The Red Phone

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Identical phones lead to a mix-up and serious trust issues.
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Having identical phones can cause problems. This story is an example of that.

It's a short story about trust and not a BTB, so I know that will displease a few folks.

"Oh," I groaned at the number the sales clerk had just quoted. I turned the gleaming new phone in my hand. It was a significant upgrade from my old phone. A much larger screen, much faster processor, more memory, far better camera, and a battery that should last all day, what's not to love?

"We have a special this weekend. If you buy two, you get 20% off both and $100 of free accessories for each phone."

I turned to my wife, Amber, "Your phone is just as old as mine."

"Yes, but my screen is not cracked like yours."

"Still, this deal would allow us to get new phones and a case for each. Plus, we'd save 20% on each phone.

The sales clerk jumped in. "Oh! Sorry, I forgot to tell you, there is a $200 trade-in for any unbroken phone."

"SOLD! We'll take two," I said, not waiting for Amber to comment.

"I want a red one," she said, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'll stick with the dark gray."

The happy sales clerk said, "These have been selling fast, let me check in the back and see what colors are left."

He returned with 5 boxes. "Well, here is our Dark Slate model. We have Silver. White, Dark Blue, and Sky Blue, but we're sold out of the Red ones."

"Oh, crap! I really like the Red one. How long will it be before you get another one in?"

"Probably be a couple of weeks until we get another shipment," he said, sadly. "Tell you what, we have lots of the Slate ones, If you both get Slate, I'll throw in an extra charger cable for each phone."

Amber agreed and, starting with mine, they began to transfer all our old info to our new phones. When they started on hers, they asked Amber for her passcode. I was a bit surprised when she casually gave them six numbers that were not her parents' anniversary date. She had used that date as her phone passcode for years but for some reason she had changed it.

I was holding my new phone when they, once again had to ask Amber for her passcode. This time she gave me a quick look and I pretended to be playing with my phone. When she gave them the code, I entered it on one of my reminder lists. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her look back at me to see if I reacted to the new numbers she gave the clerk. I kept my head down and pretended to be fascinated by something on my new toy. I thought it odd that she'd changed her passcode, but the experts say you should change it regularly. Maybe I should change mine? I made a mental note to ask her about it and then promptly forgot all about it.

They completed the transfers, applied the screen protectors, and put each phone in a new clear case. As we walked to the car, Amber asked, "How will we tell these apart?"

"Well, they use facial recognition, so it won't open if we look at the wrong one. "

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that," she said and smiled broadly.

Ten days later, on a Wednesday evening, Amber was packing her suitcase when I walked into our bedroom.

"What's this? Are you going somewhere?"

She looked at me like I had two heads. "Babe! I'm going back to Denver. I told you we were closing on the Williams deal. This should get me a nice little bonus."

"Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot. So you're leaving in the morning, right?"

"Yes, I'm staying at The Slate again. The meeting is Friday, but Joan wants me to join her for a shopping spree on Saturday so we're coming back Sunday afternoon."

"Well, she's the boss, so I guess you gotta. Just try not to spend all of your bonus before you get it," I said and laughed.

Amber laughed, "No, I think I'm tagging along just for moral support. I might not buy anything."

"I don't have anything scheduled for tomorrow morning, do you want me to drop you at the airport?

"Joan changed our flight from 8:00 to noon so I don't need to be there until 11:00. If you can take me, I won't be so rushed in the morning."

"Happy to do it, Babe."

"Thanks, John, you're such a good husband," she said and kissed me.

As was her usual practice on the night before she traveled, Amber initiated sex. She rode me hard, bouncing on my dick until we both exploded. She collapsed onto my chest, panting for breath.

"Damn, baby, that was sooo good! It almost makes it worth having you gone all weekend."

"I'll be back Sunday afternoon so plan on a repeat performance Sunday night!"

I squeezed her tightly, "I'm going to hold you to that!"

Thursday morning I woke up to Amber sucking my morning woody. I moaned in pleasure. That seemed to spur her on, her tongue lashed my glands, causing me to jump and jerk. She swallowed about 5 inches of my dick, never breaking suction. She quickly slid me in and out of her sweet mouth.

"Babe, I'm going to cum!" I grabbed her head and held on as she sucked me in and out. Then I exploded, gushing cum as she sucked and swallowed every last drop.

She lifted her head and locked eyes with me as she licked her lips. "There, that should hold you until I get back Sunday."

I was barely able to lift my head off the pillow. "Wow, that's the way I want to be awakened every day!"

"In your dreams, buster! Now go make us some coffee while I jump in the shower."

I swatted her bottom as she turned to get off the bed. Amber squealed and then giggled as she ran into the en suite. I climbed out of bed and pulled on my robe before heading to the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later she came in wearing her robe with her hair tied up in a towel. "I guess I need to get cleaned up too," I said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

Back in our room, Amber's partially full suitcase was lying open on our bed. My phone chirped with the text alert and I grabbed it off the charger.

Best Buy is having a storewide sale, click here to see your savings opportunity.

I tossed my phone on the bed, it landed next to Amber's. I had just turned toward the shower when I heard the Text Alert again. The screen was still lit, but as I reached for it, the screen went dark. I picked up my phone and turned the screen to my face, "Not recognized." I tried it again and got the same result. Then I realized it was Amber's phone, not mine.

I started to drop her phone back onto the bed, but her new passcode popped into my head. As an accountant, I'm practiced at remembering numbers, so maybe that's why the numbers popped into my head. Her screen switched to the numerical pad and I punched in the numbers.

Her phone opened to her Texts and I selected the most recent. It was a message from "Brad."

Hey Girl! Everything is set here. I assume you're about to board the plane. I think the meetings will conclude quickly. I'll be there when you check in at the Slate. I'm looking forward to seeing you again, got lots planned for Saturday.

What the fuck? I recalled Amber saying Brad Davidson from their Denver office had helped her and Joan coordinate everything with the Williams Corporation team. She'd told me Brad had worked for Joan before being transferred to Denver five years ago. At the time, I thought it was just shop talk and hadn't given it much thought.

Five years ago Amber and I had just gotten engaged and were married a year later. She must have worked with Brad when he lived here. I wonder how well she knew him? Were they friends? Maybe lovers? Were they planning to reignite an old romance? Had they already? She'd been to Denver twice in the last two months, was she fucking an old boyfriend?

I looked through their old texts. There was nothing in them, but Brad's texts were pretty flirtatious. Amber's responses seemed amused by Brad's flirting, but she didn't flirt back.

At this point, some guys would go into detective mode and make all kinds of elaborate plans to catch her in the act. I'm not one of those guys. I don't own any spy gear, I don't know any Private Detectives, and I wasn't about to follow her to Denver. I marched into the Kitchen.

"Amber, I thought I got a text, but when I grabbed the phone it was your's, not mine." I extended the phone toward her. " Brad seems eager to see you, care to explain what's going on?"

"Why were you reading my texts?" She snatched her phone out of my hand and opened Brad's text.

As she was reading it, I asked, "If you are spending the day with Joan on Saturday, why has Brad made plans for you?"

Amber sighed deeply and seemed to slump in her chair. She looked up at the clock on the wall and then back at me.

"I am going to spend all day Saturday shopping with Joan, but I agreed to have a late dinner with Brad. I know that sounds bad, but it's just dinner, nothing more."

"Is Joan invited to this late-night dinner?"

She dipped her head, "No it's just Brad and I."

"I see. So you're having a private, late-night dinner with Brad, who you must have known when he worked here in your office. Is he, by chance, an old boyfriend?"

"We dated for a little while, but that was before you and I got involved. He's been texting me about old times and asked me to meet him for dinner late Saturday night."

"Think about it Amber, you changed your passcode because you feared I might try to get into your phone. You extended your stay at the Slate for an extra night so you can have a romantic, late-night dinner with an ex-boyfriend. You failed to mention any of that to your husband and played off the extra day as just a shopping spree with your boss. This is your third trip to Denver, have there been any other secret meetings with Brad?"

Her face showed a sudden look of horror, "Oh god when you say it that way, it does sound awful. There have been no secret meetings. I swear I haven't cheated on you.

"Lying by omission and having a late-night rendezvous with an old boyfriend IS CHEATING! Maybe you haven't fucked him, but it sure sounds like it could be a possibility for Saturday night. So tell me the truth, have you fucked this guy?"

"NO! ... Well almost, but that was years ago. I haven't been with anyone but you since before we got engaged."

"Well, it sure sounds like old Brad thinks he'll get another shot at you Saturday night!"

"No Baby, we're just friends, I don't want to have sex with anyone but you. Look, I get it now. I can see why you might think Brad had other ideas, I was stupid not to see it too. I'll cancel the dinner and just stay in the hotel. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it."

She lifted her phone and sent a text to Brad. Then handed her phone to me.

After thinking about it, I'm not comfortable with having dinner on Saturday night. I'm just going to hang out with Joan. I'm sure you understand.

"John, I'm sorry. I like Brad, he's funny and I guess I was flattered by all the attention and didn't see the danger in what I was doing. I didn't want you to see his texts because they were kind of flirty and I thought you might take them seriously. I truly was NOT planning to have sex with Brad, I hadn't even given it a second thought, but, I have to admit, it's possible he had. Please forgive me, I love you and you only."

I looked into her eyes for several moments, I saw no deceit there. I opened my arms and hugged her as she sobbed. "I believe what you're saying, but I'm absolutely certain Brad was hoping to get lucky Saturday night. Amber, you're an attractive lady and guys will always be coming on to you. A smart spouse has to know how to avoid situations that might get out of hand. Your plans may have been innocent in your mind, but this circumstance has damaged my trust in you."

"I know, I see it now. I was just thinking about how I'd feel if the situation was reversed. I'd be so pissed at you! Baby, I'm so sorry! I can't believe I didn't see how stupid it was. I should have told you right away. Maybe then all of this hurt would not have happened.

I patted her as I hugged her tightly. "We'd better hurry, Joan will be pissed if you miss your flight."

Saturday evening at 8:00 my phone rang with a FaceTime request from Amber.

"Hi, Honey! Have you missed me?"

I chuckled, it was the sixth time she'd called me that weekend. "Yes, I've missed you. Did you buy out the stores?"

"No, but Joan almost did and she talked me into getting a couple of things. I was hoping you'd let me model them for you."

"Now? You mean like a fashion show?"


"Okay, Well show me your new clothes."

She moved about the room and spoke as she pulled her new items out, "I told Joan about our fight and she agreed with you. She said I was foolish to have agreed to that dinner with Brad.

"When we finished work Friday, Brad asked to talk with me. He was a little worried about my text from Thursday and tried hard to explain his intentions were pure. - Just two friends having dinner and reminiscing about old times. I think he knew I'd say something to Joan and that shook him. I doubt I'll hear much from him in the future."

"That's good. Now show me what you bought."

Amber did a little striptease and then pulled a slinky LBD over her bra-less tits.

"Holy Fuck! You're never allowed to wear that unless I'm holding your hand!"

She giggled, "I knew you'd like it," she said as she spun around to show the very low-cut back that nearly dipped into her ass crack.

"On second thought, I don't think you should wear that out of the house!"

She laughed as she pulled it off and stood before the camera in her black thong and let me admire her beautiful body. After a few moments, she turned and bent down to pick up another item. As she bent over she slid her thong down her shapely legs. I was presented with a dick-hardening view of her heart-shaped ass and a glimpse of her hairless pink pussy.

"Oh, my god, Baby! You're killing me here."

She turned her head and looked back over her shoulder at the camera and smiled while wiggling her ass.

"Don't worry, tomorrow it's your's any way you want it."

She pulled a deep purple thong up her legs and stood as she seated it high on her hips. I groaned as she bent over to pick up a tiny sting object. She tied it in front then spun it around. She pulled two strings up behind her neck and tied them.

"Joan talked me into buying this. It's kind of skimpy and is for your eyes only. I'm glad we got the privacy fence put up around our pool."

She turned and raised her arms above her head. It was the tiniest bikini I'd ever seen! Each tiny triangle of material almost covered her areola. Her very erect nipples showed her obvious excitement as they poked against the tiny triangles. Her entire boobs were visible, except her nipples.

The front of her thong was cut so narrow and low that her labia were on full display. I wasn't sure she could move without it disappearing into her pussy. I gaped at my nearly nude wife. It amazed me that the tiny bikini somehow looked sexier than her nude body.

"Baby, you can't wear that outside. It's almost nonexistent!"

"I know! I'll wear it to sunbathe but only in our backyard."

She reached up and untied the knot behind her neck. She reached behind her back and pulled the strings and then dangled the tiny piece in her hand. She smiled, shook her shoulders, and giggled when I groaned again. She pushed her thong off and climbed onto the bed.

"Baby, one of us is way overdressed. Get naked, and get on the bed."

I did what she asked, "Is that better?"

She was leaning back against the headboard. She slid a hand down to rub her already wet pussy. "Umm, yes, now rub that cock for me."

I stroked myself a few times and quickly grew hard. "Is this what you wanted to see?"

"Oh yeah, there's my big boy. God, I wish he was here right now. Stroke him for me, baby. ... Yeah, just like that!"

Stoked myself as I stared at her hand working across her wet pussy. "Ooh, you look so wet, I wish I was there to lick you up. Spread your lips, let me see my prize."

She spread her labia and held it open, her clit peeked out at me. She slid a finger in and quickly added another. I stroked faster as she slid her fingers in and out.

"That's it, Baby, fuck that pussy hard," I said. She sped up and I fisted my dick to match her speed.

"Yes, Baby, stroke that big dick, for me. Faster, Baby, faster."

Amber's hand was a blur as she worked her clit. I pounded my dick and imagined I was buried in that beautiful pussy. I groaned as she snaked a hand up to pull on her nipple.

"Oh fuck, I'm almost there," I moaned.

"Cum for me, Baby! Cum for me! I want to see it shoot! Cum for me, John, cum!"

My dick erupted! A long rope of white cum shot up and splattered across my chest.

"Yes! Yes! (Amber moaned) Oh God, I'm cumming too, Baby! Oh fuck!"

Amber squeezed her legs closed and bucked against her hand as I added another two heavy spurts of cum to the mess on my chest. I watched as her orgasm continued to wash over her. My breathing was slowing, but her chest was still flushed and heaving. I swear there are few things more satisfying than helping my woman orgasm.

"Wow, Baby! That was so hot! You look so beautiful when you cum."

Amber smiled and nodded as she fought to catch her breath. "I, I've never had phone sex before, that was pretty amazing. Not as good as having you here, but pretty amazing. I'm wiped out and it's only 9:30!"

I smiled, "Yeah me too. How about I take a quick shower and then I'll call you back to say good night?"

Amber's eyes were heavy and she just nodded at me. "I love you. Talk to you in a bit."

Sunday was a grand reunion. We came in from the airport and I dragged Amber's case into our room. I was about to hoist it up onto the bed but she grabbed my arm.

"Leave it. I need you inside me right now!"

I laughed and threw her onto the bed. We fucked for several hours and then fell asleep in each other's arms. It was early evening when we cleaned up and had dinner.

"Are we okay, honey?" Amber asked, with obvious worry in her voice.

"We will be. We just have to be completely open and honest with each other. I love you, Amber, I want you to be the mother of my children."

Tears fell down her face. "Children? Oh god, John, I can't tell you how happy that would make me. ... Can we start tomorrow?"

I laughed and pulled her into my arms.

On Monday afternoon I was sitting in my office. A very excited Amber had just called and said she spoke to her OBGYN Doc. She told her doctor she wanted to get pregnant and the doctor suggested a preliminary exam. She gave me the date.

"Put it in your calendar, I want you there with me. Oh, John, I'm so excited!"

"Me too, honey. I think you'll be a great mom."

After hanging up, my mind rolled back to the phone store and I could hear the young clerk explaining they were out of Red phones. Just think, had there been a Red phone available, I would not have grabbed the wrong phone on that fateful morning and seen the text from Brad that nearly ended my marriage.

Would he have talked Amber into bed that weekend? I wanted to believe he would have failed, that Amber would not have given in to his charm but there was still a tiny bit of doubt. I tried to push it aside. Trust is giving your heart to another and believing they will not betray your love. I wanted to trust Amber.

Three years and two kids later, Amber never again gave me a reason to doubt her fidelity. She makes every effort to tell me her plans and I do the same for her. I don't go through her phone or check up on her in any way, but I know she is still working to regain my trust.

Today we're back at the phone store looking at new phones. Once we picked out the model we wanted, Amber announced she wanted a Red one. After a few beats, she paused, raised a hand to her mouth, and gave me a concerned look. I could see the old consequences of our previous phone choices were haunting her now.

I smiled at her and nodded. "Yes, you should get the Red one, I think I'll get a Blue one, so we can tell them apart."