The Rescuer

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A damsel in distress is rescued and love ensues.
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(All persons involved in sexual activity are over 18 and any similarities between this story and real life are purely coincidental)


Falling through the roof of a burning building, breaking my ankle, hip and a few ribs, was not what I had planned near the end of my career in the fire service, but it is the reason that I ended up retired at the age of 45. Trying to plan my future well, I moved out of the expensive San Francisco Bay Area in California and settled in northern San Diego County in a beautiful townhouse with a view of the ocean. The long, public walking path that my townhouse backed up to was a perfect place for me to walk or bike as I continued the rehab that would no doubt last the rest of my life.

I loved my small backyard. It opened up to the path and gave me just enough room to do some gardening, have a small, private hot tub, and a place to BBQ and relax. As a bonus, my master bedroom and home office were on the second story of the home and gave me a glimpse of the beautiful, southern California coast; especially brilliant at sunset each night.

Having a glass of wine at sunset, relaxing in a lounge chair, at sunset was one of my favorite evening activities. The people watching of the folks that used the walking path was a favorite pastime of mine; sometimes wondering why there were so animated and other times wondering why they made lycra outfits in such large sizes. Some people just needed to get a clue.

One evening, I returned from refilling my wine glass with a wonderful French rose I was enjoying and resumed my seat on my patio only to glance up and wonder why someone thought that plopping down on the path was a good way to exercise. As I settled into my seat and continued reading the news of the days events on social media, I glanced up again thinking I had heard whimpering coming from the same direction as the person who had taken up residence on the gravel path. It was then I looked closer and realized this person, a young looking woman, was writhing in pain and looking around for help that wasn't coming.

"I'm retired now," was my first thought, "get your ass up and see what's wrong and render aid" was fortunately my more dominant thought. I retrieved a jump kit, a fancy name for an advanced first aid kit, from my garage and strolled up to the walking path. As I approached the down runner, she was clearly in a good deal of pain and looking around in a helpless fashion.

"Hi. Can I help you," I asked as I approached her?

Sucking up her sniffles from crying she managed to say, "Yes. Please. I can't walk."

As I got to her, I knelt down and noticed she was grabbing her ankle. "How did you end up here," I asked?

"Well, the alien spaceship that kidnapped me, dropped me here from about 20' up and I hurt my ankle when I landed," she said sarcastically.

"Well then, I don't help people that have spent time in a UFO, so I'm outa here."

"Ha ha. Sorry," she said, "I was running and rolled my ankle something fierce in that hole and I cannot walk."

"Well, to start, I'm John. I am a retired firefighter/paramedic and happy to help if you'd like me to."

"If I don't accept your help, I'll have to wait to be kidnapped again so, sure, I am happy to have you help me. I'm Stacey by the way."

"Hi Stacey," I said looking at her ankle. "It is hard to say exactly what is wrong, but I do know it won't get better by just sitting here. Can I carry you over to my patio right over there and see if I can get you back into some sort of travelling shape?"

"Sure. Do whatever you have to do. My car is parked way down at the shopping center about a mile from here, so I could at least Uber from your house."

I gathered Stacey up into my arms, her arms latched around my neck. It was on the short distance to my patio that I realized what I had in my arms. Stacey seemed to be in her 20's and was very cute. She was only about 5' 2" and just over 100 pounds; an easy carry for a 6' 2", 210 pound retired firefighter. She had on short, running shorts and a sports bra that worked hard to cover her incredible rack; the second thing I noticed. The first was how fucking cute she was. In my career as a paramedic I had met my share of hot babes, but it had been awhile.

I laid her down gently on a chaise lounger on my patio and offered to get her a drink. "Well, what do you have that will take away this pain," she asked?

"Well, just about anything you want assuming you're at least 21," I replied.

"Isn't everyone at least 21 when they feel like this?" she asked. "I'm 24, but my ID is in my car sir. If that satisfies you, I'd love something strong and cold."

I returned with a margarita on the rocks. Stacey gulped most of it down, shook off the brain freeze, and relaxed for the first time laying back into the chaise lounger. Her tits more than filled her sports bra and her nipples hinted at pointing through.

"May I removed your running shoe and have a closer look at the ankle," I asked permission? Receiving permission, I removed her shoe gently and found she had a badly sprained ankle. "Well, the good news is, it isn't broken. The bad news is, sometimes sprains hurt even more."

I retrieved an ice pack from my back and wrapped it to her swelling ankle with an ace bandage. "Thank you," Stacey said. "Now I just need to figure out how to get back to my car. At least it is my left foot, so I think I can drive."

"Well, let's let the ice take effect a little and then I can give you a ride to your car," I offered.

"That is really sweet. Sorry I was a sarcastic bitch earlier, it's just that this is just one more thing in a series of things," Stacey offered.

"It is totally fine," I replied, "And, I'm sorry to hear you haven't had such a good time lately."

"Yeah. It has been tough lately. I moved here a few months ago with my lazy ass boyfriend and he promptly cheated on me and dumped me for a fat bitch he works with. Now I'm stuck out here, and now this."

"Wow. Maybe another margarita would help," I said grabbing Stacey's glass and heading back inside.

"That would be awesome," she yelled after me.

I returned from the bar and asked, "So, where was home before this?"


"Wow. That is a long way from home. Well, consider yourself having a new friend out here in California," I said. "And one that would love to see you naked," the pervert part of me thought quietly.

"You are so sweet," she thanked me.

After talking a little more, I removed the ice bag, wrapped up her ankle tightly, and wrapped her in a blanket as the outdoor temp cooled down. One more margarita down to kill off the pain and she announced, "I am pretty buzzed, John. I probably either need to go home or spend the night."

As much as the horn-dog part of me wanted her to spend the night, my brain stayed engaged and I said, "Let me grab my keys and carry you out to my car."

I carried Stacey through my house, into the garage and headed for my SUV. "OMG," she yelled! "Your Corvette is amazing. Are we taking that?"

"Ha ha. I don't think I can lower you into it, but maybe another time," I said.

"Seriously. I love older Vettes. It is gorgeous. I'd totally come back for a ride in that beauty."

I put Stacey in my SUV and started to drive her to her car. Since she was admittedly pretty buzzed, we agreed I'd give her a ride home and she could Uber back to her car the next morning. I pulled up to the old, Victorian home where her studio occupied the basement. "Do I need to carry you inside," I offered?

"That would be great," she smiled with a wink and a smile.

I carried her inside, set her down gently on her bed and turned to go. "Take care of that thing. I'd go see your doctor tomorrow so you can at least get some crutches."

"John, I'm sorry to see you go. It would be great to have you stay and take care of me," she said batting her eyes at me.

"Here's my number. Text me if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you," she said getting up and hopping over to me. "You are very sweet." As she said that, she threw her arms around me, hugged me and kissed my cheek.

I kissed her forehead, eased her back to her bed, and left before I fucked her brains out. The drive home had me smiling at how close I was to sleeping with a beautiful, young woman almost half my age. "I still got it," I thought to myself.

The following Friday, while catching up on some housework, my phone buzzed with a text message: "Hey John. It's Stacey"

Me: Hi. How's the ankle.

Stacey: Better, but still a little sore.

Me: Good to hear. Take care.

Stacey: Can I drop by after work?

Me: Sure. For what?

Stacey: I have a thank you gift for you.

Me: Don't be silly, but OK.

Stacey: Would 7pm work?

Me: That's fine.

My doorbell rang about 7:15pm. I opened the door and there, on my front porch, was a slightly hobbling Stacey dressed to the nines. She had on a mini-skirt that highlighted her cuter than hell, firm little legs, and a tight shirt that showed her large tits and ample cleavage. "Come in. Come in," I said.

"Here," she said handing me a bag that looked like it contained some sort of bottle. Opening it I found a very nice bottle of tequila, "Wow. Thank you. This is very nice. You didn't have to do this."

"Well, I figured I drank a good amount of yours the other night. And, you really did help me out. I would still be sitting out there if you hadn't come to my rescue," she laughed.

"That might be a little extreme, but thank you. Can I make you a drink? I'm having wine."

"Wine sounds great."

I poured her a glass and refilled my glass and invited Stacey out to the patio. We sat together and laughed about the night we met and talked about our lives. She was not only sexy as hell, she seemed much older than she was. "So, why is a handsome, well-established, retired firefighter like you still single? Is there something I should know," she asked laughing.

Well, yes, I have really ugly, mutated toes," I joked. "Seriously, after a few long-term relationships ended because of the stress of my career, I finally decided to stay single."

"Do you miss not having a partner?"

"Yes, now that I am retired at 45 there are days I'd love to have a partner, but I am still happy. Why didn't you just go back to Boston when your boyfriend broke up with you," I asked, deflecting the attention back on her?

"Well, honestly, I don't really have anything to go back to. I mean, I have friends, but...(she started to get choked up) mom and dad were both killed in a car accident when I was 19 and, with no siblings, I have really been on my own since then," she finally revealed.

"Oh shit. I am so sorry," I said and reached out without thinking and gave her a long, firm hug.

After crying her way through the story about the loss of her parents, we sat quietly in the stillness of the warm night. We had imbibed on a healthy amount of wine and, once again, I was faced with a decision to take her home or have her stay the night. My dick really wanted her to stay, but my head and my heart knew it just wasn't the right thing. "Do you need a ride home again, Stacey?"

"No, no. I can Uber and then just come back tomorrow and get my car," she said with a very distinct tone of disappointment.

"Let me take you home and then you can Uber back tomorrow," I offered.

"Okay. That sounds good. I'm sorry to bother you like this again."

"No problem," I said grabbing my keys. On the ride home, an idea hit me, "Hey, tomorrow is Saturday, if you're not busy, when you Uber back, we could take the Vette out for a cruise. Would you like that?"

"That would be really amazing. Oh my god, I'd love that."

I took her home and, knowing I might not be able to resist her bed, gave her a side-hug goodbye in the car and dutifully waited until she flashed the lights of her studio to tell me she was safe. My brain was in turmoil on the ride home and while I tried to get to sleep; I was trying to fight my horniness from overtaking what might not be the right thing for a lonely, young, absolutely gorgeous woman.

About 11am the next morning, I had the car out in the driveway, wiping off the dust a bit, when Stacey's Uber dropped her off. She hopped out of the car and then leaned back in to pick up a small backpack, giving me a front row seat for her amazing little ass in tight, very short shorts. After turning toward me, I just about lost it. She had on a shirt that had a bare midriff, and tented nicely out over her perky breasts.

"What's in the bag," I asked?

"Well, I didn't know exactly how to dress, so I brought some options for later if needed. Do I look okay like this," she said twirling around?

"You couldn't look better. Let me lock up and grab some light picnic snacks I put together earlier this morning."

My car, which I am incredibly proud of, is a black, 1976, convertible, Corvette Stringray that has been fully restored to original, mint condition. There are few, if any, things that can make my car look any better than it already does. Stacey, sitting in the front seat, with a mesmerizingly gorgeous smile, flowing hair, and cute tits, was one of those things. I was speechless.

We hit the road and headed directly up to coast so the fantastic view provided by the Pacific Ocean was always with us. Stacey bounced around to the loud music, enjoying every second of the ride, and providing me with a twitching cock that was threatening to harden up and bulge out of my shorts any minute.

We found a fairly secluded turnout where I could pull off safely and we made our way down to the beach to eat some snacks and open a bottle of cold bubbly I had brought along. We sat on the blanket, Stacey facing me sitting cross-legged, and there was no way to avoid gazing at her as her very tight shorts crept up her crotch. After we had eaten and drank the bottle of champagne, Stacey abruptly got up and stood right over the top of me and said, "Come on, let's wade out into the water."

"Oh, no. Let's just sit here and relax," I protested; my protest mainly because I was looking straight up her tented, half shirt and had a perfect view of her tits and she was not wearing a bra. After a few minutes of my fight to stay seated, she tugged at my arm and off we went, walking to the water.

We waded out slowly and, admittedly, the cold water felt good splashing up to my knees. We walked along a little bit, side by side, our hands occasionally brushing against each other's. At one point, she walked a few steps ahead of me, turned, and with a surprise attack started splashing me. The water fight ensued. It lasted for a few minutes of splashing and then, I decided to end it. I moved in to create a huge splash when Stacey, in her attempt to get away, fell, crashing into knee-deep water. She came up laughing and I trotted off a few steps.

I turned to see her walking onto the beach, fully soaked, and stopped to wait for her. Not only did I want to make amends, but her shirt was now totally soaked through, clinging to her breasts, with her dark nipples leaving very little left to the imagination. She walked into my open arms and I gave her a big hug and we declared the water war over. I scooped her up into my arms and carried her back to the blanket.

Deciding to head back to the car, she announced, "You don't really want me in your car all soaking wet like this do you?"

"Well, what's the other option,? I asked?

With that, she pulled off her wet shirt, shimmied out of her soaked shorts and thong underwear and immediately wrapped up in the blanket. The quick glance I got of her surprise nudity left me stunned. Her dark, nipple adorned perky tits were not a mystery, but her completely shaved pussy was; and it was fabulous.

She turned to walk to the car in the blanket and then, realizing I was still staring in amazement, turned around and said, "Did you like what you saw?"

"Excuse me? I mean, um, y-y-y-yes," I stuttered.

"Well then, the show's over for now. Let's go."

As much as I wanted to carry her again and feel her body against mine, I had the picnic cooler to carry on the short hike back to the car. We loaded up, cranked up the music, and headed back to my house. When we arrived, we kind of naturally assumed she'd come in the house and so, off we went inside.

"Would you mind if I rinsed off in your shower," she asked?

"No. Go for it. I'll jump in after you," I replied nonchalantly.

Although undressing on the beach should have been a clue, she shocked me by saying, ""Want to join me and shower together?"

"Stacey, do you think it's a good idea that we go there?"

"I think we're both looking for happiness and so far, I think we've found a pretty good version of it together. Shouldn't we at least explore what might be next?"

"Damn girl!," I thought to myself. "Makes total sense to me," I said out loud, scooping her up as the blanket came off and carrying her naked up to my shower.

I undressed and hopped in the shower with Stacey and immediately our bodies began rubbing together, making beautiful music as our tongues explored each other's mouths. I fondled her tits and ran my finger down into her waiting pussy, making her moan with excitement. She stroked my cock until it was as hard as it gets and then turned around to grind her cute ass into me. I couldn't resist anymore. I spread her legs apart slightly, soaped up my dick, and slid it slowly into her pussy from behind. She squealed with excitement. The rhythm of our bodies, fucking, was fantastic; like we'd done it many times before.

It didn't take her long to shake with orgasm and I could feel the pressure building in my balls. In a brief moment of sanity, while my hands held her hips in place for me to fuck her cunt, I asked her, "Are you on birth control?" With no immediate response, I kept fucking, but blowing my load was imminent, "Are you baby?"

"No, no, I'm not."

There couldn't have been but a tenth of a second left. I pulled out and sticky, hot, white cum shot in loads all over her ass cheeks. She turned around, got on her knees and let the second wave of spurts shoot into her mouth and all over her tits. As we continued making out, soaping each other up, washing each other off, and enjoying every second of our bodies in erotic motion, I said with relief, "That was close."

Laughing, she said, "You're not kidding, but I'm not sure I would have cared."

We dried off, she donned one of my t-shirts and nothing else and we headed downstairs. All that incredible sex made us a little hungry, so I whipped up some stir fry. As I cooked, Stacey curled up on the couch and chilled out to some standard jazz classics that she picked up; further deepening my feelings for this beautiful young woman with an old soul. We ate dinner, drank some more wine, and curled up on the couch.

As we kissed and touched each other, it didn't take long for my cock to rise to the occasion again. After playing with each other for a few minutes, I gathered Stacey up in my arms, which had often become our mode of travel, and carried her, stopping a few times to kiss, to my master suite. I laid her gently on my bed and she removed the t-shirt. I fully undressed, climbed on the bed with her, gently spread her legs, and kissed my way from her beautiful lips, through her tits, and down to her moist pussy where my tongue went to work. I teased out her clit and started licking it faster and faster, flicking it with the tip of my long tongue. Simultaneously, she tensed up, screamed, and squirted with orgasm, making me bury my face in her sweet cunt.

As I climbed back up alongside her, we started kissing and she whispered, "What if we can't stop this time my sexy man with a big hose?"

"That will be entirely up to you," I answered while I pulled her on top of me and fashioned my hard cock at the entrance to her pussy. She lowered herself down on me and started riding me cowboy style. As she lifted up and down, stroking my cock with her tight pussy lips, she would dip her chest into my face to give me a bite of nipple with regularity. The speed and intensity increased slowly over time to the point we were fucking as hard as two people can fuck.