The Resort - Day 03: Richard's Big Day

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Richard is a hit with the ladies.
10.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/09/2021
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I swore to myself, if that protocol 'droid complained one more time I would investigate reprogramming options. According to the galactic index of species, the cognitive abilities of my little friend here were rated as 'unsophisticated' and unlikely to grasp the finer points of 'game theory'. Nonetheless, I was determined to teach them how to play poker.

My new acquaintance was a tetrapod, friendly, covered in fur with large curious eyes. Just about a metre tall, they had two tiny, but very dexterous hands. I sat on one fallen log and my friend sat across from me on another, a rock between us served as a makeshift table. A modest fire nearby provided some welcome warmth and illumination in this dark forest.

I was wagering emergency ration pellets and my new friend was wagering small berries that were fill with what looked, and tasted, like chocolate mousse. In spite of my 'droid's protestations and half-hearted translation attempts, my new friend soon got the hang of poker and had managed to win four hands in a row.

One of my travelling companions was poking me in the ribs in an attempt to make me move along the log. I moved along slightly and returned my concentration to the game. Not too much later, my companion again jabbed me in the back urging me to move over, so again, I moved over.

I had a feeling that my new friend was bluffing and that I was going to clean up with this hand and then I heard it. The sound that was unmistakably artificial and menacing. Laboured breathing, as if through a respirator, dark, ominous and foreboding.

I dropped my cards and drew my blaster from its holster. Standing deliberately, heart pounding inside my chest. Was this how I would die? I pivoted to face the cloaked Sith Lord, prepared for the fight of my life.

"What? What's wrong?" A female voice said in front of me.

"What?" I said only semi-conscious.

"You yelled out and whacked me with one arm. Fuck! It's two AM, go back to sleep." Audrey said somewhat annoyed.

"Oh, sorry. I think that I was having a bad dream." I said groggily.

Just then, I heard the noise again. Awake, but only just, I knew that I was not dreaming and I could tell that the sound came from directly behind me. I quickly rolled over, ready to protect Audrey if I had to, blaster nowhere to be found. I don't know if I was disappointed or relieved, but I discovered my sister Wendy, snoring like some kind of malfunctioning archaic pneumatic industrial equipment.

"What the fuck?" Audrey said a little too loud.

"What?" Wendy said as she opened her eyelids just wide enough to peer through.

"What are you doing Wendy? Why are you in our bed?" Audrey asked.

"Oh, Richard's very restless, I'll tell you about it in the morning. Go back to sleep." Wendy said closing her eyes again.

"Hey," I said giving her a light shove, "roll over the other way and stop snoring."

"Sorry." she said as she rolled over.

Audrey and I snuggled in together and tried to get back to sleep.

I did eventually drift off, but before long the sound of the toilet flushing woke me from a deep sleep. After yesterday's hike and associated activities, I was very tired when I went to bed last night and I felt like I needed more sleep. I rolled over to see Audrey still in bed and Wendy exiting the bathroom.

"Good morning sleepy head!" she exclaimed merrily.

"Fuck! What time is it?" I asked.

"About seven, I think." she replied as she walked over the the bed and snuggled in next to me.

"Seven! Already!" Audrey said sitting upright, "Fuck, I told Jen that I'd meet her for breakfast at seven thirty."

With that, Audrey literally jumped out of bed and headed for the shower.

After listening to the shower run for a few minutes, out of nowhere, Wendy asked, "What were you dreaming about?"

"What?" I responded not quite catching her drift.

"In the early hours of this morning, you were having a bad dream and you woke us up. What were you dreaming about?" Wendy clarified.

"I was on the forest moon of Endor playing poker with an Ewok when Darth Vader attacked." I explained.

The sound of the shower stopped abruptly and not long after Audrey appeared at the bathroom door.

"Really? Ewoks can play poker?" Wendy asked with a chuckle.

"I don't know. Maybe." I said.

"And Darth Vader's mission in life is to stop Ewoks from playing poker with rebel scum like you?" she asked laughing.

"Yes, it would appear so." I said somewhat defensively.

"Is that why you whacked me in the head last night?" Audrey asked as she entered to room.

"Yes, it seems that Luke Skywalker here was defending poker-playing Ewoks from a Sith Lord." Wendy said responding on my behalf.

"You know what probably happened?" I asked Wendy in a flash of inspiration.

"No, what probably happened?" Wendy asked unknowingly walking into my trap.

"It was your fucking snoring that did it. How do you like that?" I responded.

"I'm not following." Audrey said, "How did Wendy's snoring make you dream about Ewoks?"

"Wendy was snoring in my ear, it sounded like Darth Vader's respirator. She also must have made me roll over to free up some space for her to get into bed. My subconscious mind took all of this stimulus, added two and two together, got seven hundred and thirty four and there you have it! Darth Vader, Ewoks and poker. Perfectly logical." I said with a flourish.

"Hannah and Sigmund would be so proud." Audrey said with a slight hint of sarcasm as she leaned down, kissed me on the forehead before turning and heading out for breakfast.

"I don't feel like breakfast just yet." Wendy said.

"Oh, what do you feel like then?" I asked falling for the trap she had just set.

"I feel like I want my brother's hard cock inside my pussy. That's what I feel like." She said as she reach around and rubbed my penis.

"Incest! Is that all you can think about?" I asked as I rolled over to face her.

"What can I say?" Wendy said running her hand down my chest and over my abdomen before coming to rest on my penis, "I'm a dirty incest-loving slut who's developed a fascination for having her brother's big, thick, hard, throbbing, erect cock inside her juice, warm, moist pussy. That's all!"

I rolled onto my back and Wendy started to lightly caress my penis. Slowly at first, gently running her fingers along my shaft, cupping my scrotum and poking at my glans.

"I love watching you get hard for me." she said idly as continued to tease my ever hardening member.

I just laid back and watched. I found that watching my sister get me hard was curiously arousing.

"I really enjoyed yesterday." Wendy commented as she surveyed my now fully erect penis.

"You've turned into quite an exhibitionist." I said as Wendy positioned herself on top of me.

Wendy reached down between her legs and took hold of my penis. She lowered herself slightly and rubbed my cock between her inner lips in preparation for what was to come. "Is that a bad thing?" she asked.

"Not at all, but it does depend somewhat on the context I suppose." I responded and she slid herself slowly down engulfing my entire shaft in one smooth motion.

"Ooo that's so nice!" she said as she completed her first downstroke.

I reached towards her, seeing this, Wendy leaned forward slightly so that I could play with her breasts.

"It's all about the context, you say!" Wendy said.

"Context?" I said momentarily confused as I rolled her nipples between my fingers.

"Yes, exhibitionism, context, try to keep up." she replied.

"Yes, of course. Having sex in a grocery store surrounded by shocked shoppers is very different to having sex in a secluded location surrounded by actively consenting adults doing likewise." I said.

"I understand all of that." Wendy said as she rode me slowly, "But is it a bad thing that I like the idea of people watching me fuck?"

"I don't see anything wrong with it, but then I'm biased. What does Richard think?" I asked.

"He seems fine with it too. It just seems a bit of a shame that we both discovered this aspect of our sexuality so late in life." Wendy said looking into my eyes as she rode me harder.

"Why do you think that we did not try this when we were younger?" Wendy asked.

"Talk about changing the subject." I said.

"Oh yes, sorry. What we are doing, is it normal? What if we tried this when we were younger?" Wendy asked as she settled down and wiggled for a while.

"That's a lot to unpack." I responded contemplatively, "Firstly, I suppose it depends what you mean by 'normal'. Statistically, I'd say that we are very abnormal. I would say that most brothers and sisters would not even consider a sexual relationship in private let alone what we do."

"True." Wendy agree as she started to ride me again.

"As for why we did not do this earlier, I suppose there are a number of factors." I replied.

"Such as?" Wendy asked leaning forward again so that I could play with her tits.

"Well Jennifer did not introduce me to swinging until long after you and I had both moved out of home. Um, you and Richard did not discover the joy of multiple partners until much, much later in life." I said.

"I suppose so." Wendy agreed absent-mindedly.

"Anyway, even though I was open to the swinging aspect, the incest part is not something that I had ever considered until you suggested it." I continued.

"Was that weird?" she asked.

"Yes of course at first. Fucking your sister, as we have just established, is not, quote unquote, normal." I said, "However, I could see that Audrey was really keen to have Richard inside her and once I realised that I could mentally frame it as just another swinging encounter, I reconsidered my initial reluctance."

"Do you think that I coerced you?" Wendy asked.

"The word 'coerced' has a negative connotation to me." I said pausing, "Perhaps 'encouraged' would be a more appropriate term."

"OK then. Are you glad that I 'encouraged' you?" Wendy asked with a grin.

"Absolutely. The first time I felt the thrill of ejaculating inside my own sister I was hooked." I replied.

"Well," Wendy said as she dismounted, "your sister wants you to fuck her from behind."

Wendy repositioned herself on all fours and I moved in behind her. Her vagina was still dripping we so I entered her with ease. With my hands on both of her hips, I ploughed into her with gusto. Wendy came hard I could feel her vagina spasm around me.

"That was great." she said as I continued thrusting.

"I'm, pleased, that, you, liked, it." I said in time with my thrusting.

I probably only lasted another minute or two after Wendy, but pretty soon I felt the sweat release of orgasm as I filled my sister's vagina with my semen. I kept pumping slowly as that post-orgasmic exhilaration slowly subsided.

"Thanks, that was wonderful." I said as I slowly withdrew.

Crawling forward, Wendy grabbed some tissues from the bedside dispenser, reached between her legs and held the tissues to the opening of her vagina.

"No sense in making a mess." she said as she rolled over onto her back, legs spread wide as she fastidiously mopped up the remains of the gooey slop that I'd left inside her.

"I should probably have a shower." Wendy said as she stood.

"Yeah, me too." I said in agreement.

"Then we can head off to breakfast if you like." she said as she entered the bathroom.

"Sounds like a good plan." I responded.

I heard the toilet flush and then the water from the shower start to flow.

"Good morning." I heard Richard say as he entered through the adjoining door.

"Good morning. How are you this morning?" I responded.

"I sleep fairly well, I think. Where are the girls?" he asked.

"Audrey is having breakfast with Jennifer and Wendy's in the shower." I told him.

Richard must have noticed that my dick was still semi-hard and slightly reddish because he pointed at my groin and asked, "Did you just fuck your sister again?"

"Guilty as charged, I'm afraid." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Didn't you guys get enough yesterday? And the day before?" Richard asked.

"What can I say? Once the incest genie's out of the bottle, you can't get it back in."

"Get what back in?" Wendy asked as she re-entered the room, towel draped over her shoulders.

"The incest genie. Don't worry, Richard was just commenting on the frequency of our copulations, nothing to be alarmed about." I said.

"How are you this morning dear husband?" Wendy asked as she turned to face Richard.

"Slept well. Somewhat longer than expected, but well." he responded.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm having my shower now and then Wendy and I were planning on having breakfast. Why don't you shower and we can all go together?" I said.

"Sounds good." I heard Richard say behind me as I headed for the shower.

I quickly showered and dried myself before stepping back into my room. Neither Wendy nor Richard were there so I went over to the adjoining door and pocked my head in.

Wendy was sitting on the bed and she looked up and said, "All clean now?"

"All expect my mind." I replied.

"Richard shouldn't be too much longer." she said reassuringly.

"OK, let me know when you're ready." I said withdrawing back into my own room.

I made my way onto the balcony and watched the people go by for about four or five minutes before I heard Wendy call to me that they were ready. We walked down to the cafeteria and found that there was a bit of a queue when we arrived. Whilst we were waiting, we spotted Audrey and Jennifer sitting at a long table with ample free space. After making our selection, we wandered over to join them.

As we arrived, Jennifer stood to leave. She spotted us approaching and waited for us to get closer before saying, "I'm sorry, but I need to dash. Audrey will fill you in on the details."

"OK, bye." I said in vain as Jennifer made her way out of the cafeteria.

"What was that all about?" Wendy asked Audrey as we sat down.

Audrey waited for the three of us to sit down and start eating our breakfast before explaining.

"Jennifer and Tom are flying out tonight, so they have invited us to a going away party at their private villa." Audrey announced.

"Private villa? Jennifer didn't mention anything about a private villa yesterday." I said.

"They are sharing it with their friends Rachel and Vern and we have been invited to visit." Audrey explained.

"Where is this villa? How do we get there?" Richard asked.

"You remember that tall fence on the far side of the tennis courts where we met yesterday?" Audrey said.

"Yes." Richard replied with a mouth full of bacon.

"Right there." Audrey replied, "Jen's just gone to make the catering arrangements."

"When's this party starting?" Wendy asked.

"Jen said to drop by any time after about 09:30. They have a private pool and a modest terrace area." Audrey responded.

"Sounds like fun." I said.

"And Jen said that she had some people that she wants you and Wendy to meet." Audrey added mysteriously.

"Who are they?" Wendy asked.

"Well firstly, if I told you it would not be a surprise." Audrey responded.

"And?" Wendy prompted.

"Secondly. She did not tell me. Just that they were keen to meet you." Audrey said shrugging her shoulders.

Wendy went back to eating her breakfast. She was clearly annoyed and curious at the same time, but said no more about the subject.

We had finished our breakfast, but still had over an hour to kill before heading over to the party. After far too much debate and consideration, we decided to stroll over to the beach and scout it out for tomorrow. We had been talking about visiting the beach since we arrived here, but we'd not followed-through yet. Today was out of the question, but tomorrow seemed free at the moment.

We had visited Turtle beach, certainly, but not the local beach that most of the guests used. It was patrolled by lifeguards spaced at regular intervals, all of whom were suitably unattired except for their telltale hats and binoculars. There was also watersports equipment available for hire for the more adventurous guests, but said equipment could only be used several hundred metres further along the beach, away from the designated swimming areas.

Even at this relatively early hour, the beach was swarming with naked children of all ages, yelling and screaming and generally having fun. Some of the kids were supervised by adults or what we guessed were older teenage siblings, notwithstanding that, it was good to see that the lifeguards kept a close eye on all proceedings within their patch of sand and stepped in when they saw trouble brewing.

Wendy mentioned that she saw a sign in the lobby that tomorrow was the kids mini-olympics out on the sports oval. If we timed things just right tomorrow, we should hopefully find the beach slightly less occupied than its current state. We stood and watched the beachgoers go about their beachly activities for a while longer before eventually meandering over to the villa.

When we arrived, we were greeted by Rachel, the main occupant of the villa. She was somewhat older than the four of us, her skin was tanned all over and appeared to have a leathery texture. Her breasts had seen better days and her whispy pubic hair so thin that her outer lips were totally unobscured.

As Rachel was greeting us, her husband Vern came in from the outdoor terrace area to introduce himself. The state of his skin was similar to that of his wife. He was polite and friendly and spent some time asking about our stay at the resort so far and what we had planned for the last day.

Eventually Vern excused himself so that he could return to his outside guests. Before leaving, however, he pointed to Richard's penis and said, "I want to see that gigantic thing inside my wife before the day's done."

"Oh Vern stop it!" Rachel said as she slapped her husband playfully on the arm. As Vern left, I noticed that his back was covered in darker brown marks interspersed with a number of healed scars.

We continued to chat amicably with Rachel for a few more minutes before three middle aged women came running in, took one look at Richard's manhood and said, "Come with us!".

As two of the women led Richard away, the third took Wendy by the hand and said, "Glorious tits, splendid figure, magnificent hairy pussy. Come on dear, you can keep our husbands busy whilst we ride that monster cock." before leading her out into onto the terrace.

"Those three girls are incorrigible!" Rachel said to Audrey and I with a chuckle.

"Have fun!" Audrey called out as Wendy disappeared from view.

It looked as if Rachel was about to say something when we heard a knock at the door. Rachel furrowed her brow and said, "Oh! Damn, Wendy's gone. Never mind. Stay here a moment."

Rachel walked over and opened the door. After some inaudible chatter, she led two new guests into the villa whom she introduced as Donna and Charles. The first thing I noticed was that they were rather young, late twenties at the most. The second thing that I noticed was that neither Donna nor Charles had any pubic hair, not even a hint of stubble or regrowth, their neither regions appeared to be baby smooth.

The new arrivals seemed a little bit nervous, perhaps a little bit lost. "This is the first time that Donna and Charles have attended an event such as this as a couple." Rachel said discretely.

"We're a bit nervous, that's all. We've actually done this sort of thing back home with other partners, just not with each other." Donna said.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." Rachel responded reassuringly rubbing Donna's upper arm.

"Just remember that you don't need to do anything that you're uncomfortable with." Audrey said trying to soothe their anxiety.

"Take your time, enjoy yourself. But also remember, nobody will think any less of you if you just want to watch or amuse yourselves in a corner somewhere." I added.