The Research Project

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Would you want to be the subject of a research project?
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/13/2010
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(Author Note A: Please read the additional Author's Note at the end of this story, it contains explanations and a request for your help, thanks.)


Kari Webster perched on the corner of her dad's desk and looked at the newspaper in her hand. The ad was plain enough to see, and yet she wished she didn't have to. "Daddy, what were you thinking, putting this in before you even talked to me about it? And why me, why not Andrea, or Michelle, hell, even Lani would be a better test subject than me."

Arthur Webster, noted researcher and college professor frowned. "Watch your language young lady; you know I don't approve of young women using profanity."

No, he just wanted to use his 18 year old daughter in a study on the sexual mating habits of 21st century male adults. Kari looked back at the ad, and read it out loud. "Wanted males between the age of 21 and 33 for scientific research, must be single, able to spend a minimum of 30 to 90 days in secluded research area, and free of all sexual disease. Will be paid according to length of stay in project and all expenses incurred will be reimbursed. Jeez daddy, you make it sound like you're buying me a boyfriend. Or worse, planning some kind of reality show."

Throwing down the paper, she stood up and walked around the office she had known since she was a little girl. The dark wood paneling, the shelves lined with books, the black leather sofa, and overstuffed chairs, all of it as familiar as the house that surrounded it. This had once been her grandfather's study and before that her great grandfather's. Set up in a secluded part of town overlooking Portland, Oregon and the peaks of Mount Saint Helens and Mount Hood off in the distance, the house had been in the Webster family for over a hundred years plus.

"Why not Andrea, or Michelle, they would gladly do the study, as man hungry as those two are...or better yet wait for Karla to turn 18 in three years."

"Karla is out of the question, she is already becoming too hormonal like your older sisters and as for them... Their sexual habits are already set. I need someone fresh and completely new to the idea of man-woman sexual relations. And who better than you, my own daughter?"

"Well I admit I'm totally clear of any kind of relationship, hell, I'm 18 and the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced was when I played that spin the bottle game with a couple kids from school when I was twelve. Then all that happened was Paulie Brent stuck his tongue in my mouth and I bit him. But let's be honest dad, I'm not the female research type. Yes, I would love to meet the right man and fall in love and find out what makes my sisters the way they are. And lets be realistic while we're at it. Any guy who reads that ad and finds out what the research is for, will be expecting some gorgeous woman with a size five figure and that does not fit me at all."

Her dad looked at her slowly. "No, it doesn't. You are too much a combination of your mother and I, but you are attractive, and you body is well shaped and your features are neither too soft nor too coarse. You were lucky to get your mother's blue eyes and my black hair. The rest only got one or the other, and you have beautiful teeth and a wonderful smile. You're intelligent, you're outspoken, broadminded, and you have a thirst for knowledge of all kinds. You simply lack experience and self-confidence when it comes to the outward appearance." He got up and walked over to where she stood, "and you, little girl, are blessed with a kind heart, a caring soul and a way of looking at life that any man in his right mind would die for."

"You just say that because you're my dad." She shook her head, "Sorry daddy, I love you but I think this is a mistake, odds are your male half of the study is going to take one look at me and go running off into the night..."

"Well, I think you're wrong, one of them is bound to see you the way I see you and your mother sees you and you're going to find what you've been looking for since you were a little girl. A man who will love you just the way you are." He hugged her tight then let her go. "Now run along, I have final exams to grade and your mother wants to take you shopping. You're going to need a whole new wardrobe and while my credit cards will be over limit by the time this is over, I think it will be for a very good cause, my little girl's happiness."

Kari had her doubts, but did as she was told. Her mother was waiting, along with her sisters Lani and Karla. Lani looked as excited as their mother at the prospect of shopping, but Karla was not as enthused. "Why do I have to go if I'm not going to be able to get anything? I really wanted to go swimming, not go shopping for Kari..."

Since Karla was the only one in the family that showed any signs of being tall, slender and a total knock out when she got older, Kari could almost agree. But she also had good taste in clothes and everyone knew it. "I need you help Karla, this is important to daddy and I don't have the slightest idea what kind of clothes to buy or what will look good on me. So how about I make a deal with you, you help me out, and I'll buy you that new CD you want, the one mom and dad won't get you because of the parental warning."

Karla looked at her with suspicions in her eyes, "The unedited version?"

Kari nodded. "And I won't tell mom about the magazines you have stashed in your closet in that box of stuffed animals you've supposedly been collecting for the last five years."

Her sister was a shrewd bargainer. "Throw in a couple of those romance novels that Andrea won't let me read, a copy of that new movie everyone but me has been able to see, and I'll go along with this...but you have to listen to me, and no being a stick in the mud. You have potential sis, you just need to remember you're 18 not 81. We'll need to do something about your hair and makeup too. Maybe I should call Jasmine; she's the expert in those departments."

Kari sighed, but handed Karla her cell phone. "Have her meet us at the mall...but no Goth, I like vampire movies, but I don't want to look like one."

Karla shook her head, "No, no Goth, you're too golden skinned for that." She called her friend Jasmine and when they reached the mall, the little brunette was waiting.

Jasmine looked at Reni critically and nodded. "First things first, the hair, it's gorgeous but too heavy, you need something light and free flowing. Hey Mrs. W, why don't you and Lani go grab a soda and we'll meet you in the food court in an hour or so, mom is working so I know we can get you right in at the salon. Let me see your nails Reni..."

Without waiting the younger girl grabbed her hands and nodded. "Good, good, no need for much work there, nice length, good strength, but that pink is so outdated. Well, mom will know the right colors for you. And I agree, no Goth, you aren't pale enough for it. And we want to highlight those eyes of yours...come on, lets get busy...haven't got all day."

It was more like two hours later when they reached the food court and Kari had to admit that Jasmine's mother had done a great job on her hair, still long and free flowing, but thinned out and easier to manage. Her eyes were brighter and visible now with the makeup and Mrs. Roberts had given her advice on how to use all kinds of skin and hair products. She had also suggested piercing her ears a second time and when it was done her new earrings were bright blue stones set in sterling silver.

"You want subtle Kari, not over bearing; I wish I could make your sisters understand that. And I think it's wonderful that your parents have finally realized that you need to look and act like an 18 year old. I can't remember a time that I haven't thought you needed to stop looking like you were twice your age, and I don't mean that in a good way." She sighed. "Not to hurt your feelings dear, but you can be big and still be attractive and even sexy. Just look at Jasmine's sister LeeAnne, she's bigger than you and the phone is constantly ringing off the wall with men calling to ask her out, or one of her friends wanting to go this place or that."

Kari knew LeeAnne Roberts and her mother was right, the woman was huge compared to Reni and she was always dressed in the greatest clothes and was never without a man who looked just as good with her. But LeeAnne also had a great way of being herself and not being afraid of looking like a fool around other people. That was a lot of Kari's problem and she knew it. She was the daughter of a college professor and her mother was a top notch lawyer, her older sisters all had great jobs, college degrees and she had never felt she could equal any of them. She just felt awkward and out of place.

True to her word on the way to the food court, she bought the CD and movie her sister wanted, as well as two of the romance novels of the kind Andrea liked. While she looked for them, she had checked out one that caught her eye, it showed a guy wearing only his jeans and she had to admit he looked good. Tall, slender, but well built and muscular, his long cinnamon colored hair falling past his shoulders and bright green eyes peeking out over the top of sunglasses. The title was interesting as well. "Bad Boy Goes Wild..." Without thinking, she added it to the pile of things for her sister and decided she might as well go all the way.

Karla was quick to notice it and let out a low whistle at the man on the cover. "Talk about a Hottie, that's the kind of man I hope I meet when I hit 18. Thanks sis..."

Kari shook her head. "Sorry kid, this one is for me. I guess I should start doing some research of my own since dad is so determined to have me do this."

Jasmine looked at her curiously, "Kari, if your dad's research involves a man like that, how do I sign up?" Despite her trying to look older and worldlier, she giggled. "Mom would have a fit if some guy looking like that showed up at our front door. Even if he was there to see LeeAnne, that is your all around, all American bad boy."

"Yeah, he is, isn't he?" She took the bag from a guy who resembled the all American geek and they moved on to the food court and her mother and sister.

Karla might know the clothes and shoes, but Jasmine knew the shops. By the time they left the mall, everyone was loaded down with bags and boxes and true to her dad's words at least three of his credit cards were maxed out. They hadn't been content with the outside; both her kid sister and her friend had started on the inside and worked their way out. From underwear in a variety of colors and all of them in the popular thong design, to bras that were just as skimpy but showed off her well shaped breasts to their best advantage under the assorted tops her sister picked out.

She didn't mind the skirts, or dresses they chose, or the soft jersey shirts and shorts, but the jeans were low cut and as she looked at her reflection in doubt at the way they hugged her hips and legs. Reni had worked for years to get her tummy to be more flat and stylish, but had failed, and she hated showing it off. Still, the back view wasn't as bad, she had seen a lot of women with asses bigger than hers. Even the sales lady had agreed that she looked good in them, and while she was sure the older woman would have said that even if it wasn't true, it felt good to hear.

The variety of shoes that she had purchased would cover all sorts of things, a pair of boots, running shoes, dress shoes that had a short stiletto thing going on, and two pairs of sandals, one that were just flat, while the others had long ties that went up around her calves. No, she had to admit that Karla knew her stuff and it had been worth the wrath of her parents if they found out she had bought the forbidden items in exchange for her advice.

All in all it had been a good way to spend a nice June day and she had actually enjoyed herself while she was at it.

Two thousand miles away from Portland, in the sleepy little town of Vera in Eastern Texas, a young man scanned the help wanted on Craigslist and stopped as a job caught his eye. "Hey, Levi, come take a look at this job. How about we both become research subjects for a while. Its solid pay for at least a month, if not longer and it sounds like something we could both handle...."

His brother Levi Harper came and stood looking down over his brother's shoulder. "Can't be real, you know you got to be careful looking at that website." He took a drink of his coffee and sighed. "Still, if it is real and we could get some cash out of it..." His bank account was reaching the end if its run and his jobs as a male model were long gone since his car accident two years ago. He still got checks now and then when some publisher decided to use one of his shots for a book cover, but they were getting fewer and farther between. "What the hell, give it a shot, all they can do is tell us no."

Christopher grinned. "You got it big brother. Now about this questionnaire and you need to pick out a photo to send along with it. Then all we need to do is email it to the address and we're done..."

The same scene was being played out in other towns across the US and even a few from across both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In London an out of work house painter typed in all the responses to the questions and then pushed send, and in Dublin, so did an underpaid bartender. A musician in Spain and a construction worker in the Middle East who was tired of having to work and fear for his life at the same time. None of them thought to ask what the research was for, only the idea of being paid and for some returning home to family and friends were of serious consideration.

Overnight the email addresses that Professor Webster had set up were soon filled to capacity with questionnaires and photographs of men willing to be test subjects.


(Author Note:

Short chapter, I know, but hey you can't have everything. This is a teaser, basically I need your opinions if I should continue the story or stop here and now. So post your comments, put in your votes and tell me if you think this is worth pursuing or am I just wishful thinking. You've always come through for me before and I really need to know it this time.

Also:--> DISCLAIMER HERE: I DO NOT advocate the use of CRAIGSLIST for anything like the above story suggests. It was a good thing when it started and even now it has it's legitimate uses, but like all good things it has been abused and misused by the wrong people.



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

ON MY GOSH!!! I will be soooo mad if you don't continue this!!!

Tam14611Tam14611over 13 years ago
I Like

Good chapter it had me hooked from the start. I can't wait to hear more about the guys who will be test subjects. I also like that she is a bigger girl.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
good start

I think the story has a great start. However, I did get a bit confused with some of the names at the beginning (Karla, Lani, Kari, and Reni)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

Defintely add another ch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
I want to read more

Al least another chapter.

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