The Return Ch. 05


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Sarah was able to catch her breath as the shower continued to rain over them. Slowly, she felt him slip out of her as he lowered to the wet floor.

"You are such a bad boy," she scolded as he grinned at her. "But, I love you anyway," she beamed as she kissed him. "Now, get out of her and let me finish."

An hour later, they were both back on the road heading up the coast toward Oregon.


"Mr. Armestead?" Samantha's voice carried over the speaker sounding concerned.

"What is it, Samantha?" asked Robert wondering why she sound so upset.

"There are three gentlemen here to see you. However, they don't appear to have an appointment."

Shit, he thought, they're already here. "Send them in Samantha."

"Yes sir."

Robert's secretary glanced up nervously at the three men. The largest one wore a gray pinstriped suit with a garish red and black tie which he continuously adjusted. His face was round and pudgy but his eyes, those tiny pig-like eyes were what frightened her. They looked dead. They had a yellowish cast to the whites and the color of his irise's were a faded whitish blue.

The smallest of the three wore a dark blue suit that had a sheen to the material. His thin face appeared emaciated almost as if he had been starved. A long scar coursed downward over the side of his face from his high sideburn to the bottom of his chin. His nose appeared to go in different directions accenting the perpetual snarl of his lips.

The third of medium height and build wore a sharp charcoal gray business suit with a tasteful maroon tie over a white long sleeve shirt. She could see its white cuffs highlighted the sleeves of his jacket. His face was pleasant to look at, clean shaven, but she would not have picked him out of a crowd. Even his eyes were nothing notable, a subtle shade of medium brown. Though he would never stand out if he was walking down the street, she could sense the strength in him. She found herself more terrified of him than the other two.

"He will see you now," she said.

The smallest of the three scoffed and mimicked her saying, "He will see us now?"

"Quiet, Pauli," said the third one without emotion in the cold voice. The skinny man instantly shut up and nodded. All three moved toward the door, the big man opening for the third followed by the smaller one called Pauli. She finally breathed when the door shut behind the three men.

"Gentlemen, please have a seat," said Armestead a little put out by their sudden appearance.

"We'll stand," said the one wearing the charcoal gray suit. "I'll get right to the point, Armestead. My boss is not happy. Two of his men still haven't checked in. You know anything since you last talked to the boss?"

Armestead shook his head and said, "They never came back from following the man I told your boss, Michael Provinzano, about."

"Okay, first its Mr. Provinzano then introductions are in order. I am Carmine Scoccio." Pointing to the smaller of them, he said, "This is Pauli Befatchi and this large gentleman is Raf Menscanti. If you haven't figured it out, I am in charge of this little group. Understand...we are not on loan. This is not the same arrangement you previously had with Manelli and Silverman. Once the job is done, we are gone."

Robert swallowed and nodded looking at Carmine Scoccio. "I understand."

"Good. Now...tell me everything you know about this Geoffrey McKenzie."


Sheriff William 'Billy' Reilly didn't like it, didn't it like one bit. First there were Armesteads two thugs, Franko Manelli and Victor Silverman. They drove around in that big Escalade doing Robert's PR work on certain individuals, none of whom would talk about how they ended up in the hospital.

Now, the thugs were missing. Their black SUV found abandoned on the highway. The only prints on the car were theirs. On top of that, they found two sawed off shotguns, two 40 mm Glocks and one 22 cal pistol with an attached silencer hidden behind the back seat. Shaking his head, Billy knew these two were pros. Now, they're gone God knows where.

If that wasn't enough, now he had some new wise guys in town. One of his deputies spotted a black Cadillac Seville in town with two unknown goons in the front from probably from back east somewhere like the other two. They were last seen heading up the Moon Key Point, to the Armesteads. Billy stared at a photo of him, Geoff, Geoff's sister Julie and Billy's wife standing in front of Jenny's Bait and Tackle. He carefully studied Geoff's face and somehow knew all this muscle was because of him. Looks like Robert hasn't forgot about the past, or Geoff hasn't.

Calling Investigations, Billy asked to have Mat Baleman come to his office. Mat was one of his Narc Investigators and damn good at doing surveillance.

"What's up Chief?" asked Matthew Baleman as he walked into the Sheriff's office.

"Mat! When are you gonna start calling me Sheriff, not Chief. This is a sheriff's department, not a police department or hadn't you noticed?"

Mat smiled at one of the best Sheriff's this town and county has ever had the luck to take office. He enjoyed frustrating the old man with the Chief remark.

"Sure Chief, I mean Sheriff. What's up doc?"

Shaking his head, Billy asked Mat to sit down. "Listen, I need you to do a little snooping for me. A couple of men just came in to town driving a black...why do they always drive a black car? Anyway, a black Cadillac Seville. At least two men were seen in the front. Don't know if anyone was in the back. Doug Spicer spotted the car heading up to the Armestead place and described the men as typical back east wise guys, how Doug knows what wise guys look like is beyond me."

"Remember Chief...uh Sheriff, Spicer came from Chicago. He spent a lot of time on the streets as a beat cop. If anyone would recognize someone as a big city thug, he would."

"Oh yeah, forgot that little detail. Okay, keep an eye on them. Find out what you can. I want to know as much detail as you can get on them, understand?"


"Your discretion."

"Gotcha chief." With that, Mat laughed and ran off before Billy could throw a notepad at him.

Staring at the picture again, Billy thought, I only hope I can stop whatever is about to happen.

Matthew Baleman sat in the non-descript 1986 Ford F-150. A faded green beat up, rusted and oxidized pick-up he had parked by the corner Quickie Mart. From there he could watch the driveway up to the Armestead mansion. So far nothing had come down from the point.

The crackle of the two-way radio pack set squelched as Bobby Summer's voice blared over the speaker.

"Mat, how long we gonna stay here?"

"Till I say it's over, numb nuts!" Mat squelched back. "Baker, you set up?"

A deep rumbling voice crackled saying, "Yep."

"Good, now just stay frosty, got it?"

Both Bobby and Baker acknowledged, though Bobby wasn't happy. Mat grinned. Bobby was never happy.

Half an hour later an excited Bobby came over the pack set. "Mat, a black Caddy Seville just pulled out from the Armestead drive and is heading east."

"Okay, stay with em, but maintain distance. These guys are probably pros at this."

"Ten-four," acknowledged Bobby.

Mat spoke into the pack set again. "Baker?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

"Fine, wait and see if you can find something to stop em for. If not, wing it."

"No problem."

Mat watched the Seville glide past the market and several car lengths later, a gray Saturn followed driven by Bobby Summer.

"Not to close Bobby! Hang back another car length or two."

"Okay," the radio crackled back.

The Seville approached a stop sign and slowed but failed to stop. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a black and white pulled up behind the Caddy, it's red and blue overhead lights flashing.

"Jeez, these guys make it too easy," sighed Mat as the black Seville pulled over to the shoulder, the black and white right behind him. He watched as Baker slightly angled his unit so the engine could protect him, stopped the car and exit. Baker placed his left hand down and unsnapped his holster, his hand remaining by the gun. As he approached, he placed his hand on the trunk. The rear passenger window was closed and had dark tint, so dark he couldn't see if anyone was in the backseat. The arrival of his backup pulled up stopping on the far right to provide fire power should anyone try coming out the side passenger door.

Baker advanced to the driver's door noting the window was already down. The driver was a hulk of a man with a pasty round face and tiny light blue eyes.

In a bored voice, the driver said, "What did I do officer?"

In a monotone voice Baker had carefully developed over the many years on the street, he said, "May I have your license, registration and proof of insurance please."

Mat watched as the driver fiddled around, undoubtedly getting his license of registration out. He saw the driver pass several papers to Baker.

Deputy Baker studied the license and said, "Rafael Menscanti out of Detroit. Kind of far from home aren't you?"

The big man turned to stare at the officer but didn't answer.

"Wait here please." Baker backed away and turned to move toward his patrol car as his backup stood vigilance over the vehicle.

Once back in the unit, Baker radioed the station presenting the information from the license. The Seville was also registered in Detroit, to the Provinzano Construction Company. Once the information was returned with no wants on file, he stepped out of the unit and returned to the driver.

"Mr. Menscanti, the reason you were stopped was for your failure to come to a complete stop at the stop sign back..."

"What the fuck you talking about. I came to a stop!"

"Mr. Menscanti, I need you to sign this citation for 22450 of the California Vehicle Code, failure to stop for a stop sign. Signing this citation is not an admission of guilt only a promise to appear." Baker stared at the beefy man sitting behind the wheel. He held the citation book for Menscanti to take and offered a pen to sign the ticket. As he did, he studied the other two men in the car. The skinny one in the front passenger seat was obviously a goon for the mob but the one in the back looked like a non-descript nobody.

"This is fuckin bullshit! God, I hate these hick towns and their motherfuckin..."

"Raf, enough!"

Baker couldn't help but notice how quickly the big man obeyed the guy in the back.

After the driver signed the citation he tossed the ticket book at the officer, Baker deftly catching the cite book before it fell to the ground. He wasn't so lucky with the pen. Ripping off the driver's copy of the cite, Baker said, "Have a nice day," and waved the driver on.

Menscanti flipped him off and sped away. Baker leaned down and grabbed his pen and returned to the unit. Once back in, his radio immediately squelched.

"Baker, meet me around the corner."

"On my way."

Mat told Bobby to continue to follow the Seville until Tucker relieved him.

"Okay, I'm behind them."

"Remember, Bobby...these guys know what they're doing, be careful."

"Okay, Mom!"

Mat shook his head and asked himself, "Why me?"

Mat sent the info to the Sheriff where Billy called his contact with the FBI. A few hours later, he had his information. The three men are known soldiers for the Michael Provinzano family out of Detroit. Rafael Menscanti was a notorious trigger man for the mob and the skinny guy Baker noted in the front passenger seat was probably his partner, Pauli Befatchi. The third man was a mystery. His contact mentioned Provinzano had a top hit man by the name of Carmine but that's all they had. No photos, no details other that the name. Well, at least we know there are three of them, Billy thought.

Billy told Baleman to keep an eye on the hoods and personally keep Billy updated on their whereabouts. "That's all I can do for now," he mumbled. "Damn it, where the blazes is Geoff?"


Geoff and Sarah had already crossed into Oregon and were nearing Coos Bay. He had called his dad's old partner, Jack Davenport and said he would be in town in a few hours and if he and his wife, Terry had some time for a couple of visitors. Of course Jack was more than excited to see his unofficially adopted son, Geoff. Jim's boy would always be welcome under his roof.

Geoff drove up to the house and whistled. Quite impressive! Jack had built a fair sized cabin on a high bluff overlooking the ocean. One thing about Jack, he thought, the man never slouched on details. The cabin was of huge pine and cedar with large green shingles adorning the roof. The structure was tall enough to be two stories but Geoff knew the house had a split level single floor with a loft. The high vaulted ceilings gave the home a majestic feel.

As he and Sarah grabbed their bags, the large cedar doors flew open and Jack Davenport bellowed, "Well looky here Terry, if it ain't the long lost prodigal son returned." With a wide gait, he flew down the steps and bear hugged Geoff. While holding Geoff, Jack turned to see Sarah staring wide eyed at the reception.

"You must be Sarah. I've heard a lot of good things about ya from Julie. Why you waited for this pig headed mule is a mystery to us all." Laughing, he released Geoff and took Sarah into his arms.

By this time, Terry was hugging Geoff. "My goodness, it is so good to see you, Geoff. We thought you would never come home. Come on inside. We have some coffee percolating and I've made a fresh batch of coffee cake for us. Come on." She went to Sarah and hugged her then took her hand escorting the girl into the cabin.

Astonished, Sarah gaped at the interior exclaiming, "This is a beautiful home Mrs. Davenport!"

"Enough with the Mrs. Davenport please call me Terry. Yes, it is nice. Jack just couldn't stop fidgeting with the house until he was satisfied. Near drove me crazy at times."

Walking through the house, they found themselves in the great room, a massive living room with a giant stone fireplace and hearth. A huge wall of glass presented a spectacular view of the ocean and cliffs.

"I'd forgotten how stunning this view was," said Geoff standing next to the window.

"I remember the last time you were here, Geoff. You came up with James for the weekend for some deep sea fishing. You were just a sprout, what...maybe around twelve, thirteen years old?"

"Thirteen, I remember that trip." Geoff swallowed and turned away.

Jack stood next to him and placed his hand on the young man's shoulder. "Sorry about your folks, Jim and Annabella were family to me and Terry." Jack stared at Geoff for a moment before moving away.

"Sarah, let me take you to your room," said Terry picking up her travel bag. Sarah followed down the corridor and entered a cozy little room with a large sliding glass door that led out to a small balcony.

"Oh, such a cute room," she exclaimed as she strode to the glass door, sliding it open and stepped out onto the balcony. Terry stood next to her and whispered, "Breathtaking isn't it?"

Sarah sighed, "Yes, it is."

Terry turned and said, "Well, settle yourself in and later I'll give you the two dollar tour. The bathroom is right there, with a nice sized tub." Terry pointed toward the far wall where Sarah could see an open door and a vanity just beyond.

"Thank you so much, Terry," Sarah replied as Terry smiled and left. Sarah remained on the balcony watching as large waves crested over the jagged rocks at the base of the cliffs. A few minutes later, she felt arms surround waist as Geoff stood behind her.

"Beautiful," he softly said. "Uh...Jack and Terry are somewhat old-fashioned about certain things, like separate bedrooms."

She giggled and replied, "How will you ever hold up without me?"

"It will be hard, and I don't mean just my feelings!"

Laughing, she turned and punched his arm before grabbing his shirt and, yanking him down, kissed him.

"Almost six, hungry?"

"I could eat," she mused.

"Jack and Terry want to take us out to dinner in the harbor. Okay with that?"

"Of course. When?"

"Fifteen?" "I'll be ready, now get out so I can get ready."

"Mmmm, I'm ready now," he murmured running his hand along the supple curve of her backside, his lips against her neck.

"Out! Or I'll call Jack," she growled shaking her head.

Chuckling, he stepped into the hallway and, winking at her, closed the door.

"Your dad was on his way up here to see us," said Jack as he piloted the Jeep Commander around the corner of the intersection. "Said, he needed to warn me about some characters than might come snooping around Coos Bay. He didn't want to get into it over the phone, saying he and Annabella were going to take the sloop up the coast and would stop in."

Geoff sat in the front passenger seat, as Sarah and Terry sat in the back, and listened as Jack talked about what his dad had said. He stared out the window for several minutes before he said, "Armestead was leaning on him about selling some land. Dad wouldn't and Robert Armestead was determined to get that property. I guess the property is a key importance for the town; it's where they get most if not all of their water. He set some heavies to lean on Dad, a couple of guys out of Detroit. I guess he was afraid they may show up here and threaten you two so Armestead could pressure Dad into the deal."

"I believe they were responsible for sinking the Annabella."

Jack gazed at him before saying, "I thought the Coast Guard ruled it an accidental sinking?"

"No, the Guard closed the investigation as undetermined, more likely caused by the storm. They never found the remains of the Annabella, only a few pieces of debris and the dingy. I have Jenny calling around for side-scan sonar equipment. I'll find the Annabella myself, and my parents."

"What about Armestead's men?"

"They left town for good."

Something about the way Geoff said that last sentence made Jack glance at James' boy. He didn't say anything but nodded.

"I know this great little steak house down by the docks. You kids will love it, especially you, Geoff."

Silent, Geoff just looked at him.

Built next to the main pier and hung out over the water, sat the Black Reef Steak and Lobster Restaurant. As the pretty hostess sat them at their table, Sarah and Geoff were able to look out the floor to ceiling windows at the harbor. The sun was just setting past the rise of the cliffs giving off a reddish hue to the marina. Jack watched Geoff's face as the young man stared out the window onto the harbor. Jack knew the boy, now the man, well enough to know something was on his mind.

"Okay, Geoff, out with it. Why did you come up here? I know it wasn't just to visit old friends."

Geoff looked at Sarah and Terry, then back to Jack. He closed his eyes for a second and then glared at his father's old friend and partner with an intensity Jack hadn't seen before.

"Jack, I need your help. Robert Armestead killed my parents when he had explosives set aboard the Annabella. I know this for a fact. I want to find the Annabella but I need your boat and you to pilot it. I want to find the evidence I know is down there. I want to find my mother and father." Jack stared at Geoff dumbfounded. Taking a swallow of his Seven and Seven, Jack said, "Geoff, what the hell are you saying? What do you mean Robert Armestead killed them. Then please explain the how and why?"

Geoff looked down at his hands, his fingers intertwined tightly, and white from his grip. Looking up into Jack's eyes, he said, "Over land...actually water rights to the valley. Robert wanted the land that we owned that allowed the valley and the town access to most of its water. The Armesteads wanted the land for themselves. It was Nathanial's goal to possess the water rights, for power. Old man Nathanial cared less for the money, they had more than enough but he wanted control. He wanted the town but Dad knew this and wouldn't sell. In fact, I recently learned Dad, unknown to the Armesteads, had already sold the water and mineral rights of the land to the town."