The Rescuer Pt. 06


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It's incredible around me. My naked mother is sitting up with her legs in front and her hands behind her, holding up her slouching body. Her breasts are light pink, well, we all are. Her nipples are hard and pointing up. She has a grin on her face as she stares at me. With all these naked women, I am rock hard and sticking out. I sit Indian style to try and hide it. That isn't working well.

Kim is leaning against me, a hand on my thigh. Her breasts are plentiful, and her nipples are hard. As I look around, all the women are. They are also all staring at me. Penny is on her back, legs split slightly, and her head turned to take me in. She has a smile on her face that won't go away. Her breasts have flattened out some as you would expect. She is young enough that there is still a large mound with a nipple on top like a cherry on a sundae.

Dad is staring at Penny, his mouth open and drool running down his face. Mom reaches over and knocks him over on to his side. He never stops staring. I was looking out on to the lake and glancing at Mary who is laying on her stomach but her elbows on the ground and her hands holding up her head. She has a dreamy look on her face as she stares at me. She's oblivious to everything around us.

I want to stare at Penny, but that would make her feel uncomfortable. I know she is happy and doing something she loves. That makes me happy. I wonder if she or I will be first to ask Kim if we can be more than friends.

Dad says to us, "We need to do this more often. I like this. I like spending time with my family. Yes, Penny, I see you as part of our family now. You have done a bunch to help us. I know you like horses, but you do much more than that. Thanks for what you do and for this weekend. Your guide, he needs to spend some time practicing in the kitchen, he is only 50/50 on cooking. That won't cut it."

Penny laughs, "Nope, that won't do. Before this, he's never cooked a day in his life. He's improving, but I'm not sure I want to subject all of you to his cooking for a while. Let me work with him some more. You're welcome, I enjoy being here and spending time with your family. I never really had a family. Certainly, nothing like you have, loving caring parents and nice children that have grown up to do great things."

Mary begins to put her clothes back on, and everyone follows her lead. The horses start showing up, and soon we are on our way again. The guide may not be much of a cook, but his acumen of the area and nature is second to none. He tells stories as needed to break up the silence. One of his stores is about a time he met Paul Bunyan.

Kim laughs at that story, everyone is staring at her, it wasn't funny, just a cute story to help pass the time.

Kim boasts, "I met the REAL Paul Bunyan. He's a huge man. Funny thing is he snuck up on mom and me. Mom says, he is here, and I never saw him. But, he saved our lives." Penny and Mary are all ears now. "Ten minutes later, after saving our lives, he appeared from under a bearskin. He was rugged, big broad shoulders, and tossed mom onto his sled before rushing us off to safety.

"Mom and I would without a doubt be dead if not for Brian. When I first saw him, I didn't recognize the man that grew up in our house. Last time I saw him before that, he was thin and had little muscle. You can see how he's changed a bit by being in the army.

The guide looks shocked, "You are talking about this Brian, your husband? I'd heard he was a big deal, I had no idea he was a real badass. I have a friend on the base that told me third-hand stories about you."

This guy is sharp, he uses Mary and Penny against me.

The guide continues, "I noticed from the looks that Penny and Mary don't know the whole story. I know you aren't really brother and sister, just grew up that way. Otherwise, the details are a bit sketchy. Stories make you out to be a porn star and big and mean enough that Paul Bunyan runs from you. I still don't understand how a Canadian born citizen comes to be called The American."

Until we arrive home, I tell most of my story. I avoid the military missions other than what was in the papers and my injuries. It's very emotional retelling the stories because of the death I have seen, losing my dog, and the joy of saving people. I guess I never entirely told my own family what I have done since I left and what it was like for me to save Kim and mom. A lot has happened since then.

Chapter 25 -- Penny

It's odd taking the wagon home. It feels weird not having a horse under me. As soon as we get back, Penny asks to see my personal rifle. I get it and show it to her. She has seen it before, but nothing meant anything to her. Now that she knows the story, she is interested to see it.

As I pull it out of the gun case, her eyes open wide. She is genuinely in awe of the weapon. Like Roscoe, she handles it like ancient, fragile pottery. She can't express her feelings in words like she wants to. She pauses for a while, tears are running down her cheeks.

She hands the weapon back and looks at Kim while asking, "That is some of the finest woodwork I have ever seen. Knowing the story makes it even more amazing. Are you willing to make something for me? I am a good shot but have never been in the position to have a fine rifle. I have drawings, but this makes me want to rethink everything. The craftsmanship is unparalleled."

Kim smiles, "For you, I would. I am semi-retired. I only do special pieces now."

I put the rifle back, and the women move into the kitchen and start dinner. Dad and I check up on the progress that has been made to the house. They are listening to our desires and dreams. The main house is going to be spectacular, a real show house. They have contacted magazines about doing photo layouts of the home already.

The living room is almost there, the kitchen is done, the bedrooms are down to the studs, and even some of those went away. They are working two shifts so we can speed this along. Weekends, it's only one shift with the opposite shift getting time off to hunt and fish.

Dinner is a roast with a rich red wine gravy. They roasted potatoes, carrots, and onions in a light olive oil and herb mix. They used the bread maker to make a fresh loaf of bread and finish it off with an excellent fresh salad. For dessert, they made a cheesecake and carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Something is wrong.

After dinner, dad and I sit back and loosen our belts for effect. We are all at the table enjoying an excellent white wine.

I ask politely, "So, which one of you wants something. We never have two desserts and a meal that good. A lot of effort went into preparation between roasting and baking. You stuffed us so we can't run away. Out with it, what do you want?"

Mom is offended, "Well! That is some thank you for our effort. Can't we just be nice to our men?"

Dad is blunt, "Cut the crap, just tell us what you want. You know we are going to say yes. We love you."

Kim blurts out, "Oh yeah? Well, let's test that theory."

Penny has both hands on the table and is almost shaking in fear as she states, "I want a child."

Both dad and I choke on our breath.

Kim looks at me, "I want a child."

Mary looks at me, "I want a child."

Mom looks at dad, "I want grandchildren." Dad seems relieved.

I am not proud of my next question, for many years I'll claim that I was in shock when I ask Penny, "Who will be the father?"

Penny looks me dead in the eyes, "Are you that clueless? Have you not seen how we have become friends and share beds? Have you not noticed the kisses on the cheeks, the way we dress, the touching we do?"

I sit stunned. Most of what she just mentioned, I did not see. Only the occasional kiss on a cheek. Wait a minute, Kim spent the night with Penny last night. I heard at least two orgasms. OH MY! A plot right underneath my nose and I have no clue.

I can't say that I am unhappy though. Penny is stunning, she has done a lot for us, and it's nice to see everyone getting along. I know Mary warmed up to her a while ago. I could fuck her on looks alone, but now that I know her, I like her. I was scared though of how Kim would react. She seemed to have held the grudge the longest. Funny, she threatens me, endangers my life, and it is my wife that is slow to forgive rather than me. Again, it must be her stunning looks.

The Penny personality is much easier to like. She is more like an average person. Shy, vulnerable, and giving. Nakita was strong-willed, demanding, and disregarded life. I guess thinking you were going to die affects you.

Kim taps my leg, waking me from my reverie, "Are you ok, I thought we lost you."

I smile big for her, "No, I was just thinking how surreal this is. At the castle, I was sure one of us was going to die. When you arrived at the hospital, I was sure you would put a bullet between Penny's eyes. Now, I am going to breed three women. Life sure has been interesting these last two years."

Penny is curious, "How much of that story today was real and what did you leave out?"

Kim cuts me off, "That was all real and true. However, he left off how we fucked in his cabin after he found us, he got mom off, he fucked mom and me in front of dad, and mom gave me a blowjob lesson in front of dad to get dad back with mom."

Dad adds, "While Brian was out, they wore almost nothing. They touched, kissed, and fingered each other around me. Brian made his mother strip naked right over in the big open area in front of the porch, and then I fucked her in broad daylight."

Mom adds, "The mother fucker tied me up twice and left me at the mercy of my husband in our bedroom. Once the asshole left a bottle of lube." Penny gives her a blank look. "That's for doing anal." Penny cringes.

Mary adds her part, "After kicking my dad's ass in a shooting competition, we had dinner, talked, and then he fucked me twice and my mom once." Mary giggles. "Mom snuck in when we were asleep and rode him hard. We all woke up to mom fucking him. Think about it. You are in bed with a guy you want to wed, you wake up, and your mom is bouncing away on his pole."

Mom adds, "For their honeymoon, my husband ties me up in their room and gives Brian instructions to see if I am a slut or submissive." Penny again is shocked at this. "All three of them took turns as Master or Mistress. They used me, abused me, and beat me a bit. Brian can't go far enough, but his father has come a long way. He has really surprised me."

Penny adds, "You are one kinky family."

Mom continues, "Brian takes me to get ice at the hotel. After placing two ice cubes on a woman's nipples, her boyfriend comes out. He places an ice cube in my mouth, cunt, and ass. He then uses his dick to push all three into me. Not to be outdone, Brian does the same to his girlfriend who came back out for that special treatment. He stretched her good, her boyfriend was much smaller."

Kim adds for effect, "He tied me up once as well after I complained about mom being tied up. He is still a teddy bear though, even when he has all the power. He is awesome. What you got was a tiny bit of what we get. If he likes you, he will make love to you, and nothing in this world is better."

Mom adds, "Yup."

Mary adds, "Yup."

Dad adds, "Yup."

Everyone laughs at dad. What has got into him? He never makes jokes. He never used to talk much either. Is he trying to impress Penny or make mom jealous? They will explain it to me eventually. I like this new dad of mine, it's just odd that he has changed so much. Maybe it's because he is having sex with mom again. I hope so.

Penny seems embarrassed to ask us, "Can I have Brian tonight? I told you I have a very low sex drive. I don't need it often. However, after hearing all the stories this afternoon and then these now, someone needs to pound me tonight. I want Brian, but dad or any of the other men will do if needed. I won't beg. No, I will, if that will help. I'm shaking already in anticipation. Look at my nipples, they want to explode."

I don't know if it was planned or just by coincidence, but after a quick glance at each other, both mom and Kim grab Penny by the arm and lift her off the ground. Penny shrieks. Mary runs for my backpack and comes back with my rope. Penny is forced to the center of the living room and placed on her stomach. They put her arms behind her.

It must have been reliving the Mom and Kim story that set them off. I won't disappoint them. We strip her and then I quickly tie her arms together. After a little resistance, Penny gave up, making it much easier to tie her up. Her arms are behind her in a standard box. Both arms straight down, bent 90 degrees at the elbow so that each hand ends up on the opposite elbow. A figure eight around the chest and then breasts, so they stand out even more. Oh my, those tits, that is obscene.

Now I tie her shins to her thighs, and the ankles have some play but are tied together. She can flex her legs open or close them, nothing keeping the knees together nor apart. It takes a while to tie the knots because I use a quick release. She asks about that specific knot, and I explain that if she gets a cramp, the quick release will be appreciated. As I finish, everyone takes a chair, and they make kind of a circle around us.

Penny says, "No, not here. The bedroom. PLEASE!"

Mom laughs at her, "Oh isn't she cute. Honey, did you just not listen to the shit we do? Both my husband and I have seen Brian fuck me, Kim, and Mary. I have seen Brian sleep in the same bed as his sister and with another man's wife in the hospital. My daughter ate out a nurse that ate me when I was in withdrawal at the hospital. We all share the stories. This saves you the hassle of telling us how great he is. We can't have his ego exploding on us, can we?"

Penny tries again, "What if I squirt, am no good, am dry, or some other embarrassing thing?"

Kim sits on the floor next to Penny. She picks her body up and lays it across her lap, facing Kim. Kim leans forward and kisses Penny with a soft lingering kiss. Mom runs upstairs, odd. Although when I see her coming back with a strap-on, I know she is up to no good. Penny can't see her because she is kissing Kim.

Kim lays her down on her back, "This will be one of the best nights of your life. You will experience new feelings, get closer to all of us, and get a chance at a baby. As a bonus, he's going to fuck you good. Having us here, being in the open, and all of us assisting, your mind is going to go boom. Lay down and take it like a woman. Besides ... you really don't have a choice."

Everyone but Penny laughs.

I walk up to Mary. She slowly and seductively pulls my shirt up and off my body. She flips it back, so it isn't inside out and folds it. She places it on the small table between the chairs. I move next to Kim, and she pushes my shorts down my legs. A noticeable bulge is tenting my boxers. My pants are expertly folded and placed on the table, under my shirt.

I walk to dad, and he tries to kick me. I move on to mom and she inches down my shorts. I am turned towards Penny so she can see me lose my boxers. She smiles big when my boxers are around my ankles. I step out of my boxers, and mom folds them and places it on top of my shirt. I take off my socks. I toss them on top of my boxers.

Mary gives me a sigh and folds my socks neatly, as a pair, by rolling the ends inside out and placing them on my boxers. I don't even ask, I know I won't understand. I saw Penny fold her clothes at the hot springs, she is just like them.

I kneel next to Penny and kiss her lightly on the lips. Mom hands me a blindfold. I place it on Penny, covering her eyes.

I say to Penny in a low husky voice, "The blindfold is not to hide me from you, it's to enhance your senses. You will hear my heartbeat, feel my breath, and smell our sweat. Give in to the experience. If you hate it, simply use your hands and take it off."

Nobody laughed, but even Penny has a smirk on her face.

Penny says a big smile, "That's the first time you've kissed me. Fireworks went off in my head."

It felt great to me as well. I can't believe that fantastic woman is tied up and willingly at my disposal to use as I please. Kim and Mary seem more amused than anything else. I had feared that they said it was ok, but they would feel different. Would I be able to tell? Yes, I am sure that I could. They really have become good friends with Penny. It isn't just for show, it's real. That makes me happy.

I use my mouth and suck on as much breast as I can. Her boobs are massive. They are obscene on her thin body. Her areola are puffy, and the nipples are long and stiff. I can bend it with my teeth, but short of that, it's not moving. My tongue grazes the nipple as my mouth envelopes the breast causing Penny to shudder. My hand squeezes the opposite breast.

Rather than looking at me, Penny's head is thrown back as she enjoys the sensations I am shooting through her body. I spend several minutes taking my time before swapping breasts to suck and pinch. Penny is moaning and whimpering. I am betting she has sensitive nipples, I think I will move on. For effect, I make sure to breathe on her chest. I want her to know I am close and allow her sense of touch to help heighten our experience.

I move Penny, so she is on her back, I am in between her legs, and her legs are up and over my shoulders. I know she hasn't been eaten much. I will drag this out much longer than last time. I am also now fully aware of what I will be doing to her.

I am slow and soft in my first licks of her pussy, the first of many to come. Penny shudders in response to me licking her pussy. She is taking deep, even, breaths. She knows what I am going to do to her. She is anticipating my moves. Too bad for her, I am not following my old script. I use my hands to pull the lips apart very slowly. Then just as slowly I release the pull, closing the hole. All along I am licking everything that gets in the way. I can see my breath causing goose pimples on her skin.

Oh wow, I realize that she shaved today. Zero stubble. That excites me, and I speed up my licking. Penny speeds up her moaning from a slow death moan to a happier moan, she is having fun. I am licking up and down her clit, trying to touch as much skin a possible. Just to mess her up, I move right to left now. Nobody does that. I am messing with her.

Mom is the first to scold me, "Brian, lick that pussy the right way or one of us will take over."

She is no fun. Ok, so back to the boring yet more satisfying up and down. I use more pressure with each lick of her tasty pussy. Each lick is getting a moan from Penny and makes my cock harder. I change my style and use the kitty licks. Just the tip of my tongue touches her skin and moist lips. I flick my tongue up and down, so it seems to be twice as fast. Then I speed up significantly, so it appears even quicker. Penny loves this. Constant moaning and it's hard for her to breathe, she works to catch her breath. I move up and kiss her lips.

I slow down, her face is too red. I have all the time in the world. Like an athlete, Penny screams out a grunt announcing her orgasm. It doesn't seem to faze her at all. She is like a pressure vessel, pressure builds up, she orgasms, and continues. That is what she feels like. Her orgasm set her back, but she is building for another orgasm already.

I play with her and hum an old marching song from boot camp. Before I finish the song, I think she orgasmed three times. It's hard to tell because they came so quick, it may have been all one. All I know is that she screamed three times. I go back to the wide, slow lapping. She loves this, her legs tremble. I quickly look up, and everyone is watching intently with amused expressions on their faces.

I use my next favorite style, I rub my chin, I mean whiskers, down her left thigh, along her mons, and then up the right leg. I move in an inch and make a return trip touching lots of skin and making her tremble again as she screams out. I move on to a dull standard tongue, and I do the boring alphabet.