The Reluctant Exhibitionist Ch. 01


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I took the bottle from her and looked it over. There was no label on it but it didn't look like sunscreen to me; more like some kind of body oil. I sighed, knowing I didn't have a choice in the matter, and poured some into my hand and began rubbing it on my shoulders. Whatever it was didn't really absorb into my skin but instead left an oily sheen on my body that made my skin glisten. Margaret was taping all of this, of course. "Make sure you don't miss any part of your body," Nancy said. "If you can't reach a spot I'll be glad to help you," she chuckled.

"No thanks," I replied as I rubbed the lotion across my breasts, down my stomach and over my thighs. I knew the show I was putting on for Margaret's camera would produce a video as embarrassing as the one of my nude stroll through a public beach - maybe more so. I finished oiling up the front of my body and reached around to begin rubbing it on my back. Nancy motioned for me to turn around and I complied, giving Margaret's camera a clear view of the process. I arched my back in order to reach the upper areas of my lower back and then began rubbing it on each of my rear cheeks. When it came time to get the back of my legs I had no choice but to bend over at the waist and give Margaret's camera a full rear view that had to be very revealing. When I finally finished the embarrassing show I handed the bottle back to Nancy. "There, are you satisfied?"

"Almost," she said. "There's a spot on your back you weren't able to reach. I'll get it for you." She poured some oil onto her hands and came around behind me and began rubbing it across my back. Then she reached around and began kneading my already well-oiled breasts teasing each of my nipples with her fingers until they stood out even more prominently than before. She finally gave me a sharp slap across my butt. "There we go," she said. "All done."

I looked down at my body and saw that it glistened with an oily sheen that would accentuate my nudity and add a humiliating new dimension to my walk. Nancy smiled broadly as she looked me over. "I think you're good to go. Are you ready to hear the plan?"

God, no, I thought to myself.


Okay, Wendy, you can do this. You've done this kind of thing before and gotten through it. This'll all be over in just a few minutes and you'll be on your way home. It really won't be that bad.

I knew, though, that my body wasn't buying the internal pep talk that my mind was giving: my trembling arms as I grasped a tree for support were dead giveaways.

Margaret had gone down to the lake to find a good spot to begin filming from while Nancy had driven the car to my ultimate destination – a smaller parking lot about a mile away - leaving me naked and alone. I was hidden now in the woods just beyond the parking lot trying to build up the courage to do what I knew I had to do. "It's just a little walk from Point A to Point B," Nancy had said. "What's so hard about that?" "Oh, I don't know Nancy, maybe the fact that there are dozens, or probably even hundreds, of people between A and B and I'm totally naked and oiled up like a pole dancer." "Yes, there is that," she'd replied with that maddening little smirk of hers.

It wasn't just a simple walk from A to B anymore anyway. Nancy had thrown in a little task I was to perform along the way that would add to both the time I was exposed and the humiliation factor. It was my "punishment" for having challenged her earlier today. I guess I had no choice but to follow Nancy's instructions to the letter, though. If I didn't she'd promised to march my naked little ass through a store on the way home.

I thought again about the bizarre turn my life had taken to find myself in the position I was in now: totally naked and miles from my home or my clothes and a mile's walk away from the only transportation I had to get back to either. Why me? Why was I the one who had to live out the naked-in-public fantasies of some manipulative nut job? There are plenty of girls who love exposing themselves for nothing more than a set of cheap plastic beads so why couldn't one of them be here in my place? I knew the answer, of course: it was precisely because I wasn't a Girls Gone Wild type that Nancy wanted me for this. The more uncomfortable and embarrassed I was about displaying my nude body to an audience the more she got off on it.

My instructions were to wait about ten minutes before starting out so Nancy and Margaret could get into position. I didn't have a watch, obviously, but I knew my time had to be almost up so I peeked out of my hiding spot into the parking lot. On the other end of the lot a young couple lifted a cooler from the bed of a pickup truck and I watched as they disappeared down a set of stairs that led down to the beach. The lot was empty now, but not likely to remain that way for any length of time. If I was going to do this now was the time. I took a deep breath and tentatively placed one foot onto the parking lot pavement and then the other. I stood for a few moments on the edge of the lot trying to compose myself and work up the courage to start, the internal pep talk starting up again. But it wasn't words of encouragement that finally got me moving but Nancy's threats of what would happen if I didn't. I began walking.

The first few moments of being fully exposed nude in a public setting would always be the most surreal for me. No matter how many times I did it my brain would always scream "What are you doing? You're naked! Someone will see you!" I guess it's probably like that whenever skydivers exit that perfectly good airplane; the mind immediately protests that you're doing something you really shouldn't be doing. With each step I took away from the relative sanctuary of the woods the more exposed and vulnerable I felt. I was committed now, though; once I started there was to be no hiding or covering up. The only way out of this was through it.

As I walked past the rows of parked cars I tried to put out of my mind that the people from these vehicles were all in the direction I was heading. My senses were fully heightened now and I was keenly aware of the warmth of the sun on my naked skin, the scrape of the pavement on my bare feet, and the slight bouncing of my breasts with each step I took. As I walked the feelings of helplessness and utter vulnerability washed over me and with them came the anxious excitement and unwanted sexual arousal that always accompanied those feelings. How could I hate this so much yet still get off on it? Did I really have a submissive streak like Nancy said?

The parking lot was on a hill overlooking the lake and just ahead now were the stairs that would take me down to the public beach area. As I descended the sound of people enjoying a sunny day at the lake began wafting through the trees ahead, although my view of the beach was blocked. At the bottom a narrow dirt path led through the woods and as I walked along it the lake began emerging from the trees. Several boats came into view now and I stopped for a minute to gather myself. This was the last relatively shielded area and in a few more steps I'd be fully exposed. I stood there for maybe a minute, unable to move forward but knowing the consequences if I tried to go back. It was finally the sound of voices coming from the parking lot behind me that got me moving. I began walking again and emerged from the wooded area into view of the boats on the lake and the beach area up ahead.

The dirt path continued along the edge of the lake on my right with the side of the hill on my left leaving me with nowhere to hide without diving into the lake. I kept my eyes glued to the ground ahead of me unaware if I'd been spotted yet but just trying to maintain a steady pace. I kept hoping that the auto-pilot that had helped me get through some of my previous assignments would kick in, but no such luck today; I was fully conscious of my nudity as I walked. I heard the sound of voices directly ahead and I looked up briefly to see a family of four walking toward me. "What the hell...?" the woman said as I walked past them, my face burning in shame. Okay, you've been seen, Wendy. Just keep going and get this over with.

The main beach area was still maybe fifty yards ahead and I kept moving steadily forward. There was still no sign of Margaret but I knew she had to be up ahead somewhere, video camera at the ready to capture my naked stroll in living color. A loud whistle pierced the air followed by a whoop and I knew I'd been spotted again. God, this was so humiliating!

The area between the lake and the hill began to widen now and the recreational area just ahead featured a grassy area with picnic tables and barbecue grills on the left. To the right was the beach itself, a narrow strip of sand that was maybe thirty feet wide. The path I was on divided the picnic area from the beach which meant there would be people on each side getting an eyeful of a very naked me as I passed through.

"Damn, check this out!" I heard an excited voice say. I looked up to see three teenage boys approaching me. "Man, she's hot!" "What are doing anyway?" another asked. "Did you lose a bet?" I just bit my lip and nodded hoping they would go away and deathly afraid that they would try to touch or grab me. They didn't try anything, though, but I could hear them walking along behind me, talking to each other about my "perfect ass." I was at the beach area now and I glanced up briefly again to see dozens of people nearby looking at me, some of them with cameras already out. On my left I spotted Margaret capturing my little stroll on her video camera. As I walked I heard laughter at my expense mixed with remarks that ranged from shocked to catty to indignant to amused. I'm sure my face was flaming red by now and the oil on my skin glistened in the afternoon sun. I didn't think it was possible for this to be much worse than my two store walks last week, but it was. And I wasn't even halfway through it yet!

That's when my worst fear came true.

"Wendy? Wendy Wilson? Is that you?"

My head snapped around in the direction of the voice and I saw a middle-aged woman sitting with a teenage boy and girl at one of the picnic tables. I recognized the woman immediately – it was Mrs. Clayton, one of the professors at my college! She'd been my teacher for two of my business courses this past year and I would have her again for a Business Statistics course that Nancy had signed me up for this summer.

My arms came up instinctively to cover myself but then my training, and Nancy's warnings, kicked in and I let them drop to my sides again. I resisted the almost overwhelming urge to run and walked timidly toward the table. "That is you, Wendy," she said as I approached. "What on earth are you doing?"

"M-Mrs., I'm..." I couldn't force any more words out and didn't know what to say even if I could.

"Are you doing some kind of stunt or dare?" I just nodded my head. "I suppose that's why you're oiled up like a stripper, too. Good Lord, Wendy, you didn't seem like the type."

"I'm not," I blurted out. "I mean I don't normally do stuff like this. I'm just...." My words trailed off again not knowing how to finish.

"Who put you up to this, anyway?"

"No one. I mean just some friends. As a dare." I looked over at the teenage boy and girl sitting at the table with Mrs. Clayton. The boy had a grin on his face and his eyes roamed over my body. The girl's eyes were throwing daggers at me.

"Jason!" Mrs. Clayton barked at the boy. "You're with your girlfriend for god's sake." The boy averted his eyes and looked down sheepishly at the picnic table. My teacher turned back to me. "This is my son Jason and his girlfriend Melissa. They're starting college in the fall so you'll probably be seeing them around campus." Great. Just fucking great. This was getting worse and worse. "I saw that you signed up for summer school so I'll be seeing you in class in two weeks, Wendy. If you have something you need to talk to someone about please stop by my office, okay?" Her voice was sympathetic and she obviously sensed that I didn't want to be out here making a spectacle of myself. Not that it took any great insight or powers of observation to figure that out.

"I'm fine...I'm okay," I told her. "This is just a lark. I need to go, though." I turned and stumbled back onto the path, dazed and humiliated from the encounter. God, one of my favorite teachers thinks I'm a total flake now! And with her son and his girlfriend starting college in the fall how long would it take before the whole school knows about this? The girlfriend especially looked like she couldn't wait to ruin my reputation on campus. So much for the anonymity Nancy promised for this phase of my training.

I continued down the path just aching for all of this to be over with and trying vainly to block out the rude comments, laughter, and catcalls that followed me. If all I had to do was finish walking to the car that would be bad enough, but I still had one more task to complete that would make things even worse for me than they already were. It was Nancy's punishment for challenging her this morning and I was damn tempted to say the hell with it and go back and ask Mrs. Clayton for some clothes and a ride home. I couldn't, though...all of this would have been for nothing if I did. I'd come this far so I was going to finish.

I was nearing the end of the beach finally and up ahead I could see the stairs that led up to the parking lot and Nancy's car. I also spotted Nancy for the first time staring at me with a shit-eating grin on her face, her own digital camera in hand. And at the very end of the beach I saw the place where I'd be performing my final humiliating task: an open-air beach shower.

The teenage boys were still with me as I approached the shower and I'd picked up a few more followers along the way as well, including a middle-aged woman who kept running ahead of me to take pictures, giggling incessantly the whole time.

The shower was just a pole planted in a concrete base with a single shower head and an unobstructed view from the beach. I turned the shower handle and put my hand under the stream of water emerging from the shower head. It wasn't freezing, thankfully, but it wasn't exactly warm either. At the base of the shower pole I saw the plastic bottle filled with body soap that Nancy had told me would be there. I was supposed to wash my body thoroughly to remove all traces of the body oil - couldn't have the stuff messing up the interior of Nancy's car, you know. I had to get all of it or Nancy promised I'd be doing a very public car wash before we got home.

I stepped into the shower and gasped as the cool water streamed over body. I stuck my head under the water to wet my hair and then picked up the body soap and squeezed out a handful. A crowd was gathering now to watch the show, many with cameras and video recorders. Both Nancy and Margaret were there, too, and for a moment a flash of anger went through me as I thought about what they were forcing me to do. I'm not a hateful person at all but I have to confess that there were times I couldn't help but wish that something bad would happen to Nancy that would prevent her from continuing on with our little games. Nothing that would permanently hurt her or anything like that. Maybe just a mysterious lingering illness that lasted only until I was safely graduated and far away from her.

I rubbed my hands together to form a soapy lather and began washing my face and neck. The crowd murmured as my hands moved down to my breasts and began lathering them, my nipples feeling like hard little nubs from the cool water and the arousal that was building inside of me. God, I was getting turned on by this and I hated it! Why did my body react like this to having to perform such a private act in public? I knew by now that there was no way to control the way my body reacts to public exposure but I just hoped my arousal wasn't apparent to others. But the feeling of utterly feminine sexual vulnerability kept growing inside of me and when my soapy hands reached my inner thighs I let out a gasp. I had to stop for a moment to collect myself and I turned my back to the lustful eyes but it did me no good – the shower was completely surrounded by people now. I put my face into the stream of water and let it run down my body rinsing off the soap. I was dangerously close to orgasm and hoped that the cool water would help me calm down, but the thought of all those eyes poring over every inch of my body kept stoking the fire. I stood under the water for maybe a minute before I had calmed down enough to continue. I have to get this over with, I thought, or I'll be out here forever.

I continued soaping every inch of my body in front of the crowd, always on the edge of climax it seemed, but able somehow to keep from going over the precipice. It had to be obvious to the crowd, though, what I was going through and the humiliation only added to the intensity of the experience. When I was finally certain that I'd washed off all of the oil I turned off the shower. As I rubbed the water from my eyes some of the crowd began to applaud. I looked down and saw beads of water running down the goosebumped flesh of my breasts and my nipples were rock hard.

Okay, Wendy, you've done everything Nancy asked so it's time to get the hell out of here. You've got to get away from all of these eyes. The crowd parted to let me through and I walked back onto the path to finish the last leg of my journey. I was afraid some of the people would follow me all the way to Nancy's car but it seems like they knew the show was over and only a few stragglers trailed behind me. By the time I climbed the steps and reached the parking lot even the teenage boys had returned to the beach. I spotted Nancy's car nearby and walked to it. On the roof was a towel she'd left for me and I toweled myself off before getting into the unlocked rear door.

I was shaking still from the intensity of what I'd just been through and realized I was still intensely aroused. I checked out the window, seeing no one in the parking lot and no sign yet of Nancy or Margaret. I let my hand slip down into the moist region between my thighs and began rubbing my clit. Oh God, I can't believe I'm doing this, I thought, but there was no going back now. I closed my eyes and began moaning audibly as the vision of all those eyes on my nude body kept replaying in my mind. I kept stroking faster and faster as my left hand caressed my breasts, a wave of arousal coursing through my body. I don't think my body had ever felt this alive and sensual and when the wave finally crested I arched my back and a loud guttural moan escaped from my lips. I slumped back into my seat as my breathing began to calm and I opened my eyes. Standing outside my window was a beaming Nancy. Alongside her was Margaret with her video camera pointed at me.

Oh my God! How long had they been out there? How much of this did Margaret get on video? There's no way I could ever allow anyone to see that tape!

The front door opened and Nancy slid into the front seat. She turned back to me with a huge grin on her face. "I own you now, Wendy. You know that don't you?"

I collapsed into my seat in exhaustion and despair. What did I just do? She did. She did own me now!

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mistimksmistimksover 1 year ago

This appears to be the inspiration.

DashDotDashDotover 2 years ago

Amazing story, she didn't seem very reluctant tho, once bitten by the bug things can and will progress.

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89almost 3 years ago

I find it downright odd, the lengths you go to avoid describing Wendy's appearance...

SweetAriesQueenSweetAriesQueenabout 4 years ago
Excellent Story!

Damn I wish a woman like Nancy would turn me into her naked reluctant pet exhibitionist! I definitely have a shy submissive side she could exploit. Im not a lesbian but Im definitely intrigued by being controlled by an older woman and forced to do humiliating tasks naked for her pleasure. But I definitely dont want to be seen by anyone I know!

wifejanneywifejanneyover 4 years ago
such an arousing story

I find myself aroused and excited by this wonderful story, I have strong exhibitionist feelings myself, but am not brave enough to be naked in public to this extent.

I think I need my own Nancy to take charge and my, and her, fantasies can be fulfilled.


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