The Reunion


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Luisa looked at her, "Alex, did you do anything illegal?"

"Well, not that I know of, no husbands ever paid me and David never actually gave me money directly. Look, I am utterly ashamed of what I was, and what I did, seeing you two made me re-evaluate my life. The last time David did this wife seducing thing was about two years ago, he hasn't touched me since."

She sighed, "David is not a good person, he has a huge ego and he treats everyone likes an asset. That's partly why he is where he is, over the years he has made many enemies, not to mention the husbands that didn't sleep with me and divorced their wives. I'm sure they will jump at the chance to bring him down."

Luisa took her hand in hers, "Alex, we will help you be free of him, in case you are wondering, Gary and I are part of a network of charities that help women like you trapped in a dead marriage or someone trapped in a lifestyle you are in, so yes I want to help you be free of your husband, bringing down someone like him would be a big thing for me and my charities."

Alex looked at me with a dubious expression.

"Luisa is right, as much as we like you we do have an ulterior motive, now let us help you. David by now is probably going mad trying to find you and the kids. Although truthfully its probably he is just missing his toys or pawns."

Alex had tears in her eyes, "Gary, Luisa, you don't know how many times I have tried to stop being David's beautiful asset. I have tried so many times to get away from him, but he always finds me and drags me back into doing his bidding, one threat is to take away my kids, secondly replace me and dump me somewhere and forget about me possibly n a real whore house."

"And thank you both for seeing more than a company asset, honestly you were going to be the last couple I ever messed with. But when I got to know you I couldn't go through with it. Thank you again, being with you and your family has shown me how stupid I have been."

She said this with tears rolling down her face. Karlos asked a very blunt question to Alex.

"Alex, how many times over the years has your husband pimped you out?" he said in a direct manner.

Alex thought for a moment, "Well in total it must 6 or 7 marriages I probably helped ruin. David always wanted to do more things sexually, I'm sorry to say I did too, in the beginning, he is a very selfish lover, at first he was attentive to my needs, he changed. It got to the where I couldn't satisfy him. I guess that is when he started cheating on me."

"I guessed he was cheating on me. Anyway this 'arrangement' started as a swinging thing, but it changed into me sleeping with other people's husbands or wives to feed his ego."

"The first year I did it twice with a couple, and it was a genuine swing, at first, but then he changed the rules. I later learned he filmed me the first time I had sex with someone else. He also filmed my other interactions. He has a library of videos he can use against me."

Luisa asked, "So he was blackmailing you?"

"Well yes I suppose so, what didn't help I was concerned my kids were not his, the men I did have sex with gave me something he never could, yes have kids now, even if it was not the way I anticipated."

Luisa interrupted Alex, "Just so you know this idea you broke up the marriages, well I have emailed the people you told me about, I asked standard questions like were they still angry at your husband, were they still married or in contact with the ex wives or husbands, surprisingly only two divorced. The rest either reconciled or entered a different type of marriage."

Luisa laughed, "One couple got back to me to say thank you for helping their marriage. But all of them are willing to help you take down your husband and testify against him and sue him for anything they can get."

Alex reached over and hugged Luisa, then me.

"So, what is our next step?" Alex said looking around the table.

"Well we contact a lawyer, a very good one, one that your husband can't get at and someone who can't be bought. Hopefully in the next couple of days some strange packages will appear in your husbands house and be found by the police, they of course will be tipped about these packages, anonymously, and the press will be there to watch it," I said then saw Luisa wanted her say.

"Then you apply for a divorce, just an opinion, but just go 50/50 your husband will probably accept that after we are finished with him. You want out of this marriage, and I'm sure he will want out too." My wife said obviously a bit excited by all this cloak and dagger stuff.

We all chatted about what we wanted to do, then we went to our rooms. Luisa and I made slow passionate love that night, we both had long drawn out climaxes. We then fell asleep with Luisa's head on my chest.

It took a couple of days to get information about David and what had happened to him and what he was doing.

Apparently he was literally going mental, we had taken away his favourite toy and he was literally throwing all his other toys out of his pram.

He had declared Alex as a kidnap victim, kidnapped by us, and the police wanted to talk to us about it. In the meantime the police were questioning David about hard drugs found in his bedroom.

He was also in the media crosshairs, they were camped outside his house and questioned him about his marriage and the impending cases against him for alienation of affection, also the drugging and coercion of women and men.

He has been temporarily suspended from his company, the board did not like the press coverage he was getting.

Also Alex instructed our lawyer to serve him the divorce papers. Our witness there said he actually fell over when he got the paperwork. He didn't expect any of this.

David was so angry he punched the server and the server pressed charges against him. Our lawyer got a restraining order forbidding David from seeing or talking to Alex's kids. There was a similar restraint forbidding David from contacting or being near Alex.

We stayed in Mexico for another three days, all the while face timing our kids and Alex face timed her brother and her kids.

We just relaxed on the beach and hung out in the bar. One evening we went out as threesome, Luisa and I danced together every dance we could. Alex was turning down every request to dance, she looked lonely by herself while we danced so Luisa and I danced with her, don't get me wrong plenty of men wanted to dance with her, but she politely declined.

Luisa and Alex did make an attractive couple while dancing together, but Luisa kept an appropriate distance and Alex didn't push any boundaries, she was the same with me, no boundaries were crossed just three people having fun together.

I did get some envious looks when I was sat between the two women. Eventually the evening came to end and we headed to the house.

We group hugged then Luisa and I went to bed, we didn't have sex, we did cuddle and kiss but that's it. We did hear soft noises from Alex's room. She was obviously scratching an itch.

The next morning we packed up our stuff and then helped Alex, I looked and saw only one suitcase.

" I looked around this town and gave away the clothes I would never wear again, that life is behind me, I am going to have to economise and get used to not being a toy for a rich man," Alex said smiling.

We said our goodbyes and thanks to everyone and then flew home. As soon as we got through customs the police were waiting for us. We volunteered to go with them and we met up with our lawyer, an attractive 45 year old tall slim impeccably dressed woman approach us.

"Mr and Mrs Smith, nice to see you our mutual friends in Mexico speak very highly of you both, don't worry they are paying for my services, and I am not cheap, my name is Gabrielle and our friends hired me to help your friend Alex to get out of her marriage is that correct?"

She stepped forward and shook our hands.

Alex stepped forward, "Yes Gabrielle, these two beautiful people saved me, they have been very kind, I want out of my old life and I want a new life away from my husband, David, and I want my kids in my new life."

Gabrielle laughed, "Sounds like a good idea to me. Now follow me you are all going into police interview rooms, they have some questions for you, just be honest and tell the truth."

We were questioned separately for about an hour. We didn't tell any lies and the police knew it. The only untruth was us knowing about the packages being planted, but the police didn't ask us and we didn't volunteer any information about it.

They let all of us go after establishing all the facts, Gabrielle spent some time with the head detective. Alex, myself and Luisa had all spoken to our kids and families. We were in an office drinking coffee when she found us.

"Okay, you are free to go, just don't leave the country again and Alex? If you feel up to it I would like to hear your story, I have some experience of being pushed into being an asset for a husband. So I want him to never get the chance again."

Alex had a broad smile on her face, " Gabrielle, I would love to tell you my story. But first I need to see my kids, then we can talk."

Things moved quickly after that day. The police had their man. David was literally hung out to dry by his friends, colleagues, board members and his family. No one, except his lawyer stood by him. The story in the press came out and he was publicly dismantled.

The story of his life from college to the present day was very well documented on the tv. Every girlfriend he abused came forward, every boyfriend he blackmailed came forward every ex colleague her fired and every ex wife came forward telling the world about his sick way of life.

Everyone who he discredited or humiliated or just plain pissed off came forward. His life of excess and drugs and using Alex as a way to get contracts and all but using her as an escort. Basically him being a pimp.

All this happened in public and Alex got so much public sympathy as the wronged woman. With David being charged with numerous offences she had to look after her kids and take care of the house.

Fairly quickly she realised she couldn't cope, so she sold the house, sold any property belonging to her and put everything else in storage. The house got her a large chunk of money, and she used it to buy a good sized house near Luisa and I.

Our kids and her kids soon became friends. David was sentenced to 20 years in prison. And was told never to contact Alex or the kids. His family disowned him and publicly apologised to Alex. Alex's redemption was complete.

From a pawn in a very dangerous man's world to a good friend and to "Aunt Alex", Luisa can justifiably be pleased she has saved a fallen woman.



Alex became a good friend to us, she didn't ever date a man again, apart from me she simply didn't trust men. No she didn't seduce Luisa or me, she was simply a close platonic friend. Yes we went out as a threesome, although not very often, Luisa and I needed our privacy.

David didn't make it out of prison, he probably pissed off the wrong person. Life is good for all of us. I have a beautiful sexy wife and a beautiful friend. Our kids have a good life and our extended families have a good life.

In the end that is all that matters. Oh one last thing, Luisa has said her crusade stops at her giving money and helping with the official charities, Alex often goes with her to charity events when I can't make it.


(Writers note: This story did not turn out as I thought it would, but once I started the words just kept coming. It probably will get panned and one star bombed. But I hope one or two of my followers at least read it with an open mind. Thank you for getting this far.)

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Rayjag1980Rayjag1980about 1 year ago

Just wondering if the author knows any other characters? Also, refreshing as it is to have a marriage as stable as Gary and Luisa, author's stories are getting 1 dimensional, same characters, only slightly different scenarios.

Man's fallen nature causes many pitfalls, we're only human. There can be situations and troubles that don't involve cuckholding or men wanting to see their wives with other men. Temptation and weaknesses are part of our life and I wish the author would broaden his storylines to include them and their consequences.

Not every instance of infidelity is cuckolding.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 1 year ago

I read this with an open mind!

I openly noticed that the only ‘adventurous’ woman was Alex. Further, she had no sex during the timeframe of this story. Before, probably, if you believe her tale. Not if Alex was running a scam

I also openly noticed that those seeking revenge on Asshole where planning more crimes than Asshole was. Inappropriate, Sure … he’s an asshole!

I also openly noticed that AH was inexorably painted as disgusting at every opportunity.

Plus, if AH has any clout at all, flying commercial (passports required) and getting tourist visas is are sure-fire flashing beacons for a novice PI to find you with a coupla days!

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 1 year ago

5 star. Pretty good story. Yeah I'll admit I was kinda hoping Alex would hook up with the couple but can definitely understand why it didn't happen. A bit different from most of the "rich dbag" stories on here, the wife never got to the seduction part (I wonder if there is any stories of a rich woman trying to seduce a husband?) thankfully and the story quickly turned into helping the wife of the dbag rather then dealing with the horror of a wife being seduced away. Despite being 4 pages the pace went pretty fast, never dragged.

mattenwmattenwover 1 year ago

There's little to complain about. A well told story with interesting developments. I liked!

BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago

How some elite in these stories think they can get by with anything.

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