The Recording Device


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Jack wasn't interested in holding back and allowed himself to come quickly. He watched the woman, pause as the first jet of spunk erupted into her mouth, but then she kept rubbing and swallowing all that he produced, only choking when her own orgasm started.

The woman sat back on her haunches and wiped her lips across the back of her hand smearing her pink lipstick. Jack wanted to see her fucked and watched as the other woman lifted the skirt out of the way and pulled the panties down to her knees. The other man had taken his hand away and was sucking on his pussy juice covered fingers. The older woman became the master of ceremonies and quickly unfastened the man's trousers. She pulled them and his underpants down to his knees and then indicated that he should sit back in his seat. When he was there she bent to fellate him. In such a cramped space it was impossible for the brunette to ignore the mature posterior in front of her. Still on her knees she pushed the tight brown skirt up and grabbed a hold of the top of her tights. She hooked her fingers inside the waistband of the simple, white, Marks & Spencer panties and pulled them all the way down to her ankles. She began to play with the hairy pussy.

After a few minutes the standing woman straightened, knees slightly bent because of the fingers spreading her vagina lips. She looked back at the woman.

"Stand up and sit on him. Quickly," she commanded.

She did as ordered and spread her legs wide as she lowered her dripping cunt down onto the short, fat cock. Almost as soon as the head touched the lips he began thrusting up toward her. The older woman knelt down in front of the pair and began licking at both their genitals as they rutted.

Jack had momentarily felt sated by his ejaculation into the woman's mouth, but the sight of the naked ass of the mature woman made him stiff once more. For the first time he forgot about other peoples pleasure and thought of his own. He stroked his dick a couple of times and then got down off of the seat and knelt behind her. Her ass was slightly flabby, but when he pulled the halves apart he was greeted by the delightful sight of deep pink pussy lips amid the bushy hair. He nudged the head of his penis against the opening and was rewarded with the muffled sound of a groan escaping her mouth.

The woman was tighter than he imagined she would be and he struggled for some minutes, gradually pushing his dick all the way. Another train stop came and went unnoticed. Realising that it was his stop next, Jack grabbed hold of the fleshy hips and rammed his cock home, again and again. Her head fell away from the crotches of the man and woman in front of her as she reached higher and higher levels of pleasure. Finally, just as the train began to slow he grunted and let loose his second torrent of come.

Jack slipped back out of the sloppy wetness and sat back in his seat to get dressed. The other three stopped what they were doing immediately and likewise adjusted their clothing. He got off and walked along the platform to the exit. As the train pulled out he looked back into the carriage and the three of them were sitting quietly, reading or looking out of the window as if nothing had happened at all.


Walking home Jack felt a little light-headed as he analysed what had happened. He was used to people doing what he wanted. But everything that took place on the train was almost on auto-pilot. And the fact that other people around ignored what they were doing was even more surprising. He was shocked to realise that his mind was thinking about how he could make use of this.

It was a Friday and for once he felt tired, so he simply made himself a meal, watched a little television, read a couple of books and then went to bed, deciding to think further on the subject the next day.

By Saturday evening he had come up with a plan to test his abilities. He would travel into the city where he would attempt to control groups of people. He hadn't yet worked out the finer detail, but he was sure that it would all fall into place. He set of just after 6pm and made his way to the station, then boarded the train and arrived at his final destination at a little after 7pm. When he got there the streets were a hive of activity, the lights were bright and people bustled around the late opening shops. He walked a little way down one of the busy streets and then stepped to one side and watched the people going by.

As he scanned the crowds he perceived a tickling sensation on his nose. He reached up to scratch it and on the spur of the moment paused, when he finally rubbed the bridge of his nose, EVERYBODY IN SIGHT DID SO AS WELL! Nobody seemed to notice that they had all acted in accord and continued with what they were doing.

Jack didn't know how he did it – he just thought it and it happened. He was astounded by the apparent power of the suggestion. Was it limited to people when he looked at them, he wondered? No, he hadn't looked at the other passengers on the train, but they had clearly been affected in that they had not "seen" what was going on. He decided to test if there was a range limitation and looked back down the road to the entrance to the Underground station. Outside a man was standing waiting, presumably for a friend. He was lighting a cigarette. Having taken a few puffs he dropped it on the floor and stamped it out. Jack smiled to himself – his mind could reach two hundred metres at least. Everybody outside the station scratched their left ear – and he knew he could influence a reasonable group at that distance.

After experimenting for a while he had managed to determine that the maximum range was between three and four hundred metres, but that the same amount of people could be controlled. He didn't want to try a larger group – it was far too frightening an idea. So he wandered off down the road thinking, but not actually aware of where he was going. When his attention returned he found he was in the seedier part of town. He had never been in one of the many adult cinemas, nor had he ever considered it, but right now he needed to sit down and for no other reason than that he bought a ticket at an entrance and walked in.

The theatre was already pretty dark, even though there was nothing on the screen yet. He hadn't noticed what the film was and wasn't particularly interested. He just sat down in a seat near the back.

The film had been running for about ten minutes before he became aware of it. Compared to what he had seen on the train the day before it seemed pretty tame. He looked around at the sparsely occupied stalls. There were probably only twenty people there and all but two of them were men. The couple sitting five seats along from him seemed oblivious as they continued kissing passionately. Jack found them more interesting than the screen. The young man was gently rubbing the side of his girlfriend's breast, but when he moved to cup it she pulled his hand away. He tried again, and again, but each time she rebutted him. Then, finally, tired of stopping him she relented and allowed him to squeeze her. Although the light was dim, Jack could make out that he was pinching her nipple through her thin jumper. Her breathing was becoming heavier and he suspected she was becoming aroused. The man's hand slipped back down to her waist and after a moment's fumbling slipped up inside. She put her hand on his to stop him, but gave up and let him continue.

The couple didn't pause their kissing to take a breather, but they shifted slightly in their seats. She turned slightly away from him so that she could lean closer in with her back to him. She uncrossed her legs to do this, knees now pointing vaguely in Jack's direction. As the boyfriend kneaded the young flesh beneath his hand the jumper was pushed up out of the way. He moved his attention from the right to the left, allowing him to reach around with his left hand and use that as well. When his right hand moved down onto her skirt and along her leg she stopped him, again, and moved it back up to her breast.

"Oh, go on!" thought Jack.

The response was instant; she took hold of his hand and pushed it back down to her leg, opening them invitingly in the process. He dragged the hem of her skirt up as he moved, revealing white panties in the dim light. He pushed his hand between her legs and she spread them even further as he caressed her lips and clitoris through the cotton. After a few moments he pulled his hand back up and pushed it inside the waistband. He left his thumb outside, so that when he delved deeper it pushed the garment down to reveal her lower abdomen. He was obviously slipping a finger into her pussy as Jack could hear the slurping noises above the level of the soundtrack.

Jack looked around at the other customers and they gradually began to move their seats until they occupied the rows around the young couple. Nobody was watching the film anymore.

The other couple had sat down next to the first two, the second woman sat next to the first man. She reached across and began to unzip his trousers. She struggled to pull his penis out, so unfastened his belt and the securing button. This allowed her to pull the front of his briefs down over his cock. She immediately dived on it and began licking from testicles to tip and back again. She lazily rubbed it while flicking the tip.

Meanwhile, a man reached over from behind the first couple and tugged at her panties. She shifted her ass to allow him to drag them down her legs. Everybody (except the other woman) craned to see the pussy and the hand at work. Within minutes hands were tugging and pulling at her clothing. Somehow, they managed to continue kissing as all of her clothing was removed, leaving her naked. Many of the men had their dicks out and were stroking them. One pulled the woman's head away from her boyfriend's mouth and offered his cock to her. She sucked greedily.

Jack moved seats closer to the woman. He took his rock hard shaft and pushed it towards her hand. She grasped it and looked straight at him. She clearly wanted him to put it in her – so he obliged. He didn't take his time or think about being gentle; he just pushed in hard until he could go no further.

The second woman saw her opportunity. She was still wearing panties and tights but her boyfriend ripped them off and revealed her shaven pussy. The first man didn't hesitate – or ask permission – but pulled her onto his lap. Somehow she managed to kneel astride him as he pulled her down onto his cock. Her boyfriend waited only a few short seconds before he pulled out his own weapon. He centred it on her anus and pushed. She was dry and it wouldn't go in, so he spat on his hand and rubbed it into the little hole, pushing a finger right in up to the knuckle. She groaned aloud as he then pushed his cock in past her sphincter.

The Manager thought he had walked into a parallel world when he stepped through the door at the back of the theatre. What was going on in his rear stalls was like something out of a good porn movie (but not one from one of his showings). But he soon forgot about this and joined in himself.


Half an hour later, Jack walked from the cinema, leaving the others to continue with their fun. No doubt, in due course, his influence would dissipate as he moved further away. He idly wondered for a moment what would happen then? Would they continue without him, caught up in the sheer eroticism of the moment? Maybe, maybe not.

As he walked, Jack realised that although he had climaxed only recently, he was still feeling very horny. Realising that he could have any woman he wanted, he began looking around. There were many attractive prospects, but none appealed to him – until he saw a long-legged woman wearing a business suit exiting from a taxi. The split in the back of her skirt rose and inevitably gave a glimpse of lace stocking top. His decision was made.

"Hello," he said as he walked towards her. "My name is Jack and I've been looking for you."

Having finished paying her fare, she was in the process of putting her purse away.

"Sorry? Do I know you?" she asked.

"Not yet, but we're going to become very intimately acquainted. Have you ever had sex in the middle of a busy street before?"

"What? What are you talking about? Look, go away or I'll call for help."

"Ah, that's not going to work I'm afraid."

She turned back to the Cab and tried the door, but the driver had already locked it.

"Open the door. NOW!" she demanded. But the driver just sat staring straight ahead.

Jack smiled confidently and stepped nearer.

"Don't come near me you bastard!" She turned to some people walking past and pleaded, "Please, I need help. This man won't leave me alone."

But nobody took any notice – they just walked by as if she wasn't there.

"See, I told you so."

The woman turned and tried to move away, but she had only taken two steps when she stopped. She looked down at her expensive leather shoes and tried to understand why they wouldn't move.

Jack walked around in front of her and stood close, his chest almost touching her jacketed breasts.

"Now, you look like an intelligent woman to me. By now you will have realised that you are in a situation that is totally unreal. It's impossible and yet it's happening. I'm sure that you'll soon discover that there is nothing that you can do but comply willingly. I'm going to fuck you over the bonnet of that taxi and I want you to enjoy it and join in enthusiastically."

The woman's mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide. She turned back towards the black vehicle and walked towards it, before turning to face Jack. The street was busy with people, but nobody seemed to notice them and yet there were no collisions. They all seemed to change direction in time to avoid the space that the couple took up. More composed now, she spoke again.

"I don't know what's going on or how you are doing this, but why should I just give in? I don't want you to fuck me. So it would be rape."

Jack was impressed by her coolness. She was exactly the kind of woman he was looking for. He couldn't hide his erection.

The woman noticed, "Oh, please! It doesn't even look as if I'd feel it. That's pathetic!"

Jack smiled. She really was a gem. How many women would stand there in this situation and brazenly go on the offensive?

"You probably don't realise it, but you're making yourself even more attractive to me."

The look that passed fleetingly across her face told him that he had found a chink in her armour.

"Hmmm. I think that you like to be forced sometimes don't you? You probably have a highly paid job and are used to giving orders and having them obeyed instantly. But perhaps – just sometimes – you like a man to dominate you."

She didn't reply, but a lick of her lips told him he was on the right track.

"Think about this; I'm going to make you do something that you wouldn't have imagined in even your wildest dreams. You're going to fuck in public and there is nothing you can do to stop it. But none of these people passing by will ever know. Think about it; you can really let yourself go and nobody will ever say a word. If you like, afterwards, I can even make sure that you never remember what happened.

"Now first things first; take off your panties and give them to the driver."

The woman looked around nervously, took a deep breath and then bent over and reached up under her skirt. After a few tugs and hip movements, the white thong slithered down to her ankles. She carefully stepped out of her underwear and reached down to pick them up before dropping them through the driver's open window into his lap. He immediately picked them up and held them to his nose. She stepped sideways to the front of the Cab and waited for Jack.

He was amazed, this woman actually wanted this! He had not prompted or controlled her more than preventing her from walking away. Her scarlet lips were parted and he could see her breasts rising and falling. Jack stepped up quickly, spun her round and bent her over the bonnet before lifting her skirt up to her waist. The dark lace of her hold-ups contrasted with the creamy white skin of her ass. He kicked her feet apart and took hold of a cheek in each hand and pulled them apart, before kneeling down. Her pussy lips were open and slick with juice. If ever he needed proof of her eagerness, this was it. He moved his lips closer and poked out his tongue.

"Ahhhhhh! Mmmmmm!" she moaned involuntarily as he probed deep within the wet tunnel. He continued to lick while using his fingers to toy with her clitoris. When he pushed two of them inside they felt almost no resistance. Jack stood while manually fucking her and unfastened his trousers. His cock sprang out of his underpants as hard as he had ever known it. He immediately pushed the head at her opening. It took only three thrusts before he was buried deep within her.

"Oh, God! I'm coming!" she shouted.

Her vaginal contractions were almost too powerful for Jack. He could feel his dick being crushed. For a period of almost thirty seconds he was stuck, unable to withdraw as her cunt gripped him tight. When finally she relaxed, he began ramming her hard.

The heat of the metal underneath her naked flesh merely served to heighten the sensations she was feeling. Her eyes searched out passers-by, but if any looked her way it was as if she was invisible. She loved being fucked so forcefully like this – and in public! Jack had been right, never in her wildest fantasies had she imagined anything like this – and her fantasies had been pretty wild at times! She closed her eyes and dropped her cheek onto the black surface as the waves of her second orgasm overcame her.

It was surprising that Jack had lasted this long, but feeling the tremors building up within the woman, he felt himself tipping over the edge and began launching his semen into her with accompanying grunts.

When they had both calmed down Jack – still embedded – spoke once more.

"So, do you want to remember this or not?"

"How could I ever forget – and why would I want to?"

So Jack pulled out and dressed himself. The woman turned round and faced him as she slowly pulled her skirt back down to cover her semi-nakedness. Jack walked away and she suddenly realised that everything was back to normal. She opened the Taxi door and got back in.

The driver was looking at the sexy pair of panties lying before him before the closing door broke his reverie. "Uh. Where to love?" he asked.

"Somewhere quiet where you can fuck me. And make it quick, before I change my mind."

The cab driver's jaw dropped, but looking at her in the mirror somehow knew she was serious. He took off like a bat out of hell, scattering pedestrians who had been in the process of crossing the road.


To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Great story, thanks looking for more

Please continue on with this series, one of the best MC stories.

C_frommnC_frommnabout 9 years ago
Nice Start

Can't wait to see what Jack does next like his Ex. in front of her New Guy.

wiz666wiz666over 13 years ago
Very Good!

This story was well-written, and has a lot going for it. I especially like the public fucking at the end, where all the passers-by ignored her! Please let there be a Chapter 2, or even more chapters!

blue5766blue5766over 13 years ago
Made me smile

As I finished reading your story I found myself smiling. What a wonderful skill to write a story that engages your readers and at the end makes them smile. I loved the story and hope you will continue this story. Thank you.

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