The Return Ch. 06


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"Last I saw of him, he was trying to breathe through his neck," muttered Geoff.

Geoff left Jenny to check on his daughter, Rebecca.

"Hey sweetheart, you okay?"

Anxious, she bravely smiled at her father. "I knew you would save us."

"You did, did you?"


"Becky, for now...stay inside. Daddy has some cleaning up to do first. Okay?"

She nodded as he squeezed her hand.

He stood and went to Sarah. She ran to him as he embraced her. She cried, "Oh my god, Geoff. I was so afraid for you and Becky. They were going to kill us all. I overheard the big one talking to him." She pointed at Carmine.

"Shhh, everything's okay. No one's going to harm anyone." He lifted her chin and kissed her; relieved she and the rest of them were alright. "Sarah, keep Becky and Terry inside until we say otherwise, okay?"

"Why?" she asked.

"Uh...I have some clean-up to do."

"Uh...sure, I'll keep Becky inside. You need any help cleaning up?"

"Nah...Jack, Jenny and I can handle it. You just take care of Becky for me."

Geoff strode over to Jack who was sitting across Scoccio. "Carmine, I'm going to truss you up a bit and lock you in one of the cabins. A little warning, any attempt to escape and I might forget about letting you go. Understand?"

Carmine nodded and Geoff picked him up. A few minutes later, he was locked in one of the staterooms, hogtied and gagged lying on a bed. He grimaced. Could be worse, he thought, I could be on the floor.

Once Pauli and Raf were weighted down and tossed overboard, Jack washed down the deck where Pauli bled out as Geoff brought James and Annabella aboard. Once they were placed on the deck, Jack radioed the Coast Guard of their discovery.

Geoff returned to Carmine and sat down next to him. "Okay Carmine, here's the deal. The U.S. Coast Guard is on the way. I don't want to explain what you're doing here. I expect you to head back to Detroit once I release you. Don't bother trying to explain anything to Robert. As far as he's concerned, you no longer exist. Understand?"

Carmine knew a good thing and nodded.

"Be sure to ask Provinzano to check with Satch about Geoff McKenzie." Geoff leaned over and removed the gag.

"Any questions?"

Carmine Scoccio shook his head and said, "I'm in your debt. Anytime, need anything, call me."

Geoff nodded and cut the man's bonds.

"I think you have someplace to be."

"Yes, I do...and my partners?"

"They won't be going back with you."

Carmine nodded. As he walked out onto the open deck, the two women and the little girl stared at him. He nodded as he passed, then crossed over onto the cruiser. Geoff watched as the engine coughed and roared into action and the cruiser pulled away and sped off.

Less than ten minutes after Scoccio departed, Geoff saw the familiar white hull with forward red stripe identifying the U.S. Coast Guard cutter approach. He sighed, "Let the dance begin." He took the last few moments before the Coast Guard arrived to ask everyone to forget the goons were ever there.


"Hey Chief!" shouted Investigator Matthew Baleman waltzing into the Sheriff's office. "Heard the latest?"

Billy Reilly looked up from a report sent him from the County Seat regarding gun permits. "What?"

"They found the McKenzies."


"Nah, the parents...James and Annabell."

"You mean James and Annabella McKenzie...alive?"

"No, they were found on the Annabella in about 125 feet of water. The Coast Guard's bringing them in now."

The Sheriff closed his eyes for a moment. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie had been good friends, James saving his and Geoff's butt many a time. He stared at his top narcotics investigator. "I thought the Coast Guard shut down the search?"

"Oh, they didn't find them. The son did, Geoff McKenzie. With some guy from up north, Jenarde LaFonde was with them."


"Oh, by the way Chief, those three goons are gone."

"Define gone, Mat."

" longer here, vanished, disappeared, departed, evaporated...need more?"

"When and where?"

"Not sure. Bobby Summer lost them as they drove down the coast. Somewhere before leaving the county line, they completely vanished. Bobby's broken up about it. He owes the squad big time for losing them."

Reilly wasn't happy, Mat noted. His face always became splotchy just before he would lose his temper.

"Well, time to go down to the docks and check with the Coast Guard. Who knows, maybe our gruesome threesome will show up."

Baleman made a quick turn about and left the office before Reilly let loose.

"Jesus Christ," Reilly swore. They had only one fucking assignment, watch those three assholes.

Reilly's phone rang. Picking it up, Baleman's voice crackled over the receiver.

"Hey Chief, just got word from Summer. One of those three goons was seen heading out a Dodge in a hurry. Looks like he's heading for Frisco."

"Which one?"

"Well, not the big guy and not the little one."

"Carmine! I wonder where his cronies are?"

"Don't know but I heard he came in on one those speedboats."

"Okay, thanks for the update, Mat. Let me know what you find out at the harbor."

"Will do, Chief!"

"God damn it Baleman, stop calling me Chief!" Reilly growled as laughter emanated from the phone. "One of these days I'm gonna kill that guy," he snarled.

He sat back and thought about what Baleman said. The Coast Guard was heading in with Geoff's missing parents. Geoff was enroute on some yacht. And, Carmine Scoccio was bailing out of Moon Key post haste...without his two todies. For the first time today, Billy Reilly smiled. Geoff, what've you been up too? I wonder if Armestead's aware of the latest? If he doesn't, it will be my extreme pleasure to inform the poor man.

Geoff jumped from the rail onto the dock to secure the mooring lines to the Palatka. Once secured, Jack ran out the boarding ramp and Sarah, Becky and Terry disembarked. Geoff met Sarah and Becky as they stepped off the gang plank.

"I have to hang back for the Coast Guard. I've already called Julie and told her about Mom and Dad. Neville's with her right now. I was hoping maybe you guys can check up on her?"

Sarah stood on her toes, her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply on the mouth.

"We will."

She turned to her daughter and said, "I better warn you now, being with your father is always an adventure!"

Becky beamed and wrapped her arms around her father's waist. "Dad, can I ask a favor?"

Geoff kneeled down and held Becky's hand and said, "Anything."


He crossed his finger over his heart and said, "I promise!"

"Marry Mommy!"

"Becky!" exclaimed her mother.

Geoff smiled and hugged his daughter. "I soon as I can find a preacher."

Becky laughed and kissed her father's cheek then ran to her mother. "Remember, you promised."

He watched as his soon to be wife and his daughter walked down the pier, holding each other's hand. They stopped and hugged Terry and Jack Davenport and then turned and waived to Geoff before they vanished into the parking lot.

"They sure look happy!" Jenny's deep voice boomed with enthusiasm as Geoff grinned at the big man.

"The Coast Guard asked for you, Geoff."

Geoff's smile faded as he understood what they needed. He already prepared a report documenting the search and discovery of his parents. The Coast Guard wasn't very pleased with his removing the bodies before they were notified. Too fucking bad, he thought as he walked to their vessel. Besides, arrangements had to be made regarding his parents disposition.

After his debriefing with the Coast Guard commander, he met with Jack and Terry once more before they returned to Coos Bay.

"Jack, I need another favor from you."

Davenport stared at him and waited. He would do most anything for James's boy. "What is it?"

"I need you to come out of retirement for awhile. Until I get the hang of things with Dad's company. I need you to teach me the business. There were too many people dependant on Dad's guidance and his presence."

Jack looked at him with pride. No doubt this was James and Annabella's son.

"Of course I will. Give me a week to head back home. Afterwards, I'm sure Terry won't mind if we come down for a spell. What do you think, Terry?"

Terry smiled and held her husband's arm. "I look forward to it."

"There, you see...taken care of."

Geoff held out his right hand and said, "Thanks for everything Jack. You have no idea what it meant to me."

Jack laughed and grabbed Geoff pulling him into his arms. "Geoff, you will always be the son we never had."

Terry grabbed the young man after Jack released him, hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I look forward to your wedding."

"Oh shit, I almost forgot. Jack...Terry, would you do the honor of sitting in for Mom and Dad?"

"We'd be honored," said Jack handing a handkerchief to his wife, who by now, was in tears.

"Thank you both." He hugged them one more time before they boarded the Palatka. Jack signaled from the bridge and Geoff released the mooring lines. He stood on the dock and watched as the Palatka slowly pulled away and sailed away. Terry stood by the stern railing and waived as the yacht passed from his sight.

Jenny stood in front of the shop as Geoff approached.

"Good people, them Davenports."

Geoff sighed, "Yeah, very good people. Including you, ya big lug."

The two men grabbed the other's arm and held them.

"Don't be a stranger."

Geoff laughed. "You can't get rid of me that easily. I need you in the wedding so get that shoulder taken care of."

Jenny scowled and huffed, "Me? In a monkey suit. I don't think they make em big enough!"

"What are you talking about? I'm sure they come in tent size."

Geoff ducked as Jenny swung at him, cursing under his breath. "Geoff McKenzie, you're as bad as your old man."

They both laughed as Geoff turned away. Time to head home, then payback.


He knelt on the granite slab floor as he hurled further contents of his stomach into the toilet. His face covered in sweat, Robert Armestead gasped as he laid his left cheek against the porcelain edge. The moment he was told of the latest developments, he became violently sick to his stomach and ran into his office bathroom to vomit into the toilet.

Grecko had called telling him of the McKenzie's retrieval from the wreck of the Annabella and that the Coast Guard was bringing in the bodies. When Robert understood the Coast Guard reported that it was Geoff McKenzie who found the bodies, Robert became ill and slammed the phone down.

"He's coming after me, he's going to kill me...where is Scoccio? Why haven't they taken care of McKenzie?" he wailed. He repeated the same questions so often it sounded as if Robert was chanting a prayer. At least, that was what Samantha, his secretary, thought when she listened by the door. She was afraid to check on him. The last time she did, he used her, abused her and degraded her worse than he'd ever done before. Afterward, she had hurried home and remained under her shower for hours crying and attempting to rid her of his filth, on the outside and from within.

No, she wasn't going in there. The man was losing it, he was coming apart. She knew whenever he would become upset, he would call for her. No, not this time. She would never allow him to use her like that ever again. She needed this job but not bad enough to suffer time and again at his foul hands.

The intercom crackled to life. "Samantha, come in here. I need you!"

Samantha stared at the intercom before woodenly walking to retrieve her purse.


At home, Geoff proceeded to his sister's bedroom finding it crowded. Sarah was on the bed holding Julie while Neville sat on a chair next to Julie, Rebecca standing beside to him watching her mother sooth her Aunt Julie. Julie was sobbing on Sarah's shoulder as Sarah held her tightly against her, her free hand stroking his sister's hair.

Everyone turned at the sound of Geoff entering the room.

"Daddy!" cried Becky and ran to him and held his right thigh, his arm falling over her shoulders. He knelt down and looked into his daughter's eyes. She sniffled and asked, "Was that grandma and grandpa on the boat?" He nodded and said, "Yes, baby girl. They were. But, you don't have to worry, they're at peace now. They can finally rest at home."

Tears in her eyes, she asked, "Are they in heaven?"

His eyes misty, Geoff replied, "Yes, they are in heaven watching us right now. They will always be keeping an eye on all of us and don't want to see you sad. Okay?" He wiped away her tears as she nodded.

"Good, now why don't you go downstairs with Uncle Nev for me?"

Again, she nodded as Neville stood and moved toward them. He took Becky's hand and started for the door but Becky broke away and ran to the bed. She climbed up and hugged Julie saying, "Auntie Julie, grandma and grandpa are happy up in heaven. They are watching us right now. Daddy told me, so don't cry."

Geoff watched as his sister wiped her eyes and grabbed her little niece, hugging her tightly to her bosom. "Thank you Rebecca for making me feel better." Becky grinned and scooted off the bed running to her Uncle Neville waiting for her by the door.

Julie took a deep breath as Sarah released her. She slowly moved off the bed and stood as her brother approached. Geoff took her into his arms and held her.

"Thank you," she whispered.

He gazed into her eyes and asked, "For what?"

"For finding them, for bringing them home."

Geoff didn't answer but nodded as he held her. Soon, she pulled away and said, "I'll be alright now. I just want to be alone for awhile, okay?"

Sarah nodded and hugged her once more before leaving the room. As she passed Geoff, she took his hand and squeezed it. "I'll be downstairs." He nodded and she stepped out of the room.

Julie stared up at her brother. Geoff, please don't do anything stupid. He knew what she meant, she meant Robert...Robert Armestead.

"He has to pay, Julie. He killed them."

"I know...I know he did. But, I don't want to lose you. Sarah and Becky need you, they can't lose you again."

He gently placed his hand under her chin and lifted her face. "You don't have to worry about me, little sister. Right now, dear Robert is scared, scared to death. I'm sure he's heard about Mom and Dad and now, he's afraid of what I'll do."

"Geoff, I know he hired those three men to kill you. I am so..."

His lips tightened before he said, "Sis, those men are gone. Don't worry about them."

Julie's eyes widened. ""

"It's a long story. Just be satisfied for now, they will no longer bother you or this family again...okay?"


"And, don't worry about Armestead. In a few days, he will no longer matter."


"No, I'm not going to physically do anything to him. Let's just say...he'll regret every hurting this family."

With that last statement, he kissed the top of her head and left the room closing the door behind him.

Julie stared at the closed door and shook her head. Dear God, protect my brother, she thought to herself.

Geoff stepped down from the stairs and walked into the main room. Sarah was standing outside on the balcony staring at the grounds. He crossed the room and stepped outside to stand next to her. He rested his left arm over her shoulders as her looked where she was staring. Down in the garden, he could see Neville and Becky standing alongside a large waterfall that fed into a pond. They were feeding the koi, the huge multi-colored fish his mother enjoyed.

"September 31st?"

Sarah gazed into Geoff's face and asked, "What?"

"How does next month sound?"

"You mean it?"

"Yes, that will give us time for services and the funeral. I figure by then everyone will want something to make them feel better. What could be better than a wedding and reception full of food and booze? We just have to keep Billy and Jenny from the bar long enough for everyone else to have a chance."

"Oh god I love you!" Sarah cried and hugged him.

"Ugh, I...I can't breathe," he groaned his eyes rolling back.

Sarah laughed and slugged him in the chest. "You're such an actor."

His smile left as he become serious. "Sarah, you do understand I have to take care of some final business with Robert?"

She frowned and, closing her eyes, turned away. "Yes, I know. Just be careful. I don't want to lose you again."

"You won't. I made a promise to Julie, one that I'll make with you. I will not do anything that would...that could possibly take me from you and Becky. But, I do need closure."

Sarah enfolded her arms around Geoff's neck and buried her face in his shoulder. After a moment, she pulled back and kissed his lips. "Do what you have to, just come back to us."

Sarah turned and descended the steps to the gardens as Geoff moved toward the circular drive in front of the house. He hopped into his Lexus roadster and roared off to the Armestead estate. He and Robert had unfinished business. Just as he neared those gothic wrought iron gates of theirs, his cell phone started chiming.

"Geoff McKenzie."

"Hey Geoff, Billy here."

"Hey yourself, you lame excuse for a sheriff. What's up?"

"When's the last time you saw Robert?"

"Robert? Uh...over a week ago, why?"

"He's dead!"

"What? Billy, I swear...I didn't...."

"I need to see you, where are you now?"

Geoff glanced up at the name above the iron gate that read 'Armestead.' "Actually, I'm right in front of the Armestead the front gate."

"Shit, that's convenient. Come on up and join the party," said Billy Reilly.

Geoff drove through the gate and proceeded up the long drive toward the mansion. As he approached, he could see numerous vehicles peppering the large circular driveway in front of the huge structure. Several of the vehicles belonged to the sheriff's department; one had Sonoma County Coroner on the side. Next to it was an unmarked white van.

As he parked, he saw Billy walk down from the front entrance to the mansion. Geoff exited the car and waited as Billy came toward him and, from the look on his face, in the capacity of Sheriff.

"Geoff, glad you could make it."

"Uh...should I be concerned here, Billy? Or should I say, Sheriff Reilly? Should I have Jonathon Dean, my family attorney, present?"

"Billy's fine." A smile broke out on the big man's face. "We have the killer." He laughed at the expression on his best friend's face.

"You rotten son of a..."

"Careful, you are addressing the Sheriff of these here parts," said Billy in his best John Wayne impression.

Geoff shook his head. "What a low down dirty trick. So...who killed that ass?"

"Samantha Eggen. Remember her? She was in our history and economics class in high school. A beautiful girl with golden hair and a great pair of long legs that ran all the way up to her ass. God I loved that girl," Billy sighed.

"What happened?"

"Robert happened. Seems he's been using her to relieve his stress. I guess, recently, he's been getting somewhat rough with her. Several days back, he forced himself on her and, I can only guess, abused her pretty bad. This time, she evidently decided he would no longer use her services."

"What did she do?"

"Well, if you listen to her, she told him he wouldn't touch her anymore. He got angry and grabbed her throwing over his desk. Samantha said she tried to fight back but he was too strong and started tearing at her dress. Just as he ripped away at her underwear, she reached back and grabbed his letter opener and jammed it into his shoulder. She said all it did was enrage him and he began punching her in the face. He didn't even try to pull the letter opener from his shoulder."

"Samantha said she nearly blacked out but saw that silver blade waving at her from his shoulder. She was able to reach up and grab the thing, pull it out and shoved it into his groin. This time, he screamed and backed away clutching his dick, words, but she didn't stop there. She slammed the letter opener into the side of his neck...not once," Billy held up one finger, "not twice," a second finger went up, "but three times."