The Retrieval... Ch. 01


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"I, uh, don't have anything," Jules shrugged. "I mean my bag with all my clothes and everything was in my, I don't have anything to sleep in."

"No problem," Leah nodded once. She swung her legs smoothly off the bed and stood up in one fluid motion. She took a step over to the little table and reached into her backpack and pulled out a t-shirt that was folded and rolled into a compact little tube. She also grabbed a small case that was zipped closed. She tossed them one at a time to Jules and resumed her position on the bed. "There's deodorant, cleanser and an extra toothbrush in the case. The shirt might be a little snug."

"Thanks," Jules replied as she held the items to her chest and went back into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She came back out a few minutes later feeling almost human again and very grateful after being able to apply deodorant, clean her face properly and brush her teeth. The borrowed t-shirt ended up being a good length to sleep in as it came down to mid-thigh, but Leah had been on the money in her assessment about the fit. The lightweight khaki colored shirt hugged her large breasts like a second skin. Jules walked over to the table by the door that seemed to be serving as their make shift dresser. She didn't really know what to do with her things so she started to fold her dirty, wrinkled clothes. Jules turned her head and Leah was suddenly standing beside her. Jules looked up into Leah's bright blues eyes with a questioning expression.

"Let me show you a little trick," Leah actually smiled a little as she took the jacket and pants from Jules. Leah set them down on top of her bag and then quickly removed all of the pillows, blankets and the top sheet from the bed. Without much effort she flipped the mattress up and off of the box spring to lean against the far wall. She then laid Jules's jacket and pants out flat on the box spring and then carefully smoothed all of the folds out of each one before putting the mattress back up on one edge of the box spring. The muscles in Leah's arms and shoulders bunched and rippled as she carefully set the mattress back down. Jules's clothes were now pressed flat between the mattress and the box spring.

"This won't get them any cleaner," Leah explained as she started to put the blanket and comforter back on the bed. Jules immediately went to the other side of the bed to help her. "But it's the next best thing to an iron."

Jules smiled gratefully at the blonde as they finished putting the last of the pillows back on the bed. "Thank you."

"No problem," Leah nodded and climbed back on the bed. "If you hang your shirt up in the bathroom, the steam from the shower will help it some."

"Oh, okay...thanks," Jules did as Leah suggested and hung her blouse up on the curtain rod next to her underwear and then shut the bathroom door. She hesitated for a moment before walking around to the empty side of the bed. Jules kept pulling the hem of the t-shirt down self-consciously as she carefully climbed up on the bed next to Leah. Jules was unaware that by pulling on the edge of the borrowed shirt in an effort to keep her lower half covered since she wasn't wearing anything underneath it caused the thin cotton material to pull that much tighter across her large chest. Leah didn't move as she continued to watch the TV, but it was hard not to notice the vague outline of Jules's nipples and areolas through the thin shirt as the redhead wiggled around a bit to get comfortable.

The two women continued to watch some mindless sitcom for a few more minutes and then Leah announced that they had quite a bit of driving ahead of them tomorrow so it would be best if they tried to get some sleep. She clicked the remote to shut the television off and then leaned over to kill the switch on the bedside lamp. Leah simply resumed her position of lying flat on her back above the bedspread with her hands folded on her stomach as Jules curled up on her side facing her.

The rain wasn't letting up and provided a constant backdrop of subtle white noise that added to the hum of the air conditioner unit below the big picture window that struggled to keep the room cool. Leah lay perfectly still in the same prone position, breathing easily with her eyes closed while Jules fidgeted around for a while. The last thing Jules remembered was looking at the profile of Leah's sleeping face in the dark.


Before Jules knew it she was scrunching her eyes tightly shut at the sunlight that was streaming in from the open motel room door. She managed to crack one of her eyes open and immediately held her hand up to try and block out the dazzling brightness. She mentally took in her surroundings as the last remnants of sleepy confusion slipped away. Jules realized she must have been warm last night and kicked the covers off in her sleep. Leah shut the door and set down a couple of paper bags and a pair of to go cups as Jules yawned. She straightened her legs out and put her arms out to the side in a big stretch that felt so good it actually elicited a groan.

"Morning," Leah said quietly and then quickly turned around to start concentrating on the contents of one of the bags.

"Good morning," Jules yawned and stretched again. She hadn't slept that well in a long time.So would this show be considered the matinee or what?the little voice in her head asked. Jules craned her neck up and to the side so she could see over the rise and swell of her boobs. Her t-shirt had ridden up from all of the stretching and her naked pussy was on full display. Jules could feel her face blush as she sat up and pulled the shirt back down so she was covered.

"Yikes," Jules mumbled with a slightly embarrassed smile as she got out of bed and padded across the room to the bathroom. "Sorry about that."

"No worries," Leah shrugged as she unwrapped her breakfast. "It's not like I've never seen one before."

"Right," Jules laughed through the partially open bathroom door as she stepped into her panties and pulled them on. She came back out and sat down in the empty chair next to Leah at the rickety table. Her stomach audibly growled.

"Eat up," Leah instructed and slid the unopened paper bag in front of Jules. She put her elbows on the table as she took another bite of the monstrosity of a breakfast sandwich she was holding. It looked like whoever made it had tried to put as much breakfast food between two slices of toast that they possibly could as egg yolk began running over Leah's fingers.

"Thanks for getting breakfast," Jules smiled and took the lid off of her cup of coffee and hazarded a sip. She sighed. Caffeine, exactly what she needed. Jules took another sip and set the cup down and opened up her bag and found one of the monster sandwiches inside. She unwrapped it and picked a piece of bacon off of it to nibble on. "And thanks for loaning me the shirt last night."

Leah nodded in acknowledgement as she chewed and washed the bite of sandwich down with a gulp of coffee. "You're welcome."

Jules ate a bite of hash-brown that had fallen out of her sandwich. "Are you going to take another shower?"

"Already had one," Leah replied simply and polished off the last of her sandwich with a final bite. She chewed and drank some more of her coffee before saying, "You go ahead, but let's hustle up, okay? I want to be on the road as soon as we can."

"Oh, okay," Jules replied and started to stand. Leah's arm shot out and her hand was on Jules's hip right above her ass cheek before Jules had even straightened her legs out. Without hurting her in any way, Leah gently pressed down until Jules couldn't do anything but sit back down. There wasn't anything really out of the ordinary in the gesture other than it was something a very close friend or maybe even a lover would have done. It sent shivers up and down Jules's spine.

"After you finish breakfast," Leah insisted.

"Right," Jules smiled and gave Leah a strange look before picking up another piece of bacon off of her sandwich and taking a bite of it. Jules wasn't exactly sure why, but Leah insisting she eat before getting ready struck her as very endearing. It made her feel good in a way that she hadn't felt in a long time.


The second day of travel went much like the first, but the mood between the two women had taken on a more comfortable feel. The seemingly endless hours spent in the SUV felt easier than the day before. For Jules there were times when it started to feel more like a college road trip adventure (minus the alcohol) rather than a clandestine route back to DC. The sobering reminders came when Leah would suddenly divert them off onto backroads and roundabout patterns of travel including backtracking as she studied the traffic behind them in the mirrors. When that happened Jules would grow quiet and start thinking about the reality of their predicament. Leah would sense Jules's discomfort and did a good job of getting the auburn haired Fed to talk about other things by asking her questions. Leah was a very good listener.

The miles and hours flew by as they drove up to Raleigh, NC and then on into Virginia by way of Richmond and then Staunton before detouring over into West Virginia and finally stopping for the night in Morgantown, WV. Just like yesterday, the trip which should have been 10 hours with stops ended up taking over 13 hours and they were still at least another three and a half hours from DC. The one major difference was Leah had stopped at two different Good Will stores along the way to buy Jules some additional clothes. Not that Jules had been thrilled with the selection, but she was grateful to Leah for even thinking about it.

Leah found another motel of the type that would more than likely take cash with no questions asked and the two women went through the process of checking in. Without discussing it, they again went with one room only this time there was a king sized bed to share rather than a queen. After settling into the room, Jules went first in the shower this time while Leah helped herself to a slice of the pizza they had picked up on their way into town. Leah was finishing her second slice when she looked up as Jules came out of the bathroom.

"I may have to burn these," Jules announced as she set her old clothes down in a pile on the floor.

"Or you could just take them to the dry cleaners," Leah suggested and arched an eyebrow at the redhead.

"True," Jules agreed and then stopped and smiled at Leah when she noticed the look on the blonde's face. She already knew what that look was about. "What?"

"Um," Leah cleared her throat as she stood up and grabbed her things for the shower. "My shirt?"

"Sorry," Jules looked down at Leah's slightly too small t-shirt and then back up and gave her an exaggerated shrug which caused her large breasts to jiggle a little. "But it's really comfy."

"Its fine," Leah shook her head, but Jules thought she saw that familiar little half-smile on the woman's face as she shut the bathroom door.

Jules crawled up onto the bed with the remote and the pizza box and wiggled around to get comfortable before helping herself to a slice of pizza and opening a diet coke. She giggled a little to herself as she toasted the air. Being on the run was definitely one way to take a break from drinking. She was just starting to munch on her second piece of pizza when Leah came out of the bathroom awkwardly holding a towel in front of her. She was wearing the same loose boxer shorts from the night before. She walked across the room to her backpack and when she turned to open it, Jules saw that her roomie was topless.

Leah didn't say anything as she moved the towel away from her body and laid it across the back of the motel chair. Jules tried not to stare but realized she was holding her breath as she watched the well-defined muscles of Leah's back move. Jules's hand floated self-consciously to her own soft, ever-so-slightly rounded tummy as she continued to watch Leah. The woman practically oozed strength from almost every pour. Her toned body was sleek and feminine. As Leah turned to the side, Jules saw that the woman's small but perky breasts were perfectly shaped just like every other one of her body parts. Jules thought they looked amazing on her tall, muscular frame. With her back to Jules, Leah finally slipped a t-shirt over her head and pulled it down. Jules quickly moved her eyes back to the television screen as Leah turned around and gracefully climbed onto the bed next to her.

"What are we watching?" Leah asked and helped herself to another slice of pizza.

"Huh?" Jules replied as she tried to process the question and ignore the start of that tingling feeling in her panties. "Oh, uh, nothing, I was just flipping."

"We have some time if you want to watch a movie or something," Leah replied between bites.

"We do?"

"Yeah," Leah nodded. "We're only a few hours from DC. Since we want to make sure we hit Atwood's office when you know he'll be there, we don't need to leave as early."

"Okay," Jules nodded. She didn't want to think about tomorrow right now. Whenever she did it made her stomach flip-flop. Tomorrow and everything that came with it would be here soon enough, so she just wanted to be here in this motel eating pizza with Leah right now. "What do you want to watch?"

"Whatever you do," Leah shrugged one shoulder as Jules began flipping through the channels. "I really don't watch much TV, so whatever you decide is fine."

They ended up watching an episode from some series on one of the cable channels that of course just had to include a pretty graphic - but Jules thought really hot - sex scene between two of the female characters. Neither woman dared look at each other during or immediately after the scene played out on the screen. It was pretty obvious to the ultra-perceptive Leah that the way Jules's large chest heaved up and down as her breathing grew both shallower and quicker indicated that the redhead next to her was aroused. It wasn't hard to see why since Leah was just as guilty as evidenced by the wet spot she could feel in the crotch of her boxers.

What Leah couldn't have known was that it wasn't the sex scene that had made Jules wet or caused her nipples to harden - it was watching those images while being in such close proximity to the tall blonde lying next to her. As the episode ended, Jules handed the remote to Leah and excused herself to the bathroom. Jules brushed her teeth and relieved her bladder and then after washing her hands came back to find Leah had cleaned up the remains of the pizza and soda cans and turned the TV off. They went through the process of trading places so Leah could take her turn in the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Jules walked over and checked to make sure the A/C was on high before climbing under the covers and getting comfortable. She took a breath and let it out slowly as she lay there, vividly remembering the image of the tall blonde woman dropping that towel and rummaging for a shirt. Jules had been trying to keep her mind off of the obvious signs that she was really horny all day, but the way Leah's body had looked when the woman moved had tapped deep into her libido. Not only did she think Leah was fucking hot, but Jules also wasn't used to going this long without at least giving herself an orgasm. In fact it was usually part of her nightly routine to masturbate if she wasn't otherwise engaged with a partner.

Jules sighed again and just as she let her right hand idly wander down to run a fingertip along the waistband of her panties, the bathroom door opened. She willed herself not to jump and act guilty as Leah walked out. Instead, Jules just laid her hand flat on her lower stomach so that the very tips of her fingers were resting on the top part of her mons as Leah puttered about the room. Jules watched the blonde woman's long legs as Leah moved around putting her little travel case back in her backpack, checking the lock on the door and taking one last drink of water. She gave Jules that little half-smile smirk before turning out the bedside lamp and climbing into the bed next to the redhead.

Leah actually got under the covers tonight as the air conditioner of this motel was working just fine and the room was nice and chilly. She laid down flat on her back and took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she relaxed and as Jules expected, simply folded her hands on her stomach and closed her eyes. Jules had never been in bed with another woman - and she thought to herself with the slightest of grins that she'd had more than her share of "sleepovers" - who slept without moving or changing positions all night.

After Leah had settled in, Jules lay quietly next to her and closed her eyes as she waited. Jules didn't want to think about what tomorrow was going to be like or how it would play out, so she mentally began making a playlist of her all-time favorite classic rock songs. She figured if she went all the way to fifty songs then that should be long enough. So she went through the list in her head until she came to the end.Let's see... at 48 I think I'll put Foreigner's Long, Long Way from Home. I've always liked that song. 49 is going to be...hmmm... yep, The Boys are Back in Town by Thin Lizzy...and bringing up the rear at number 50...oh yeah, I got have some Tom Petty in there - American Girl. Such a classic.Jules actually smiled a little in her faux sleep at what she thought was one kick-ass mental mix tape.

Jules partially opened one eye and let it adjust to the dark as she studied Leah's face. The longer she looked at the tall blonde's refined nose, sculpted cheekbones and rather delicate mouth the more Jules had to admit that she wasn't just horny for the sake of being horny...the real cause of her internal fire was the fact that she was more than just a little attracted to Leah. She continued to wait. Her traveling companion looked quite relaxed and peaceful as her breathing continued slow and steady. Jules waited for another couple of very long minutes of being still and just watching Leah in the dark to make sure her bedmate was asleep before she ever so slowly and quietly rolled over onto her back. She forced herself to lie still and hold her breath while she strained her ears, waiting to see if Leah would stir.

When she judged enough time had gone by and Leah hadn't moved Jules very slowly brought her hands up to rest on her chest. She again waited a few moments, listening for any indication that her movements had disturbed Leah's slumber before finally rubbing her palms slowly along the outsides of her breasts. She did this a few times and then brought her hands down and under her breasts to try and cup them. She gave each of her large boobs a gentle squeeze even though they were much too large to fit into her hands. Jules felt her nipples grow even harder against her palms and then froze as she thought she detected just the slightest movement of Leah's arm.

She tried not to move at all as she lay still with her hands full of tit and waited. Leah remained as she had been, eyes closed and breathing easily.

Jules knew that what she was doing was really immature and could easily put her in a very awkward and embarrassing situation if Leah were to wake up unexpectedly...but she was so incredibly horny right now that she honestly didn't think she could stop herself even if she really wanted to. Besides, right now in this cheap motel room, lying in the dark next to this exceptionally alluring woman who had constantly been in her thoughts for the last twenty four hours...well, Jules decided that she had no intention of trying to stop herself from getting off. Inwardly, she knew it was that very risk and the thrill of possibly getting caught that was driving her to go ahead and indulge her desires.