The Rescuer Bk. 02 Pt. 03


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Pam adds, "The natural stud physique, humble attitude, cute face, I think I'll credit Kim over Brian."

Everyone giggles. The next several pictures get better. I look more natural as the clothing gets more informal. That really comes through in the photos. After the last picture, every woman picks up her drink and finishes it. She turns off the overhead, although the fan still runs for cooling.

Porsche asks, "What about the other pictures?"

Susan asks, "You sure you want these people to see them."

Kim laughs, "These people know everything about us, we trusted them with our lives. More wine, and let's see the "other" calendar."

The boyfriend pours more wine. Susan turns on the overhead, and the first picture appears. This has me and Penny in the center. Each woman got a month with December being a collage of the next best pictures. She then made an additional calendar for each woman with only their photographs.

Everyone is blown away. Even the guys can't believe the quality and the sensual nature of the photographs. I almost want to cry. There are lots of crying as we leave and lots of big hugs.

The general and Barry pull me aside.

Barry says, "I read the report on you. I know you're a Captain now. That's impressive. What I saw tonight, well, that just blows me away. I know you're like your dad, everything is 150% effort, you must do your best. In general, Captains don't hit the field. I want you to think about taking over for your dad. You know his stories, his methods, his unique ways. He has made a significant difference over the years."

The general cuts in, "I won't be around forever, but I can guarantee, if you make soldiers as your dad did, they will be treated just like you all were. Many were unhappy with your special handling, I think we got a hell of a deal, six of the best soldiers we have ever had. I would put up your base against anyone right now. I have seen the shooting scores, and I know your family is responsible.

"We don't know how to score moving targets, but I have it under great authority that your base is far better than any other by far. I also understand that geese no longer fly over your base."

He and Barry laugh hard at that. I just smile.

They both give me a firm handshake, Barry says, "It was awesome meeting you and spending some time with you and your family. Call us next time you are out this way, we'll give you the full tour. Just don't wait too long, we're old men."

I smile, "What's the old line, generals don't die, they just fade away."

He smiles, hugs me again, and walks off to his car with his sexy two bodyguards. A smaller car is waiting for Barry. The rest of us use the Limo to get back to the hotel. The limo takes the grandparents' home. They cry a lot as they say goodbye. Kim is right next to me when grandma hugs me. Geez, she is grandma, she is harmless. Right?

Going up the silent elevator, mom announces, "Penny and I had this morning. We won't stand in your way or take up any of his time. He's tired and needs sleep. I know you all have needs, just be careful of him."

Mary says, "It's late for me, I'm going to bed."

Porsche says, "I get him the most. I don't want to wear him out, I'll pass."

Bonnie says, "I don't need him often. Those pictures made me horny, but I will skip. I don't want us wearing him down too much."

She gives me a tender kiss on the lips and then runs to her room. Damn, I want to run after her. I open my door, allowing Pam and Paula to enter. Pam is prepping the bed while Paula is removing her clothes.

Paula says to me, "Viewing those calendars sure made me horny. I was already on fire from you, mauling my breasts and my rubbing my pussy on your leg and cock. I can't believe we got away with so much."

There is a timid knock at the door. I open the door, and Bonnie is there; she is looking down. I give her a hug and drag her into the room.

I tilt her head up, give her a soft kiss, and then explain, "They were just explaining how the dancing and then the pictures made them horny enough to fuck me all night." Her face is full of anger. "I know we aren't doing that. Tonight, I'm going to be the world's worst lover. It's all about getting you off."

Standing in the doorway is Porsche, "You better count me in. I thought I could do it. You're right, the dancing and the pictures of you broke my will as I lay in bed thinking about it. We aren't fucking him all night, and half will be cowgirl. He's not going back in the hospital."

Porsche adds, "If you need your pussy eaten to get off, I'll sit in tonight."

Bonnie is curious, "You go both ways?"

Porsche blushes, "No. I want to take it easy on him. But I am curious to see what it's all about. Haven't you ever wondered?"

Bonnie answers, "Yes, but we've been so close, I have been scared to death to ask."

Paula adds, "You should both try it out. Hunter is awesome. Women are different, we're softer, slower, more subtle. We know what feels good, they're just guessing."

Paula jumps up on the bed, she is naked. Bonnie gets up on the bed, also naked, breasts swinging. Tentatively, she leans forward and strokes her tongue into Paula's pussy. Pam mounts my cock and starts the up and down motion that feels so awesome.

Right next to me, Bonnie is licking Paula, and she loves what Bonnie is doing. She is grunting and moaning, giving excellent feedback. It won't be long before she orgasms. Paula is running out of energy; it takes a lot to cowgirl for a while. She falls forward on her hands while her knees are still holding her body up.

She is breathing hard from the good workout. I push up my hips, and she adjusts to me. I then lower my body a bit, and now I can fuck her with a small portion of my cock. The positive thing is that I can go hummingbird quick. Paula goes directly to grunting and looks to be on the verge of collapse.

Porsche reaches over and from behind Paula and uses her hand to rub Paula's clit. Can you guess what happens? Oh yes, Paula blows up with a massive orgasm, squirting me. That's something she has never done before. As I cry out my orgasm with a shout, Porsche cries out as she too orgasms.

I watch Porsche eat Bonnie for a while. That gets me hard, and I then fuck Pam aggressively. No slow fucking, straight to the end game. All-out speed fucking. She is grunting as my body slams my cock up into her body. She has an eerie look of tranquility on her face. She got what she wanted and is satisfied now.

I didn't get off; I am hard as a rock still. I am on my back again. Bonnie gets up and mounts my cock. She gets a good speed going as she fucks up and down on my big meat stick. This is feeling good. I am being fucked and not using much energy. I am content.

Nothing more for me to do. My sisters have a different idea. Pam is on her back; Paula is aggressive and holds her sister's arms together. She reaches forward and steals a soft kiss from Pam. No shit. They both smile at me. I am meeting Bonnie's slamming of my cock. Pam gently slaps the big breasts that are hanging down. They wobble and swing back and forth, losing energy as they swing. Oh fuck, I won't last long at this rate.

Bonnie is also watching the show, and she blows up with an exceptional orgasm. She goes soft on top of me. I want to move her off me. Three women scream, "NO!" All three of them stop and help Bonnie get up and into a chair. She wants to flop over, so Pam sits with her to keep her safe and sitting up.

I go back and wait for Porsche; she pushes me onto my back. She reaches down and kisses me softly, allowing the kiss to linger. Now she blows my socks off.

Porsche looks down at me, "I'm off the pill. I want you to cum in me. I want our child. In return, you own me. I'll do whatever you want and sleep with any of my brothers or sisters to keep everyone happy. I was hesitant to make you this promise. However, after tonight, you may use me as needed to keep everyone happy.

"I'll not let you permanently harm me nor treat me with disrespect. I do love our family. We have two men and four women, that does not bode well for two of us. I hope my gift to you brings happiness to our family."

Damn, what do you say to that? I kiss her some more as my tears fall on her shoulders. Bonnie is alive, she joins all of us for a kiss. I am motivated now. I drag her body into place, there is zero resistance on her part. I start slow fucking and quickly build to supersonic fucking. I am motivated to make this the best fuck ever in her life. Pam and Paula are next to us, legs bent. They start mashing their pussies into each other.

I slow down to watch this. Porsche is begging me to continue.

Pam calls out, she is fighting for her breath, "This is. Called. Trib. Bing. It's FUN!"

It does look like fun. Slowly, I build my speed back again. Porsche is much happier, she is moaning and trying to talk. She fails miserably, I am slamming too fast and too hard. She sounds like a baby, making noises. In one moment, I can feel my orgasm coming, and in the next, I am shooting the first of six heavy ropes of cum into my sister. Will this make a child?"

Hey! Wait! What's wrong? I see my field of vision, turning blotchy and narrowing. It's like an old cartoon where the screen goes blank. That is exactly what I do.


I wake up the next morning to Mary in bed with me. A concerned Kim, Bonnie, and Porsche are sitting on the bed. They do not look happy.

Mary looks at them and laughs, "Hey, don't look at me like that. I came in here to ride the pony, and all I got was snoring. It felt good, nobody was here, so I curled up and fell asleep in his arms. Damn, that is so much fun."

Mom uses her mom's voice, "No sex for two days! None of you! Hunter, how do you feel?"

I yawn, "I am tired and hungry."

I swear it was mere minutes before a boatload of food arrives. They all sit around me with a fork and feed me eggs, juice, coffee, French toast, a bagel, hash browns, sausage, bacon, omelet, strawberries, more juice, and more coffee.

Porsche holds the strawberries between her breasts, I must use my tongue to lick them out and then eat them. The cottage cheese and blueberries and granola are delicious. I am forced to shower with Mary, Penny dresses me, and then we leave.

As we walk out, I am in front, and jaws are dropping as they watch me. The lady at the front desk is unable to talk, her boss, a man, helps us. I must admit, that was fun.


We are home now. Bubba and dad find out they should have come with. We were short men.

Dad is smug as he says, "We had a few days of quiet time. You come back; Hunter's worn out. Who are you going to fuck now? No, we did this perfectly. We'll be in high demand for the next three days. We are going to our rooms; you pick who will be first."

They both walk up the stairs with a smug look on their faces.

Mary says with a straight face, "If any of you go up there, I will kill you in your sleep. Hunter let us take him shopping, he lets us watch him become a sex symbol. He took us shopping, dancing, and allowed ourselves to indulge when we shouldn't have. I won't let them profit from that." She kisses me. "I have work to do down at the kennels. I'll be back for dinner."

Penny kisses me, "I will be at the stables."

Mom kisses me, "I need to place some orders for clinic supplies."

Pam and Paula hug me, kiss me, and then say, "We need to place a food order."

Bonnie kisses me, "I'll help mom."

Porsche takes my hand, "Let's get you some sleep. No playing today, sleep only."

She takes my hand and drags me to my room. I am placed on the bed; our dogs are on the foot of the large bed. Porsche strips and gets in bed with me. She always sleeps in front of me and curls up into almost a fetus position. Her back is against my muscles, and my arms enveloped her, making a small cocoon to sleep in. She sleeps naked; otherwise, it gets too hot. Other than sex, she likes nothing better in this world."

I hear my door open; I am positive it is dad and Bubba. They leave the door open and talk in the hallway.

Bubba says to dad, "We fucked up. I think we need to BBQ some ribs, make some coleslaw, and then spruce up some baked beans. I will start the yeast dough for dinner rolls. I want you to make two of your famous apple pies. We can ask Penny for wine suggestions; we don't want to fuck that up too.

Dinner was awesome. Dad and Bubba were up late and slept until noon. After breakfast, they were in high demand again and look ragged. Their hair is a mess, and drool is leaking down their chins. Wait, that might be squirt. Porsche stayed with me the entire time. We knocked a few things off our maintenance list before sitting down for dinner.

Halfway through dinner, the dogs start barking. A helicopter is coming, the family is on the porch. I grab a coat, Zeus, and my rifle. After the aircraft lands, they wait for the blades to stop before the first passenger exits. It's Barry. Mom and dad come out to greet him. They both have tears in their eyes. Next off is Susan. She has two briefcases with her.

Susan rushes me, hands the briefcases to Porsche, and then hugs me hard enough to almost break bones. Mom directs us all inside, and we add two place settings, a table leaf (to extend the table length), and two chairs at the table.

We move to the spacious living room and sit near the fireplace. Susan opens the larger of the two briefcases. She goes around the room, handing out a calendar with me on the front cover. She then grabs the second calendar and hands out a set to everyone as well. Bubba and dad liked this family calendar much more. Around the room, all I hear is, "Wow."

Penny is first to speak, "Susan, raise your fee. With your name on this, everyone will want you. These are just as remarkable as I expected to be and then some. These will sell, right?"

Susan gives her a look of contempt, "Look at that cover picture. Look good. Are you not stirring inside? Oh no, these will sell."

She reaches into the smaller briefcase with a lock and pulls out some contracts.

Susan says, "These are industry standard forms, downloadable from the internet. The first one that I need your signature on gives me permission to take the photographs. The second gives me permission to select and store the images to be used. The third gives me and my friend permission to create the calendars. The next one allows my friend to print this calendar and future printings as needed.

"The last one is a contract that outlines the cost to make the calendars, the negotiated price that they were sold for, the profits you get, zero, and the amount that Wounded Warriors Canada get." I blink when I see the number. "You make $5.00 per calendar, and my friend printed and sold three million calendars. They will sell in Canada and the United States."

I add, "Let's split it 2/3 and 1/3 between Canada and USA programs. If their people are buying the calendar, I want their soldiers getting a benefit."

Barry smiles, "Greg and I became fast friends and I continued that after he died. I still have a lot of American contacts. When people ask, you're on special assignment in a cabin off the grid in Alaska."

Susan asks, "That's a lot of money, are you sure you don't want part of it?"

The ferocity that came out of Porsche scared me, "Do you think he did that for money? His dad was a rescuer, and Hunter is as well. They save lives. This money will go a long way to help many deserving soldiers. He will NOT be changing that contract now or ever."

Susan is still looking at me, I comment, "What she meant to say is it's a family thing. All six of us work in a special unit that saves people. I have seen the pain and gratitude in their faces as I drag them to safety. There is no way I'll take a penny from them. I hope you can understand that."

Susan has a tear in her eye, "I do now."

Bubba is looking through the family calendar and screams out, "MOM! This picture ... It's ... You're ... With ..."

Mary runs a hand along her son's face and says, "And I would do it again. We had a blast. Shopping for him, taking the pictures, shopping for us, oh yes, in a heartbeat."

Susan then drops a bombshell, "Because we are expanding sales to the USA, they are expecting another three to five million in sales. From teens to housewives are the forecasted target audience. I expect much more money in time."

Dad steps forward, he looks shy, "Can I ask for a favor?"

Susan looks leery, "It depends on what you want?"

Dad smiles, "Can I trouble you for a family 8x10 photo. We're all here and healthy. In their line of work, this may end at any time. I would like a nice family portrait. Money is no object."

Susan says, "It will take me a good thirty minutes to set up. Go dress up. Hunter, I want you in your club suit, Bubba, I want you in the full suit. Guys: take a shower, I want wet hair. GO!"

We take the picture in front of the big windows overlooking the valley. It's a great picture and hangs in the living room next to the TV.

Five million more calendars sell. I got several phone calls of thanks from people that wear lots of stars from both the Canadian and American army.

To be continued ...

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kingdozerkingdozer5 months ago

i love all ur stuff but honestly on this set im not a fan of how u r potraing bubba tbh he is my fav i kinda hate hunter and the whole all 4 love hunter but 2 or settleing for bubba kinda sad in a way if i was bubba id have up and left for good ur makeing hunter out to be a god and bubba out to be a pussy hunter as of now is my most hated person in all ur stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Another fantastic chapter! Like others, I thought the calendar idea was brilliant.

laughdruidlaughdruidover 3 years ago

I enjoy all of your stories, Though the Rescuer is special. Love a good story between the fun sex. I favor the bisexual women which comes in handy with the shortage of men.

linnearlinnearover 3 years ago
Loved The Calender Idea

That was a great addition to the story with the calender. Hunter may not last to long taking care of so many women but what a way to go.

ju8streadingju8streadingover 3 years ago

i do enjoy reading this series.

thank you

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