The Repossession Ch. 01


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Something in the air smelled... nice. Very nice.

And not just nice.


It was almost like mint, or lavender, or catnip. It had a mustiness to it, though, an earthy musk that made the head swim helplessly towards thoughts of bodies touching bodies, rubbing, grinding...

And then, as he heard a rustle from up ahead, Ben's heart stopped. His eyes settled on a tall, curvaceous figure emerging from the shadows of the bushes.

Oh, no, he thought, oh, no, no, no, not her!

His cock, however, had begun to stir in excited recognition.

~ ~ ~ ~

Lucy had found the source of the noise. She blinked at it, head tilting to the side, form glitching slightly in intense thought.

A little effigy of sticks, pinecones and twine hung from the branches of an especially tall ponderosa pine. Violet threads bound it in a complex spiderweb of patterned knots, dangling it on its stomach from four long braided lengths of thread. It was about the size of a small cat. And it was moving.

The effigy was hollow, and there was something inside it. Lucy squinted, watching the little silvery flames flicker and spark from within. Every now and then, the flames would flare, and the effigy would kick and swing slightly from its strings. That was when it made the staticky rattling noises that had caught Lucy's attention.

She drifted closer, chewing her lower lip, keeping a careful distance in case the effigy swung towards her. Not that such a small or simple effigy could truly bind her, as it had done to this little wisp sprite. Still, it might hurt.

She flitted up to the four branches the wisp sprite was hanging from and regarded them uncertainly. It wasn't that she couldn't affect physical objects, exactly--though it was easier when she was closer to her anchor--but being 'physical' wouldn't protect her from the effigy's effects. If only Ben were closer, she could perhaps possess a nearby squirrel and chew through the twine, but she didn't have the energy for that kind of maneuver this far from her shoe. And she'd very foolishly chosen to die on the day she'd just clipped her nails, so untying tight knots was a total pain.

Instead, she reached out and grasped a fresh pinecone, plucking it from the tree and tossing it in her hand. It was young and full of water and sap, solid, heavy. Perfect.

Squinting, she reeled back and flung the pinecone at the effigy. It smashed into the pinecone-head with a satisfying crunch, the dry, brittle fibers snapping apart easily.

There was a loud rattling stream of static following this, and the effigy swung wildly from its tether. The effigy quivered, vibrated, and exploded in a shower of silver sparks.

Lucy almost reflexively flinched at the flying twig shrapnel as it passed through her. The sprite burst out and soared up into the air, and Lucy watched with a laugh as it performed a couple somersaults before coming to hover before her. It chittered happily.

Despite her amusement, and her satisfaction at freeing the poor little thing, Lucy felt a little uneasy. Wisp sprites weren't quite ghosts--they were something between ghost and fairy, alien and trivial. But trapping one like this still took skill, and will. She'd heard that soul hunters sometimes caught and bound them for use in minor cantrips, for practice or sport, or even just because they saw the creatures as pests.

Soul hunting, though, was a very, very uncommon profession.

Had Lucy's heart still been beating, it would have begun to race.

The wisp sprite sped off, to do whatever it was wisp sprites did when they weren't being trapped in little wicker effigies. Lucy, after a moment's hesitation, turned and sped off in the opposite direction, straight back towards Ben.

There was only one soul hunter in the area she knew of that used magenta thread in her bindings.

And if this was who Lucy thought it was, she and Ben were about to be in a lot of trouble.

~ ~ ~ ~

Ben crouched behind the large fern, heart pounding in his chest. How can she be here? Is this where she's been since--

He forced the thought down, cursing his tantalizing memories. The last thing he needed to do was start reminiscing about the... the last time.

She was right there. Sashaying casually between the shrubs, humming an eerie tune as she casually plucked colorful, no-doubt poisonous berries and dropped them into a little basket. Her long slitted purple dress, flowing and elegant, was also basically just a few bolts of fabric sewn together in a rough facsimile of clothing that left nothing to the imagination save the concept of modesty.

Her outfit seemed almost comically impractical for her environment. Yet Ben couldn't see a single smudge of dirt or pollen on it. Nor on her flawless pale lavender skin, her long, shapely legs leading up to her wide, swinging hips, her narrow waist and her smooth, pearlescent breasts, her cleavage bared low over her tight corset...

Ben's mouth snapped shut, and he licked his lips and forced his eyes away from her figure. Just stay quiet, he told himself urgently, trying desperately to avoid thinking about his increasingly interested cock, the way his heart was no longer pounding out of fear, but fluttering with tantalized nerves... Just stay quiet and wait for her to pass. She'll definitely keep walking. She hasn't seen you. Keep it that way.

Above all, he knew, he had to keep her eyes away from him. Had to keep his eyes away from her. Away from her eyes.

He gulped, louder than he intended. At least, he told himself it was louder than he'd intended. His whole body yearned to do the very opposite of what was in his best interest. He trembled with the effort of not rustling just accidentally a little too loudly, even knowing what would happen if he did. Even knowing the consequences for poor stealth would be wonderful, mind-melting pleasure...

Endless obedient pleasure beneath her beautiful emerald-green eyes...

He gulped again, louder this time, and immediately cursed himself. Stop it! His mind was in a panic. These stupid, impulsive acts would doom him and damn him. Damn him to endless servitude, endless...

He forced his eyes to the ground, away from the enticing figure. She was starting to walk away, from the sounds of things. He just needed to keep his senses and stop being a fool for a few moments more...

"Ben!" Lucy's voice blared in his mind like a siren, almost making him jump. "Ben, there's a situation!"

The voice was so loud to him, Ben looked up instinctively, sure the woman had heard. But Lucy was speaking in his mind, using the one-way connection her shoe offered. Still, he tried to implore her to stop screaming at him--

--and then he saw her zooming straight down towards him from the treetops.

His heart slammed in his chest. Moira had turned away briefly, but she could turn around and see Lucy at any moment! The ghost was bright blue, for pity's sake!

"Ben, can you hear me?" the ghost shouted, her eyes wide as she dove straight towards him. "We've got--""

She grabbed his hand, and desperately, Ben pulled her into him, let her possess him, desperate to conceal her from view--


As their form finished shifting, Lucienne's voice rang out clear as a windchime in the silent forest.

And Lucienne, no longer under Ben's control whatsoever, froze stiff.

"Uh-oh," she whispered.

And a warm, sensuous voice melted into their ears like hot, trickling plum syrup--thick, sugary-sweet, and with just the slightest touch of tartness.

"Well, well," the voice purred from behind them, "funny running into you again, love~"

Slowly, heart racing, Lucienne turned to face the seductress.

And Moira smiled at them, eyes glimmering many beautiful hues of green.

"H-Hi, Moira," Lucienne stammered.

And Moira's smile widened to a broad, predatory grin.

~ ~ ~ ~

Lucienne took a step back, staring at the taller witch with wide, panicked eyes. She felt like a rabbit in a snare, even though, she desperately reminded their stiffening limbs, they weren't caught yet! And they'd only stay that way if they started moving, fast!

"I-It's nice to see you again," she said with a falsely bright smile. She was always put a little off-balance when first possessing Ben--the wash of his emotions combined with the sudden sensory overload was hard to negotiate, and it tended to leave her a little disoriented. "How long's it been? You know, since we beat you and left you in the dust that one time?" She put a finger to her lips in mock thought. "Or was it two times? Gosh, I keep losing count!"

She adopted a cocky pose, one hand on her hip, as her control over Ben's body solidified. She was getting ready to run, but she needed just a few seconds more to adjust to the stupid gravity thing, or else she'd risk falling flat on her face. And she knew what happened from experience when she fell down around Moira.

Moira often made it a little hard to get back up.

Moira only smiled wanly at this taunt, one eyebrow arching. "Oh, ithas been such a long time, if that's how you remember it, little spirit~" She gave a low, husky laugh. "Maybe you need a little refresher?" Her voice dropped to a teasing coo. "You know I'm always happy to help, if you'd only ask."

"H-Haha." Lucienne cursed the little tremor in her laugh as she took another step back, as much out of nerves as to test the certainty of her footfalls. Moira was still a few paces away, but with every step the gorgeous soul hunter took towards them, Lucienne's certainty that she could outrun Moira before a spell was cast grew weaker. "Yeah, sure, maybe, we'll schedule that for February twenty-ninth."

Without warning, she spun on her toes and broke into a sprint, her words coming out as a babbled torrent behind her, "Ohdangit'snotaleapyearWELP--"

She was actually in mid-leap when Moira's hand latched onto on her wrist and firmly yanked her back.

Lucienne squeaked in surprise. She flailed, but the soul hunter just smiled at her. Her grip was like iron. "Oh, come now, why the rush?" Moira purred. "Moira has plenty of time to spare for a lovely pet like you."

Lucienne squirmed beneath that hungry gaze, biting their lip. She hated people being taller than her at the best of times. "Y-Yeah, I don't think I--" She tried to tear her eyes from Moira's as familiar green spirals started to appear. "I-I--I don't think--"

"Oh, yes, of course you don't!" Moira cooed, making Lucienne flush angrily. "You don't have to think at all, now, pet. That's right, no thoughts at aaall~"

"Nnnngh!" Lucienne hated how her voice came out as a whine. She realized she hadn't actually looked away yet only when those pretty spirals started to deepen.

"L-Lucy, look away," Ben whispered urgently in her mind. "We can't... she's, um..."

Moira was still holding Lucienne by the hand, gently, now, as if she sensed force was no longer needed. Her smile was widening as distinct bright green spirals began to swirl in those pretty eyes of hers, and Lucienne gasped in recognition. "Thaaat's right, the soul hunter cooed, her voice dripping with smug delight, "thaaat's it, angel, so gooood for Moira~"

"N-Nooo..." Lucy and Ben both knew the dangers of gazing into Moira's beautiful, addictive eyes very well. Lucienne heard how weak her voice sounded, and her cheeks burned in embarrassment, but it was so hard to--to think--

"Oh, but you can't reeesissst," Moira purred with a light trill to her voice, leaning in closer. Her eyes were steadily filling with spirals of greater complexity, beautiful, ineffable. "Don't you see that Moira has you now? You know no one can resist me, especially not you." Her eyes spiraled, endless beautiful hues of green circling inward, pulling Lucienne's thoughts deeper, deeper... deeper... "You remember~"

Lucy tried to step back, tried to resist the hypnotic spell, but suddenly her feet... weren't really obeying her anymore. Her spirit squirmed within Lucienne's body beneath Moira's powerful, irresistible gaze.

"That's right," Moira cooed,licking her lips, "just stare into my eyes, my pet. You're already sinking sooo deeeeply into them. Just..." Her eyes seemed to start spiraling in the other direction, twisting like a crocodile rolling in the water with its prey, and Lucy felt her whole mind lurching in dizzied confusion. "... focus on Moira's voice~"

"... focus... MMMoirahh's... vuh--v-voice..." Lucienne heard her voice come out dim and slurred, and felt her cheeks going very hot. She couldn't pull clear, couldn't help herself. It felt so good to stare, to feel the sensations of Moira's will pouring into their minds, flooding her thoughts and pulling them deeper... deeper...

She squirmed and fluttered against the grip of Moira's gaze like an fly in treesap, all the while feeling Moira's power over her thickening into amber.

"Yesss," Moira hissed, "look into my eyes, listen to my voice... let Moira's words wrap around you like a cozy blanket, dumb, needy little specter."

"Nuhh... needy..." Lucienne whispered.

"Soon you'll be mine," the soul hunter cooed. "Aaaaall Moira's. Just breathe in her scent, love, let it make you nice and weak and pliable..."

Lucy internally cursed her newfound intense sensations as she helplessly breathed in, drowned herself in that intoxicating minty musk. She was so close, and try as she might, all she could do to escape Moira's eyes was to force her gaze down...

... down...

... into Moira's beautiful, bouncing breasts.

Moira chuckled smugly, and out of the corner of her eye, Lucienne saw her lick her lips. "Would you rather look at Moira's lovely tits? Quite the slutty little wisp, aren't you? You know how easily I'll get to control you with these!"

Lucienne whined.

As if sensing weakness, Moira leaned in closer, bouncing her breasts in Lucienne's face--she wasn't even holding Lucienne's hand anymore, but Lucienne could only stare and drool. "You know," she murmured slyly, "how easily my tits master your mind."


"How easy they own you."

Lucienne's lips parted in a wordless moan.

"How easy my tits control you."

"... tits... control me..." Lucienne's voice was a moan, and she shivered at the intense, deep arousal in her voice, the arousal filling her body and sending tingles through her every nerve. She could dimly hear Ben, deep in her subconscious, echoing her own words. He could feel everything she felt, she knew.

And she felt so, so good.

Lucienne watched dumbly as Moira reached out and took her by the chin with one hand, guided her to watch as, with the other, Moira cupped one of her own breasts and bounced it teasingly in her hand, so soft, so squishy and bouncy and...

"Hhheavyy," Lucienne slurred, realizing that she was echoing some suggestion from Moira she hadn't even consciously registered. Her head lolled, allowing Moira to support her, as she gazed with a wide, adoring smile across at Moira's beautiful, irresistible tits.

"Yes, yes, yes," Moira chanted in a sensuous purr, her hand guiding Lucienne to lean in closer, closer, utterly spellbound, "ssstare into Moira's tits. Let them take over. Silly little slutty spirits like you shouldn't be in control, should they?"

"N-No..." Lucienne whispered.

"Who should be in control?" Moira's voice was as sweet and sticky as flypaper.

"Mmmoiirraaahh," Lucienne moaned.


"T-Titss control meee," Lucienne cooed happily.

"Good pet."

Lucienne could feel her whole spirit going calm, and only a tiny piece of her still fought the urge to surrender. It felt so, so good, but... no, she had to... had to resist! If the soul hunter caught her... caught Ben...

"That's right," Moira purred, and Lucienne felt her face being guided to rest between Moira's perfect breasts, "and you want more, don't you? More of Moira's control. It feels so good, doesn't it, to sink into Moira's power and obey Moira's tits?"

"D-Did... anyone ever tell you... third p-person's kinda weird..." Lucienne whimpered, her attempt at a repartee sounding weak and forced even to her.

Moira just smirked and stroked Lucienne's hair, and Lucienne felt herself going limp, breathing in deep of Moira's addictive musk...

Thoughts of exquisite pleasure were already trickling through her docile, placid mind, but mustering what little she had left, she thrashed and squirmed. "N-No!" she cried, and tore her gaze away from those breasts.

In a feat of unspeakable willpower, Lucienne pulled away, wrenched out of Moira's grasp. She hesitated a moment, surprised even at herself. Then she spun and took off running back into the--

into the...



hadn't moved.

Lucienne lay there in Moira's arms, as limp as a sleepy kitten, and moaned as she felt Moira pet her hair, as she breathed in more of Moira's addictive perfume. She hadn't moved an inch.

Lucy's heart raced. But... she had! She was sure she had. "Ben," she whispered, "I c-can't--what's--"

"Hush," Moira purred with a wide, smug smile, bouncing her breasts around Lucienne's head until Lucienne was left drooling, gazing up adoringly into Moira's eyes. "You've been such a good girl, and I'm gonna give you plenty of rewards in a little while."

Lucienne tried to speak, but her whole form was vibrating, and she realized too late that she was losing her grip, that Ben was being guided to push her out--

"But for now," Moira purred, "Moira needs to make sure the boy knows how to be as good a pet as you've been. And you've been soooo good, softening him up for me~"

Lucienne whimpered silently, feeling herself slipping deep, deep to the back of Ben's mind...

"Ssso... good..." she heard Ben moan.

She kept thrashing within their body, but it was like with every breath of poisoned air, with every bounce of Moira's breasts, with every intoxicating word past Moira's plump lips, her control lessened. Like Moira was... pushing her out...

The world around them was shifting, morphing, twisting and simplifying. The trees turned into minimalist sticks and black silhouette poles jutting out of the swirling green mists that surrounded them. Pink mists began to rise around them.

"Oh, no, no, no," Lucy whispered in Ben's mind, realizing where they were being pulled. ""Ben, snap out of it! She's pulling us into the subspace! We have to--"

"That's right, sweet boy," Moira cooed, ignoring Lucy's protests and cradling Ben's face in her hands as he drooled, and Lucy could see their eyes reflected in Moira's, filled with beautiful spirals to match as they stared up into her eyes with a look of pure, dumb adoration, "let Moira fill your mind with pleeasssure~"

"Hhnnmoiraahh..." Ben slurred.

And with a thrumming sensation, Lucy found herself shunted right out of their shared body and into the open air of the subspace, leaving Ben alone in Lucienne's body and susceptible to Moira's sweet temptations.

Her eyes widened, and she tried to leap back in, but tendrils of rosy mist snaked around her, taking advantage of her disorientation. She thrashed as they wrapped around her tighter, immersing her in their sweet, gentle embrace. She kicked at them, but her feet only passed through the vapors. Pleasure began to flood her mind as her head was pulled into their midst.

"Ben!" she cried. Dimly through the sugary-sweet haze, she could see Ben staring up wide-eyed at Moira, his eyes swirling many beautiful shades of green.

Had Lucy had a beating heart, it would have been pounding in her ghostly chest.