him out for at least another hour.

Part 3

River Rollins stood at the door to Bethany Goodlove's house with his knees knocking together. He had been here a couple times before, just last weekend in fact, when Beth's parents had been out of town and she had thrown a surprisingly massive party that River had actually been invited to, but he was terrified still. He had come with the intention of asking Beth to go to prom with him and it had taken him all week just to work up the courage to walk the three blocks from his hours to hers. Now he stood on her front steps unable to even ring the doorbell.

He had good reason to be nervous though. River's recent history with girls wasn't very encouraging. His first serious girlfriend Mindy had quite suddenly come out of her 'good-girl' shell and began smoking weed, dropping molly, going to raves, and sucking every dick she could get her little hands on (except for River's little pinkie that was). River's second girlfriend Chloe (who in truth had never graduated River out of the friend-zone) had been thoroughly and completely corrupted by his step-sister Sabrina and her very well hung black boyfriend Marcus, whose massive ebony cunt-buster wrecked petite Chloe so utterly that her grades actually dropped and her IQ went down. Chloe now came to school some mornings over two hours late, with Marcus's thick cum sticking to her braces like saltwater taffy.

But Bethany was different. River was sure of that. She was a very pretty girl, with stylish nutmeg hair that was cut short on one side and left long on the other, and her petite body was moderately stacked with small firm breasts and a tight butt that seemed to stand out in the tight track-and-field clothes she hung around town in. She had a dog that she walked around the neighborhood, which was when River usually saw her, but she had mentioned losing his collar, so River had just purchased one as a gift for her.

He gripped the leash and collar in his pocket and imagined giving it to her while asking her to prom. She would say yes, her big green eyes flashing like emerald headlights and her perfect smile exploding over her adorable face. It was a perfect.

But River was shaken from his daydream by a feminine cry. He listened carefully and could make out the sounds of a young woman crying, whimpering, and occasionally begging. It sounded like she was afraid, like she was being mugged maybe.

"Oh God . . . please no . . . please don't do it . . ."

River recognized the voice. It was Bethany!

"No . . . no . . . holy shit . . . no, no, no-"

River quickly snuck around the side of the house, silently moving toward the window Beth's terrified voice was echoing from. It was her bedroom, he figured, but he had never seen the inside of it before so he wasn't sure. He pulled out his smart-phone and prepared to call the police as he looked in the window.

There was Bethany Goodlove, completely naked, on her hands and knees on the floor, her breasts pushing against the carpet while her round ass stuck straight up in the air. Her slightly tanned body was glistening with sweat, her stylish brown hair clinging to her sticky face with just one tear-filled green eye showing through her bangs. She was biting her lip and grimacing nervously about something.

River looked up and saw what naked, sweaty Bethany was so afraid of.

It was Marcus King, his step-sister's 'boyfriend' and Chloe's current master. He was naked as well, the titanic muscles on his black chest pulsing with insane power, and trickling with little waterfalls of perspiration. With one massive hand he took such a firm grip of Beth's ass that it looked ready to pop, and with the other he stroked his rock-hard, foot-long, behemoth sledge-hammer of a cock, its vein-covered surface already wet with Bethany's saliva and pussy-juice.

"No . . . goddamnit . . . please," Bethany begged, shivering with terror and orgasmic aftershocks. "It isn't going to fit."

Marcus growled as her pressed the bulbous head of his meaty baseball-bat against the tight little rim of Beth's virgin anus.

"It's going to fit," Marcus said in his deep, baritone voice. "The only question is whether or not your little white ass can take it without breaking."

Without any more warning that a rough slap across her ass, Marcus grabbed Beth's hair and plunged all ten inches of his pussy-breaker into her tight, athletic ass, yanking back on her hair so she couldn't crawl away. Beth gasped and looked up at the ceiling with wide, blank eyes, inhaling unsteadily before letting out an earth-shattering scream. It sounded like her asshole really had just ripped open, and that the juggernaut-tip of Marcus's cock had just pulverized her stomach like it was a punching-bag, but before her maddening scream was over Beth's face melted into a relaxed, retarded expression. Her pussy started to gush like a broken faucet as she suddenly came (or pissed herself), and a puddle quickly grew in the carpet between her legs. Her big green eyes rolled up, her tongue hung out, and her whole body just liquefied into a hot mess.

Marcus was only getting started though. Holding her by the nape of her neck to keep her in place, he began to pump his colossal column of chocolate cock in and out of her tinny, tight little ass, each stroke gaining speed and power until his heavy testicles started to swing up and slap against her hairless pussy like a pair of wrecking balls. For almost ten minutes he devastated her, destroyed her, debased her, and every second she became more submissive, more willing, and more ecstatic. By the end of it she was wiggling and flopping on the floor like a suicidal fish out of water as her body tried to cope with the endless onslaught of overlapping orgasm she was experiencing, but Marcus kept his composure, if only grunting a bit more violently than before.

"Fucking little slut," Marcus grunted. "Told you your ass could take it."

"I . . . -gu-gu-gu-guh . . . fuck . . . I LOVE YOU!" Bethany stuttered, smiling wildly.

"Shut the fuck up!" Marcus said, slapping her across her ass and pulling out. His cock sprang free of her tight hole with a loud, wet 'POP', sending a little explosion of sweat raining down onto her prone body.

His massive hand grabbed her waist, and he flung her body across the room like she weighed less than a doll, and she hit the side of her bed, landing ungracefully on her knees.

Marcus aimed the pulsing purple head of his cock-canon right at her stunned face, and he began to jack its incredibly length, grunting as if almost in pain as the cement-thick cum slowly made the long journey from the ballooning balls to the split tip. The first volley of his orgasm hit Beth in the face with such force that her head snapped back, and the second left an unbroken rope of milky white gum from her shoulder to her belly-button. It took the dazed little girl a minute to realize what was happening, but as soon as she did she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, happy and willing to accept his salty snack.

Marcus pumped two more loads across her chest, caking her breasts like they were cinnamon-rolls getting frosted, and then he aimed for his mouth. Moving forward a little, he pushed the erupted head of his cock into her mouth and grabbed the sides of her head so she wouldn't pop off. Beth gulped and chugged down as much of the copious cock-pop as she could, making the most adorable little 'num-num' sound like a baby sucking on a bottle, but she couldn't handle all that spunk, and soon she was gagging and spilling it down her chin.

The bulging, horse-like muscles of Marcus's ass pulsed with angry power as he held Beth down on his cock, moaning deeply as he rode out the intense climax of his orgasm, from start to finish lasting well over a minute, and all that while his cock oozing with some amount of thick seed.

When Marcus finally pulled back, his cock was so coated in semen it almost looked white, and after pulsing for a moment the terrible anaconda came to rest on top of Beth's upturned face, his salty balls cozying up against her chin, slathering her mouth and eyes with semen.

They were both gasping and panting like champion athletes, and it was clear Beth was ready to pass out, but before she did Marcus asked her a question.

"Beth . . . bitch . . . yo . . . you wanna go to the prom with me?"

Beth swallowed a mouthful of sticky cum to clear her throat. " . . . yeah. Sure."


River wandered through the happy streets of downtown as if lost in a fog. His eyes had the distant stare soldiers came home from war with, and his face was numb as if Life itself had just literally slapped the shit out of him. In one hand he held the leash and collar he had intended to give to Beth, not that she or any girl would want it more than a big, hard cock; and in his other hand he held his smart-phone. He wasn't sure when he had done it, but during Bethany's epic fuck-session with Marcus, River had taken a few photos; including one of Beth's smiling face dripping with sweat and semen. River wasn't quite sure why he had taken those photos, but he was sure of one unfortunate thing: he was going to masturbate to them later, just as he had to the photos of Mindy and Chloe which were floating around the internet.
