The Relationship Pt. 02

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Anya comes to a new understanding with her husband.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 03/23/2024
Created 02/22/2024
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I was nervous. First days are always like that. But in my experience in working as an Executive Assistant, meeting the boss on the first day was always nerve wracking. I had worked for a temp agency for several years and during that time I had met all kinds of CEOs. There was the bully, the coward, the nice guy, the workaholic, etc. The list goes on. I had heard different things about Mr. Ryan and most of them good. Judy, the hiring manager, told me that he was easy to work with, and very professional. That would make it easy.

I took a deep breath and then walked into his office, notepad pressed to my chest and my head up with confidence. I almost tripped over my own feet.

Mr. Ryan sat behind his desk, a folder in one hand and a pen in the other. He reclined back as he read but it was clear he and I had met before. Of course we had. He was the man I saw at the bar on Friday. I was wearing a pencil skirt, blue blouse and my glasses so I had a good chance that he wouldn't recognize me. I did the best I could to breathe so my face wouldn't turn red, but of course it felt like a thousand degrees in his office all of a sudden.

"Hi um, good morning Mr. Ryan," I said through a dry throat.

He looked up at me with his piercing green eyes. "Hi, you must be Anya," He replied.

"Yes, I am sorry I should have knocked," I said suddenly fumbling over what the protocol was supposed to be as if I was some college kid.

He waved my comment off with his hand gently. "No big deal. If I am not in a meeting then don't worry about it."

I stopped in front of his desk awkwardly.

"Please sit down," he said with that hint of a smile.

I promptly sat.

He ran through, what felt like, a very standard explanation of my role and expectations. It was all stuff that Judy had shared with me before, so there was no need to take notes. Of course I wrote everything down and did my best not to hold eye contact for too long. He spoke so easily it was clear that he didn't recognize me from the other night and before long my nervousness began to subside.

We went through his schedule, and which meetings he needed me for. He was very professional, extremely intelligent but also had a kind of grace as he was used to people not quite thinking as fast as he did. I fell into my role easily and by the end of our meeting I felt like things were right on track where they should be. I left his office and took my place at the desk. Judy came over a few minutes later.

Judy was around my age with black hair cut into an a-line. She was very pretty and I could tell a bit desperate to be my friend. There weren't many women in the office our age and I half wondered if that was why she had hired me. During lunch I got up the courage to ask her.

"Haha of course," she laughed. "I have these other girls straight out of school and they are the worst to manage. They just don't have any skills and they are all expectation, as if they need to be given a raise for showing up on time two days in a row or something."

I liked Judy already.

"I know they type," I lied.

"So what did you think of Mr. Ryan?" Judy asked. She looked at me and sipped her ice tea.

"He was exactly as you described," I said without any emotion.

Judy smiled. "He is cute though, right?"

I laughed.

"Oh come on Anya," she continued. "I am married too, but I am still a woman. It's not like I am going to go sleep with him."

I laughed again and nodded, "Yes he is pretty cute," I agreed. "But I will be working with him a lot so I don't think that is something I should dwell on too much."

Judy smiled, "Of course. But it is nice to have something pretty to look at in the office. Most of the other guys are tools."

I laughed again. Judy was so fun. We spent the lunch getting to know one another. She was also married to a very nice man and as we talked I could tell she was less satisfied with him than I was with Jim. She was more demeaning toward her husband than I was used to, but then I could see that was just her personality and I didn't think much of it. Judy and I became friends that day and I was happy.


As the days went by I fell into a routine at work. Mr. Ryan or Eric as he preferred to be called was a good boss. He was in the office like clockwork and I could tell he appreciated my ability to understand his routines. By the second week I knew his schedule inside and out as well as which meetings to push and which calls to handle myself and which to forward to him. He rarely spoke to me outside of our meetings and when he did it was clear he had no memory of meeting me. With that, I pushed our meeting at the bar out of my mind entirely.

Judy and I had lunch every day and over time I began to share with her my frustrations with Jim.

"Some girls have it too good," Judy said with a smile. "I mean, Jim is super cute too. That's actually wrong, he is hot."

"I know," I replied. "But..."

"It isn't that," Judy finished my thought. "I get it. Look, Frank is a good husband. He has a good job, he is fun and he treats me well. But I am going to be honest with you. I mean, can I be honest?"

I nodded.

"I think I am just a little bored," Judy said. "It's like we are..."

"Roomates," I finished her sentence.

"Yeah, but half the time it is more like he is my son. I have to cook for him, clean up after him and make sure he is ready for work. I am his support and all of that is ok," Judy said,"I mean I wish he helped more but these are the roles we fell into. I am just, I don't know, bored."

I nodded. I knew what she meant. "Jim is the opposite. He does almost everything," I said with a smile. Jim was so sweet.

"I know and you are a spoiled bitch," Judy said with a joking laugh.

"I know I am," I replied. "Jim is like too good though maybe? Except he isn't good at...everything."

"The truth comes out!" Judy blurted.

I laughed, "I mean he tries really hard but..."

"I get it," Judy said. "I am just glad to know he is human."

We finished lunch and I realized I was late for my next meeting with Eric. I said a quick goodbye and then jogged into his office.

"I am so sorry I am late," I said a little out of breath. I felt some sweat running down my neck between my breasts.

Eric looked at me for a moment. His eyes were piercing and they held me.

I sat down awkwardly. "Is...there something you need or...?"

Eric pursed his lips for a moment and then nodded to himself as if he had a thought that he decided to act on. "Don't worry about it," he began. "Anya, I have to be honest about something."

I felt my throat go dry.

"I haven't stopped thinking about the night I saw you in the bar," he said.

My heart almost flew out of my chest. I managed to just lean back in the chair casually. "So you do remember that?" I said with a dry mouth.

"Of course I do," he said frankly. "I meant what I said. You are stunningly beautiful."

I felt myself blush.

He was looking right at me. "I know you are married but I am just going to say this and you can decide what you want to do: Do you want to go out some time, have dinner or lunch or anything like that? If not then just say so and I will drop it. Not need for anything to be weird. I just felt the need to ask."

My throat was dry. I looked away from him nervously for a moment and then back at him. My heart was racing. Of course I wouldn't go out with him. "I'm sorry Eric," I said. "I am happily married and I don't want to give you any other ideas. That is not the kind of woman I am."

He looked at me thoughtfully and nodded, "I understand completely and I respect you. Please forgive me for even bringing it up."

" problem," I stammered. "I won't even think of it again." I lied.

We went through our meeting without any more incident. I immediately found Judy and told her the whole story.

"Ho--ly shit," Judy said with a laugh.

"I know, right?" I said with a red face. "Thankfully he was super nice when I said no and I think we are past it."

"You said no?" Judy replied.

"Of course I did. I love Jim, I don't want to do anything to mess it up," I answered, a little shocked at my friend.

"I know, Jim is perfect and all that, but you didn't even think about it? I mean Mr. Ryan could have just meant lunch and nothing else," she said with a smirk.

I smirked back. "No, I didn't even think about it."

"You are a better girl than me," Judy replied.

I laughed. I gave her a hug and decided to go home early.


I got to the house, surprised to see Jim was already home. I went in expecting to see him in the kitchen but he wasn't there. I wondered if he was working from home so I went to his office upstairs. The door was ajar so I pushed it open and stopped.

Jim was standing behind his desk looking at his computer and jerking off. His pants were on the floor and he was fully naked, dick in his hand jerking off.

"Fuck!" he said as he looked up at me with embarrassment.

I took a step back in shock and looked away. "I am so sorry!" I said as I backed out of the room.

"Wait!" Jim said, walking to me. "I...I am just horny."

I looked at him. He looked absolutely pathetic. I was mad.

"You could have waited until I got home," I said walking into his office. "Instead you have to watch this, whatever the fuck this is!" I walked over to his computer and looked at the video. "Husband watches wife fuck friend...what the hell are you watching?"

He looked at me with shame, "It's just porn. I know you don't like to think about sex but I do," he said looking down at the video. "I am not going to wait for you to come home and then ask you to sleep with me, when I know it's the last thing you want to do."

I was mad, but he was right. He used to ask for sex all the time and I am not sure I ever said yes. I frowned at him. "'s ok. I'm sorry I am just surprised. Let's just sort of start over. I am going to go get into some comfortable clothes and leave you to...this. I'm sorry." I walked out feeling upset that I was mad at him. The truth was I intended to masturbate as soon as I got home. I should have just said that to him. It was too late now. I took a shower and calmed down a bit. Jim was just a guy and of course he jerked off. I mean I wasn't supposed to fulfill his every desire that was impossible. Goodness knows he doesn't fulfill mine.

We sat down for dinner a couple hours later and made up. I told him how sorry I was for being mad and that I understood where he was coming from. Things went back to normal and I made a joke about the porn he was watching. "Husband watches wife have sex huh?" I mocked.

He looked down sheepishly.

"Along those lines, something funny happened to me at work today," I said, trying to ease off my shaming of my husband by showing him my love for him instead.

"What happened?" He asked. He seemed different to me now. Not so perfect.

"My boss asked me out," I said then took a bite of my dinner.

He didn't say anything for a minute. "Um, so what did you say?" He finally asked.

"No of course," I replied with a laugh. "What did you think I was going to say?"

Jim didn't say anything. He took a drink and then a deep breath, "So if you weren't married would you have said yes?"

I frowned at him. I wasn't sure what he was asking.

"I mean," He clarified, "If you were single would you have said yes? Are you attracted to him?"

This was dangerous ground all of a sudden. I wasn't sure how to answer this one.

Jim touched my hand, "Anya, it's ok. We are adults. Be honest, I have known you for a long time."

I nodded. "Yes, I think he is attractive and I probably would have said yes." I felt suddenly exposed like I had been found out. I immediately started to think of how to salvage this so Jim wouldn't be hurt. "But I am not single and I said no. I told him that..."

"I think you should do it," Jim said, looking me straight in the eye.

"What?!" I replied, dropping my fork.

"I mean," he continued "I think you should go out with him if you think he is attractive. I think that, or at least the idea of you being with another man is kind of a turn on."

My heart skipped a beat. I mean it skipped like ten beats. I looked at my husband, shocked at first but at the same time intrigued. "What?"

"Look," he squeezed my hand, "Only if that is something you wanted to try. I know that you aren't happy with the physical part of the relationship. More than that, I think I don't really satisfy you at all that way and it makes me sad. I guess that's why I started watching that kind of porn. The thought of you being satisfied is kind of hot."

I didn't know what to say. Never in my life had I thought about any of this ever. I could see the genuineness in JIm's eyes as he said these things to me. My heart started to beat faster. Could I do this? "Are you sure?" I asked.

Jim nodded. "Yes I am sure."

"I will think about it," I replied and gave my husband a kiss.


"Good morning Eric," I said as I walked into his office and closed the door.

"Hi Anya," he said looking at some papers on his desk.

"I want to talk to you about something," I said nervously. I sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

He looked up at me. His eyes had changed. The professional veneer was gone and he seemed almost vulnerable. "What is it?"

"It is about yesterday," I said.

"Look, we don't need to make that into a big deal. I am sorry that I asked. That was unprofessional and..."

"The answer is yes," I said. My heart pounded and my hands started to shake. I clenched my fists. I could feel my pussy getting wet even saying the words. He was so intoxicating.

He swallowed hard. "Um, what about your husband?" He asked.

"He doesn't need to know," I lied. I stood up in a sudden impulse and walked around his desk. Mr. Ryan's eyes roamed over my body and suddenly I had wondered how many times he had checked me out. My heart pounded hard in my throat.

He reached out and touched my cheek. My body was on fire. He looked into my eyes. "Do I have any meetings this morning?" he asked with a smile.

"I already blocked your calendar," I said as I leaned forward.

Suddenly we were kissing. I felt his tongue in my mouth and he was different. He tasted different, he felt different, he kissed differently, he was different and I was intoxicated. I kissed him and he stood up, pushing me against his desk. His hand sliding down my back and gripping my ass. I groaned into his mouth and pressed against him.

My body continued to burn as he kissed me. I felt his hands slide under the back of my shirt and I ground my hips against his. I slid one hand down the front of his pants and gripped his bulge. He felt different. He was big. Much bigger than Jim. I needed to see it.

I quickly unbuckled his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. His big cock flipped up, freed from the confines of his pants. I stopped for a moment and looked at it. His cock was big, at least twice the size of my husband's and it was perfect. It was thick, fleshy and beautiful. In my entire life I had never found a penis attractive, but this one was different; it was something else entirely. I gripped it with my right hand and squeezed. I could barely get my hand around it.

"Holy fuck," I whispered as I gazed at his big dick.

Instinctively, I got to my knees, still holding it. Words for men's members made no sense to me. They were crass and gross but suddenly one word made sense to me. This was a cock. I gripped it with both hands and squeezed. I usually despised being in this position and having Jim's dick so close to my face. But this was different. This was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Was it the excitement or the cheating or whatever this sort of thing was? No. It wasn't that. I moved even closer to Eric's big, perfect cock. I gazed at the fleshy mushroom tip and the perfect skin. I licked my lips.

I knew I needed to suck it.

I looked up at him for a moment and my eyes locked on his. I took the tip into my mouth and I felt electric. It was like I had never eaten real food and suddenly I was tasting it for the first time. I took a bit more into my mouth and sucked. I heard Eric groan and I just tightened my grip on his base and very slowly sucked the tip of his big dick. I took in a bit more, having to open my mouth more than I was used to to accommodate it.

My body felt on fire.

I knew suddenly that all these years I believed I hated oral sex, but it wasn't that. It was that Jim's dick was just not satisfying. It was too small, too limp, too quick to be finished. I kept looking into Eric's eyes and took his cock further into my mouth until it hit the back. It wasn't even half way in my mouth and Jim's would have been gone. Even further, Jim would be ready to cum and I could see Eric was nowhere close. He was a man.

I started to bob my head up and down on his big dick. Slowly sucking up and down, up and down. The process of pleasing him like this made me wetter than I had ever been. I didn't want to rush through this, I wanted to stay here and explore how good it really could be. His cock was so hard and it felt powerful as I sucked it and though I had given Jim blowjobs over the years I realized I really didn't know what I was doing, all I knew was I wanted it to feel good for Eric. I wanted to please him. I knew he had been checking me out for a long time and I wanted this to meet his need and his expectation.

I sucked hard on the tip of his dick as I gripped it with both hands. I used my mouth to fuck his cock until the big tip hit the back of my mouth again and again. It felt so fucking good to me. Not just how big, hard and perfect it was. But the feeling of it pushing into my mouth again and again, I couldn't help but move my hips as I got wetter and wetter. I shifted my weight, so I was more comfortable on my knees and pulled his big dick out of my mouth. It was glistening with my spit and I could see faint traces of white leaking from the tip. It was his precum. Without thinking I started licking it up. I thought cum repulsed me but that wasn't true at all. Licking up Eric's preseed was delicious, tantalizing and just spurred me on to want him. It was Jim's cum that I didn't like: it was represented his utter weakness as a lover. But I wanted Eric's cum. I was thirsty for it.

I licked the length of his big shaft over and over again. I kissed his cock, and gave the thick shaft kisses, licks and sucks. I looked up at him and I could see the desire in his eyes. I felt the same way. Without thinking I suddenly said,"I want you to cum in my mouth."

Eric nodded and gripped my hair gently, guiding my mouth back to the tip of his dick and I took it in as far as I could. It hit the back of my mouth and I started to bob on it, realizing he wanted to control the pace so I let him guide me by the grip he had on my hair. We found a fast rhythm and I felt so erotic, turned on and wet that I was shaking. His meaty cock pushed into my mouth again and again. I felt like he was fucking my mouth. I didn't know what to do so I put my hands on his hips to urge him on. His big cock hit the back of my mouth again and again. I gave a gag and instinctively pushed back. My eyes met his and I could see he wanted more of his cock in my mouth. I did too, but I didn't know how or what to do. I needed to learn. I needed to please him.

He made me gag again and I instinctively pushed back. I started to suck harder on his cock, my eyes remaining locked on his. I was astounded how long he was lasting and it just made me want him more. Instead of dreading the quick end I always got with Jim, I wanted Eric to cum. I wanted to make him cum. I wanted to make his big, meaty cock climax and I wanted it in my mouth.